Chapter 117 The Shocked Murong Xue and Fan Guang!

Fan Guang found Lin Feng and took him to the barracks without saying a word.

Who knows how many people have been sent by those foreign forces to sneak in?

No one can be sure that the people Lin Feng killed were all enemies.

They must be vigilant!

It’s not good if you suddenly encounter other unexpected situations now.

Fan Guang and Lin Feng got on the military vehicle and led the team to the barracks.

He dared not relax for a moment.

He glanced at the north.

In the sky in that direction, various lights appeared from time to time.

White light, red light, and black air all complement each other.

Even at such a long distance, the aftermath of the battle over there can be seen, and the fierce battle over there can be seen.

In order to kill Lin Feng this time, the opponent transferred so many Tier 9 powerhouses to the border, and sent Tier 9 powerhouses lurking in the country.

There are so many ninth-tier powerhouses dispatched, who knows if there are other high-level testers nearby?

Therefore, they must quickly return to the barracks.

With the defensive capabilities of the modern army, even a Tier 9 strong attack can resist one or two!

The major ninth-tier powerhouses in the country are now heading to Baisha City and border support.

As long as you hold on, the safety of yourself and others can be guaranteed.

Fan Guang thought heavily and said nothing.

Lin Feng was also reflecting on his own battle this time, and also did not speak.

The motorcade galloped towards the barracks in such a silent atmosphere.



Before they had gone far, two huge explosions came from a distance.

Lin Feng and the others looked in the direction of the sound.

In the high altitude in the distance, a strange scene appeared.

High in the sky, white light, red light and black air reflect the sky.

Suddenly the white light flourished, and the red light and black air quickly dimmed.

Invisible energy and shock waves swept the sky, and all the clouds were swept away.

Surrounding the residential buildings in the distance, it was raining violently.

Had it not been for Lin Feng’s basic attributes to have been enhanced many times, his eyesight had also been greatly improved, and he would still not be able to see what was happening over there.


A sharp burst of air came from high above.

The sound hadn’t stopped, and a white light beamed from it.

The white light rushed to the military vehicle with a fierce air current.

The white light dissipated, and Murongxue, who spread the holy wings, appeared in Lin Feng’s field of vision.

Seeing that it was her, all the talents relaxed their tense heartstrings just now. 167

“Dr. Murong, get in the car, let’s go to the barracks together.”

Fan Guang invited her to act with the team.

With Murongxue, the team’s defensive capabilities have greatly increased.

She did not refuse and got on the military vehicle.

“I’m late, are you all right?”

Fan Guang didn’t say anything when she heard her question.

Except for the fighter who is acting as the driver, everyone’s eyes are on Lin Feng.

“I’m fine, don’t worry.

He has disarmed his endless arms, his face is calm and calm, and he can’t see the appearance of having experienced a big battle.

For the current Lin Feng, apart from fighting a group of intermediate trialists for the first time, he couldn’t cope with it at first, and the subsequent battles were quite ordinary.

Compared to the difficult training he conducted in the trial space for SSS-level evaluation, this ambush was really nothing.

After a period of rest, he has completely recovered his calm, as if he had not experienced fierce fighting before.

In this way, the other soldiers on the military vehicle admire it very much.

Murongxue stared at Lin Feng carefully, as if to confirm whether he was really healthy.

Suddenly, she seemed to see something, her expression changed.

“Why are you Tier 4? Are you not a Tier 2 gardener? How can you cross Tier?”

She asked in shock.

Hearing her words, everyone in the car was shocked.

“What? Tier 4? Did you read it right?”

Fan Guang couldn’t suppress his surprise, and said loudly.

Everyone couldn’t restrain their shock.

Lin Feng nodded calmly.

With his confirmation, the others were even more shocked.

Their eyes were fixed on Lin Feng’s body, as if they were going to see him through.

What kind of monster is this?

How long has he been a second-tier gardener?

It seems that I have only participated in two second-order trials?

