Chapter 121 The Self-righteous Child

Longguo, Peiping.

Today is the second day Lin Feng came here from Baisha City.

After a night of sleep, he is now full of energy.

He was led to a conference room by a soldier.

He will meet with four teammates here.

According to the previous ninth-order qigong master Yue Leng’s disclosure, these people are all top students selected from various universities.

At that time, Yue Leng smugly patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, telling him that in a short time, he would know the benefits of having teammates trying out together.

According to military calculations, if Lin Feng tried with them, the chance of completing the trial could almost reach 80%.

Even if the mission fails, they have a high chance of surviving.

As long as he can return to Peking, with the current medical capabilities of Peking, there will be no sequelae.

This is almost the safest arrangement.

Lin Feng didn’t think much about his teammates.

In other words, there is a slight apology.

The military has spent so much time and effort, so that those people spent so much time to meet and meet themselves, but they would not team up with these people.

In addition, Lin Feng thought about the next trial.

As long as he participates in another trial, he should be able to advance the trial space!

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and opened his (points) panel

He looked at his points inventory panel.

“Points: 3930”

“Currently redeemable:

“Professional Advance 3930/12000”

“Advanced Trial 3930/5000″

Now that he is a Tier 4 gardener, it is very difficult to advance his career again.

But it is quite simple to advance the trial space.

Lin Feng carefully recalled the notes he saw during the first second-order trial.

[If you complete the task with 3 teammates, you can get a C-level evaluation at least. 】

(If you complete the task with 2 teammates, you will get a B-level evaluation at least.”

[If you complete the task with a teammate, you will receive a minimum A-level evaluation.

[If you complete the task alone, you can get an S grade at least. ”

[Which one should I choose? The cultivator has thousands of troops, and there is no need to team up with others!)

Participate in the trial by yourself, as long as you complete the trial, the lowest level is also an “S” reward.

With his current situation, as long as he completes any trial, he will accumulate more than 5,000 points, which is enough for the trial to advance.

Those who successfully advanced to the second-tier trial at the beginning allowed them to plant plants in the trial space with stronger medicinal effects.

If you become a Tier 3 tester, you still don’t know what benefits you can get.

He is looking forward to it.

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door.

Lin Feng looked up. Under the leadership of a middle-aged soldier, four young men walked in.

Those four people are three men and one woman, each of them aloft, with their own victories, and at first glance they are powerful young geniuses.

When Lin Feng was looking at the four young people, the other person was also looking at him.

The middle-aged soldier who led the four in and spoke with a smile.

Lin Feng, these four are your teammates. You young people get to know each other, and I won’t bother you. ”

“After you get acquainted, allow you young people to go out and play in the camp. Note that it is only in the urban area of ​​Beiping. You may encounter danger if you leave here.”

“After that, you go to your respective trial space to prepare, and tomorrow you will enter the trial for running-in training.

Lin Feng politely arrived with the soldier to express his gratitude and watched him leave the meeting room.

After the middle-aged soldiers left, the five people present began to communicate briefly.

“Hirota, priest.

A boy wearing a white sweater and a flat head spoke first and briefly introduced himself in very short words.

He looks very capable in an official business.

A faint curiosity arose in Lin Feng’s heart.

This style of behavior, is this person a direct line of the military?

The remaining few people introduced themselves briefly in this way.

“Wei Ying, holy knight.”

“Elemental Master, Li Yuxing.

The self-introductions of these three are brief and capable.

Only the last person took a step, stretched out his right hand, and smiled.”Hello, Lin Feng, I’m Dai, Tier 4 armed craftsman. Nice to meet you.”

“I am a second-year student of National Science, and I will most likely be a classmate in the future.

Lin Feng shook hands with him.

Finally, I saw a person with a more enthusiastic style. It seems that the people recruited by the military are not all unsmiling people.

On the first side of meeting these people, the annotation system has already given a rough introduction.

Lin Feng has a preliminary understanding of these people.

The priest Hirota is the unsmiling, straight-headed boy.

