Chapter 124: Unlock new plants! See the dawn of victory!

On the ice field at dawn where the cold wind is whistling.

The snow is precarious.

Snow that was more than half the size of a palm was falling down frantically.

If it weren’t for the perfect hexagon of every snowflake that could be clearly seen, Lin Feng even thought it was a Bingcha.



The corpse tide surging in the distance is so violent.

Lin Feng was a little numb looking at the corpse tide.

Since he started the second-tier trial, almost every trial, he has to face such a raging tide of corpses.

Compared with them, the trial of the college entrance examination before is as simple as pediatrics.

Although I only have a small valley for planting plants, almost only ice plants can be used.

What he faced was another wave of corpses that could not be seen.

But Lin Feng is still confident that he can withstand the tide of corpses and survive.

After all, as long as he persists until the night, these zombies should disappear.

At night, it’s time to carefully explore this dawn ice field by yourself.

The fastest moving small flying zombies have entered the attack range of the plants.

The Frost Archer and Ice Dragon Grass at the forefront have already launched an attack.

Fortunately, the flying height of these small flying zombies is not too high.

And the Frost Archer is not really foolishly unable to attack the sky’s target.


Bang bang!

There was a continuous sound of impact.

Few small flying zombies can withstand an attack from the Pea Archer.

If there is a small flying zombie that can block a shot of peas, then use two shots of peas to end his life.

But Lin Feng’s expression changed.

He was shocked to find that the ice shooter’s pea could not slow down the small flying zombie!

Only the attack of the ice dragon grass can make them slow down some of their flight speed.

With his keen observation now, Lin Feng can easily judge this.

How is this going?

“Lord, be careful! These zombies seem to have a higher ice tolerance than zombies in other places.”

“One Eighty Zero” came the surprised voice of Master Rose.

Lin Feng turned his head and asked, “Did you also find out?”

While using the power to release the magic bullet, the Mage Rose replied: “Yes, I just used the ice magic to find that the effect has been weakened.”

Through her answer, Lin Feng affirmed that he was not mistaken.

What is the reason?

Like the witch zombies with special abilities before, the zombies in the Dawn Icefield also have special abilities?

Or is it that the dawn ice field is so cold that the zombies here are naturally cold-resistant?

Or are there special zombies among these zombies that can enhance the ice resistance of other zombies?

If some special zombies behave in the tide of corpses, enhance the zombies’ ability to resist cold.

Then you need to organize a tough team to clear out special zombies.

If all the zombies had enhanced the ice attribute, there would be no good way for them.

Various speculations appeared in Lin Feng’s mind.

He picked up the binoculars and looked straight at the zombies in the distance.

He needs the annotation system to give himself a hint.

Sure enough, when he stared straight at the zombie to observe, a new comment appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

【Small flying zombies: After the group form is infected, it mutates into special zombies. Zombie viruses not only corrode humans, but can also infect alien beasts!][Note: They will use their mouthparts to spray highly toxic liquids, which are extremely corrosive, so pay attention to dodge! Of course, they can’t break through the shield defense of the Dragon’s Touch!

[Note: The zombies here are affected by the environment and have higher ice resistance, and they must be attacked with stronger ice to freeze them!)

Lin Feng’s complexion was slightly cold.

This is the worst case.

It’s not that a certain kind of zombies have special abilities. Use skills to enhance the resistance of zombies.

But all the zombies in Dawn Ice Field possess this ability.

This means that oneself cannot weaken the ice resistance of the tide of corpses by clearing certain special zombies at designated points.

But the current environment is very bad.

Except for the plants that are attacked by the ice, such as Frozen Archer and Ice Dragon Grass, all other plants are ridiculous, and they cannot exert their full strength here.I can only rely on the plants attacked by the ice to fight here.

Now it is discovered that the zombies in the Dawn Icefield have strong ice resistance, which is equivalent to once again weakening their own fighting ability.

But now there is only such a valley where other types of plants can be grown.

There is no way to expand the plant defense position.

It’s really a leak in the house that happened to rain in the night.

Lin Feng sighed, and once again concentrated on participating in the battle.

He observed the situation on the entire battlefield.

Because the ice effect is weakened, all the zombies can push forward more distances against the attack of the plant defense line.

The pressure on all lines of defense is increasing in all directions.

Lin Feng’s attention was highly concentrated, carefully observing the entire battlefield.

He gave orders to the three plant heroes.

“Each of you led a team of plant soldiers to the edge of the valley to defend. Once the pressure on the defense line becomes too strong, you will ask for support.”

“I will use a corn cannon to cut off the tide of corpses rushing towards you!”

“You must stabilize the line of defense before the tide of corpses hits again!”

Lin Feng’s roar wafted across the valley.

“Yes! Lord!”



