Chapter 126 The end of night? The temple that suddenly appeared!

On the cold daybreak ice field, the violent snow storm that has never stopped for thousands of years is still roaring.

A fierce offensive and defensive battle between plants and zombies is in full swing.

In a small valley with low mountain walls on three sides, Lin Feng is leading the plant soldiers to resist the tide of corpses.

He took a breath.

In this icy world, the heat in his body is quickly dissipating.

Although the fighting time is not long, the consumption rate of physical strength is twice that of the previous trial.

Fortunately, before I came to this dawn ice field, I ate the fruits of the brilliance of the dawn.

Not only increased his physical attributes by 40 points, but also activated special effects.

“Special effect”

“Accelerated recovery of physical strength: Super special effect, the tester can get three times the speed of physical recovery. The dependence on sleep is also greatly reduced.

Fortunately, there is this special effect to support, so that I can continue to fight in this icy wind and snow.

The powerful attack ability of the special corn cannon can effectively alleviate the impact of the corpse tide.

This gave Lin Feng a lot of rest time.

At the same time, he can also take advantage of the reduced pressure on the line of defense to replace the original Frost Archer Frost and Gooseberry with Frozen Watermelon.

Over time, Lin Feng gradually replaced all frozen plants with frozen watermelon.

Fortunately, it was daytime, and the sunshine produced by the twin sunflowers was enough for him to replace the plants in the defensive position.

When Lin Feng replaced the last ice shooter with frozen watermelon, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked around the battlefield and found that the tide of corpses was still turbulent, but the defensive position was fully able to withstand the impact of the zombies.

Seeing this, he walked to the hot spring in the center of the small valley.

“Colon Corn, Master Rose, Archer Xiangmeng, come take a rest.”

Hearing Lin Feng’s call, the three plant heroes also turned and walked over to the hot spring.

Because the pressure on the position is now much reduced, they can safely hand over the position to the plant soldiers.

They also want to take advantage of this hard-earned breathing opportunity to take a good rest.

The three came to the side of the hot spring together, and Lin Feng had already started to grow food.

Colonel Maize saw that he had planted a few corns in the pit, and thought of Lin Feng eating corn.

He shook his body, turned his back without saying a word, and sat next to the hot spring.

As the plants grow up, Lin Feng carefully observes the battlefield.

Outside the valley, the wind screamed.

Pieces of snowflakes far exceeding the size of a goose feather spin in the air and fall.

The temperature on the ground is too low, and the snow is frozen as soon as it falls on the ground.

After countless zombies stepped on, a piece of dark ice was left on the ground.

Lin Feng was just at this moment.

It turns out that the hard ice on the ground came like this.

He looked up.

Many zombies are still attacking the line of defense.

But none of them can break through the line of defense of the frozen watermelon.

Before, there were zombies that could impact near the iron-skinned high nut wall.

Now there are no zombies that can rush to that location.

So many zombies died ten meters away from the iron-skinned high nut wall.

Lin Feng looked at the tide of corpses.

The small shadow zombies are covered with special tree roots and vines, and the chest has light blue shadow crystals.

Their bodies glow with black luster, and the outlines of people can be clearly seen on their faces.

It’s just that the expression is so stiff, the whole head seems to hang on the body, swaying around with the impact of the body.

It’s as if the body is acting on its own.

Lin Feng turned his attention to other zombies.

The broken teeth, the skin covered with dark spots, the eyeballs that Zhang pulls outside the eye sockets, the frozen pus…

Countless looking terrifying zombies attacked the defense line composed of plants.

Lin Feng’s vision continued to look into the distance.

A wave of corpses swarmed from the border without a glance.

Those zombies seemed to have seen some rare treasures, vying to rush to the hot spring.

The swaying arms and heads of countless zombies form a piece of “waves.”

Their mouths are open, and they seem to be howling.

With Lin Feng’s current vision, he can even see their mutilated and dim teeth.

It’s a pity that all the roars were covered by the howling wind.


Broken pieces!

Countless blue watermelons crossed a parabola and hit the zombie’s face and head.

The watermelon broke apart and sprinkled on the ground.

