Chapter 123 There are no zombies, how to complete the trial?

As night fell, the ice field was howling at dawn.

The red light in front of Lin Feng dissipated, and his vision slowly recovered.

Before the scene became clear, a scream of cold wind blew on him.

Even through the endless suit, he still felt a biting chill.

Lin Feng shuddered.

When he first checked the light curtain in the preparation space, he learned that the destination of this trial was the Dawn Icefield, and he was mentally prepared.

Who knew this place was much colder than expected.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

His vision was finally restored completely.

He found himself behind a huge black stone.

There is a scene of ice and snow all around.

The cold wind lingered goodbye, and kept making huge, sharp noises.

There was heavy snow and ice everywhere.

The flying snow flakes were half the size of a palm, and the entire sky was white.

The field of vision in front of him was restricted.

But unlike the white snow in the sky, the entire dawn plain is dark.

Those are the colors of the solid ice on the ground mixed with the soil.

On the ground, a bunch of small round holes were left in the pits and depressions.

What is left of this?

Lin Feng took a closer look and found that there were such dense pits on the dark ground all around.

He lifted his foot and stepped on it hard, feeling the hardness of the ground ice.

Even if his current strength is so great, that foot did not make any traces appear on the ground.

In this cold temperature, the ice is too strong.

Lin Feng didn’t directly start the action, he had to observe the environment first.

Just checking the surrounding environment, an unpleasant feeling flooded his mind.

It’s too cold here!

I’m afraid it is difficult to grow plants in these places.

And all the ground is hard ice.

In this case, the plants cannot all take root!

The situation is not good.

Once you encounter any danger, or if there is a tide of corpses, your own safety becomes a problem.

In just such a short period of time, his body temperature has dropped rapidly.

Because the air sucked into the nose is too cold, the nasal cavity is a little bit tingling.

Lin Feng decided to take a good look at the surrounding environment.

He held the War Garden Pendant in his hand and squeezed it hard.

A yellow mist shone directly on the ground.

“Where are the zombies! I want revenge!”

“No matter when and where, my charm is unparalleled.”

“Soldiers, fight with me!”

Three different voices sounded.

Following these three opening lines that Lin Feng was already familiar with, three plant heroes appeared in front of him.

“Where is this? It’s too cold!”

Colonel Corn shivered.

Although it was a violent charge slogan when it appeared, when the cold wind hit, Colonel Corn instantly wilted.

In addition to him, the Rose Mage also looked trembling, and kept emitting a faint white breath from the black body in his mouth.

“It’s too cold, Lord! Where are you trying?”

Master Rose asked tremblingly.

“Dawn Icefield, have you heard of it?”

Hearing Lin Feng’s question, the three plant heroes all shook their heads.

“Lord, it’s too cold here and it’s too unbearable for the plants. Put them away, and call them when you have an emergency.

The Fragrant Tree Archer stepped forward and said: “As for me, with the protection of the orange peel outside, I am colder than them.”

Under Lin Feng’s gaze, he put away the orange skin that was unfolding outside, and wrapped himself tightly.

Lin Feng is very used to the special features of these plant heroes.

The main body of Lemon Sagittarius is citrus, and it is not unacceptable that he can protect himself with orange peel.

Immediately, Lin Feng waved his hand and put Colonel Corn and Mage Rose away.

“I use the drone to check the surroundings, and you will be alert to the surroundings.”

Saying hello to the Xiangyuan shooter, Lin Feng opened the backpack and took out the drone and tablet from it.

He has to agree that this military backpack is pretty easy to use.

Although he was wearing armor and crystal wings on the back, the strap of this backpack was long enough to carry it firmly on his back.

Under the interference of heavy snow and strong winds, the drone was not flying smoothly and trembling constantly.

This causes the picture displayed on the tablet to be constantly shaking.

Fortunately, whether this tablet or drone is a special model of the military, it is relatively reliable and can be used in extreme environments.

Lin Feng saw himself on an endless ice field.

No matter how high the drone flies, the scene you see is exactly the same as the environment around you.

Except for the swarthy ice ground, there is the howling wind and snow.

What should I do next?

Which direction should I go next?

It seems impossible to grow plants everywhere in this icy world.

Should we first find a place where we can grow plants?

Most importantly, what about zombies?

From the picture taken by the drone’s camera, Lin Feng could not see any zombies.

If there are no zombies, how can I complete the trial?

Lin Feng was a little confused for a while.

The Xiangyuan shooter next to him looked curiously at him manipulating the drone and tablet.

