Chapter 122: New Trial! God’s Request!

Peking Barracks.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng returned to the room directly after he had contact with the so-called teammates.

When dusk fell, after dinner, he headed to the teleportation spire with anticipation.

Today, Lin Feng can enter the long-lost trial space.

Walking into the portal, the white light flickered.

When Lin Feng’s vision recovered again, he had already arrived in front of the Jade Palace.


Before Lin Feng could move, a cheerful wolf howl came.

The wind giant wolf Sanye leaped forward.

It is naive and very excited.

When running, the whole body’s hair trembled with his own fat.

Lin Feng caught it with his hand and rubbed its forehead a little speechlessly.

Obviously, when I chose the Great Wind Wolf, I wanted a mount.

As a result, he was stubbornly raised as a pet.

Looking at the fat wolf body, Lin Feng felt speechless.

He patted Sanye on the head and let it go and play on its own.

With a flash of figure, he came to the back garden of the Emerald Palace.

He wants to see what happened to the “Glory of the Morning” that he planted earlier.

Earlier, because of the skill effects of “diffusion planting, he gained the brilliance of the dawn.”

Lin Feng is also thinking about the fruits of these flowers.

The annotation system may have suggested that the fruits of these flowers can increase physical strength.

The Radiance of Dawn did not disappoint Lin Feng.

When he came to the back garden, he saw the yellow fruit in the center of the garden.

Dozens of Dawn’s Glory have already bear fruit, and like their flowers, the Dawn’s Glory’s fruits are also luminous.

【Morning Fruit: The fruit of a special plant cultivated by Azula, the demon god of Dawn, possesses magical power and physical strength is +40 after consumption. ”

【Note: You cannot take it again until the effect of Dawn’s Fruit disappears. The interval cannot be less than two months. ”

40 points!

A single fruit can actually increase stamina by 40 points!

This is comparable to a special piece of equipment!

And look at the notes, can this fruit be taken repeatedly?

This is really good stuff!

With the effect of increasing physical strength by 40 points alone, it is already a remarkable thing.

Lin Feng can’t wait to try it.

He stepped forward and carefully plucked a fruit.

The pale 177 yellow light was held in his palm as if he had an entity.

He did not hesitate and put the fruit in his mouth.

This morning fruit has no taste. Lin Feng just put it in his mouth, and it directly turns into a stream of light and enters Lin Feng’s body.

He felt a warm current from his abdominal cavity.

The warm current gradually spread to his limbs.

Lin Feng’s body has become firmer, his skin has become firmer, and he seems to have plenty of power.

“Ding! Total physical strength breakthrough! Special effects excite!”

A sudden reminder interrupted his comprehension.

The personal information panel popped up.

At the bottom of the translucent light curtain, new content appeared.

“Special effect.

“Accelerated recovery of physical strength; super special effect, the tester can get three times the speed of physical recovery. The dependence on sleep is also greatly reduced.”

Looking at this panel prompt, Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Sure enough, there are constant surprises.

This is the third basic attribute special effect he activated!

Recalling the last time the special effects were activated, when he took the college entrance examination before, he chose the charm +40 bonus and activated the two charm-related special effects.

The charm of the opposite sex can be offset by murderous intent.

The skill of Charm of the opposite sex has been verified on Eva.

But that special effect called Killing Cancellation, it seems that it has not been successfully triggered?

Otherwise, when he was ambushed last time, why didn’t those intermediate trialists stop attacking him?

Lin Feng shook his head, too lazy to think.

This morning fruit did not disappoint him, and unlocking the special effects related to physical strength was even more unexpected, and there was no need to worry about other things.

He came to the sunflower field and the sunlight mushroom field, and put all the sunlight balls produced by them into his bag.

After collecting the sunshine, Lin Feng counted the seeds and updated the plants in the pastoral space.

After hesitating, he picked a few silver apples and put them in his inventory for later use.

Finally, he carried a bag on his back.

Inside the backpack, there are the real-world items he had prepared before.

Small drones, compasses, mechanical watches.

There are even power banks, cameras, tablets and binoculars. (ahcb)

These things are all props prepared specially by Lin Feng after learning the lesson last time.

He believes that with the help of these things, he can complete the trial more easily.

After confirming that he was ready, Lin Feng clicked on the operation panel.

“Trial options.

“Trial Level: Tier Two.”

“Trial content, special trial: teleport to the special trial space.”

In the trial space, indifferent mechanical sounds sounded.

As the voice sounded, a light door appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Familiar prompt, familiar portal.

Without hesitation, he stepped in.

The field of vision blurred for a while and returned to normal.

Lin Feng carefully observed the preparation space this time.

White walls.

There are four portals in total.

Only the portal lights up behind him.

The light curtain unfolds in the center of the preparation space.

All of this was exactly the same as the preparation space when I participated in the second-order trial for the first time.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this time I won’t encounter anything weird.

He was afraid that he would enter a special preparation space again, just like the capital of death last time.

That huge devourer of gods gave him too much shock.

Lin Feng now only wants to complete the trial safely and get enough points to advance to a third-level trial.

He didn’t want any more accidents.

Especially when encountering a monster of the level of the Devourer of Gods, he is very likely to have no bones.

Lin Feng looked at the light curtain in the center of the prepared space.

“Trial trial.

“Trial Level: Tier Two.”

“The content of the trial is transmitted to the Dawn Icefield to complete the trial.

The kill list is as follows:

Kill small zombies: 1,700.

Kill small flying zombies: 1700.

Kill the zombies of the ancient giant: 240.

Kill crazy zombies: 40.

Optional trial goals;

Kill special zombies: God servant zombies: 4 zombies.

Collect dawn beacons; 4.

“The limit on the number of trials: 4.

