Chapter 115 The killer panicked, and Mao didn’t say it if he advanced!

A storm is coming in Baisha City.

In the sky near Baisha Airport, three top tier 9 masters are fighting.

And underground, Lin Feng is also fighting hard.

Fan Guang looked anxious and was looking for Lin Feng.

The whole Baisha City became lively.

Countless people are acting.

Through Fan Guang, Longguo’s military also knew the current situation and was very angry.

Many military mid-level powerhouses are coming to Baisha City.

At the same time, in the face of pressure from the border powerhouses, most of the 9th-tier powerhouses in the dragon territory are also rushing to the border.

The entire Dragon Kingdom is now in the center of the storm.

Whether it is the border or Baisha City, the situation is getting more and more tense.

Fan Guang looked at the phone in his hand with a serious expression.

That is the result of the satellite survey returned by the special department.

No trace of Lin Feng!

Baisha City is located in the territory of the Long Kingdom, and the Long Kingdom naturally has an overwhelming advantage in terms of combat effectiveness.

But the most important task now is not to kill those middle-level powerhouses who break in.

But to save Lin Feng.

But the current situation is that no matter what the Longguo military does, they cannot know the location of Lin Feng.

Fan Guang doubted his previous judgment.

Isn’t the method used by those foreign intermediate testers not shifting their positions?

The effective range of this skill is obviously very limited.

If the entire skill really shifts Lin Feng’s position, then he can’t run too far no matter what.

As a result, even satellites were called now, but he still couldn’t find him in and around Baisha City.

Fan Guang frowned, and at the same time anxiously, his heart was burning with anger.

This group of bastards!

How dare to act so boldly!

He has made up his mind that this matter will not let go.

Fan Guang mobilized a large number of fighters and launched a carpet search around Baisha City.

Since the satellite can’t be found, look for it with human eyes.

The most indispensable thing in the Dragon Kingdom is people!

Soon, groups of soldiers dispatched from the Baisha military camp and searched for the city in Baisha.

However, his behavior is destined to be futile.

Because Lin Feng is indeed in Baisha City, but not on the ground.

He was moved underground.

The vast majority of these foreign mid-level powerhouses are hiding under the ground.

At this time, in the underground of Minglu Middle School where Lin Feng studied before, in a huge space opened up by professionals.

A group of mid-level professionals, probably more than a dozen people, are chatting and bragging boredly.

“Ankara, this time, your Eagle Nation paid a lot of money to kill this Tier 2 gardener. As for a little guy, do you spend so much energy?

Nonsense”, if you can kill four 07 ninth-tier powerhouses, I guess the Eagle Country will only ambush you more aggressively than it is now.

“That’s right, or if you go to wake up some god devourers, I guess you have this treatment too.

“I don’t know where Lin Feng will appear. If we are replaced, we will be here.

“I also think how easy it is to kill a child, and the rewards are so generous, it’s just a profit.

While these middle-level testers were chatting, one person leaned against a mud wall, frowned, and did not participate in the small chat among the people.

This man’s name is Loki, with white hair and red clothes and a huge sword on his back.

Although he looks brave and tough, he is actually an assassin class.

Dark Raiders.

A special class that relies on weird stealth skills and various ancient magic battles.

Unlike those chatting companions, Loki felt very bad.

His temples keep jumping.

That is his skill “Dark Favor” is warning him.

Dark raiders can get the blessing of darkness, and sometimes get inexplicable warning signs.

Relying on this ability, he has turned the danger into a breeze many times.

What went wrong?

Will we be discovered?

Isn’t it impossible? Our actions this time are obviously so careful.

He thought carefully about all aspects of the ambush.

The operation was jointly planned and implemented by four big families.

First, they joined forces with the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Nation to exert pressure on the border of the Dragon Nation.

After attracting the ninth-tier dragon who was patrolling the border, many middle-ranking experts took the opportunity to sneak into the dragon country.

Rocky, the dark assailant, is one of them.

They carved the magic circle on the only way to the four locations of Baisha City: Sunshine Restaurant, Teleportation Minaret, Minglu Middle School, and Baisha Airport.

This huge space was opened up under the ground in four public places.

When Lin Feng appeared in any place, they would launch the shifting skill to teleport Lin Feng underground.These four locations were chosen by members of their respective families after investigation and analysis. It is very likely that Lin Feng would come across.

Once he falls into the trap, he is absolutely dead.

It is absolutely impossible for the Dragon Kingdom to think that their shifting of positions meant that they had replaced Lin Feng underground.

There are more than a dozen mid-level powerhouses in each underground space, and it is easy to ambush a second-level gardener.

In Loki’s view, this plan has no flaws.

No matter what, it is impossible for Lin Feng to be a second-tier gardener who has played so many mid-level powerhouses.

Then why is his skill “Dark Favor” in mad warning?

And the intensity of early warning is getting stronger and stronger.

Loki had to hold his temple with his hands.

“What’s the situation? Why are the people from the Sunshine Restaurant team asking for help?”