I don’t know if it’s because of his occupation. He is covered in white clothes all over his toes.

Wei Ying is a strong, muscular boy with a dark complexion and a confident look.

Elemental mage Li Hugo is a girl with a very delicate dress. Although she is ordinary, the elemental affinity of the element mage affects her and makes her look very temperamental.

Finally, there is the more enthusiastic armed craftsman, Dai Hui. Wearing a pair of glasses is in line with his professional positioning.

Lin Feng carefully pondered that among these people, each of them is a rare professional, and their strength must be extraordinary.

And judging from the mix of the entire team.

Priests and elemental wizards are output-type occupations with strong offensive power.

Paladins and armed craftsmen are both highly defensive meat shield-type occupations.

Coupled with my own gardener, the entire team has two outputs, two meat shields and one support, which is the perfect professional match right now.

In addition, the profession of gardener does not have such a strong wartime support ability, but more logistics support ability.

Therefore, the meat shields they choose, paladins and armed craftsmen are all meat shields that can provide some auxiliary abilities.

This is simply the most scientific career match.

Lin Feng had to sigh, he deserves to be chosen by the military. It is thoughtful.

This is almost the strongest lineup at this stage

He felt a faint apology again.

He can feel the sincerity of the military.

It made the military bother, but it was impossible for me to really team up with them for a trial.

Seeing that all four teammates had introduced themselves, Lin Feng also planned to report to his family.

“I am Lin”,

Before he could finish speaking, Paladin Wei Ying interrupted his conversation.

“I know, Lin Feng, the most popular gardener right now is of course the only gardener.”

“If you weren’t the only one who was a gardener, you wouldn’t be so famous.

Lin Feng frowned.

Before he could speak, Wei Ying looked at him with a serious expression and told her true thoughts.

“There are only a few of us here, so I’ll tell the truth.”

“You have achieved good results now, but all of us are very strong, and no one is weaker than you.”

“And as a gardener, you can only advance to the intermediate level at most. This is something that so many people have verified in history.”

“So I don’t understand the meaning of the military’s arrangement like this. If you want to upgrade, you just need to find someone to try it out slowly.”

“Why arrange for us to come? The potential of each of us is destined to be an advanced tester. We really lack time.”

“Can you please explain to the military that you can find your teammates by yourself and don’t waste our time, okay?”

Wei Ying seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Lin Feng, and said so many things as soon as he opened his mouth.

He actually didn’t want to come to be a teammate for a gardener.

But it is not easy for him to directly reject the tasks assigned by the military.

After all, this is related to your evaluation of the university.

In his opinion, even if Lin Feng has achieved certain results now, his future achievements are definitely not as good as his own.

After all, gardeners can only advance to the intermediate level.

Although this is not a rule of trial space, it is a fact verified by countless people.

After all, when the trial space first appeared, there were countless people to choose from each profession.

The gardener is the only profession that has not been seen by a high-level professional so far.

It has been nearly a thousand years, and a high-level gardener has never appeared.

Now that the upper limit of his own is doomed, Lin Feng only needs to upgrade steadily.

Originally, Wei Ying didn’t have such a big grievance with Lin Feng.

After all, he has no contact with Lin Feng.

He even thinks that Lin Feng, as a gardener, can do what he does now.

But the military issued a task and selected him to team up with Lin Feng.

Teaming up with a flower, the speed of completing the trial is bound to drop.

Wei Ying is busy participating in trials with his strong teammates, but doesn’t want to climb slowly with Lin Feng.

There is no grievance between us, but it is your fault if you come to waste my time.

This is Wei Ying’s true thoughts.

Now there are no people from the military here, so he just said it directly.

He believes other people here think so too.

My own group of people are top geniuses, why waste time with someone whose upper limit is already dead?

Lin Feng hasn’t said anything, but Dai Hui, a craftsman who enthusiastically armed the craftsman, has stopped Wei Ying.

“What do you mean? You don’t want to be Lin Feng’s teammate, so don’t come? You can refuse when you start soliciting candidates.

