Chapter 120 Taboo Means? The Danger of Lin Feng!

News of Lin Feng’s attack spread quickly.

In addition to the two top powers in the world, Eagle Country and Dragon Country.

Other families involved in this matter also quickly received news.

Gaul, Provence.

In the Patriarch’s Office of Odell Manor, Patriarch Odell Solomon looked at a document in front of him with a serious expression.

The mission to kill Lin Feng failed!

Although I learned some news from various channels early, it was confirmed that their planned action had failed.

But Solomon was lucky.

Unfortunately, the briefing sent later confirmed the scattered news received earlier.

The mission really failed.

Not only did they fail to kill Lin Feng, but they also suffered heavy losses.

After the family’s intelligence channel sent detailed information on the attack mission, Solomon discovered that the situation was far worse than she had previously thought.

The attack mission was not only a failure.

And Lin Feng is safe and sound.

Their family united with the other three families and the 97 mid-level powerhouses dispatched by the Eagle Nation military were wiped out.

This is a result that Solomon had never thought of before.

what should I do now?

Solomon frowned.

She began to study the information in front of her carefully.

In front of her, the secretary of the Solomon family also looked serious and helped her organize the information.

“It seems that we still underestimated Lin Feng’s strength. I never thought that nearly a hundred mid-level powerhouses would not be able to kill him.”

“Neither did he expect that he would instead kill the mid-level powerhouses who ambushed him! How did a second-level gardener do it?”

The secretary of the Patriarch spoke lightly: “Patriarch, not a second-tier gardener, but a fourth-tier gardener.

The Secretary of the Patriarch did not comment. She knew that Patriarch Solomon was just talking to himself.

She just reminded Solomon of the neglected information.

Patriarch Solomon nodded.

“This is another question. How did Lin Feng jump directly from a Tier 2 professional to a Tier 4 professional?”

She frowned and was puzzled.

This is something that has never happened before.

If Lin Feng’s achievements in breaking records frequently can be shocking.

Then the fact that he went directly to advance to the next level could be called appalling.

How exactly is this done?

Can you copy his approach?

Even if it can only be advanced at a low level, that is a very scary thing!

Patriarch Solomon frowned.

Do you want to find a way to find out this secret? 07

If it can be reproduced, the strength of the next generation of the family will definitely be able to get a leap.

If this cross-level advanced method can be used by high-level testers, then the entire family will be greatly improved.

But if the method used by Lin Feng cannot be replicated, the family spends a lot of money to explore this matter.

Patriarch Solomon thought very seriously.

At this moment, a loud noise came from outside the office.

Solomon frowned and glanced at the secretary.

The other party nodded and quickly went out to check the situation.

Patriarch Solomon could faintly hear a sharp woman’s voice.

Who is so ignorant of the rules?

It is noisy outside the main office of the house?

She looks unswervingly.

It didn’t take long for the secretary to walk in.

Patriarch Solomon asked indifferently: “What’s the matter?”

The secretary hesitated and said, “Patriarch, Di Anqi is outside the door. She said that you cheated her and she was arguing to see her.

“I said you have something important to deal with, but she refuses to leave, and she is very emotional.”

Solomon’s Patriarch looked cold.

Diana is the mother of the 9th-order Ash Mage Odelka’tha among the four 9th-order strongmen who were killed by Lin Feng.

It is not surprising that she has such a performance.

He had made a ticket in front of her before, and Lin Feng was bound to die.

Where I thought, Lin Feng not only did not die now, but killed many mid-level powerhouses.

And he broke his trust in others, which made Diana make a loud noise in front of his office.

Since knowing that the ambush against Lin Feng is likely to fail, Diana has been emotionally restless and seemingly nagging.People in the family walked around when they saw her.

This time, I must have confirmed the result of the ambush through some channel, and then ran to the door of my office to make a fuss.

Patriarch Solomon thought for a while and waved his hand.

Diana is Kai’Sa’s mother after all.

Kai’Sa used to be the face of the family and the pillar of the family, making a significant contribution to the family.

Diana is so nervous now, because Kai’Sa is dead, and she is eager for revenge.

If I punish her too much, I’m afraid it will appear that my family is too inhumane and too powerful.

“Let someone take her away. This is the owner’s office. It’s really unbelievable to be noisy here.

The secretary led away.

It didn’t take long for a woman to scream outside the door.

“Let go of me, let me go!”

“Solomon! You lie to me! You lie to me! You don’t want revenge anymore after Kai’Sa is dead!”

“The Odell family used to be supported by Kai’Sa! Now that she is dead, you are all shrunk tortoises! All are incompetent!”

“My poor daughter, died terribly!”

The Patriarch Solomon’s expression was cold, and a wave of demonic energy hovered around her.

She was angry.

“Kick her out! She is locked in a manor outside Provence and she is not allowed to come out!”

