Chapter 114 Explosive Attack! The grudge plant hero!

Hearing the roar of those ambushers, Lin Feng’s heart was bright.

They are calling for support now.

The mid-level testers I face now are not all enemies.

Most importantly, this is a closed underground space.

How are they going to get in?

Those supporters can come in, can they escape this space in the same way?

Lin Feng has never revealed his true strength and has not summoned plant soldiers.

In addition to observing these enemies and the battlefield situation, he wanted to familiarize himself with the battle with the testers.

A more important goal is to not want the backups of the ambushers to know their true way and be targeted.

Before this, he was not sure whether there were other ambushers.

But carefully sailing the Wannian Ship, Lin Feng dealt with these people in a hurry.

Now, the roar of these people confirmed his suspicion.

There is support!

He remembered the roar of the other party just now.

Notify “A few other mid-level professionals in the underground space come here!”

In other words, there is more than one underground space.

So are there so many enemies in every underground space, so strong?

If this is the case, then there are at least dozens of remaining enemies?

You must be careful.

Lin Feng became more cautious.

He wanted to rush in the direction of the mage again.

An extremely fast shadow dancer approached Lin Feng from behind.

He escaped the stabbing of a dagger, and used the shield of the Dragon’s Touch to resist an attacking fireball.

The violent explosion sounded continuously in this underground space.

Lin Feng frowned.

The opponent began to strengthen the protection of the mage.



Here and now!

A loud noise reverberated in this underground space.

These ambushers began to gather their formations.

Professionals in the warrior department, “One, five, three, such as Berserkers, Swordsmen and other professions, are in the front to prevent Lin Feng from advancing.

Professionals of the Assassin family guarded the magicians and guarded them.

All this is just to prevent Lin Feng from using teleportation to attack the mage again.

The main task of killing Lin Feng fell on these mages.

Also because most of the ambushers are close to those mages.

They don’t have to worry about accidental injury.

All casters begin to use range attacks.

The chance of Lin Feng being hit has greatly increased.

His situation is getting more and more dangerous.

After all, the magic defense of the endless suit is not 100%.

As long as he is hit a few times, the injuries he suffers can make it difficult for him to move.

Lin Feng was aware of the attempts of these ambushers.

They want to divide two positions in this underground space.

Use the warrior profession to separate yourself from the mage.

Then kill yourself with magic.

This is tantamount to a battle of positions.

But, battle of positions?

The corners of Lin Feng’s mouth curled up slightly.

What I am least afraid of, and at the same time what I am best at, is positional warfare!

This is the end of the matter, and I have lost the space to dodge.

If the stalemate continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.

Lin Feng decided not to hide his strength anymore.

He stretched out a handful of exploding cherries and threw them directly into the distance.

There was a violent explosion.

The shock wave and smoke caused by the explosion blocked the opponent’s view.

Lin Feng clasped the War Garden Pendant tightly and summoned three plant heroes.

“Where are the zombies! I want revenge!”

“No matter when and where, my charm is unparalleled.”

“Soldiers, fight with me!

Three familiar openings sounded.”Go, teleport, and explode.”

Lin Feng took out a handful of hot chili peppers and explosive cherries, stuffed them into the hands of the three plant heroes, and then moved quickly.

Sure enough, the place where he was just now was bombarded by many magics.

Caught off guard, Xiang Meng’s shooter fell directly to the ground and dissipated.

Fortunately, he has a huge orange mecha outside his body, which has withstood most of the damage.

Master Rose and Colonel Corn looked at Lin Feng with a grimace.

I had known that last time I didn’t tell the Lord that we can be resurrected indefinitely.

With this thought, Rose Mage used the portal.

They instantly came to the enemy mage and detonated all the hot chili peppers and explosive cherries.

Under the powerful explosive power, the bodies of Colonel Corn and Mage Rose instantly decomposed.

But even five magicians and four assassins died together under the explosion, and there was no time to make a scream.

The ambushers were stunned by the sudden attack.

As early as when Lin Feng heard three strange lines inexplicably.

These mid-level professionals with extremely rich combat experience have increased their vigilance.

Who is that?

Lin Feng’s helper?

Could anyone else know his position and come to help him?

All the wizards cast magic to the place where the sound came from.

Through the feedback of the magic in the air, they must have hit the enemy.

But it is not waiting for them to continue their attacks and expand their results.

Colonel Corn and their self-destructive attack hit!

