Chapter 118 The loss is heavy! Lin Feng is too bully!

The killing of Lin Feng had a far greater impact than Murongxue, Fan Guang and others imagined.

?? This operation was originally an operation jointly planned by the families of the four ninth-tier powerhouses killed by the “God Devourer”.

?? Later, Yingguo Hexagon Building realized the threat of Lin Feng and began to assist these families in attacking and killing him.

?? This is also a common method in countries such as Eagle Country.

?? Eagle Country.

?? Hexagon Building.

?? As the office of the Eagle Country’s special intelligence agency, the staff here have always been very busy.

?? And now, it seems to be busier than usual.

?? A conference room full of advanced facilities.

?? Many senior intelligence officials gathered here again.

?? The specifications of this meeting are higher than the previous ones.

?? Even the host of the meeting became the supreme officer of the hexagonal building, Admiral Smith Austin.

?? The members of the meeting are not just ordinary intelligence personnel.

Many commanders in charge of military defense departments also participated in this meeting.

?? Unlike the last meeting against Lin Feng, everyone’s faces were covered with incredible expressions this time.

?? “Who can tell me what the hell is going on?”

?? “So many mid-level testers were mobilized, and there was such a big noise, but it told me that the mission failed?”

?? “Who can give me an explanation?”

?? Admiral Austin said angrily.

?? The intelligence personnel attending the meeting below looked at each other and said nothing.

?? They don’t know what to say.

?? In fact, it’s not just Admiral Austin who couldn’t believe this result.

?? No one can believe the information they receive.

?? Nearly a hundred intermediate trialists went to kill Lin Feng, but they all failed!

?? That’s a second-order gardener!

?? So many people attacked him together, and they all lost. How can they make sense?


?? “Why don’t you speak? None of you can speak anymore?”

?? Seeing that everyone was silent, Admiral Austin patted the table angrily.

?? He is so angry.

?? Nearly a hundred intermediate trialists can not do a second-tier gardener.

?? How did the following guys plan and direct the action?

??Speaking out is just a laugh!

??Does their Eagle Nation Intelligence Agency still need to save face?

?? Everyone below has the same idea as him.

?? Their own hearts are also full of shock, naturally they have nothing to say.

?? The entire conference room fell into a silent and rigid atmosphere.

?? Admiral Austin took a deep breath.

?? He looked at these silent guys below, full of anger.

?? He thought carefully about the current situation.

?? Over the years, once certain geniuses appear among the people of other small countries, if they cannot be absorbed into their own country, the Eagle Nation will attack each other.

?? Of course, under normal circumstances, there will be no geniuses in small countries that can resist the lure of generous treatment offered by these big countries.

?? However, under normal circumstances, there will not be any big country doing something to the people of the big country.

?? If one is not handled well, it is likely to cause serious consequences.

?? But Lin Feng is obviously not in this list.

?? His actions have too much influence.

?? When he broke records frequently at the beginning, although it caused a lot of attention.

?? But at a higher level, it is not so much that people pay attention to Lin Feng, as it is to expect him to develop the profession of gardener.

?? Later, Lin Feng got lucky four-leaf clover, but lowered the attention of the senior management.

?? Who knew that he would later participate in the trial alone, and while gaining a very high evaluation, he actually awakened the special zombies of the fourteenth order.

?? The most important thing is that Lin Feng killed four 9th-tier powerhouses.

?? This makes him once again into the sight of the world’s top forces.

?? Countless strong people are paying attention to him.

?? High-level officials in various countries have to focus on Lin Feng.

?? It is hard to imagine that this is something a teenager under 20 can do.

?? Lin Feng slapped four top-tier families severely on the matter of killing four ninth-tier powerhouses.

?? Even for the sake of face, in order to prove that the family still has enough fighting power, they must take revenge.

?? Regardless of whether Lin Feng deliberately intervenes in the Tier 9 trial, it will not affect these families from launching a thunder blow.

??Now, under the leadership of Eagle Country, with the full cooperation of the four top families, the mission has actually failed!

?? Austin is extremely angry.

?? He feels that in the hexagonal building he is commanding, there are really a bunch of wine and rice bags.

?? Since no one takes the initiative to speak, then accountability yourself!

?? Colonel Austin is cold.

?? “Who presided over the action to kill Lin Feng this time? Who were the mid-level testers sent?”

