Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen: A Terrifying Killing Show!

In the underground space of Sunshine Restaurant.

Lin Feng has already figured out the enemy’s personnel allocation and almost all enemy skills.

Under the blessing of numerous equipment and skills.

His perception ability is already very strong now.

He found that since his identity as a Tier 4 gardener was exposed, a kind of inexplicable fear spread in the hearts of these opponents.

There have been more and more loopholes in their pursuit and interception of themselves.

If it weren’t for this last batch of trialers, there were a large number of Assassin professions. Oneself will have a greater advantage.

These assassin professions use their strong perception to find their place.

My own jungle invisibility technique is getting worse and worse.

The time it takes these enemies to find their specific location is shortening.

But because the opponent’s cooperation has more and more loopholes, his situation is more dominant.

Lin Feng waited for a long time and did not see the enemy’s reinforcements again.

He decided not to wait any longer.

Regardless of whether these enemies have backup.

Or it was because those back-ups discovered the anomaly here and stopped coming to support it.

Anyway, now no one from the enemy teleported over again.

Lin Feng’s expression was solemn.


He waved his hand.

Many plant soldiers who had been put away by him before appeared again in this underground space.

300 plant soldiers densely occupy half of the entire underground space.

The few intermediate testers nearest to Lin Feng were all squeezed away.

The warriors who were dodging and the assassins who were lurking were all surrounded by plant soldiers.

All the plant soldiers started firing.

Huge peas, watermelons, and electric arcs were shot out.

But Lin Feng himself flashed in shape, appeared beside a wall of iron nuts against the wall, and merged with it with the jungle invisibility technique.

All the plants started firing wildly at the other side of the underground space.

These plant soldiers don’t care about the enemies near them.

Their goal is only those intermediate testers who stand far away!

Attack frantically!

In just one salvo, the four or five fighter professionals who rushed in the front were beaten into a sieve.

The watermelon burst and the peas shot.

Fragmented fruits mixed with stumps and broken arms splashing in the air.

Those testers died so fast that they didn’t even utter a scream, and they were bombarded to pieces.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden change!

What monsters are these things?

This is a plant that can move?

Is this what Lin Feng relies on to become famous?

Shock and doubts surged in their hearts.

Everyone has their mouths open.

Not waiting for them to say anything.

Round after round of attacks followed.

The first few mid-level powerhouses did not react and were bombarded into slag.

The remaining mid-level powerhouses dodge urgently.

Loki the Dark Assailant relied on his strong perception and avoided the attack of the plant soldiers from the very beginning.

His complexion changed drastically, and he shouted eagerly: “The mage is preparing for a range attack! Launch at Lin Feng!”

“Don’t care about your own people among those monsters! They are going to die anyway! Attack! Attack!”

His loud shout made all the magicians shocked.

The expressions of those middle-level testers surrounded by plant soldiers changed drastically.

“Rocky! You bastard!

“Rocky! You can’t die! I’ll kill you when I come out!”

“Don’t listen to him! You can’t win without us!”

Anxious shouts echoed in this underground space.

But the mages didn’t care about their opinions.

Everyone knows that if you don’t use range magic to clean up these plant monsters, everyone will have to die.

And those who are surrounded by plant monsters can’t live anymore.

The magicians sang and hid behind the iron nut wall planted by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s expression changed, he emerged from the iron nut wall he possessed, and hid further away, and at the same time opened the shield of the Dragon’s Touch.


Hiss!Zi Zi Zi!

Explosion, thunder, impact…

Various sounds rang out in a mixed manner.

The various brilliance from the magic attack illuminates the entire underground space transparently.

No magician is merciful!

Regardless of enemy and me!

Attack frantically!

Other element magic is okay.

Those flame magic really caused a lot of trouble for the plant soldiers.

Lin Feng’s plants did not have fire resistance, and they squeezed together, and soon all the plant soldiers were ignited.

The raging flames are burning in the ground.

The underground temperature has risen sharply!

Lin Feng looked cold.

Under his order, the plant soldiers who were wrapped in flames went crazy and rushed forward as they opened fire.

Many testers couldn’t avoid it, and were reported to be right by those plant soldiers!


“let me go!”

“Boom! Help me put out the fire!”

Screams sounded from the ground.

But the mages behind them attacked more fiercely.

Whether it is a mage or not, all the mid-level powerhouses have changed their attack methods.

All those who can release flame attacks are frantically attacking the plant soldiers.