Her eyes were angry, and she gave orders in a cold tone.

If it weren’t for the status of Kai’Sa in the minds of the family and the feelings of most of the people, she would now let Diana suffer.

I really don’t take her as the Patriarch in my eyes!

The other members of the Odell family outside quickly dragged Diana away.

Before long, the secretary came in again.

“Patriarch, someone has sent Diana to the manor outside the city.”

Patriarch Solomon took a deep breath.

So many things happened because of Lin Feng.

This person is really a serious concern for the Odell family.

It’s not just that Kai’Sa was killed, it hurt the face of the Odell family, and made people outside the family have doubts about the strength of the family.

As a result, the pressure on the family has suddenly increased.

If this continues, maybe the situation within the family will get worse.

The murderer who killed the strong family is still alive, still a young man under 20 years old.

What does this make the people within the Odell family think?

But now after such a rigorous plan, so many mid-level powerhouses have been sent to attack Lin Feng, but it still failed.

Now Long Guo is definitely more comprehensive in protecting Lin Feng.

Is there any way to kill Lin Feng?

The Patriarch of Solomon was lost in thought.

For a long time, an idea flashed in her mind.

“Do you want to use taboo methods?”

She muttered to herself.

The owner’s secretary heard this word, and his expression changed drastically.

Her eyes were wide and she hung her mouth, not daring to make a sound.

Patriarch Solomon did not care about her either.

She was lost in thought.

Should the Odell family do that?

Now it is very difficult to kill Lin Feng.

It is almost impossible to send an outside powerhouse to kill him.

If you use that taboo method…

This is the only method that has a high chance of killing Lin Feng.

But once you get to that point, if someone else knows

? Then it can’t be kind.

Patriarch Solomon didn’t worry that the taboo method would fail.

However, the movement caused by the taboo method is too great, even if the scene is cleaned up afterwards, it may be investigated by others.

Once exposed, the consequences can be serious.

The Patriarch of Solomon was lost in thought.

There are several people who have the same thoughts as her.

In Eagle Country, there are some people who are as distressed as her.

Temple of Van Bost.

This is a temple built before the New Yuan calendar.

It is also one of the most famous temples in Eagle Country.

Unlike other ancient temples that are now used as scenic spots and protected cultural relics, this Van Bost temple is now a private domain

He is the family to which John Carr belongs, the territory owned by the John family.

The home base of Patriarch John is here.

Sixteen stone pillars made of huge stones are the supporting pillars of the entire temple.

The huge bluestone connects these huge pillars to form the outer wall of the temple.

Various exquisite patterns are carved on the bluestone.

On the stone wall, gods and angels sit high in the clouds.

Countless creatures worshipped.

All the exterior walls are decorated with stone-carved patterns without any exterior paint.

The whole temple looks simple and atmospheric.

Ordinary people looked from a distance, and naturally a kind of urge to worship rose from their hearts.

Such a magnificent building is actually the private domain of a family, which is enough to show the strength of the John family.

And dare to regard the temple as the family base camp, what the subtext the John family wants to say is already very clear.

They compare themselves to living gods!

Otherwise, how could they live in the temple?

The powerful personal force of the John family members, coupled with the huge family power.

They have such confidence that they call themselves gods!

Just like the Plushenko family in the bear country is a berserker family.

The John family is rich in special professional priesthood “”.

They can also be called a family of priesthood.

The strength of the entire family is extremely powerful.

They are also very domineering.

Of course, if Lin Feng is allowed to know what these people think, he will laugh at these John family members fiercely.

They were really vulnerable in front of the Devourer of Gods.

At this time, in this majestic temple hall.

The head of the John family is meditating here.

As the most powerful family in the Eagle Nation, their John family was embarrassed by a second-tier guy in the Dragon Nation.

Even if Lin Feng is now upgraded to Tier 4, he is still a little guy in front of the entire John family.

But it is such a guy who Patriarch John doesn’t usually take a look at, and he has repeatedly created miracles.

In particular, he also smashed the strongest of the Patriarch, John Kraft, and slapped the family face severely.

Patriarch John was very angry.

At the same time, he was also a bit distressed.

The mission to attack Lin Feng failed.

Now Long Guo will definitely put Lin Feng under strict protection.

According to this situation, the family may not be able to find face from Lin Feng.

“Our such a powerful family is actually going to suffer a big loss in the hands of a little guy?

Patriarch John muttered to himself.

This is unacceptable!

He thought.

In the current situation, there are only two ways to solve Lin Feng.

One way is to wait until Lin Feng grows to a high level.

Once Lin Feng enters the seventh level, he needs to participate in competition trials with others.

On the battlefield where the fate of the competition is crystallized, the strong will be sent to kill him.

Do you want to find a way to kill him at that time?