“Whether to invite teammates: yes/no.”

Lin Feng frowned.

New things appeared in this trial.

The zombies of the priesthood.

There is also the daybreak beacon.

God servant zombies know what it is just by looking at the name.

That must be the zombies that some priests and the like turned into zombies after they died.

So what is the dawn beacon?

With doubts, Lin Feng started to call the annotation system.

His eyes were fixed on the two new nouns.

[God servant zombies: special zombies transformed from believers of the gods. The sacred power remaining in the body conflicts with the zombie death power.

[Note: Because of the powerful energy in the body, the body of the servant zombie is very strong, powerful in attack, and fast in action. ”

[Note:-When the god servant zombies die, the energy balance in their body is broken, and the conflict between the remaining divine power and the undead power will cause an explosion. Powerful!”

Lin Feng sighed.

This stuff is not easy to mess with at first glance.

However, in order to advance as quickly as possible, for SSS-level evaluation, I have to provoke such a guy.

And deep down in Lin Feng’s heart, he is not only not afraid of this kind of facing difficulties, but even some excitement.

He focused on the light curtain again.

[Dawn Beacon: Contains strange power. If all four Dawn Beacons can be collected, a new trial will be opened. ”

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng’s heart moved.

A new trial will be opened!

It seems that the key to getting SSS-level comments is this dawn beacon!

Moreover, the number of zombies of god servants is also four.

The number of dawn beacons is also four.

Does that mean that as long as you can kill a god servant zombie, you can get a dawn beacon?

Having obtained this key information, Lin Feng has a clear understanding of the goal of this trial.

When he entered the dawn ice field, the first thing he had to do was to explore the location of the zombies of the god servants.

Out of caution, Lin Feng scanned the light curtain carefully one last time.

This gave him a new discovery.

[Dawn ice field; always floating in the snowy plain. Full of messy magic elements, there is a strong possibility that there are powerful monsters. ”

[Note: There are secrets in the ground, which require special conditions to explore. If the host has collected four dawn beacons, then explore. Otherwise, don’t get close to the ground!]

Lin Feng’s mouth twitched.

It’s the great secret underground again!

He is now very sensitive to such inexplicable prompts.

The last time I was in the capital of death, the prompt was very similar to the current one.

There are big secrets underground.

But the difference is that the last time the annotation system advised me not to explore the secrets of the ground.

But this time, it seems that after collecting four Dawn Beacons, I can go and explore the underground of Dawn Icefield.

Lin Feng also noticed that the last sentence of the comment is very interesting.

[Otherwise, don’t get close to the ground. ”

This means that there is a big hole in the ice field at dawn?

Will you fall into the ground if you are not careful?

Or is there something like a portal?But in any case, this dawn plain is dangerous underground, and I am afraid it is not peaceful on the ground.

Lin Feng raised the spirit.

He will not let his guard down.

With the experience of the first two trials, he believes that he will be able to complete this trial and get the SSS evaluation!

Lin Feng pointed his finger on the light curtain.

A group of red light appeared, wrapping him up.

With a flash of light, he disappeared in this prepared space.

In the Beiping military camp this night, Lin Feng went to the trial space and challenged the trial again.

The vast majority of soldiers are resting in the room, preparing for tomorrow’s training.

Others are fidgeting now.

The Paladin that Lin Feng had seen before, Wei Ying, was reading the information in his hand incredibly.

As a young genius and an extraordinary family background, Wei Ying can mobilize a lot of resources.

After seeing Lin Feng at noon, he has been indignant.

After Lin Feng left, the armed craftsman Dai Hui told the other three of Lin Feng’s horrible record in the Sunshine Restaurant.

Wei Ying didn’t believe that there would be such a thing at all.

A gardener, with one enemy and one hundred, such a terrifying record, who can do it?

I’m afraid that even the world’s number one Wang Jingtian couldn’t do this when he was young.

So Wei Ying wanted to collect information to slap Dai Hui in the face.

Although the priest Hirota persuaded him at the time, he was still a little unhappy.

In the end, Wei Ying returned to the barracks, called her home, and asked to investigate the news of Lin Feng’s ambush.

This matter itself is not a secret.

It’s just that the military did not deliberately propagate, but they did not prevent others from getting news of the war.

As long as you deliberately investigate, you can know the results of the military’s investigation of that battle.

When night fell, Wei Ying finally received the information from the family.

The document records the details of Lin Feng’s battle at Sunshine Restaurant.

Wei Ying couldn’t believe what she saw.

Lin Feng actually killed so many mid-level powerhouses with one enemy and one hundred!

He actually killed that talented priest, John Crowder!

He also killed Loki the Dark Raider!

Wei Ying was already sweating profusely just by seeing the names of the few mid-level experts in the Eagle Nation who had died in battle.

He didn’t dare to turn it down anymore.

What terrible record is this?

He suddenly recalled what he said in front of Lin Feng in the afternoon.

Wei Ying felt a wave of shame and anger rushing toward her forehead!

This is a shame!

He remembered Lin Feng’s ignorant attitude.

In his eyes, people like himself are afraid that they are too weak, right?

No wonder he didn’t put himself and others in his eyes.

Wei Ying only felt bitter in her heart.

He thought of the other two teammates, Hirota and Li Yuyuxing.

Thinking of what they were doing in that conference room.

A strong emotion surged into his heart.

That kind of emotion is called shame!

Wei Ying thought of tomorrow’s running-in training again.

He doesn’t know what attitude he will use to face Lin Feng tomorrow.

What he didn’t know was that he didn’t have to worry about it at all.

Because Lin Feng never thought of teaming up with them.

Just when Wei Ying was still thinking about how to get along with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has once again started a new trial alone.

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