“Master, this is your new equipment? Can I try it?

Lin Feng nodded, and handed the drone’s remote control and tablet to the Xiang Meng shooter.

He himself was thinking about it.

He found himself in the greatest crisis since entering the trial space.

There are no zombies.

After so many trials.

Lin Feng has encountered various unexpected accidents.

Whether it is a powerful Orion.

It’s still a frenzy formed by many zombies.Even that terrifying monster, “God Devourer”.

These are sudden accidents and obstacles to trial.

But he never thought that one day he would encounter such an inexplicable problem.

Can’t find zombies!


There are no zombies during the trial, so how do I complete the trial?

This is a big joke!

It turned out that the biggest problem encountered during the trial was not that the enemy was too strong.

But there are no enemies!

How can I complete the trial?

What should I do now?

Could it be that I now look for the optional mission target, the four god servant zombies?

But where can I find it?

There were violent blizzards everywhere, and it was not clear which way to go.

Lin Feng was stunned.

The Xiang Meng shooter next to him lost interest after playing with the drone for a while.

Seeing Lin Feng kept silent, he asked curiously: “Lord, what should we do next?”

Lin Feng didn’t know what to say.

You ask me, who am I going to ask!

What the hell is this dawn ice field, why are there not even zombies?

After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Feng began to search his backpack and inventory, looking for a solution.



Solar power bank.

Lin Feng took out the props he had prepared, and didn’t see anything that could solve the current dilemma.

He thought about all the clues he knew so far, but he didn’t find any clues.

Then I picked up the various props I prepared and observed carefully, hoping that the annotation system could give me a hint.

But there is still no gain.

After a busy period, he looked at the props placed in front of him in confusion, as well as the howling wind and snow around him.

What should I do now?

Big problem!

This is really the biggest problem since entering the trial space!

Lin Feng was completely puzzled.

I only know that this place is called Dawn Icefield.

There are big secrets in the underground here.

If you kill four god servant zombies and obtain four dawn beacons, you have the qualifications to explore the secrets of the earth.

But now, there is a piece of snow here, but there are no zombies!

Where should I go to find the god servant zombie?

Are there other zombies that need to be killed to complete the trial?

Lin Feng was puzzled.

He recalled the information he knew over and over again, but he had no clue.

Lin Feng looked for things that he could use one by one.

But he found nothing.

Neither those plants nor props such as compasses are of any use.

Because I can’t find zombies!


Lin Feng was speechless.

At this moment, he glanced at his mechanical watch.

His movements paused.

The time indicated by the mechanical watch is 22:57.

Lin Feng’s mind suddenly came to light.

now it is night.

And the name of this place is Dawn Ice Field.

Do you have to wait until dawn for changes to occur here?

He thought about it carefully.

This seems to be the only answer.

In other words, it is the only clue I can think of now.

Apart from the violent storm and snow, there is nothing else around here.

I don’t know where to find zombies.

The only thing that may become a clue now is the word dawn of dawn on the ice field.

Do you want to find a place, wait for the sun to rise, and wait for dawn to come?

Lin Feng now has a guess in his mind.

Since the goal of this trial was clearly marked in the light curtain of the preparation space, it is impossible for there to be no zombies in the ice field at dawn.

It’s just that I don’t know where the zombies are.

There is only one task at present.

Look for zombies.

The only clue at the moment is the name of the trial location.

Dawn on the ice field.

Perhaps at dawn, there may be any changes in this ice sheet.

After so long of thinking, Lin Feng could only find such a clue.

He can only find a place to wait for dawn.

In the end, Lin Feng decided to find a place where he could avoid the wind and snow to settle down, set up a camp, and waited for the dawn there.

If it’s dawn but you still can’t see a zombie, then think of a solution at that time.

He can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor now.

What he lacks most now is a place where he can grow plants.

There is hard ice all around.

Plants can’t even take root.

You must find a place where you can grow plants as a stronghold.

Where to find a suitable place for planting?

He was lost in thought.

Xiangbang Sagittarius couldn’t hold back his breath, and asked, “Master, what are you still thinking about? I’ll refer you for your reference?”

Lin Feng said: “I’m looking for a place to grow plants.”

The lemon shooter said, “The conditions for planting plants are water, soil, and sunlight. Do you use a drone to find a place with sufficient water and a little more soil?”

His words awakened Lin Feng.

After thinking about it, he activated his new skills.

Exploring the water source.

He closed his eyes slightly.