The three plant heroes took the lead immediately.

This time, the situation is different from when it was in the capital of death.

Lin Feng’s corn cannons are limited in number, and they cannot be bombarded like last time.

He must let the corn cannon shells play in key places.

Lin Feng wandered at the forefront of the defense at the fastest speed.

Once there are plants there are torn to pieces by zombies and squashed, he will rush over as quickly as possible and quickly replant plants.

At the same time, he also needs to constantly plant explosive cherries and hot peppers, and then use plants and trees to turn these plants into soldiers.

Rows of hot pepper soldiers and explosive cherry soldiers launched a self-detonation attack, which greatly alleviated the defensive pressure of the iron-skinned and high-nut wall.

“Master! The defense pressure on the east side is too high! The zombies are already less than 100 meters away from the defense line!

Lin Feng is seriously planting plants, and the anxious voice of the Xiang Meng shooter rang.

Hearing this, Lin Feng said nothing, and directed the corn cannon to launch an attack.




One after another huge corn slashed across the sky, flying into the group of zombies, causing a violent explosion.

With a loud noise, the flames of the explosion burned quickly.

Because the temperature of the ice sheet at dawn is extremely low, there are dark patches everywhere, causing the violent flames to appear extremely conspicuous.

Large numbers of zombies were shrouded in flames.

The blue-violet flame was extremely hot, and thick smoke came out of the zombies enveloped in the flame, which turned into a pile of ashes at an extremely fast speed.

There was a smell of burnt in the air, and it was blown away by the wind at the fastest speed.

The violent shock wave caused by the explosion lifted the small shadow zombies, ancient giant zombies and other targets into the sky, tearing them into a pile of fragments.

The smoke mixed with the wind and snow, covering all the vision in front of the front line.

Lin Feng frowned and hurriedly planted many clover.

As the clover leaves swiftly rotate, the already violent cold wind is guided by them to the front of the defense line.

The smoke and dust that permeated the entire battlefield dissipated at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Feng looked in that direction, his heart tensed.

At the place bombed by the corn cannon, pits appeared on the ground.

Some places were severely bombed, and the ice on the ground was blown up.

In the center of the explosion, a hole large enough to accommodate a small car appeared in Lin Feng’s eyes.

The dark and deep hole exudes a strange breath.

Lin Feng frowned and looked at each other with Xiang Meng shooter.

You can see from the entrance of the cave that this cave is very deep! It is very likely to lead to the ground!

The most important thing is that it is too close to its own line of defense!

The distance from the outermost metal high nut wall is no more than 200 meters!

Lin Feng’s heart tightened.

He can still remember the warnings given by the comment system when he was preparing the space.

[Note: There are secrets in the ground, which require special conditions to explore. If the host has collected four dawn beacons, then explore. Otherwise, don’t get close to the ground!”

Now that the cave is so close to you, will there be any accidents?

But now that the plant defense line has been built near this hot spring, there is no way to move it.

The most important thing is that, in the face of the corpse tide that is constantly impacting, he must concentrate, but he does not have the energy to manage the cave.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Feng stopped taking care of the cave.

there is always a solution to a problem.

The most important thing for me now is to survive the impact of this tide of corpses!

Only by persisting until night falls, can I have time to take care of other things!

Lin Feng continued to replant the plants.

The tide of corpses on the icefield at dawn is very difficult to resist.

Only plants with the ice attribute can exert all their attacking capabilities here.

But those attacking zombies have extremely high ice resistance!

It would be great if you could unlock stronger plants with ice attributes!

Unfortunately, there is no time to cultivate and unlock plants.

“Master! The line of defense is in a hurry!

Lin Feng just concentrated on repairing the defense line guarded by the Xiangbang shooter, and Master Rose’s call for help came again.

His expression condensed.

This will not work.

Fragrant Tree Archer just finished calling for support, and Rose Mage asked for support again.

If this continues, the line of defense will be unable to withstand it!

The tide of corpses is too turbulent.

The environment here is too special.

The weather is too cold for the plants to exert their full strength.

The zombies here have strong ice resistance again!

It would be good if you have stronger ice plants, such as the Frost Elder Station!

Lin Feng scanned the battlefield.

Whether it is a tide of corpses attacking outside, or a plant that fires wildly in the position.

A way must be figured out to increase the strength of the defensive line!

When the corn cannons near the hot springs fired in the roar, alleviating the pressure on the rose mage, all the corn cannons entered the reload time.

Lin Feng’s figure flashed, and he came to the side of the corn cannon.

He took out a handful of plant essence.

These are all special liquids containing life energy produced by the cultivator’s skill “plant activation”.

Before in the capital of death, the same life energy ball produced by plant activation skills made the corn cannon at that time strengthened and its power greatly increased.