“What? Could it be that they were found by the Dragon Kingdom powerhouse? It’s impossible, right? You can find it in the ground?”

“No, they can’t beat that gardener! How is this possible?”

“Don’t lie to me! That is an auxiliary class! Or a little ghost with only second-order! You told me that I can’t beat it?”

“Don’t hesitate, maybe something happened, hurry up and support!”

“Quick, quick, now a few other people in the underground space are also teleporting there, let’s go quickly too!”

There was a rush of turmoil in the entire underground space.

This change caused Loki’s expression to change, and his brows wrinkled tighter.

My own skill warning is not wrong!

Sure enough, there has been a big change!

“Wait! Is there something wrong? Let’s be more careful!

He suddenly shouted loudly, interrupting the movements of the other intermediate trialists.

“Rocky? What do you mean? We’ll come a little later.

Before he could finish speaking, Loki interrupted him.

“My skills are madly calling the police! Don’t go there yet! It may be dangerous!”

His unusual reaction shocked everyone.

As an assassin, Loki had been calm and silent before.

Now that he is so eager, all his companions are very weird.

These people stopped the teleportation.

All of them have experienced battles, and naturally they will not act recklessly.

These people all know that Loki is a special profession.

Such a strong person can have special skills.

“Rocky, make it clear, what happened?”

“I’m not sure! My skills are calling the police and my temples are shaking! I felt bad just now!”

“Now this sudden call for help has verified my skill warning! Don’t go there until you figure out the cause of the warning.”

Loki’s somewhat impatient expression stunned the ambushers who were in the same underground space.

They were all a little shocked.

Rocky’s strength is very strong.

A strong man like him, Lin Feng hasn’t seen him, his skills are warning?

Is that second-order gardener so strong?

Just when they hesitated.

The message for help was sent over again.

“I’m asking for help again!”

“They said Lin Feng had special methods, planting special plants underground, cutting the area, and hiding at the same time.”

“It is difficult for them to find Lin Feng, and they urgently need the support of professionals with strong perceptual ability.

Someone said the help message again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They looked at Loki.

“Your warning is because of this, right? That Lin Feng has a special means to hide, and sneak attack on our people.”

“With you, there are several other Assassin professions, and so many Mage professions, you will definitely be able to find him.

Everyone was persuading Loki.

They don’t believe how threatening Lin Feng a second-order gardener can be.

Moreover, the rewards they got after killing him were so touching, they wanted to get that reward very much.

Loki’s warning brought them to heart.

Now the request for help reassured them.

It turned out to be hiding by special means.

This kind of move does not threaten careers such as drifters and expedition mercenaries.

And Loki is a special class, a dark surprise attacker.

This profession has many incredible skills.

Perception and detection capabilities are their strengths.

The Dark Raider has a skill called “Life Perception”.

This is one of their signature skills.

Loki can judge the strength of his opponent by feeling the breath of other people’s lives.

You can also use this skill to avoid other people’s ambushes.

Now that I heard this request for help, I learned about Lin Feng’s combat tactics.

They are pretty sure that once Loki passes, he will definitely catch Lin Feng.

Hearing what they said, Loki frowned.

Is it really because of this?

Thinking about it, he gritted his teeth.

“Let me add one last insurance!

He took out a dice.

The dice was in tatters, and most of the surfaces on it were corroded.

Loki stretched out his hand and threw it, the dice flew out, but did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air.

The dice glowed with a yellow halo, enveloping everyone.


With a soft sound, the dice shattered to the ground.

A light yellow mask appeared on everyone.

Loki said with a bit of heartache: “This is a special reward I got, it can increase people’s luck, and it can save lives at critical moments!”

“I only have this one. The previous ones are all used up.

“I have also laid down my blood, and I will be rewarded with an extra 10%!”

No one has objections.

The people in the underground space of Sunshine Restaurant are still asking for help.

They also count on Loki, who is a dark assailant and has a strong perception ability, to help them counter Lin Feng’s sneak attacks.

And Rocky did pay a lot of money.

The dice revealed a breath of ancient times, and at first glance it was nothing.

They are all strong men who have experienced many battles. At this time, no one will quarrel because of Rocky’s 10% reward.

Seeing that everything was discussed, a mage nodded and activated the teleportation magic circle.

On the ground of the underground space, a purple magic circle appeared.

The magic circle glowed, and everyone was shrouded in it.

With a flash of purple light, everyone in the underground space below Minglu Middle School disappeared.

They were transported to the underground of Sunshine Restaurant.

Boom boom boom!



“Quick, ahead, catch him!”

“What the hell is this? This iron bump is also a plant?”

Rocky heard all kinds of sounds as soon as they landed.

The sound of explosions, screams, and roars converged and poured into their ears.

Loki looked around, and the entire underground space was enlarged a lot.

It seems to have been enlarged because of the explosion.

There are many tall “iron pillars” on the ground, which are connected together to form an iron wall, dividing the entire space.