He felt a magical power radiating from his body, and it spread quickly in all directions.

A strange feeling emerged in Lin Feng’s heart.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can still see “the surrounding scenery through this skill.”

It seems that I can perceive all kinds of “water”.

The ice on the ground is cold and hard water.

The blizzard in the sky is fluffy but icy water.

His perception is rapidly extending.

Soon, he found a different “water”.

In his perception, in the far north, there seemed to be a place full of moisture.

The water there is flowing and steaming.

Lin Feng opened his eyes.


He greeted the Xiang Meng shooter and walked north.

At the same time, he waved his big hand, and he summoned the plants in the herding space.

Nearly 2,000 watermelon pitcher soldiers, iron skin high nut wall soldiers, machine gun pea soldiers, and a small amount of corn cannon chariots.

The huge team drove forward vigorously.

But soon, except for the soldiers with the iron skin and high nut wall, the other plant soldiers slowly came down.

It’s too cold here!

Plant soldiers are inconvenient to move!

Shaking his head, Lin Feng put away all the plant soldiers except the iron-skinned high-nut wall.

With these tall soldiers blocking the wind and snow in front, Lin Feng made his actions much easier.

Fortunately, besides the wind and snow, there is not even a zombie in the Dawn Icefield, so don’t worry about the obstacles of these monsters.

Lin Feng and the others walked slowly, but they were firm.

In this cold wind, the plant soldiers could not withstand the cold.

He must go to camp at the water source he found.

Only there will there be enough moisture to grow plants.

Moreover, in the perception of the “Water Source Exploration” skill, that water source is a flowing water, not hard ice.

This may indicate that the place where the water source is located is hotter and the water is not frozen.

Several hours later, they finally arrived at their destination.

Lin Feng’s previous exploration of the water source felt the location of the water source.

In a low valley, there is a small spring.

There was still a bit of heat above the spring.

In this cold place, there will be a pool of hot springs!

Lin Feng happily walked over.

This is a low canyon.

There are low valley barriers on three sides of the canyon, and only one side can enter and exit.

Although the valley wall is too low, if you face the tide of corpses, you still have to plant plants on all sides.

But this can greatly reduce his defensive pressure.

Lin Feng took out his mechanical watch and took a look.

The time now is 01:34.

When I set off, the time was 22:57.

I came to this hot spring for 2 hours and 37 minutes.

If the dawn of the ice field is also at 5 or 6 o’clock in the morning, then there is not much time left for planting plants.

With a breath, Lin Feng summoned all the plant soldiers.

Densely packed soldiers occupy half of this valley.

He summoned the remaining two plant heroes.

After letting the plant soldiers carefully inspect the surrounding environment this time, Lin Feng began to set up a defensive position here.

I didn’t see a zombie, but wanted to deploy a defensive position. This was something Lin Feng had never encountered before.

But he is serious when he grows plants.

0……Look for flowers…

He dared not slack in any way.

After several trials, he has already determined one thing

Any trial in this trial space is not easy!

I can’t underestimate any trial!

Earlier, I inferred that the word “Dawn” in the Dawn Icefield had a mystery, and guessed that this place would change at dawn.

Then I must seriously prepare for the moment when dawn arrives.

When planting plants, Lin Feng found another problem.

I lack ice plants.

Many plants have difficulty moving in this environment.

Only plants with ice attributes can exert their full strength.

In the end, Lin Feng deliberately adjusted the plant distribution of the defensive positions according to the environment.

He planted many corn cannons in the location closest to the hot springs, where the temperature is the highest.

Many sunflowers and doomsday mushrooms are planted next to the corn cannon.

The second planting is a circle of machine gun peas and watermelon pitchers.

Also surrounded the machine gun peas with many flame tree posts.

They can not only enhance the output of the machine gun peas, the flame on top of it can also greatly increase the surrounding temperature.

If it spreads outside, all kinds of hardy plants will be planted.

Cold ice gooseberry, cotton jerry ice fairy, ice dragon grass…

In the end, suffering from the lack of varieties of ice plants, Lin Feng even planted the already eliminated ice shooters.

After three hours of work, the entire small valley has built a complete defensive position.

There is output, there is control.

Lin Feng also tentatively cultivated a batch of previously obtained special plants in miniature flower pots.

Dark crystal orchid.

The role of this plant has not been verified.

But Lin Feng still grows a lot of these plants.

After all, the area that can be planted in this small hot spring is limited.

