Chapter 113 Request for Support! Lin Feng is definitely not a second-order gardener!

When Lin Feng was moved to an unknown place by means of transposition.

Outside the Sunshine Restaurant, the group of soldiers who were in charge of protecting him were shocked.

After looking around and not finding Lin Feng, they contacted Fan Guang decisively.

At this time, Fan Guang had just got out of the barracks and was about to ride in a military vehicle when he received a call from his soldiers.

“Hello? What’s the matter?”

Fan Guang answered the phone suspiciously.

On the other side of the phone, the soldiers who went out to defend Lin Feng reported the details of the incident to Fan Guang.

When he heard the report from the soldiers and knew that Lin Feng had disappeared, he felt extremely angry!

This is the Dragon Kingdom!

Actually dare to ambush the talents of the country here!

Is this really not taking them seriously?

But at this time, the strong psychological quality of being a soldier played a role.

He immediately calmed down.

After the soldiers’ descriptions, he quickly understood what Lin Feng had encountered.


It is an exclusive skill for the Vengeful Spiritist.

Able to target the caster and swap positions.

He carefully recalled the various characteristics of this skill in his mind.

Soon, he got the general situation.

“You control the scene immediately, and our side will rush over immediately.”

“The skill that removes Lin Feng is the skill of the vengeful enchanter, and he needs to carve a magic circle around!”

“Moreover, this skill has a distance limit. If an Intermediate Vengeance Enchanter releases this skill, the effective distance will not exceed 2000 meters!

“You search out from a 500-meter radius!”

Fan Guang boarded the military vehicle while giving orders with his mobile phone.

After issuing the order, he made another call.

“Old Li, I have an urgent task here. I need to call the “Beidou” authority to help me see something.”

“I will send you the detailed information and location right away, and you can immediately check the situation over there!

“Very urgent! Hurry up!”

Fan Guang knew that the time was urgent, and Lin Feng’s situation must be dangerous.

He must race against time!

Since it is a shift, the distance between the caster and the target cannot be too far.

After so long, Lin Feng will certainly not stay in place.

Once he is changed position by the caster, the accomplice of the caster will definitely move the location immediately.

To find him, satellite reconnaissance is the most effective way!

Putting down the phone, Fan Guang still felt uneasy.

Earlier, he received an emergency call when he was in the barracks.

There are several ninth-tier powerhouses gathered in the East China Sea.

The ninth-tier powerhouse is the top power of every country.

Without being reported, any ninth-tier powerhouse is not allowed to enter other countries.

Now this group of Tier 9 powerful men is gathering at the border, which has greatly threatened the safety of the Dragon Kingdom.

Many ninth-tier powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom have come to the border to confront each other.

This has led to a significant reduction in the defensive strength of other areas of the border.

And many intermediate trialists sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom from those places.

Bianbian fighters have captured many mid-level powerhouses at the border.

From their mouths, the military knew their general strategy.Riding on the absence of the ninth-level powerhouse, the intermediate trialists sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom and rushed to Baisha.

The military who learned the news immediately notified Fan Guang.

But at that time Lin Feng had already gone to the Sunshine Restaurant to negotiate with Eva.

Fan Guang never expected that it was just a negotiation and something went wrong.

He didn’t even expect those foreign forces to dare to be so bold.

Actually dared to send someone to sneak in to kill military talents.

This is no longer a personal grievance.

This is picking the Dragon Kingdom!

Fan Guang was very angry.

He is very worried about Lin Feng’s current situation.

At this moment, another phone call came.

Fan Guang picked up the phone and took a look. It was Murong Xue who was calling.

He connected to the phone.

Before he could say anything, Murong Xue’s anxious voice came from the phone.

“I was talking to Lin Feng just now, and he suddenly had no voice. Is something wrong?”

This sentence was somewhat endless, but Fan Guang understood what the other party meant.

“Lin Feng has been taken away by mid-level testers by shifting positions. We are looking for his position.”