This is advanced!

Still straddling!

Not the third order! It is the fourth order!

Those of his peers are still only first-order now!

If it were not for the long-term disciplinary training, the other fighters in this car would be swearing.

Now they closed their mouths tightly, for fear that they would explode if they opened their mouths.

Murong Xue closed her eyes.

She recalled when she was an advanced Tier 4 guardian.

At least it took nearly a year.

She knows her talent very well.

That’s one of the most powerful.

In this world, few people can match her talent.

The reason why Wang Jingtian and John Kraft are able to suppress themselves is only because they are more than ten years older than themselves.

As long as you give yourself a few more years, you will surely be able to surpass these two people.

As a result, now she has come into contact with the monster Lin Feng.

This is a real monster.

His advancement speed is actually faster than himself!

Murong Xue was truly shocked!

Lin Feng surprises her again and again.

As a Tier 9 powerhouse, standing among the world’s top powerhouses, she hasn’t been so shocked for a long time.

After a long time, Murong Xue opened her eyes.

“how did you do it?”

She asked this question that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

Lin Feng shrugged.

“I awakened the’God Devourer before, and intervened in the ninth-level trial. The rewards from the trial space allowed me to advance to the next level.”

When he said this, everyone suddenly realized.

I see.

It’s no wonder that only by doing such an incredible thing can you get such an incredible reward.

Murongxue and Fan Guang glanced at each other, and both saw their faces full of shock.

It’s a reward again!

How many rewards does Lin Feng have?

During the college entrance examination, the Emerald Palace where he lived was a reward for the trial space.

The lucky four-leaf clover on his forehead is also a reward for the trial space.

And the mysterious armor is rewarded by the trial space.

Now this cross-level advancement is also a reward for the trial space.

The last silver apple was a reward for the trial space.

How many rewards are there?

Thinking of this, Murong Xue thought of the magical power of the silver apple.

When fighting for the crystallization of fate, in the purple preparation space, the turntable that selected candidates for entering the capital of death was drawn to the Western United team four times in a row.

In the end, four top tier 9 players of the Western United team died!

The effect of this silver apple is so terrifying!

So many magical props are all rewards that Lin Feng got for participating in the trial.

Murongxue thought that Lin Feng would not listen to advice and insisted on participating in the trial alone.

Did he do this just to get a better reward?

Although the people on the military vehicle knew the secret of Lin Feng’s cross-level advancement.

But the surprise in their hearts did not dissipate.

Except for Lin Feng, no one has ever been able to intervene in the ninth-tier trial at the second-tier!

What’s more, he still inadvertently intervened in the Tier 9 trial!

The object he really provokes is a rank 14 monster!

Murongxue suddenly felt that Lin Feng was too capable of tossing.

Is this something the average person can do?

She calmed down and asked, “Lin Feng, the reason why you have been taking the risk of participating in the second-order trial alone is for these strange rewards?”

When Lin Feng heard Murongxue ask such a question, he naturally denied it.

(ahcb) “How could that be possible, how did I know there would be such an outrageous thing,

Lin Feng has the secret of the system notes, it is impossible to divulge it anyway.

As for this extra bizarre reward.

Although Lin Feng can detect in advance with the help of comments, it is even more impossible to share this kind of thing with others.

Don’t talk about Murongxue.

Even my parents can’t say it.

After all, this kind of thing is difficult to explain clearly.

Although Lin Feng denied it.

But what a character Murong Xue is.

Some information can be guessed from Lin Feng’s tone and expression on his face.

Although she also thinks this kind of thing is too ridiculous.

But Lin Feng brought such outrageous surprises one after another.

This makes her even think about it if she doesn’t want to go in this direction.

Look at Lin Feng’s state when answering himself.

Murongxue’s heart tightened.

She understood that her guess just now might be true.

Although I don’t know what method Lin Feng used.

But Lin Feng is likely to challenge himself one after another for this kind of outrageous reward.