Dark Crystal Orchid, a plant that does not need soil and sunlight, can parasitize carrion, maybe it can become the main attack method.

Lin Feng just finished planting all the plants and is resting by the hot spring.

He took out his watch again.

The time now is 04:48.

It took 3 hours and 14 minutes to plant the plants.

If the sun at the dawn of the ice field also rises at five or six in the morning, it will be dawn in a short time.

Will there be any changes at that time?Will there be zombies?

If it is still a piece of ice and snow, and there is no change, what should I do?


Lin Feng has countless thoughts in his mind.

“Ding! Seriously farm, well prepared, will +20”

“Ding! Analyze carefully, adjust measures to local conditions, intelligence +20”

Two beeps sounded suddenly.

Lin Feng lifted his spirits.

System rewards are coming!

I can add attributes again.

Moreover, does this reward verify your previous guess from the side?

This is the dawn ice field, there is a problem!

All doubts will be revealed when the sun rises!

He looked down at the mechanical watch again.


Ten minutes passed.

He raised his head and carefully observed his surroundings.

Finally, a gleam of light gradually appeared in the gloomy sky.

The dark clouds in the distance were all illuminated.

Although the wind and snow have not yet calmed down, in this endless ice field, after all, there has been a slight change!

Lin Feng looked around expectantly, not willing to miss a single trace.



There was a slight vibration.

Lin Feng lifted his spirits!

Sure enough, there is a change!

As the sun gradually rises.

Countless dark clouds above the head were illuminated.

Although the wind and snow are still there, at least the visual range has become much larger.



A cloud of smoke was lifted in the distance.

The vibration on the ground is getting louder and louder.

Lin Feng took out his binoculars and looked forward, a large number of ferocious zombies appeared from a distance!

Behind the tide of corpses, you can faintly see a huge underground hole, and a steady stream of zombies rushed out of it.

When did this cave appear?

Why don’t you have any impression of yourself?

When Lin Feng came to this valley, he had already used drones to survey the surrounding situation.

It is impossible for him to discover such a big hole.

He looked dignified and carefully observed with a telescope.

The place where the zombies rushed out in the distance was not so much a cave as a pit.

The hole looked dark, and countless zombies swarmed out from it.

This cave seems to have only appeared after dawn!

And these zombies also appeared after dawn.

According to reason, don’t all zombies hate sunlight?

Before in the death capital, so many zombies ran to hide from the sun in the building.

Why did everything turn around when we arrived at the Dawn Icefield?

No zombies can be seen at night, there are countless zombies in the daytime.

Could it be that the zombies here are the type who fears the dark and likes the sun?

Lin Feng was puzzled.

The habits of the zombies at dawn on the icefield violated his cognition.

It suddenly occurred to him to annotate the system’s prompts.

[Note: There are secrets in the ground, which require special conditions to explore. If the host has collected four dawn beacons, then explore. Otherwise, don’t get close to the ground!)

That huge hole in the ground must be the place the system advises you not to approach now

He watched the situation carefully and suddenly his expression changed.

The appearance of this corpse tide is too much!

It is almost comparable to the size of the corpse tide that many witches and zombies called when they were in the capital of death last time.

But at that time, he had a large plant defense position!

But now, I can only rely on the plants in this small valley!

Can this be resisted?

Lin Feng frowned.

And this hot spring seems to have attracted the tide of corpses in the distance.

They spread to this side.

Lin Feng’s spirit is tense.

The zombies have entered the attack range of the plants!

The battle begins!


The corn cannon fired first!

Corn shells exploded in the tide of corpses, and a violent explosion sounded.

The fierce shock wave tore many zombies to pieces, and countless broken limbs flew in the air, breaking them into smaller pieces.

The tide of corpses rushed towards the plant defense line!

The fierce battle between plants and zombies begins!

Lin Feng looked at the mechanical watch again.


There was a faint enlightenment in his heart.

In this dawn ice field, there is only roaring snow and hard ice at night.

There are no zombies.

And when dawn comes, there will be a big hole in the ground, from which an endless tide of corpses rushes out.

In the previous trial, I found a place to plant plants, expanded the defensive position, strived for the firepower advantage, and finally completed the trial.

But in this dawn ice field, there is hard ice everywhere, and plants can’t take root.

The only place where I can grow plants is this valley.

You must rely on the plants of this valley to persist until night falls!

Only by waiting for the night, these zombies return to the cave again, can they get a chance to breathe!

Only at night can I find a way to explore the secrets of this dawn ice field!

I must at least stay here until night falls!

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