Pay a huge price and use taboo methods

But for such a little guy, is it really worth it?

Patriarch John was lost in thought.

He recalled his experience today.

Patriarch John met with several senior officials from Eagle Nation today.

At that time, the Patriarch of several of their families, General Austin, and many heavyweights from Eagle Nation gathered together.

Those high-level officials all expressed an attitude.

Lin Feng must die.

Among them, the most resolute attitude was General Austin, the commander-in-chief of the Eagle Country Hexagon Building.

In his plan, it is not just Lin Feng who is going to die.

The growth of the geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom must also be curbed.

At the same time, they must cultivate young talents in Eagle Country so that more young people can get better resources.

It’s not just people from the John family. ?

Even the Eagle Nation military began to act.

They plan to attack the young people of Long Kingdom.

Even if that might cause great turmoil.After all, many young and powerful in the Eagle Country have died in the hands of Lin Feng.

Once a few decades have passed, the younger generation of strong men will grow up, and the number of strong men on Yingguo’s side is likely to lag far behind Longguo.

They must prevent this from happening.

But the Eagle Nation military found that their actions had been predicted by the Dragon Nation.

Long Guo transferred almost all famous young talents to the capital, Peking.

what should I do now?

Patriarch John frowned.

Affected by his mood, the entire temple room was filled with tiny lightning.

He took a deep breath.

Whether it is the Eagle Country or the John family, they must find a way to target Lin Feng and stop his growth.

What should we do?

He was also lost in thought

Could it be that

Do you want to use taboos?

But if that’s the case, things are likely to get worse.

At that time, it’s not going to end well.

He once again remembered the scene when he met with Admiral Austin.

Everyone took part in the meeting seriously in the hexagonal building.

At that time, in order to deal with the strict protection of Dragon Kingdom for the younger generation, Admiral Austin had a dangerous proposal.

“We can send mid-level powerhouses to invade the trials of the young generation in the Dragon Kingdom and kill them!

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Major General Kevin exclaimed: “You are crazy!”

“Once that kind of method is used to allow the strong to invade the trials of the Long Country Trial, the consequences will be very serious!”

“Not only the person who casts the teleportation technique will almost die because of the strong backlash, if the matter is exposed, there will be more serious consequences!”

“It is very likely to cause a national war!”

At that time, Patriarch John himself couldn’t control his shock.

Admiral Austin looked serious, with a faint madness in his eyes.

“I’m not crazy! We must do this!”

“The failure of this attack on Lin Feng has caused very serious consequences!

“The biggest impact of this incident is not now, but decades from now!

“In this operation, the younger generation of strong men in our Eagle Nation have died too much!”

“The Night Raider Loki is dead, the priest John Crowder is also dead, and so many young strong men have died.

“Even though there are still many young talents, the younger generation has fallen behind the Dragon Kingdom in terms of overall quality.

“Once decades later, the young people of the Dragon Kingdom have grown up, and our Eagle Country has fallen into a state of inexhaustible green and yellow, what do we have to rely on to face the powerful Dragon Kingdom in the future?”

Austin’s voice was cold and determined, revealing an indisputable taste.

At that time, all the participants were silent.

Some of them are high-ranking eagles, and some are top clan members.

All of them are smart and can see far away.

Judging from the current situation, what Admiral Austin said is likely to become a fact.

However, do you really want to use taboo means to send the strong to intervene in the trial of the young strong in the Dragon Kingdom?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Colonel Austin spoke slowly again.

“We have no choice!”

“Go and kill Lin Feng first! Only one hit kills, he can’t have a chance to send information outside!”

“He is a gardener, after all, an auxiliary profession. It is normal for him to die in the trial!

“The next attack, we only need to kill every target, and when the Dragon Kingdom reacts, everything is too late.”

“For the future of Eagle Nation, even if it causes international confrontation now, we must do so!”

Everyone looked at Admiral Austin in shock, with nothing to say.

In the end, the meeting did not come to a conclusion.

But now, while Patriarch John is meditating, he thinks of Admiral Austin’s proposal from time to time!

As a big family that relied on the trial space to rise, after so many years of exploration, they have more or less special means or precious news in their hands.

As the strongest country in the world, Eagle Nation has many secret methods.

Now that they want to kill Lin Feng’s four top-level families, as well as the high level of the Eagle Country, they are all considering one thing.

Do you want to use taboo methods to kill Lin Feng?

And the person they are aiming at, Lin Feng, is not clear about the thoughts of these people.

He is now flying to Peking with Yue Leng, Fan Guang, Lin Zhengde and others.

Lin Feng looked out the window expectantly.

When you arrive in Beiping, you can enter the trial space by yourself!

There are still many things I haven’t done!

When you get there, participate in the trial, and you can apply for the trial space to advance the trial!

He is looking forward to it!

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