“Where? Near Sunshine Restaurant?”

Fan Guang didn’t expect Murongxue to know where Lin Feng was before. He didn’t hide it, and told him the situation.

In his opinion, as a rank nine powerhouse, perhaps Murong Xue would have something to do.

But what he didn’t expect was that the other party directly hung up the phone.

He frowned.

What does it mean?

It is not waiting for him to think carefully.

There was a sharp loud noise from the west.

It seemed that something was flying at an extremely fast speed.

Fan Guang looked in the direction of the sound, but did not see other visions, only that the high-altitude clouds seemed to be separated by something.

What he didn’t know was that it was Murongxue who had just hung up the phone who made this loud noise.

Near the Baisha Airport, Murong Xue just hung up Fan Guang’s phone and immediately dialed another call.

“I’m Murongxue, I’m in Baisha City, the situation is urgent, I apply for a special permit! Check afterwards!”

She only said a few words, and immediately hung up the phone.

Under a burst of white light, her body floated up.

A pair of huge white wings appeared behind her, making her look holy.

Strong coercion broke out suddenly.

All the tourists and passengers in the airport were frightened by this terrifying coercion, and they stood on the ground and dared not move.

Murongxue’s wings spread out, turned into a stream of light, broke the air, and flew towards the location of the Sunshine Restaurant.

The powerful air wave set off by her wings directly blows away the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

The power of the ninth-tier powerhouse is too strong, and there is no special situation, so you can’t shoot at will in the Dragon Kingdom.

Only an official Tier 9 powerhouse like Murongxue can apply for an emergency release permission when he discovers certain special circumstances endangering the safety of the Dragon Kingdom.

Murongxue judged that the situation was critical now.

Those foreign powerhouses sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom to kill their own talents, and their actions were too bad.

And at this time in her heart, Lin Feng’s position is very important.

It is an important fighting force for the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

She absolutely cannot allow such a talent to die in an attack by a foreign powerhouse before he grows up!

Therefore, she must rush to the Sunshine Restaurant as quickly as possible to find Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who both Murongxue and Fan Guang are looking for anxiously, is now fighting fiercely with a dozen mid-level powerhouses!

Wearing an endless suit, he activated the protection of the Dragon’s Touch and moved around in this enclosed space.

With the basic attributes added by these equipment, plus his own attributes, as well as the attributes increased by the elixir he eats on weekdays, Lin Feng’s speed is very fast and his physique is very good.

He dodges the attacks of many testers in turn.

Behind him, more than a dozen mid-level testers kept launching various attacks.

Lin Feng doesn’t have many people’s experience against the enemy, and he is a little unaccustomed to fighting with these people.

But his basic attributes far surpass those of the same level, coupled with his various equipment, keep the situation in balance.

Although there are attacks that hit him from time to time, under the defense of the endless suit and the dragon’s touch shield, there is no danger.

Taking advantage of this time of entanglement, Lin Feng is carefully observing the battle.

He found himself in a confined space.

This space is square, no matter the top, bottom, left, or right, it’s all mud.

Based on these circumstances, Lin Feng guessed that he might be underground.

This is a space opened up by some special professionals.

Although there is mud in all directions, the mud seems to have been specially treated to withstand the impact.

Those middle-level testers tried all kinds of methods to attack themselves here, but they didn’t see it collapsed.

And he was got here by special means.

The soil is plentiful and the air is humid. It is a good place to grow plants.

This battlefield is good for oneself.

But he did not plant plants immediately, nor did he immediately summon the plant soldiers in the herding space.

Because of those Ash Wizards.

He looked at the wizards who were holding magic wands and singing in the distance.

Several of those magicians are good at fire magic.

In a sense, this series of magic is the nemesis of plants.

Lin Feng needs to think carefully and observe carefully.

He wants to find a way to kill these Ash Mage.

With the comment system, he can easily understand the combat level of these enemies.