The heads, limbs, and organs of zombies were scattered together.

Lin Feng frowned.

After observation, he found that the number of corpses was wrong.

Why are there more and more zombies?

“Have you noticed that the number of these zombies has increased?”

Lin Feng asked the three plant heroes suspiciously.

The rose mage and other plants who were resting were shocked.

They got up quickly and looked around.

For a long time, the corn colonel with the best eyesight said, “Lord! It seems that something is wrong! The number of these zombies is more than in the morning.”

The Rose Mage also confirmed his thoughts.

“Lord, I have been guarding the western mountain wall, and I found that the number of zombies is obviously much higher than in the morning.”

Lin Feng glanced at the mechanical watch.


I have been fighting for 10 hours.The number of zombies not only has not decreased, but has increased.

Lin Feng’s face is a bit ugly.

According to this situation, there will be more and more zombies.

Even after night fell, zombies no longer rushed out of the huge underground cave in the distance.

Just the zombies that have rushed out of the ground are enough to kill by themselves for several hours.

When the clearance is over, it may be dawn again.

Is it because you are limited to this small valley?

I still want to wait for the zombies to disappear after night falls, so I have time to explore the entire dawn ice field.

Things are not good now.

He thought for a while, and activated the flying ability of the endless suit.

The crystal wings on the back glowed with a faint green light.

Lin Feng’s body was lifted straight up to the sky.

His vision is broader.

He looked around in the air and was startled.

The view from a high altitude is even more amazing.

The entire valley has been surrounded by a tide of corpses!

There are huge underground black holes appearing everywhere in the ice field at dawn.

Countless zombies rushed out from inside.

Lin Feng looked into the distance and didn’t know how many zombies were densely scattered all over all the places he could see!

With this quantity, when will the plants in this valley be killed?

Lin Feng was shocked.

Except for the doomsday mushrooms, he couldn’t think of any way to kill them all!

He closed his vision back and inspected the surrounding situation.

On the east side of the valley is a cliff with a slope close to 90 degrees.

Although the height is not high, it still effectively blocked the advance of the zombies before.

But now, countless zombies impacted under the cliff and climbed frantically!

More zombies stepped on other zombies and charged towards the cliff!

The fanatical appearance of those zombies made Lin Feng chill!

Countless zombies piled up crazily, forming a slope of flesh and blood!

Under the bombardment of many frozen watermelons, a purgatory has formed under this wall!

But the tide of corpses was still coming here one after another.

Lin Feng frowned and landed.

Colonel Corn and they hurried over.

“Master, how is the situation outside?”

Lin Feng shook his head.

“The entire Dawn Icefield is almost full of zombies!”

“If we follow this amount, we can’t kill them all.”

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Colonel Corn and Rose Mage were silent.

Are we all trapped here?

Lin Feng’s brain is running fast.

He hopes to be able to think of a solution.

Compared with the other trials, the most difficult part of this trial is the limitation of the environment.

It is difficult to find a place to grow plants.

Even in areas where plants can be grown, almost only plants of the ice system can be grown.

If it is not for the special place of hot springs, so that you can plant corn cannons near the hot spring center.

I’m afraid I can’t stand firm yet.

But there is also an unstable factor near this position.

It was the big hole in the ground that appeared after the enhanced corn cannon was used to blast the ice.

The annotation system warns you not to get close to the ground without getting the four dawn beacons.

So you must stay away from it.

I must abandon this camp and find a new location to build a line of defense.

But looking at the surging zombies outside, he is likely to be trapped in this valley.

what to do?

Lin Feng frowned.

At this moment, Xiang Meng shooter put forward his idea: “We might as well wait until dark to see.”

He looked at Lin Feng, pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said, “This place is obviously abnormal. When we came, there were obviously no zombies.”

“At dawn, those big holes in the ground appeared, and a tide of corpses poured out.”

“But when we came at night, there must be no zombies here! So, I think that at night, there will definitely be changes!”

“Just like the tide of corpses that suddenly appeared at dawn, maybe the tide of corpses will disappear at night.”

Hearing the words of Xiangshu Sagittarius, Lin Feng began to meditate.