When all the plant soldiers rushed past, Lin Feng’s figure appeared again.

With a wave of his hand, another 300 plant soldiers appeared!

Want to fight a war of attrition?

I have a lot of plant soldiers!

In addition to the 300 plant soldiers outside now, there are 1,400 plant soldiers in my herding space!

And you can also plant plants here, and at the same time use plants and trees to summon!

I can afford it!

Lin Feng felt cruel in his heart.

Rows of plant soldiers rushed up frantically.

Even if it was not burned by the flame magic of those wizards, he ordered these plant soldiers to charge.

He needs to buy time!

Lin Feng’s figure flashed and came to the back of the underground space.

He planted a lot of seeds on the iron-skinned and high-nut wall, and used the sunlight to catalyze the growth.

Before long, after the death of the second group of plant soldiers, these iron-skinned, high-nut walls were already broken.

Lin Feng waved a big hand, and the grass and trees were all launched!

The iron-skinned and high-nut walls grow hands and feet and turn into plant soldiers!

This is the first time that Lin Feng has used the skill of all soldiers on defensive plants!

Many iron-skinned and nut-walled soldiers charged forward frantically!

The complexions of those magicians changed drastically.

Their magic can only cause small damage to these iron-skinned, high-nut wall warriors!

Lin Feng continued to wave his hand, and another 300 plant soldiers appeared.

The iron-skinned high nut tower soldiers took the lead, and the plant soldiers at the rear followed suit.

The situation is reversed again!

This time, the intermediate trialists never found a way to deal with it again!

The defense of the Iron Skin High Nut Wall Warrior is amazing!

When all the plants rushed in front of them, they attacked fiercely, and few people could withstand it.

Rocky, the dark assailant, has a face of ashes.

how so!

Even if Lin Feng is a Tier 4 gardener, but he is of the same level as them, why are there so many weird methods!

Is this really a skill that an auxiliary profession can possess?

Moreover, he obviously released the “Lucky Yin” before coming here, why didn’t it work?

No matter how impatient he is, how he thinks, he can’t find a way to come back.



The loud noise reverberated incessantly.

Flames, ice cubes, lightning, gusts…

Many magic effects bombarded the warriors with the iron skin and high nut wall.

But little effect.

Under this kind of tactics, more and more Intermediate Testers were smashed to pieces!

Blood and meat were scattered all over the ground.

The entire battlefield looked very bloody.

In a scream, almost all the enemies were killed.

Before Loki fell, he saw the mark on Lin Feng’s forehead.

That is the mark of lucky four-leaf clover.

It’s no wonder that “my destiny” has no effect.

Not as strong as him.

There are not as many methods as him.

Now even luck can’t match.

Not unjustly lost.

This was Loki’s last thought before his death.

Even if no one stood on the battlefield anymore, Lin Feng did not relax his vigilance.

He sent plant heroes to confirm the situation.

Soon, the plant heroes reported that they confirmed that there was no more intact enemy on the scene.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In this battle, I learned a lot by myself.

In addition to dealing with these testers and increasing the combat experience, I also learned about the power of magicians.

In addition, I also have more insights into the skill of all soldiers.

It can not only summon combat plants into plant soldiers.

If the defensive plant becomes a plant soldier, the effect will be better if it is used together with the attack plant.

Moreover, since the iron skin high nut wall can become a plant soldier, what about explosive cherries and hot peppers?

If these two plants become plant soldiers, Lin Feng is excited to think about the scene.

There is no need to let the plant heroes launch a self-destruct attack every time.

He relaxed.

At this moment, he felt waves of vibration coming from the upper side.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

what happened?

He quickly shuttled through the ground, planting potato mines everywhere.


With a soft sound.

A big hole was dug in the dirt overhead.

A beam of sunlight came in.

“There really is a hole here:

“The excavator is withdrawn first! The combatants are ready!”

An eager command came from above.

Lin Feng was taken aback, then relaxed.

Even the excavators are here, and it seems that the military has found itself.


I have been trapped here for such a long time, and there are explosions, burnings, lightning, and ice in the ground. The noise must be quite large.

It’s time for the military to discover the anomaly in the ground.

He didn’t guess wrong.

One by one, warriors wearing small manipulating armor penetrated through the big hole above.

They are fully armed, closely cooperated, and act fast.

They are all mechanics, mechanics of the military!

As soon as they landed in the underground space, they assumed a fighting position, looking vigilantly and aiming forward.

Then they froze.