?? Hearing his question, everyone turned their eyes to a heavy-faced middle-aged soldier.

?? Major General Kevin, one of the top managers of Hexagon Building.?? is also the person who brought the liaison staff of the four top families to the hexagonal building.

?? Hearing the angry question from Admiral Austin, his body shook.

?? “General, I was the one who presided over this operation. But I obviously sent a lot of mid-level powers over, I

?? He defended in a hurry.

?? “Don’t explain so much to me, just tell me, which intermediate trialists did you send?”

?? Before he could say more, General Austin directly interrupted Major General Kevin.

?? “Don’t tell me, the ones you sent are all related to the big family!

?? Major General Kevin took a deep breath.

?? “General, I sent a lot of powerful intermediate trialists over!”

?? “For example, Rocky.”

?? “It’s that special professional, the Dark Raider, Loki.”

?? “I think his powerful generals have also heard about him, but he is a special class! The level is fifth!

?? General Austin’s look has changed a bit.

?? “Really? You really sent that Rocky shot?”

?? Loki’s strength is very strong, and he is very famous among Ying Guo’s intermediate trialists.

?? As a dark assailant, he not only has a strong positive ability, but also a good at sneak assassination.

?? Such a person did not kill Lin Feng?

?? Admiral Austin frowned, obviously not believing Major General Kevin’s statement.

?? Kevin quickly drew out a list full of the names of the dispatched personnel from the file on the table and handed it to him.

?? Admiral Austin took the list and scanned it twice, and was shocked on the spot!

?? Major General Kevin did not lie to him.

?? On that list, there is not only the name of Rocky the Dark Raider.

?? He also saw the names of several other well-known intermediate trialists.

?? The fifth-order priest, John Crowder.

?? Tier 5 Ash Mage, Calvin Card.

??The fifth-order magician scholar, Odell Liya


?? Even General Austin is familiar with these names.

?? Even at his level, you still know the names of these young people.

?? Because they are not only powerful, but more importantly, they have unlimited potential.

?? Needless to say, Loki, as a special class “Dark Raider”, Austin has known his record a long time ago.

?? And John Crowder is a member of the same family as John Carr, the second strongest man in the world.

??His profession is the same as John Carl, and he is also a priest!

??It can be said that John Crowder inherited the excellent fighting ability of the family elders, and he is also the top priest of the younger generation!

?? What’s more, there are other well-known intermediate testers in this operation.

??They are all the best among the intermediate testers!

?? are all the geniuses of Eagle Country or other countries!

?? Admiral Austin looked at Major General Kevin incredulously.

?? “Do you really send the people on this list to kill Lin Feng? These people are going to kill a gardener, maybe they fail?”

?? Major General Kevin in front of him was speechless.

?? He doesn’t know what to say.

?? After he sent out the mid-level powerhouses on that list, he had long believed that this action was foolproof.

??Who would have thought that there would be accidents?

?? “Could it be that the powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom noticed their actions and intercepted them in advance?”

?? Admiral Austin frowned and said.

?? He can only think of this possibility.

?? However, the answer given by Major General Kevin denied these speculations.

?? “I contacted our two Tier 9 powerhouses lurking in the Dragon Kingdom, Tier 9 Demon Demon Anthony and Tier 9 Berserker Bruce. With them watching, it is impossible for other high-level powerhouses to intervene.”

?? Admiral Austin was taken aback.

?? Those two are the top spies of Eagle Country.

?? They have been lurking in the Dragon Kingdom for many years, and even the promotion to the ninth rank was completed in the Dragon Kingdom.

?? Such a person can be said to be one of the trump cards of the Eagle Nation and the Dragon Nation’s competition.

?? Actually even such a master is dispatched?

?? He felt even more incredible.

?? “If this is the case, why did the mission fail?”

?? He couldn’t bear it and blurted out.

?? Facing his question, Major General Kevin was speechless.

?? You ask me, who am I asking?

?? Such careful arrangements have failed, what can I say?

?? But his inner anger can only be held in his heart, he can only say nothing.

?? Admiral Austin closed his eyes.

?? He finally calmed down and opened his eyes.

?? 咚咚咚!

?? 咚咚咚!

?? Before he could speak, the door of the conference room was knocked.

?? Everyone looked at it, and an anxious intelligence officer walked in with a stack of documents.