Unlike Colonel Maize and the others, Xiangbang Sagittarius walked with him from the place where he was teleported to this valley.

After walking so far, no zombie on the road was seen!

As soon as dawn arrived, there was an abnormal change here.

According to the current situation, the entire dawn ice sheet is almost full of zombies.

What makes them disappear at night?

Lin Feng couldn’t think of an answer.

But he can only wait.

Fortunately, things are pretty good now.

He has a firm foothold in this valley.

At this moment, plants such as corn, nuts, cucumbers, and potatoes on the ground also grew.

“Under the current circumstances, we have no other way. There is only waiting.

“In this case, let’s replenish your strength first. Then wait until it’s dark before checking the situation.”

With that said, Lin Feng walked to Corn and took out a corn cob.

“Either you?”

He passed the corn.

Colonel Corn shivered all over his body.

“No, no no no, no, no, Lord, Lord…

He stammered.

Lin Feng looked at the corn in his hand, and then at Colonel Corn, he also found something wrong.

He smiled embarrassedly.

“Well, there are other fruits, like watermelon and potatoes, would you like? Baked potatoes taste very good.”

Colonel Corn, Rose Mage, and Camphor Archer shook their heads into a drum.

“No need! We are plants! Don’t eat these!”

Lin Feng shrugged.

He took the food, came to a flame tree stump, and started to cook the food.

Outside the valley.

The cold wind howled, the heavy snow flew, and it was extremely cold.

The zombies roared and slammed into the defense line of the plants, and were smashed into frozen minced meat by the oncoming frozen watermelon.

Inside the valley.

There are cliffs to cover the blizzard, hot springs and flame stumps to warm the body, and various foods to eat.

Lin Feng planted a piece of bamboo, used bamboo knots as a bowl, and cooked a bowl of coarse grain porridge.

When Colonel Corn and the others saw him take out a small bottle of sugar, they were speechless.

Lin Feng sighed.

When I participated in the first-order trial before, it was so easy and freehand.

Planting plants and eating barbecue hot pot every day, the trial is complete.

Even the most difficult advanced tasks in the trial space were completed in one big meal.

Since I participated in the second-order trial, I have tried my best almost every time, and it has been a long time since I had such a meal.

This time is also considered to be busy.

He was drinking while waiting for night to fall.

Time passed slowly.

When Lin Feng ate and drank enough, and even took a bath in the hot spring, the night was finally approaching.

Lin Feng took out his mechanical watch and looked at it.


The night has finally come.

When the last gleam of light dissipated, the cold wind blown more fiercely.

The night is too dark, Lin Feng can’t see the situation far away.

But he knew something must have happened.

Because the howl of the wind and snow became sharper.

The number of zombies is decreasing.

The watermelon pitchers also gradually stopped offensively.

Lin Feng’s brows wrinkled and tightened.

What happened in the darkness?

This change is too weird.

But now he dare not go out and take a look.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

In the night sky to the north, a huge light appeared!

Lin Feng looked around, and a huge idol appeared in the sky over there!

The idol opened his hands and seemed to be holding something.

The huge idol’s face was blurred, and Lin Feng couldn’t see her clearly.

But what he can be sure of is that the idol is huge!

Even at such a distance, Lin Feng could see the idol.

It almost obscures most of the night sky in the north!

What a majestic statue this is!

What is this?

Why would such a huge idol appear in the night sky?

I didn’t wait for Lin Feng to see the look of the idol clearly.

A strong suction force came from the front of the line of defense!

Lin Feng saw with his own eyes a zombie closest to the line of defense, flying backwards as if being held by something.

That powerful attraction is getting stronger and stronger!

Lin Feng felt that his body was sucked by something, and he was about to fly forward!

He hastened to activate the flying ability of the endless armed, and flew in the opposite direction.

But the suction is getting stronger and stronger.

“What the hell is this!”


“Master! Take us back soon!”

The three plant heroes were also attracted by the powerful suction.

Lin Feng reached out and held the War Garden Pendant, a white light flashed, and the three plant heroes were all taken back.