All the mages died instantly!

Even the assassins guarding them were attacked and four died!

What is this?

Who on earth is launching the attack?

How did they break through their defense?

The warrior professionals guarding the front are full of doubts.

There is also fear!

Now they are the weaker side!

Lin Feng smiled faintly.

Nine notes were missing in an instant.

These people chose to fight him in battle, and they were really asking for trouble.

And the other party is still a phalanx of mage standing together.

This self-destructive attack was really quick and ruthless.

After solving the mages, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The opponent doesn’t have a mage profession anymore!

There is no enemy that can hurt him remotely!

Lin Feng directly planted a clover.

The clover slammed into action, blowing the smoke from all the exploding plants and magic to the warriors.

When he himself could clearly see the other side’s figure, he waved his hand.

200 watermelon pitcher fighters and 100 ice shooter fighters appear!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

As soon as these soldiers appeared, they launched a violent attack.

Without the fire magic control of the Ash Mage, Lin Feng can finally summon the plant soldiers with confidence and output as much as they want.

The soldiers looked at the plant soldiers in the distance with horror, and the huge watermelon bullets they fired!

“What kind of monster is this?”

“This is the true power of the gardener?”

“The gardener is a plant trainer? Training plant monsters to form a corps?

Before they could blurt out their exclamations spread.

A rain of watermelon bombs overwhelmed them.

In the dense beating sound.

Those professional fighters were killed.

The ground was bright red.

Watermelon juice and blood merge together, regardless of each other.

Lin Feng is very calm.

Although this was his second official battle with professionals himself, he killed so many more people.

But he didn’t feel any discomfort.

He thought of the scene in the trial space and shrugged.

This battle is far less fierce than during the trial.

Lin Feng did not relax his vigilance.

He can still remember that the other party called for support.

I’m afraid those people will come after a while.

While looking for a way to get out of here, he planted large potato mines.

However, he didn’t use sunshine balls to spawn these potato mines, he just recorded the location.

Just when he was looking for a way to leave.

A light appeared in the central area of ​​this underground space.

Lin Feng immediately turned and looked at Guangliang.

Two huge magic circles appeared in the center area of ​​the venue.


Lin Feng looked tight, and took out a handful of cherry bombs and hot chili peppers.

The light flashed, and two groups of people appeared in the midair of this place!

Two groups of people!

More than thirty people!

Lin Feng’s expression tightened!

With a wave of his hand, he threw the explosive plant in his hand.


Boom boom boom!


The plants he threw hadn’t fallen on those who tried.

Some people have already fallen because they stepped on large pieces of broken watermelon and watermelon rinds on the ground!

The sound of people falling to the ground became one piece.



The explosive plant was thrown directly on the person who fell, and the sound of the explosion reverberated in this underground space!

Although this wave is the start of Tianhu.

But Lin Feng did not dare to make any negligence.

So many people came directly this time, and there were nearly 10 professional wizards.

Your own battle will be even harder!

Lin Feng once again plunged into the fierce battle.

At this time, Baisha City, where fierce battles took place, was not only this underground space!

Near the Baisha Airport, another fierce battle is about to break out:

Murongxue was anxiously galloping high above Baisha City, and when she was about to arrive at the Sunshine Restaurant, two strong murderous auras locked her in.

Murong Xue’s figure suddenly stopped.

There are two powerful testers blocking themselves around here.

According to her induction, the two of them are both Tier 9 powerhouses!

Murongxue’s face was even colder, and with the light wings behind her, it looked even colder.

The anger in her heart is rising!

When was our Dragon Kingdom like a sieve infiltrated by water, with so many people sneaking in?

First, there are many intermediate testers!

Now even the ninth-tier strong dare to sneak in?

How does this not put them in the eyes of the Dragon Kingdom powerhouses?

How does this not put the Dragon Kingdom in his eyes?

She looked colder and colder.

But the anger in her heart exploded.

“You dare to do it with me here?”

“Do you regard my Dragon Kingdom as those small countries that have no backhands and been insulted by you?”

“With the destructive ability of the ninth-tier powerhouse, once the battle here affects civilians, can you bear the consequences?”

Murong Xue was really furious 0…

This is a provocation to Long Country!

In the underground in front of her, two ninth-tier strong men with blond hair and blue eyes showed their figures.

There was a female succubus floating behind one person, her eyes flushed and her expression fiercely happy.