?? Admiral Austin looked at the intelligence personnel who broke in suddenly, somehow, an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

??”What happened?”

?? He asked in a heavy voice.

?? “That, please check it yourself, the sir!”

?? The intelligence personnel didn’t seem to dare to read out the special information that they had just passed through, and went directly to Admiral Austin and handed over the intelligence documents.

?? Admiral Austin took the file and glanced at it.

?? An anger rose in his heart!

?? “The 97 Intermediate Trials who participated in this mission have all sacrificed.

?? Only one thing is recorded on the first page of this information.

?? All the Intermediate Trials who participated in the attack on Lin Feng this time were dead.

?? None of them came back!

?? Dark Raider Loki is dead!

??The fifth-order priest, John Crowder is dead!

?? Calvin Ka, Odell Liya, they are all dead!

??These people are all geniuses of Eagle Country!

?? is the leader of the young generation!

?? is the future of Eagle Country!


?? Admiral Austin patted his right hand angrily.

?? The table next to him was torn apart, and shattered sawdust splashed all over the floor.

??He feels his heart is bleeding!

?? Send someone to kill the young powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom, but the mission failed!

?? And on my own side, a group of young powerhouses died!

?? Each of these people has great potential!

??They are all the hope for the future of Eagle Country!

?? This is really a big loss!

?? Admiral Austin feels like a knife.

?? All the participants were shocked by his violent aura.

?? What is recorded in that document that made Admiral Austin so angry?

?? Admiral Austin turned blue and forcibly suppressed his anger.

?? He turned the document in his hand to the next page.

?? “Lin Feng advanced to the fourth-tier gardener, confirmed by multiple channels, this time 97 intermediate trialists were all killed by Lin Feng.”

??” The source of the information is as follows: -773383 intelligence, *2315123 channel,

?? Admiral Austin closed his eyes in pain.

??how so!

?? My own side sent people to attack a second-tier gardener, and sent so many mid-tier powerhouses, thinking that he was able to capture it.

?? Where did you think that Lin Feng actually advanced!

?? This is not an ordinary advancement, it is a cross-level advancement!

?? Admiral Austin has served as the intelligence commander of the Eagle Country Hexagon Building for so many years, and this is the first time I have heard of cross-level advancement!

?? 97 mid-level powerhouses, just like this, all died.

?? My own young geniuses have sacrificed one by one, but the young geniuses of Long Country are so dazzling.

?? This contrast is too obvious.

?? Admiral Austin only felt that his heart was about to crack.

?? The shock of Lin Feng’s advancement, the shock of his invincible combat effectiveness, the regret and anger of the young talents of his country for the heavy losses, made his mood hard to control.

?? There was a burst of red and white on his face, and his whole body was strong and vigorous.

0……Look for flowers…

?? All the intelligence personnel attending the meeting stood up, looking far away from Admiral Austin in horror.

?? That ferocious aura is too violent and too dangerous!

?? Admiral Austin took a few deep breaths, trying to contain his anger.

?? He opened his eyes again.

?? Not waiting for him to say anything more.

?? Outside the door of the conference room, another intelligence officer walked in.

?? “Report sir! Emergency information!”

?? “The ninth-order demon Anthony and the ninth-order Berserker Bruce are dead!”

?? “Murongxue, the strongest of the Dragon Kingdom, killed two ninth-tier strong!”

?? “Now, Longguo’s propaganda outlet has reported this incident!”

?? Everyone in the meeting room was surprised.

?? “What? How could it be possible? Aren’t they in the territory of Dragon Kingdom?”

?? “The ninth-tier strong hands? Are you afraid of spreading to civilians on a large scale?”

?? “Is this information credible?”

?? “It is also a ninth-tier strong, or two-on-one, how could Murongxue kill two ninth-tier strong?”


?? Hearing the words of the anxious intelligence personnel, the people in the meeting room couldn’t believe it.

?? Everyone retorted.

?? Faced with doubt, the intelligence officer took a deep breath.

?? He also found that the atmosphere in the conference room is not good.

?? After hesitating, he still gave out the information in full.

?? “In this operation, Tier 9 Demon Demon Anthony and Tier 9 Berserker Bruce went to intercept Murong Xue.”

?? “Murongxue attacked brazenly and killed two Tier 9 powerhouses.?? Before he could continue speaking, Major General Kevin interrupted him.

