Chapter 119: Eagle Country’s Frustrated Revenge!

This time the big incident, the two countries that responded the most, one is Ying Guo, and the other is Dragon Kingdom.

Many Tier 9 powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom are going to the eastern border of the Dragon Kingdom to reinforce them.

Their goal is to hold back the powerhouses of Ying and Gaul who were on the border before.

The idea of ​​the senior military leaders of the Long Kingdom is very simple.

If you dare to come, then you have to leave something.

Before that, we were not prepared enough and had to mobilize people urgently to confront it.

Now the powerful organization ability of the Dragon Kingdom has been reflected, and many ninth-level powerhouses and other high-level powerhouses quickly rushed to the border.

On the current border, the Dragon Kingdom has an overwhelming advantage.

They dare to come to the border to block the door, if they don’t leave anything, doesn’t this mean that Dragon Kingdom is bullying?

This matter is related to the prestige of the country, and both the high-level military and the powerful Longguo are holding a sigh of relief.

This matter, if there is no explanation, it will not end!

This time, replaced by those strong eagle nations began to evacuate urgently.

Not long after Lin Feng returned to the Baisha Barracks, a large number of troops were transferred from various places to help the barracks increase their defensive strength.

At the same time, the ninth-order qigong master Yue Leng, who had competed with Murong Xue for the crystallization of fate, was urgently transferred to the Baisha Military Camp.

He wants to change defense with Murong Xue.

Murongxue fought two ninth-tier powerhouses in Baisha City, not only killing the two powerhouses, but also protecting all the civilians.

Her performance impressed all the strong in the world.

This time, the Dragon Kingdom is going to make a real move.

The border is now trapped in a tense confrontation, and the situation is urgent.

Murongxue received the order and was urgently transferred to the border.

The Dragon Kingdom needs her to exert her ability to control the impact of the aftermath of the battle to the minimum.

After receiving the order, Murongxue happily went to the border.

She was full of anger.

These foreign powerhouses do not put them in the eyes of the Dragon Country powerhouses.

Before the two ninth-tier powerhouses blocked her way, Murongxue’s heart was full of anger.

She almost thought she was going to collect Lin Feng’s body.

Although Lin Feng later killed all the ambushers by his own strength.

But the anger in Murongxue’s heart did not calm down.

If it weren’t just in case, she would have wanted to go to the border to kill him.

Unfortunately, she had to guard Lin Feng’s safety before.

Now, Yue Leng, a ninth-tier powerhouse, came to replace her, and Murong Xue was like a sharp blade that had been unsealed.

Baisha City Barracks, conference room.

With a green robe and a delicate face, Yue Leng looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

This is my young man from Long Country.

He sighed very much.

Before that, Lin Feng almost reached his ears with a record of one enemy and one hundred, which shocked him extremely.

Later, when he came to Baisha City, he immediately went to the underground space under the Sunshine Restaurant to take a look.

As a ninth-order qigong master, Yue Leng is able to control his thought power and perceive the airflow.

He perceives a lot of things from the remaining breath of the underground battlefield.

The emotions of surprise, anger, shock, fear, unwillingness, and despair of many mid-level powerhouses are all entangled and left in the battlefield.

What did Lin Feng do to make so many mid-level powerhouses so desperate?

Yue Leng was very curious about Lin Feng.

At this time, he was in the conference room, carefully looking at Lin Feng’s appearance, and did not speak.

And Lin Feng did not speak either.

He was thinking about how Murong Xue had just left.

The woman looked murderous from the moment she received the order.

When Yue Leng arrived at the military camp, she immediately rose into the sky and rushed to the border as quickly as possible.

Lin Feng thought about her murderous Ling Bing and couldn’t help but wiped her forehead, although there was no cold sweat there.

Murong Xue looked like a guardian and a holy shield of thorns.

Her sneer was full of evil spirits, and murderous aura burst out all over her body. The appearance of the expectant going to the border to kill, it was almost the same as the female devil.

Lin Feng thought, be more polite to women in the future.

The silence of the two of them made Fan Guang in the conference room feel very embarrassed.

In the end, he couldn’t restrain the doubts in his heart and asked, “Mr. Yue, I think this time you come to Baisha City, besides protecting Lin Feng, there should be other things, right?”

“Otherwise you won’t call us all to this conference room.

Hearing what he said, Yue Leng stopped beating Lin Feng.

“I am here this time. There are indeed important things. I need to talk to you and Lin Feng.

Fan Guang and Lin Feng looked at him seriously.

Yue Leng sorted out his thoughts.

“The news of Lin Feng’s attack this time has reached the military’s senior level. Now it is very important to it.”

“This time, the scope of the incident has become wider and wider.

“Send someone to sneak into our country to attack young talents. This matter has touched the core rights and interests of our Dragon Kingdom.”

“On the one hand, we cannot give up, but on the other hand, we must also strengthen your protection.

Next, the decision of General Yue Leng’s high-level military came out.

The news of Lin Feng’s attack reached the top, and the military was furious.

And Lin Feng’s record surprised them even more.

But when things have reached this point, it is no longer just Lin Feng alone.

This time, the Eagle Country sent too many mid-level powerhouses to attack Lin Feng.

Although many of them only stayed at Tier 4 to Tier 6 for a long time, it seemed that they were powerful at this stage.

But more people are young talents from various families or the Eagle Nation military.

These people are not only the baby bumps of various families now.

They are the future of Eagle Country.

As a result, Lin Feng was too strong and killed all these people.

This leads to a situation where the Eagle Nation is likely to fail.

Although that was a matter of decades later, and the young talents of Eagle Country could not be the only one of these nearly one hundred people.