What is this?

Rocky was puzzled.

At this moment, a figure wearing jet black armor and holding an explosive plant appeared in the distance.

After he threw a handful of explosive plants, he hid behind the iron pillars and disappeared again.

Is that Lin Feng?

When Loki saw that figure, his expression changed drastically.

In his perception, the special armor on Lin Feng exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

But what makes Loki’s heart a warning sign suddenly rises, it is Lin Feng’s vitality!

He activated the “life perception” skill and sensed Lin Feng’s breath of life.

In his perception, the breath of life is very strong!

That kind of strong breath of life, it is impossible to be a Tier 2 professional!

A warning sign appeared in his heart.

He yelled: “Be careful! Lin Feng is not a Tier 2 professional! He is at least a Tier 4 professional!”

“He is not a low-level tester, he is an intermediate-level tester! The level is the same as ours!”

“Be careful!

His roar echoed in this underground space.

Everyone’s complexion changed.

How can this be?

Lin Feng is an intermediate professional?

Wasn’t he still a Tier 2 tester before?

From a Tier 2 professional to a Tier 4 professional all at once?

What does this cross-level advancement mean?

Are you kidding me?

The shock was too late to fill my heart.

A strong sense of crisis came to my heart.

This is troublesome!

They thought they were far superior to Lin Feng, this is a game of cat and mouse!

It is impossible for a low-level tester to defeat a mid-level powerhouse anyway.

This is the consensus in everyone’s mind.

All the ambushers believed that as long as they saw Lin Feng, they could easily kill him.How do you know that there has been such a big change now.

Lin Feng is not a Tier 2 professional, he is a Tier 4 professional!

Isn’t that the same as the rank of most people here?

Lin Feng’s record is exaggerated.

From the moment he entered the trial space, he was completely out of the same line as others.

I applied for the second-level trial space advancement so much in advance, and also achieved success and broke the record.

Later, he dared to fight alone in the second-tier trial and achieved such incredible results.

This is simply not something ordinary people can do!

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Feng163 is invincible at the same level.

Now that these people are going to fight an invincible Tier 4 powerhouse of the same tier?

Everyone’s heart sank.

This battle has changed from cats and mice to wolves attacking tigers.

Faced with such an invincible monster of the same level, everyone is in danger of life!

“Impossible! How could he directly leap from Tier 2 to Tier 4? Impossible! It is impossible for him to advance to Tier 4 gardener!”

Someone could not accept this fact, and shouted.

Everyone was startled.

Yes indeed!

Why can I cross-level advancement?

This is simply not something anyone can do!

Loki felt a breath stuck in his chest and couldn’t swallow it for a long time.

“Is it time to entangle these things? The most important thing now is to cooperate well and kill Lin Feng!”

His angry shout was floating in the entire underground space.

Everyone looked startled.

Yes indeed!

The situation is urgent now!

It’s not when you are shocked by this kind of thing.


Another explosion sounded.

An Ash Mage was attacked again by Lin Feng and died.

Someone looked at the ground meat and red blood stains, the scorched ground, and felt a panic.

“Lin Feng! You cunning Oriental! You are clearly advanced, why didn’t you tell me?”

“You actually cheated us! Despicable!”

Hearing such a roar, Lin Feng, who was using the jungle invisibility technique to merge with a metal high nut wall, felt speechless for a while.

Are these foreign ambushers all shameless?

At the same time he has more confidence in defeating these enemies.

It’s all such evil pens, then you can definitely win!

He continued to lurch, waiting for the chance of a sneak attack.

Lin Feng didn’t understand the thoughts of these aristocratic children.

As a mid-level powerhouse, he is also a child of a big family.

Their trial distance is much smoother than others.

At the same time, once you have achieved something, you will immediately say it.

Once the professional level or trial level is promoted, people like them will immediately speak out.

The treatment provided by the family will be more generous.

Other people will appreciate their insights.

Therefore, they developed this inertia of thinking.

If Lin Feng stated earlier that he has advanced.

Those families will definitely send stronger ambushers.

Because the information was wrong, the plan was also leaked!

It’s not surprising that they would realize such a panic.

Over there, Loki really sensed that his life was in danger.

These companions of my own are out of balance!

Lin Feng’s advanced fourth-order gardener has put too much pressure on them!

At this time, Loki realized one thing.

Although he and others have been despising Lin Feng, thinking that he is just a second-order gardener.

But those achievements he has made have long left the seeds of awe in the hearts of himself and others.

Once Lin Feng is at the same level as himself and is officially in a state of hostility, the awe in many people’s hearts will take root.

As soon as the mentality changes, I am afraid that the cooperation between teammates will become flustered.

This battle is difficult!

Loki’s heart sank to the bottom.

This underground battle is no longer a group of cats and mice.

The identity of the hunter and the prey has changed!

Lin Feng, who was integrated with the iron nut wall, also noticed the changes in the enemy.

He looked up!

The opportunity is here!

Officially fight back, start!

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