Chapter 112 Danger strikes and plunges into a strange space

Sunshine restaurant on the outskirts of Baisha City.

Lin Feng is waiting for people in the banquet hall here.

This is where his previous family representatives met.

He was still a second-order gardener at the time.

Time passed quickly, and in a flash he was already a fourth-order gardener.

Not long ago, he came out of the trial space and got a period of vacation.

Before long, he received a contact number from Eva.

Eva brought the cooperation intention of the Plushenko family.

Lin Feng can still remember the cooperation matters discussed with Katyusha before.

He was still thinking about the Dragon Blood Potion of the Plushenko family.

At that time, the annotations given by the annotation system made him value this product of the Plushenko family.

【Dragon Blood Potion: The user will learn the low-level dragon skin technique. It can form dense miniature dragon scales on the body surface, which are too small to be felt. ”

[Able to resist physical attacks, absorb shocks, and resist attacks from magical elements. The defense is amazing. ”

[Note: Use dragon blood, soul silk grass, hibiscus magic flower, blue phosphorous flower, seven field flower, river jade, through the refining method of blood gestation. ”

【Note: If you drink one bottle every month for one year, the user can learn the advanced dragon skin technique. 】

The high-level dragon skin technique is a defensive skill.

After experiencing two second-level trials, Lin Feng clearly knew his shortcomings.

Defensive ability is not enough.

In terms of offensive ability, he has a lot of plants that can be used.

Whether it’s doomsday mushrooms, corn cannons, or even explosive cherries, hot peppers.

The attack power of these plants is very strong.

He even has such powerful skills as the army and the tree world.

In terms of assistance, there are more things I can rely on.

Whether it is the newly acquired jungle invisibility technique or the past herding space, it is a powerful auxiliary skill.

There are more auxiliary plants, the space tree, the emerald palace, the radiance of the dawn, and various elixir that can be cultivated by itself…

But he lacks defensive skills.

The iron nut wall is a plant for position defense, not a plant for self-defense.

Although there is the assault armor, there are endless suits and the touch of the dragon.

But his life-saving ability is still insufficient.

In these two second-order trials, it can be said that they have tried their best.

Although in the end, there are no dangers.

But this is only a second-order trial.

Because of “Azura’s Rose”, he is now Tier 4 now.

Also accumulated enough points to be promoted to Tier 3 trial space at any time.

What I want to participate in in the future is the third-order trial.

In order to obtain the SSS level evaluation, it is already so difficult to participate in the second-order trial alone.

In particular, the trial of the Death City actually provoked a Tier 14 “God Devourer 933”.

So what will I provoke when I participate in the third-tier trial?

After all, in order to get the SSS-level evaluation, it is impossible not to toss.

Once tossing, accidents are easy to happen.

Whenever he thinks of this, Lin Feng is very vigilant.

He lacks defensive skills!

Therefore, he very much hopes to reach a cooperation with the Plushenko family and obtain their dragon blood potion.

For this reason, Eva contacted him and suggested that he needed to meet him at the Sunshine Restaurant, and he immediately agreed.

Fan Guang and the others are now anxious that Lin Feng will not enter the trial space.

They are all worried that Lin Feng has entered the trial space and is going to challenge the second-tier trial alone. That would be troublesome.

Hearing that he was about to come out to discuss with the Plushenko family, Fan Guang and the others directly agreed, and sent a team of soldiers to his restaurant.

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

Lin Feng looked up and said, “The door is unlocked, please come in.

The door opened in response,

Eva Plushenko stood outside the door, greeted politely, and walked into the living room.

Lin Feng frowned.

Why is she alone?

Isn’t this a collaboration with the Plushenko family?

Eva is a girl under twenty.He didn’t believe that such a big family would send a girl over as a representative to negotiate family cooperation matters with him.

And he did not see Katyusha.

Lin Feng can still remember that she had always communicated with herself as a representative of the Plushenko family.

“Um, long time no see, classmate Lin Feng.”

Eva sat in front of him a little nervously.

This made Lin Feng frowned.

This guy seems to be unable to break free from his own opposite-sex charm special effects.

If she keeps stammering as before, how can this be negotiated?

“Hello, classmate Eva. Are you here to discuss cooperation matters with me this time?”

“I take the liberty to ask, what about Ms. Katyusha? What about the rest of your family?”

Eva blushed when she heard his question.

She knew very well why she was the only one to come this time.

Not because of the family’s unreliable plan.

But she can’t speak directly to Lin Feng.

Katyusha’s aunt and several family uncles are in Baisha City. But it is not convenient for them to come here now.