“Now ask others to take the initiative to speak? You seem to have big eyebrows, why do things so disgusting?”

Paladin Wei Ying’s expression sank.

“Zaihui, you also know that this is the military’s task, and it is not good for us to refuse it directly.”

“But Lin Feng can take the initiative to speak. Anyway, as a gardener, he only needs to slowly upgrade to the intermediate level.

Some are “the kind of middle-aged testers who have been hot for many years and still can’t be promoted, but with very rich combat experience, why not let those people be babysitters?”

Armed craftsman Dai Hui’s expression sank.

“Stop talking, Wei Ying.

Before he could speak, the priest Hirota next to him spoke to stop Wei Ying from speaking.

A faint white light was exuding all over him, and it seemed that he did not forget to practice even at this time.

“This is the order from above. As top students in every school, we just have to obey the order.”

He seems to be famous and prestigious.

Lin Feng noticed that the priest Hirota spoke. Whether it was Wei Ying or Dai Hui, they shut up.

We “worked hard to complete the above commands, and the rewards we received in the future should be enough to make up for our wasted time and enhance our strength.”

“Lin Feng is a gardener. As a logistical assistant, once he is upgraded, it will be of great benefit to the military.

Dai Hui frowned, he stopped talking.

Wei Ying glanced at Lin Feng, as if he was moved by Hirota, snorted and said nothing.

After Hirota calmed the two of them, he turned his head to talk to Lin Feng.

“Although I trust the military, so I will protect you seriously.”

“But Wei Ying is right. We really sacrificed our time to take you to the next level.”

“So I hope you will be obedient when you team up, don’t run around and follow my instructions.

“After all, I have a wealth of trial experience and a wealth of commanding experience.”

“You should do your job well, upgrade well, and plant plants in the trial space after the intermediate level.

Lin Feng felt a little amused in his heart when he looked at Hirota, the priest who slapped Fang Qiu and talked eloquently.

This group of guys are too self-righteous.

How could it seem that I begged them to be teammates.

They feel that teaming up with themselves is a waste of time, and they don’t want to take them to tow oil bottles.

The priest Hirota looked at Lin Feng calmly, appearing confident and calm.

“With us, even if there are only four of us fighting, we can pass the trial completely.”

“And you are lucky, you are lucky four-leaf clover, and all kinds of mutant plants.”

“But it won’t take long to rely solely on luck. This is my advice to you.

Lin Feng looked at the priest Hirota in this way, and inexplicably remembered those student union officials who had pretended to be adults in college before.

He shook his head and wanted to leave.

Two lives, coupled with so many thrilling trials, he has already passed the naive age.

This group of young people pretends to be grown-ups here. He is not interested in playing with children.

“Hirota, although you are a priest, you are too confident, right?”

The armed craftsman Zaihui, who had been talking and stopping next to him, finally refused to hold back and retorted.

Wei Ying frowned and looked at him.

“Does Hirota have a problem?”

Hirota also replied calmly: “I do it for Lin Feng’s benefit. If he doesn’t obey the command during the trial, he will most likely die.”

The female element mage Li Yuxing, who has been silent next to her, also persuaded Lin Feng.

“Hirota is right. Your fighting ability is worrying. It is your luck to be with us. Just cooperate.”

“With us, especially Hirota, you don’t have to worry about not being able to complete the trial.

Lin Feng is really too lazy to play with these children here.

He shook his head, looked at the senior of the National University of Science and Technology Dai Hui, smiled and nodded.

After saying hello, he ignored the other three people and went out directly by pushing the door.

Too lazy to talk to them, wasting my time.

There is still room for trial in the evening and participate in the third Tier 2 trial!

His calm look made Li Yuxing, who was talking in the conference room, look at him and stopped preaching.

She looked cold and stared at the closed door.

As a top talent and as a special professional element mage, he has never encountered such a treatment.

Paladin Wei Ying’s expression became cold again, and the muscles on her body moved, looking hideous and terrifying.

The priest Hirota frowned.

Lin Feng actually ignored him like this, but he was kind!

Immediately his complexion returned to calm.