The other was a swordsman with a two-handed sword in his hand and his body was covered with scars.

The two broke out with a strong aura, and they faced Murong Xue from a distance.

Hearing what she said, the two also looked at each other solemnly.

They are all spies of the Eagle Country.

But unlike what Murong Xue thought, they didn’t sneak into the Dragon Kingdom from outside after the ninth rank.

The two have sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom for many years.

They were only Tier 5 when they first came here.

They entered the trial space from the teleportation spire of the Dragon Kingdom, and after years of trials, they eventually kept getting promoted.

The last two talents broke through to the ninth rank in the Dragon Kingdom.

To stop Murong Xue this time, he also took a great risk.

If fighting really breaks out here and it spreads to civilians, it will be a big trouble.The Dragon Kingdom is not an ordinary small country!

If you dare to break out fierce fighting here and hurt civilians, it will inevitably cause strong revenge from the Dragon Kingdom!

Once the Dragon Kingdom sent the ninth-tier power to retaliate against the Eagle Kingdom, the consequences would be disastrous!

They looked at each other again and nodded.

The two stopped Murong Xue, and the rank nine swordsman persuaded.

We “have no intention of fighting with you, nor do we want to harm civilians here.”

“As long as you wait here with us.”

Murong Xue sneered when she heard this.

They just want to drag themselves here, so that those middle-level powerhouses can kill Lin Feng.

And she also knew one thing very clearly.

He couldn’t break through the barriers of the two.

But, want me to wait here?

The anger in Murong Xue’s heart is burning!

She put her hands together and spread them out again, palms facing up.

A white mask emerged from her hand.

The mask quickly grew larger, covering a few kilometers of space in an instant.

The white holy light echoed in the entire mask.

“Since you dare to stop me, you must be mentally prepared for death!”

She looked serious and said indifferently.

The expressions of the two 9th-order strong men changed.

They didn’t really want to fight Murong Xue.

The reputation of the Shield of Thorns is too great.

They are not sure.

“Murongxue, are you crazy? Didn’t you just say that we are fighting here and affecting civilians, which will cause serious consequences?”

This “big trouble is an international dispute!”

Murong Xue became even more angry when she heard this.

“Knowing that the battle of the ninth-tier strong will affect civilians, do you still dare to come?”

“If it is the other ninth-tier powerhouses, it would be fine, in front of me, can you hurt those civilians?”

“Want to threaten me with this? Are you worthy too?”

She didn’t want to pester the other two here.

The thought that Lin Feng is now in a crisis situation makes her anxious.

But the two ninth-tier strong men insisted on dragging her, and she couldn’t break through.

There is only one way!


Launch the guardian holy skills to protect all the civilians here as guardians!

At the same time, trap these two Tier 9 powerhouses and kill them!

If you really can’t make time to rescue Lin Feng, kill at least two Tier 9 to bury him!

Actually dare to insult the dignity of my Dragon Kingdom, kill my talents of the Dragon Kingdom, and dare to threaten me with the safety of civilians!

This matter is endless!

Murong Xue calmed down and looked at the two ninth-tier powerhouses in front of him indifferently.

The expressions of the two men changed drastically.

This woman is crazy!

She actually wanted to fight one against two!

And thought she could protect civilians?

Even if the aftermath of the battle can’t break through her defense, can’t he bypass her and attack the civilians?

“Murongxue, are you crazy? Do you think you can stop the two of us and protect these civilians?”

Murong Xue sneered.

“Do you think anyone is John Kraft? Is anyone capable of showing off in front of me?”

In a furious mood, she stopped talking.

The holy light gathered around her, forming a white lightsaber.

Her figure flashed, and she came to the ninth-tier swordsman, brazenly new!


A huge explosion sounded.

The fighting momentum of the two ninth-tier powerhouses was too great.

Just one match, it caused a blast of air!

However, the shock waves caused by the explosion hit the mask Murongxue released before, and they were all blocked!

The expressions of the two ninth-order powerhouses changed.

Murong Xue didn’t bother to control so much and launched another attack.

The two ninth-tier powerhouses also looked serious, and no longer had any chances.

Top battles, burst out in an instant!

In the sky and the underground of Baisha City, two fierce battles between the testers are being carried out at the same time!

In the sky, Murong Xue fought alone against the two great Eagle Nation’s ninth-tier powerhouses!

And underground, Lin Feng is also engaged in fierce battles with dozens of mid-level powerhouses!.

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