Lin Feng tried his best to fly to the ground.

He stretched out his hand and waved, handfuls of iron-skinned walls of high nuts were scattered on the ground.

Countless sunlight was used up like running water.

After Lin Feng was born regardless of the cost, soon large tracts of iron-skinned and high-nut walls appeared in this valley.

With cover, he finally fell to the ground.

Lin Feng didn’t dare to be careless, and kept planting iron-skinned and high-nut walls.

Soon, the whole hot spring was surrounded.

He blocked the strange suction under the wall surrounded by these plants.

Affected by the powerful suction force, the wind and snow in the air were all sucked in.Lin Feng’s vision recovered a bit.

He glanced at the place where the suction was coming from, with a solemn expression.

In that direction, it should be the place where I had bombed the huge hole with the corn cannon.

Lin Feng was wary.

He kept planting a wall of iron sheets and high nuts.

Only this plant can resist the weird suction to a certain extent.

Other plants, such as frozen watermelon, have all been sucked away.

Lin Feng can only save himself with the iron sheet and high nut wall.

Time passed slowly.

This strange suction lasted for an hour before it disappeared.

When Lin Feng noticed that the storm and snow continued to roar outside, he dared to walk out of the jungle made up of iron-skinned, high-nut walls.

The entire icefield at dawn has once again become a dead place.

All the zombies disappeared without a trace.

The huge idol that appeared before disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Almost all the plants except the iron skin and high nut wall were sucked away.

Even the iron-skinned, high-nut wall, only a small portion is left firmly rooted in the ground.

Lin Feng walked forward cautiously.

His pupils shrank.

The huge hole that was bombarded by corn cannons before has also disappeared!

In that place, only the hard ice remained.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Sure enough, the comment system was right.

This is the original problem of dawn ice.

When he hasn’t obtained the four dawn beacons, he must not approach any caves.

What should I do now?

He thought about it carefully.

It hasn’t been long before night.

I now want to find a new place to build a plant defense line as quickly as possible.

The situation was urgent, Lin Feng used his skills again.

He closed his eyes.

Exploring the source of water (good money).

That magical power radiated from his body again, and quickly spread in all directions.

A strange feeling emerged.

He searched for the water source again.

The nearest is the hot spring behind him.

Extending north from the hot spring, I immediately felt the second source of water.

In Lin Feng’s perception, the water source gave Lin Feng the same feeling as the hot spring behind him.

Another hot spring?

He did not stop the skills.

This special perception is still rapidly extending outward.

In his perception, more and more water sources were detected by him.

Suddenly, Lin Feng opened his eyes!

He found an anomaly!

There seem to be many hot springs on this dawn ice field.

These hot springs are all connected into a line!

They all seem to be in one direction!

In the perception of Lin Feng’s skills, the farther to the north, the more moisture in the water source seems to be!

What’s happening here?

Lin Feng frowned.

He thought carefully.

This dawn ice field is very strange.

At dawn, there will be huge underground holes, from which countless zombies emerge.

Once it’s night, those burrows will have strong suction power, sucking all the zombies in.

At the same time, there seems to be only these hot springs where the water source can be planted.

In the perception of water source exploration skills, there are many hot springs here, all of which are distributed in a north-south line.

The further north, the more abundant hot spring water vapor is felt.

And the huge idol that appeared before is also in the north.


What exactly is there?

After much thought, Lin Feng decided to head north.

He is going to the next water source.

At the same time, go to the north to see the situation!

I am still at a loss as to where to look for the four god servant zombies and the dawn beacon.

The only clues are the north to which these springs point, and the huge idol that appeared in the night sky to the north.

Lin Feng looked resolute and headed to the north!

He walked hard on this icefield at dawn, investigating the secrets here.

Outside, Lin Feng once again challenged the trial alone, which affected the heartstrings of countless people!

Whether it is Murong Xue who is fighting on the border of Long Country.

Still optimistic about Lin Feng’s Fan Guang.

They are all influenced by Lin Feng!

And those families who have a deep hatred with Lin Feng are coincidental.

After learning that Lin Feng had another trial challenge alone.

Also started to act!,

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