“Now I will negotiate with you two. Don’t worry, I will go back to talk to Aunt Katyusha and the others about the situation we are discussing here.

Eva also knew that she could not make decisions for the family members. She was just a microphone and one of the “baits” to lure Lin Feng.

Although she was very reluctant, she didn’t know how to disobey the family’s orders.

Lin (ahca) Feng thought slightly.

What does this Plushenko family mean?

Wouldn’t it be enough to send Katyusha to talk directly?

Anyway, I talked to her last time.

Send Eva over, she can’t be the master again.

After going around, I still have to report to Katyusha and the others.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Feng to know that this is because the Plushenko family hopes to create Eva and his solitary time.

If he is not interested in Eva, there will be many such beautiful girls coming to contact him afterwards.

Eva thinks this family plan is unreliable.

In the eyes of Katyusha and others.

Power, wealth, influence, power, and sex are the most effective decoys for “people”.

Lin Feng sighed slightly.

He can only talk to Eva first.

Anyway, this girl doesn’t stammer anymore, as long as she can communicate normally.

“My conditions are still the same as before. I provide these medicinal materials. How about replacing them with dragon blood potions?”

While talking, he handed over a note.

The names of some of the medicines of the Dragon Blood Potion are written on it.

Soul silk grass, hibiscus magic flower, blue phosphorous flower, seven field flower.

Lin Feng is straight to the point.

Dragon Blood Potion is his only goal.

Eva was surprised when she saw the name on the note.

Is this the formula of the dragon blood potion that Aunt Katyusha said?

Lin Feng actually really knows the recipe!

There was a moment of silence, and Eva still asked her doubts.

“Well, Lin Feng, before discussing, I need to ask you a question, why would you want to use this for dragon blood medicine? Do you know something?”

Eva looked nervous, and stared at Lin Feng curiously.

“Isn’t this what your medicine requires? Although I don’t know the specific method of refining it.”

“But what was used, I can get a rough idea at a glance.

Lin Feng simply replied.

He is not wrong, he has a comment system, he can indeed get the comment at a glance and figure out the approximate formula of the dragon blood medicine.

Eva felt her breathing pause.

Know the formula at a glance?

Is it true that, like the speculation of Aunt Katyusha, Lin Feng just inferred many formulas through the video?

Is this really possible?

Lin Feng’s ability is really so powerful?

Or is it that great gardeners have this ability?

She stared at Lin Feng suspiciously, as if to see something on his face.

Looking at her like this, Lin Feng also noticed something wrong.

The last time Katyusha saw her note, she inexplicably suspended her cooperation and returned to family discussions.

This time Eva negotiated with herself, and first asked about the source of ingredients.

Is this thing precious?

Or is it the big secret?

This can be regarded as hindsight.

Because of the existence of the annotation system, a lot of information is not precious to him.

Moreover, as a gardener, whether he usually cultivates special plants or rewards for participating in trials, they are all kinds of items with powerful effects.

In his opinion, although this dragon blood potion is powerful, it is also a potion that can provide strong defensive skills.

But looking at the reactions of these Plushenko family, perhaps its significance does not stop there?

It is not waiting for them to discuss in more detail.

A cell phone rang.

Lin Feng looked at the display of his mobile phone and found that the call was from Fan Guang.

After giving a slight gesture to Eva, he stepped aside and connected the phone.

“Hello, Chief Fan?”

Before Lin Feng could say more, Fan Guang’s urgent voice came over the phone.

“Lin Feng! Bring someone back now! I have received a message that you are likely to be ambushed by an intermediate tester, come back!”

“I’m also leading the team to the Sunshine Restaurant. Let’s round as soon as possible!

“Don’t delay! Be careful! Your life may be in danger!”

Lin Feng frowned.

It is impossible for the other party to joke about such an important matter.

In other words, are you in a dangerous situation now?

He replied briefly: “Received. I’ll go back soon.

Turning his head, said to Eva: “I have something to do, go back to the barracks immediately. You also go back quickly.”

“We will contact you later.”

Seeing the other person’s different expression, he thought about it, and then reminded him: “Be careful, it may be dangerous.”

Fan Guang’s reminder was endless, and he didn’t know the specific situation now.

But leaving early is definitely the right choice.

He directly pushed open the inner door and walked out.

Outside the door, the soldiers waiting outside had already stood up.

“Things have changed, we will go back soon.”

“It may be attacked by intermediate trialists, please be careful.”

As he walked, he said that it didn’t take long for him to go down the stairs.

The soldiers looked at each other and followed behind him silently.

Walking downstairs, Lin Feng’s cell phone rang again.