Lin Feng believes that as he becomes more and more familiar with them, he will always find a solution to these people.

He kept moving, and at the same time attacked the intermediate testers with explosive cherries and hot peppers.

0……Look for flowers…

After several treacherous trials, he is very patient now.

Especially during the second-order trial, he was in a disadvantageous situation, and finally came back through the magical skills of the gardener.

And this ambush is nothing more than a special “trial”.

He is very patient.

Lin Feng is watching the battlefield, watching the enemy.

But those opponents were a little anxious.

“Damn it, this kid is made from a loach?”

“Don’t struggle, you can’t run away anyway. Isn’t it okay to be killed by us honestly?”

“Cooperate better! Don’t let him slip again!”

“Be careful! The flame of that chili pepper is fierce!”

The mid-level powerhouses cursed and roared.

The more they fought, the more anxious they became.

In the beginning, these people were full of confidence.

A Tier 2 gardener, once he fell into their hands, wouldn’t it be a matter to kill him?

As a result, reality slapped them severely.

The gardener’s equipment is so good!

That bizarre armor has amazing defensive power.

No matter what attack they use, it seems to be offset.What ghost armor is this?

None of these mid-level powerhouses have such good equipment.

Why does a Tier 2 gardener have such powerful equipment?

And that special explosive plant is also very powerful.

If this place hadn’t been specially treated, I’m afraid it would have already collapsed in the explosion.


Once attacked by the cherry and chili, even the mid-level powerhouse will immediately fall to the ground.

Is this an auxiliary occupation?

With the cooperation of his strange equipment and plants, his combat ability is obviously much stronger than the average combat class!

Many ambushers cursed in their hearts.

Even Lin Feng has amazing basic attributes.

His physical stamina is so strong and his running speed is so fast that he actually surpasses those professionals who fight with the body.

Berserkers don’t run as fast as him!

Is this a second-order gardener?

One thing that makes them feel bad is that Lin Feng’s avoidance movements have become more and more skilled.

The cherry bombs and hot peppers he threw became more accurate.

There has been a berserker who went unnoticed for a while, was burned by hot peppers, and then blown by the peach bomb, and now he has fallen to the ground.

All this illustrates one thing.

Lin Feng’s combat ability is rapidly improving!

He is getting acquainted with the battle with “people”!

This made the ambushes feel bad.

“Assassin, go to the side to stop him!”

“The fighters help the wizards to block, don’t let him attack the wizard! This is our only remote output!

“I want to sing, let me!!!


While these mid-level powerhouses are discussing cooperation, the mages are singing.

A scream suddenly sounded in this underground space!

Lin Feng used the War Garden Pendant to summon the Rose Mage under the smoke of the explosion cherry, and passed through the portal to instantly be behind an Ash Mage.

The Ash Mage, who was under the protection of the warrior profession, chanted a spell almost defenselessly.

Lin Feng teleported behind the opponent, immediately threw a few bomb cherries, then turned around and ran.

The powerful power of the bomb cherry directly killed the Ash Mage, and also attacked other mid-level professionals not far away.

The screams instantly sounded in the underground space!

“For help!”

“Notify several other mid-level professionals in the underground space to come over!”

“Lin Feng is not a second-order gardener! He also has special equipment! He can still teleport!”

“For help! We can’t reach him!”

“Keep on fighting, he will kill our mage!”

“Hurry up!”

Shouting loudly, echoing in this underground space.

These mid-level powerhouses have rich combat experience.

It was just Lin Feng’s operation, they immediately judged that if they continued to fight for a long time, they must be at a disadvantage in this respect.

Without any hesitation, they began to ask for help.

Lin Feng didn’t even plant a single plant, nor did he summon plant soldiers.

Just dodge and throw special plants, it puts tremendous pressure on these experienced and powerful people!

But the other party’s request for help also made his situation dangerous!

The battle is more intense!

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