Now that he is an advanced Tier 4 gardener, the plant essence produced by this skill is definitely stronger.

With their blessed corn cannon may be able to save the decline on the battlefield 0…

Lin Feng sprinkled these plant essences on the corn cannon without saying a word.

These plant essences did not disappoint him.

All corn cannons are getting bigger quickly.

The color of the dark green leaves becomes darker, and the volume of the leaves increases.

Soon, the color of the corn leaves turned black, revealing bursts of luster.

In the corn leaf wrap, there is a corn shell that has increased tenfold in volume.

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

He flew up and began to observe the battlefield.

He wanted to see, the first special corn cannon to be fired in that direction.

What he didn’t notice was that some of the plant essence was dropped on the watermelon pitcher not far away when the Bojiu plant essence was just a moment ago.

When Lin Feng flew high, the color of those watermelon pitchers gradually changed.

The cold wind howled and the heavy snow flew.

Under the stimulation of extremely low temperature, with the help of plant essence, these watermelon pitchers are slowly getting bigger.

Their skin has also turned blue.

Frozen watermelon!

A range of attacks on plants!

An ice attribute plant that is much stronger than the ice shooter!

Lin Feng finished observing the battlefield and landed.

He wants to fire special corn cannons at the area guarded by Colonel Corn!

When he came near his hot spring, he looked startled.

He discovered a new plant.

Lin Feng looked happy!

[Frozen watermelon: Throwing ice-type watermelon shells can cause area damage and slow down the enemy, freezing the enemy!)

[Note: The watermelon pitcher was stimulated by the extremely low temperature of the ice sheet at dawn, and with the help of plant essences, it successfully advanced to frozen watermelon!”

Lin Feng is overjoyed!There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

I once wanted to unlock the frozen watermelon before, but failed in the end.

Because the ambient temperature required for frozen watermelon is too low, I can’t find such a place.

Unexpectedly, the watermelon pitcher was inadvertently stimulated in the ice field at dawn.

He recalled the previous comment.

The zombies in the Dawn Icefield are very resistant to cold ice!

And yet, I can only grow ice-attribute plants here!

This has led to the difficulty of plant defense.

Facing the ferocious impact of the corpse tide, the plant heroes frequently asked for help.

Now that I have this frozen watermelon, I have to see if I can hold this defensive position!

He first came to the front of the corn cannon and divided these special corn cannons into four batches.

Then he controlled these four batches of special corn cannons to support the plant soldiers in four directions.

When those special corn shells flew out, the explosion power produced was ten times more powerful than before!

The ground vibrated violently.

The black ice was directly torn apart, exposing the frozen ground below.

The surging tide of zombies has been cut off!

Countless zombies were blasted into the sky and torn into pieces.

Lin Feng frowned.

The explosion was too loud, and his ears buzzed.

But time is urgent, and he has no spare time to take care of these things.

He must replace plants such as ice peas with frozen watermelon during the time he won with the special corn cannon!

Only then can one’s own defense be stronger!

His figure flashed, he began to eradicate the ice 2.1 Archer, and planted frozen watermelon.

Lin Feng’s sunshine points are used up like running water.

Many frozen watermelons replace the ice shooter and become a member of the plant defense line.


Bang bang bang!

Many watermelon pitchers pitched frozen watermelon.

When the blue watermelon exploded among the zombies, many zombies were shattered.

Pieces of ice splashed on the ice sheet at dawn, which was already extremely cold.

Many zombies were affected by the ice effect, and their speed was greatly reduced.

Lin Feng’s heart moved.

Sure enough, the ability of the ice watermelon is not in the same rank as the corn pitcher and the ice dragon grass.

Its freezing effect is far stronger than that of ordinary ice plants.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Frozen watermelon’s attack power and attack range are stronger than that of watermelon pitchers, and cold ice ability is stronger than that of shooters.

In this icy daybreak ice field, he is the perfect resident attacking plant!

Lin Feng coldly scanned the surrounding corpse tide.

Now, I should have the upper hand in this respect!

Just insist on waiting until night comes!

Then, it is to use the water source exploration skills to find other water sources again.

He didn’t want to stay too long in front of the hole leading to the ground.

It’s not good in case of danger!

As long as you stick to the night, you can get free time to investigate the situation of the ice field at dawn!

Lin Feng took out the mechanical watch again.


If calculated according to the general twilight time.

There are at least 7 hours to stick to!

At this time, Lin Feng finally saw the dawn of victory.

But what he didn’t know was.

The current Peking Barracks also felt the pain of Fan Guang and the others before.

Because in the assembly process today.

Everyone found out,

Lin Feng actually disappeared again…


“Lin Feng is so poisonous!”

“Unexpectedly, another person went to the trial!”

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