He picked up his mobile phone and found that the person who contacted him was Murong Xue.

“Hello? Murongxue?”

“Lin Feng? You can finally answer the phone!”

“Stay in the barracks and don’t come out! You are in a bad situation now!”

“I’m in Baisha right now, just after getting off the plane, I will come to the barracks to look for you!”

“Remember, don’t go out!

Lin Feng looked tight.

Even a powerful tester like Murong Xue seemed so anxious, then his current situation must be really dangerous.

Coupled with Fan Guang’s emergency call before, it shows that his current situation is not optimistic.

“I was out of the barracks before, and I met with representatives of the Plushenko family at the Sunshine Restaurant where I first met.”

“Now I am rushing to the barracks, and Chief Fan also came out of the barracks and is on the way to pick me up.”

Lin Feng answered the phone and ran to the military vehicle outside.

He knew that the situation was urgent now, and without any hesitation, he told Murongxue where he was.

As a powerful ninth-order guardian, what accident really happened, she should have time to rescue.

In the phone, Murong Xue’s voice was in the same room.

“You have left the barracks? Then you go back and join Fan Guang immediately! I will be in your direction immediately! Be careful!”

Lin Feng and Murongxue talked on the phone, and ran to the military vehicle without saying a word.

The team of soldiers followed him closely.

Just when they left the restaurant and were less than 10 meters away from the military vehicle, the sudden change occurred!

Lin Feng’s figure suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a man wearing a mask and a hat.

The person appeared at the original location of Lin Feng, and while many soldiers hadn’t reacted yet, a flash, had been teleported to a distant place, and then disappeared from everyone’s field of vision.


Special skills for the special profession “Vengeful Spiritist”.

Ability to switch positions between the caster and the target.Schematically very harsh conditions, carved magic advance job in a particular place.

Trials typically only when, the junction array when the defense, as rescue teammates, and adjusting formation.

Lin Feng protect the soldiers who looked flustered to look around, I have not seen Lin Feng figure.

And that the sudden appearance of the man has fled away, chase the less.

The lead soldier quickly contacted Fan light!

Disappear from under people ignorant Lin Feng, they found themselves in a strange space.

He sensed right, the first time put on the endless suit.




Ding Ding Ding!

Do not wait for him to carefully observe yourself now live environment.

Continuous loud burst of sound, echoed in this space.

Lin Feng suffered an attack!

But for him has endless suits, presumably at the moment he has been injured.

He quickly moved up quickly, always change their position.


“What is this armor?

“A gardener had such a strong second-order equipment?”

Sound confused cries sound up.

Lin Feng at this time have time look at their environment.

This is a claustrophobic space.

This place is great, a rough estimate, there seems to have several thousand square meters.

Not far away stood a dozen people, different patterns.

Or hand wand, flashing in front of a variety of brilliance.

Or wearing leather armor, dagger in hand, exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

Or summon a powerful summon, eyeing looking at himself.

Lin Feng’s heart was tight.

Just by appearance, he can get out of judgment, these people are strong!

Or at least mid professionals!

Sure enough, the system prompts the comment confirmed his guess!

[Fifth-order ashes Master: special career, caster highly trained, master powerful magic, powerful attack)!

[Note: the element of fire around it filled, powerful, rich combat experience carefully)!!

[Fourth-order castaways: well-known ancient knowledge and skilled use of traps, props, magic and seven, have sophisticated combat skills, in order to kill the enemy, often unscrupulous. ”

[Note: This drifter has started strong and agile ancient esoteric tradition ceremony, extremely tough careful “!!!

Lin Feng simply see a bit of information that a dozen people.

Everyone is a strong person in order Trials.

While a six-strong order at all.

But everyone is currently the leader in other bands!

From the comments of the phrase “be careful” can be seen, these people are very powerful!

At this point, those who are quietly standing still, it seems discuss something.

Lin Feng could not hear what they were saying, but in any case, the other party can not be in the business is a good thing.

These people are their enemies!

Lin Feng slightly narrowed eyes, to keep my cool.

He put away the four soul jade worn around the neck.

An murderous, appeared in his body.

Although he is now unclear what the situation is.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

People are in front of the enemy!

The intensity of the attacks from the previous point of view, they want to kill themselves!

Then it is nothing to say.

Himself to do only one thing!


An amazing war broke out in this special space!

And outside, Fan light snow that Murong Lin Feng was missing, alarmed.

They searched frantically for Lin Feng at White Sands in the city.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, I can not find Lin Feng’s figure.

And more strong, was approaching the city to the white sand!

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