Murongxue had no intention of inquiring about Lin Feng’s secrets.

But now she is more worried about one thing.

That is if Lin Feng tastes the sweetness and wants to always get the best reward.

Wouldn’t it be that there will be successive risks in the future?

Once or twice, maybe it’s luck.

But I often walk by the river, so I don’t have any wet shoes.

Things like luck, sooner or later, there will be a day of uselessness!

How terrible the future trials are.

Murongxue, who was a rank nine powerhouse, knew nothing more.

Let Lin Feng challenge alone.

Even Lin Feng has his own secret.

I am afraid it will be difficult to be safe all the time!I think that Lin Feng will probably continue to challenge the new trial alone in the future.

Murongxue looked serious and wanted to admonish Lin Feng.

“Lin Feng, you have to know that participating in the trial alone, although it is possible to get better rewards, it is too dangerous!”

“In your current situation, it can be said to be outstanding!”

“It can even be said that the results you have achieved now are enough to be called unique.

“I participated in so many trials. Except for a regular teammate, the rest of the players either quit the trial or died in the trial.

“The trial is too dangerous, you can’t be careless!”

“So you don’t take risks anymore, the next trial, with your teammates, okay?

Lin Feng looked at her worried expression and said anxiously, not knowing what to do.

After all, he must advance to the ninth level as soon as possible before he can find his mother.

But looking at Murong Xue, he couldn’t refute it either.

After all, whether it is her, Fan Guang, or my father, these people care about themselves and worry about their own safety.

He can only nod his head in response now.

Seeing his reaction, Murong Xue and Fan Guang both let out a sigh of relief.

Although Lin Feng’s words cannot be completely believed, after all, he said the same before, but in the end he participated in the trial alone.

But now he is forbidden to enter the teleportation spire, as long as he and his teammates finish running-in training, he knows the benefits of team trials, he should not insist on taking risks.

Murongxue and Fan Guang were startled when they thought of teaming up.

Fan Guang patted his forehead.

Lin Feng is advanced!

He is now a Tier 4 gardener!

I’m afraid that it won’t take long for him to save enough points to advance his trial space to a third-tier trial space!

Then his strength will be further improved!

Then the teammates who had been arranged for him before could not keep up with his speed?

Now what?

Re-select Tier 3 testers in the army as his teammates?

After that, if Lin Feng is still such an advanced speed, where can he find someone who can keep up with him as a teammate?

Is it possible to replace him with a group of teammates every less than a year?

How can you break in?

The degree of cooperation can’t go up!

Thinking of this, Fan Guang felt a pain in his brain.


Murong Xue also thought of this.

Unlike Fan Guang, she felt a burst of joy in her heart.

Lin Feng is a Tier 4 gardener and a Tier 2 tester.

Murong Mingyue is now also a Tier 4 Ghost Swordsman, a Tier 2 trialer!

The two of them are the same whether they are at the professional level or the trial space level!

And Murong Mingyue had already accumulated enough points, so he could advance to Tier 3 Trial at any time.

She and Lin Feng are very compatible teammates!

Murongxue made up her mind and planned to talk about this with Fan Guang when she returned to the barracks.

Be sure to let Lin Feng have someone from Murong’s family as a teammate.

In this way, Lin Feng can be protected and her curiosity can be satisfied.

She has become curious about Lin Feng’s real combat effectiveness not a day or two.

Murongxue is not clear about Lin Feng’s true fighting ability.

She is even less clear about Lin Feng’s real advancement speed!

Even Murong Mingyue, who has always been talented, can’t keep up with his rhythm!

She has no way to arrange long-term teammates for Lin Feng!

When Fan Guang and Murongxue were galloping with the motorcade towards the barracks, the outside world was already in an uproar!

This time, many foreign powerhouses sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom and killed Lin Feng, which had a profound impact on the world!

Eagle country and dragon country, the situation is tense!

The whole world smelled nervousness!

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