In front, in the dark underground, a man in armor stood there quietly.

Under the light of small armored searchlights, these military mechanics could see the man’s appearance clearly.

The black armor reveals an ominous atmosphere.

There are two red lights flickering at the position of the eyes on the helmet, which is extremely mysterious.

There are also eight dark green diamond-shaped wings on the back, exuding a faint brilliance.

Even if the person just stood there quietly and did nothing, a kind of murderous aura still spread.

Everyone feels tight!

“I’m Lin Feng, don’t panic.”

Lin Feng noticed the nervousness of these military mechanics and reminded him.

All the mechanics were stunned.

Lin Feng?

Is this Lin Feng?

That second-order gardener?

“Why is there no movement? What happened?”

Before they could take any action, Fan Guang’s voice came from the armored communication equipment.

He found no movement in the hole on the ground, and asked.”Report to Chief Fan! The fighting has stopped below! Only one man in black armor is standing here, and he said he is Lin Feng.”

Fan Guang on the ground was slightly startled when he heard this.

what’s the situation?

There is only one person below?

Stop fighting?

Could it be that those people arrested him just to trap Lin Feng?

Do you want to starve him to death?

At the same time, he thought of the armor Lin Feng wore during artillery drills.

The dark armor is indeed likely to be Lin Feng.

Fan Guang couldn’t restrain the doubts in his heart, but he didn’t dare to relax his vigilance.

After thinking about it, he didn’t let the soldiers below come up, nor let the man in armor come up.

“Don’t relax your vigilance and maintain the confrontation for the time being, we will expand our exports.”

“Once the opponent has abnormal actions, allow fire.”

After Fan Guang gave the order, let the excavator start again.

Anyway, because his own person came, Lin Feng did not move.

Having experienced this unexpected accident, compared with Chief Fan, he was more nervous.

His current order is the safest way.

Soon, the excavator began to dig the dirt.

On the top of the ground space, a large hole appeared.

Everyone on the ground gradually saw the scene in the cave.


The sound of a large piece of cold air sounded.

So the soldiers who saw the situation clearly took a breath.

Underground, a man wearing a jet black armor, revealing a strong aura, stood there quietly.

They could feel an extremely dangerous breath rushing toward their faces.

Even if they were looking down at each other from above, no one dared to take it lightly.

And the whole underground is in a mess.

There were watermelon rinds, watermelons, peas, corn, and various carcasses everywhere.

The stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground, mixed with fruit and vegetable scraps, scattered all over the ground.

A strong bloody smell, mixed with the slightly fermented alcoholic aroma of fruits, and a fruity acetic smell, (good for the king)-it is ripe.

The smell was so irritating that some soldiers couldn’t help taking a step back.

If it weren’t for their rich combat experience and had seen many tragic battle scenes, I’m afraid they would have to vomit out at this time.

Fan Guang looked at Lin Feng, who was standing quietly in the fierce battlefield, and was a little speechless for a while.

Is this kid already so strong?

How many people did he kill?

How many people does he fight alone?

Fan Guang didn’t know what his mood was now.

“Chief Fan? Can I go up now?”

Lin Feng was a little puzzled when he saw that everyone was silent.

He is a little tired and wants to go back to rest.

Hearing his words, many soldiers were agitated and their bodies trembled.

Fan Guang reacted.

A strong feeling of joy appeared, which overwhelmed the shock that had been filled in my heart before.

“Yes, kid! You are so strong now!”

“Quickly, don’t stand in the pile of corpses, come up quickly.”

He was smiling.

Lin Feng got the answer and activated the flying ability of the endless suit.

The crystalline wings behind him glowed with a faint green light, and hugged him.

Lin Feng flew from the ground and landed in front of Fan Guang.

All the soldiers looked at his figure, unable to hide the shocked look on their faces!

Fan Guang couldn’t hide the smile in his heart, he laughed loudly.

This is the new star of the military!

This is the young man of Long Country!

“Hahahahahahaha, hahahaha~

The cheerful laughter fluttered in front of this big pit, spreading with the wind.

When the smile stopped, Fan Guang said: “Go, go back to the barracks, we must protect you.

“Furthermore, your battle here is over, there is another battle in Baisha City that is not over yet.”

“When everything is done, we will go to trouble those who participated in this operation!

“If you dare to plan such an action, you will have to pay the price!”

Fan Guang was right.

The assassination of Lin Feng this time caused a big disturbance.

The whole world caused a shock!

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