“We are all for his good. If his character does not change, he will suffer a big loss in the future.””This personality is very bad for me at a young age.

Hirota shook his head.

When he said this, he completely forgot that he was also a young man, instead he appeared old-fashioned.

Wei Ying and Li Yuxing next to them didn’t think there was a problem either.

Because of the priest Hirota, as the top sophomore of Shuiqing University, he is very famous and strong.

In their view, Guangtian is qualified to evaluate Lin Feng in this way.

Only Dai Hui looked at them blankly, as if looking at some strange animal.

How come these guys are so naive!

What kind of adult game are you playing?

Stay away from them yourself and don’t get infected.

The other three people were puzzled when they saw his expression.

Wei Ying couldn’t help himself. He asked, “Dai Hui, what do you mean by this expression? Did we say something wrong?”

The other two also looked at him unswervingly.

Dai Hui shook his head and opened the door and walked directly out.

When he was about to walk out of the meeting room, he suddenly remembered something.

He turned his head in doubt and asked, “You three, don’t you know Lin Feng’s record in Baisha City?”

Hearing his words, the priest Hirota’s brow furrowed even more tightly.

“Dai Hui, what do you mean, just put it straight.”

Dai Hui felt stunned.

Sure enough, this group of guys, no wonder they dare to pretend to be big-tailed wolves in front of Lin Feng.

Although these guys usually look like this self-righteous and pretentious.

But it’s not that after Lin Feng showed his amazing fighting ability, he still pretended to be so in front of him.

“Lin Feng defeated a group of intermediate testers in Baisha City with one enemy and one hundred.

“Those people are well-known elites, but they went to ambush Lin Feng, but none of them survived.”

“I remember that there was also a fifth-order priest of the John family, John Crowder.”

“For the same priest, he is much better than Hirota.”

“I guess it’s really a fight between life and death. The three of you together will not be enough to make a dish for Lin Feng (take Zhao Zhao).

“Your performance just now is really…

Dai Hui shook his head, and walked out without saying more.

But the three people in the conference room knew exactly what he wanted to say.

They looked at each other with ugly expressions, and they all saw an unbelievable look in their eyes.

“One enemy against one hundred? What nonsense is Dai Hui talking about here?”

Wei Ying’s face was full of unbelief.

Hirota’s face was even more sneered.

He is proud of himself, and considers himself a young man.

Not to mention one enemy with one hundred, the top genius of the John family, John Crowder, he already knew the name of the other party.

Both priests and young geniuses, Hirota naturally knows how strong John Crowder really is.

In his opinion, Lin Feng, let alone one enemy one hundred.

Even if he and John Crowder fight alone, they are bound to lose.

“This guy Dai Hui is really bragging about not making drafts, but listening to what he said at the beginning, it seems that he and Lin Feng are both from the National University of Science and Technology?”

“People from the same school naturally want to help him brag.

Hirota’s complexion returned to calm, and he said calmly.

He was very confident and didn’t believe Dai Hui’s words at all.

Wei Ying sneered.

“I know the news that Lin Feng was ambushed. I will collect information and use the information in front of Dai Hui to see what his performance is.”

The priest Hirota shook his head.

“There is no need, those of us, should spend our time in more valuable places. There is no need to waste time.”

“When we run into training tomorrow, we will report to the military chief and say that Lin Feng will not cooperate with the trial, and then we will leave it alone.”

Hirota looked at the two people who were staying in the meeting room together.

We “try hard and don’t waste time. People like us are the hope of Long Country in the future.”

When he said this, he seemed justified and plain.

Hearing what he said, Wei Ying and Li Nanxing looked at him with admiration and nodded together.

The confident three people would not have thought that within a few days, decisive evidence of Lin Feng’s strength would appear in front of them.

However, Lin Feng would not appreciate the wonderful expressions on their faces.

He has no time to waste on these young people.

His goal is to reach the ninth level within a year.

It’s not to breathe with these naive students.

The two are fundamentally at different levels, and the things in your mind are naturally not comparable!,

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