But the most elite of their younger generation, nearly 90% of them were killed by Lin Feng in this ambush.

Even if the Eagles took the blame this time, they are still likely to jump the wall in a hurry.

According to the analysis of the Longguo intelligence agency and many departments, the Eagle country is likely to launch an attack on the young strong.

In order to ensure the balance of future combat power, Eagle Nation has done everything.

At that time, not only Lin Feng was in danger, but almost all young talents in Longguo were in danger.

If the young people in their own family are killed by foreign powerhouses who have sneaked in, it will really damage the national prestige.

After some discussions, the military finally decided to let all young talents from the country go to the capital, Peking!

There, there is the best environment in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

It also has the strongest protective power of the Dragon Kingdom.

If anyone wants to kill Lin Feng and those young talents in Beiping, that’s really a big issue in the world.

For Lin Feng, this is also a good choice.

There is also the Meteorological and Ecological Research Institute of the National University of Science and Technology in Peiping.

Although the headquarters of the National University of Science and Technology is in Baisha City, the teaching staff of the branch is also very strong.

Lin Feng went to Peking Branch to study when he was a bachelor, and then returned to Baisha main college for continuous master and doctoral studies.

At that time, his strength must be very strong, and it is impossible for ordinary forces to move him.

At that time, coupled with the protective capabilities of the Baisha Barracks and the strong strength of the National University of Science and Technology itself, Lin Feng will be safe.

This is for the sake of Lin Feng’s safety and is the most secure arrangement.

Lin Feng listened to Yue Leng’s speech and considered it carefully.

Anyway, I have to break through to Tier 9 as soon as possible.

There is not much time left for myself, only less than a year.

By that time, I must be soaking in the trial space almost all day long.

Whether it is cultivating new plants or changing jobs, more material support will be needed.

And Beiping is the place where there is no shortage of supplies.

When I go to Peking, I have the best environment, so I don’t have to worry about things in reality.

Dad’s safety is also guaranteed.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng exhaled.

“I agree with this arrangement.

There is no accident in the cold.

Going to Peking is the most correct choice.

Only Fan Guang next to him was a little surprised….

He did not expect that the military now attaches so much importance to Lin Feng!

Although he is optimistic about Lin Feng, he is more optimistic about his future.

He didn’t expect at all that Lin Feng would already be able to influence major national events!

He actually became the fuse of the fierce confrontation between the two world powers, the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom!

Because of him, it triggered an offensive and defensive war on “young talents” between the two countries!

At the same time, he also had to admire the think tanks of Longguo.

It was actually possible to analyze this situation early, start the layout early, and transfer all talented young people to Peiping for centralized protection.

This is also the best arrangement for Lin Feng.

Yue Leng didn’t know what Fan Guang was thinking.

He continued to talk to Lin Feng about the military’s decision.

In addition to “this thing, there is another thing, is your teammates.”

“Your advancement speed is too fast. The teammates that the military arranged for you before can no longer team up with you.”

“After our discussion, we have two-handed preparation.”

Lin Feng didn’t show his expression on the surface, but felt bitter in his heart.

here we go again.

No matter who it is, they are tirelessly arranging teammates for themselves.

In their opinion, they only need to grow up safely and steadily.

But Lin Feng himself knows that what he lacks most is time.

If you don’t take risks, you won’t be able to advance at the fastest speed.

But he would not say these words.

Seeing that he had no other reaction, Yue Leng began to carefully explain the next arrangement to him.

The military intends to arrange eight teammates for Lin Feng, divided into two batches.

These people are selected from the army and outstanding college students.

The candidates selected in the university are mainly the fourth to fifth level testers.

And the person chosen by the military is a trainer from Tier 5 to Tier 6.

They were divided into two ranks and became Lin Feng’s teammates.

These people must at least team up with Lin Feng until he advances to a high-level tester.

The military believes that with Lin Feng’s advanced speed, no one can keep up.

But choosing two batches of teammates of different levels to let Lin Feng and them adapt in advance in the real world is enough to cope with the next trial.

When he himself grows into a high-level tester, his strength is enough to be alone.

At that time, Lin Feng can team up with any teammate who gets along.

When it comes to high-level trials, no one is weak, and they are all experienced people.

Lin Feng can pick the right teammate.

Hearing Yue Leng finished these arrangements, Lin Feng had no other reaction.

2.1 He just nodded calmly.

After getting his reply, Yue Leng also breathed a sigh of relief.

He has heard some rumors about Lin Feng from Murongxue and Guang.

This young genius of the Dragon Kingdom is strong and bold.

He is keen on taking risks and likes to challenge trials alone.

Yue Leng also worried that Lin Feng would not accept teaming up.

After all, no one can really intervene in the matter of trial space.

Unless you stop him, never let him enter the teleportation spire.

Otherwise, Lin Feng wants to participate in the trial alone, and no one can use him.

But if Lin Feng is not allowed to enter the trial space, how can he grow?

When everything was discussed, Fan Guang, Yue Leng and others began to evacuate the meeting room.

After Lin Feng explained the matter to Lin Zhengde, he began to pack his bags.

Everyone thought he couldn’t wait to visit the capital, Peking.

Only Lin Feng knows that he can’t wait to try the space.

Only after running in with those teammates and letting the military relax their minds can they enter the trial space.

Lin Feng made up his mind, and when he entered the trial space this time, he would participate in the trial crazily and advance madly!

What he didn’t know was how terrible his decision had caused.

His crazy advancement this time has broken many records and created many miracles!

At the same time, many families, forces, and scientific research institutions felt the horror of the profession of gardeners for the first time!

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