?? “This is impossible, the ninth-tier powerhouse is not afraid of spreading to the civilians in a large area if it is in the urban area?”

?? Judging from the expressions of other people, everyone in this conference room thinks so.

?? Faced with doubts, the intelligence officer explained: “According to our intelligence, Murongxue guarded all the civilians.”

?? “Murongxue is the guardian of Tier 9, let alone the aftermath of the battle

?? Even if the two ninth-tier powerhouses finally forcibly attacked the civilians, they were unsuccessful. ”


?? Hearing his explanation, everyone in the meeting room met each other.

?? is also a ninth-tier powerhouse, is the gap between them so big?

?? Murongxue can kill two ninth-tier powerhouses alone, can it not affect the civilians or let them attack the civilians?

?? Doesn’t it mean that Murong Xue did it in another country without violating international regulations?

??This is a major threat!

?? Must increase the degree of attention to Murong Xue!

??I didn’t pay enough attention to her before!

?? Everyone looked at Admiral Austin, who was sitting on the head with a calm face.

?? Admiral Austin hung his forehead and said nothing.

?? He can think of more things than others have thought of.

?? Even Murong Xue is so strong.

??Then John Carl, as a strong man who can suppress Murong Xue in combat effectiveness, how strong is he?

?? Then how strong are the other three people who were killed by the Devourer of Gods before?

?? As a well-known top powerhouse, they are certainly not much worse than Murong Xue!

?? But they were all pitted to death by Lin Feng!

?? Admiral Austin held his chest.

?? His heart is bleeding.

??He feels that he is going to be mad!

?? At this moment, another female intelligence officer came in.

?? All eyes are on her face.

?? The person didn’t expect the atmosphere in the conference room to be so heavy, he paused and looked at everyone at a loss.

?? Admiral Austin took a deep breath.

?? “Anyway, the situation can’t get worse now. If you have any information, just tell me.”

?? Hearing his words, the female intelligence officer hesitated for a while, and still said: “Long Kingdom sent a severe condemnation and a strong condemnation.”

?? “They said that if Eagle Country did not give them an explanation this time, they would also follow our example.

?? “Anyway, they have gathered a lot of ninth-tier powerhouses on the border before, and then they will also send to our border to come to the door, and then send mid-tier powerhouses to sneak in.

?? Before she could finish speaking, a fierce air wave spread from the top of the conference room.

?? Everyone feels the fierce air waves coming.

?? They looked in the direction of the air wave.

?? Admiral Austin burst into flames, and a purple flame surrounded him and burned.

?? As a ninth-order flame fist, his skills were activated uncontrollably.

?? The raging flame evaporates the moisture in the air, and the temperature is extremely high.

?? That flame, just like the anger in General Austin’s chest.

??This series of incidents, Eagle Nation suffered heavy losses!

Four top powerhouses died in their side!

?? One of them is still the second strongest in the world, John Carl!

?? Two ninth-tier powerhouses who had lurked in the Dragon Kingdom for many years died.

?? That is the ace spy of the Eagle Nation against the Dragon Nation!

??? Also dispatched hundreds of mid-level powerhouses, many young geniuses, together to kill Lin Feng!

?? Turns out they are all dead!

??The Eagle Nation has not only suffered heavy losses now, but has also overdrawn a part of its future national power!

??The most important thing is that the target they want to kill, Lin Feng, not only is not dead, but also alive, and he has reached the fourth level of the gardener!

??No matter how you look at it, their Eagle Nation is really miserable!

?? As a result, I was at a loss!

?? Admiral Austin felt that he was about to vomit blood.

?? I have to explain!

?? Give me an explanation!

?? Long Kingdom also sent a severe condemnation!

?? Too bully!

?? This is mocking in person!

?? Admiral Austin feels his anger is attacking, and it is really unbearable.



?? A huge explosion sounded in the meeting room.

?? Admiral Austin finally failed to control his anger.

?? His skills are out of control.

?? The violent flame of the purple protective body made the indoor temperature rise rapidly, and the volume of air increased rapidly, which eventually caused an explosion.

?? In the end, many intelligence officials in the entire Hexagon Building were injured, and a fire broke out in the Hexagon Building.

?? And what happened here is just one of the consequences of the Lin Feng attack.

?? The impact of this incident is not limited to this.

??The Dragon Kingdom has also started to act!

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