Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: The Broken Phone!

In front of the Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng is checking his last two rewards.

The first reward is the special reward obtained after completing the trial and obtaining the SS evaluation.

“The radiance of the dawn.”

Lin Feng was still very confused when he first heard the name.

What is this?

Is it a beam of light?

Can this also be a reward?

He didn’t know that it was a special plant until he actually received the reward and put it in his hands.

A black flower with stems and leaves.

Different from ordinary plants, the flowers of Dawn’s Glory have no substance, but a bunch of pale yellow light.

Lin Feng held it in his hand and could feel a touch of warmth.

It is indeed a special reward for the practice space!

It’s amazing!

【The Glory of the Dawn: A special plant cultivated by the demon god Azura of the Dawn, which emits strong light in the morning. The fruits produced can strengthen a person’s physique. Taking it can enhance physical fitness. ”

Is Dawn Demon God Azura again?

Why are there several rewards in a row this time related to this Dawn Demon God?

Lin Feng stared at Chenxi Zhihui carefully, hoping that the annotation system would give a more detailed explanation.

Regrettably, no matter how long he watched with the radiance of dawn, he couldn’t get any other answers.

He guessed in his mind that this might have something to do with his current rank too low.

Through the previous “God Devourer”, he has realized that there are gods in this world.

And this Azula is a powerful figure of that level.

It’s better not to delve into it yourself.

Before this, because of the powerful effect of “Azura’s Rose”, he was directly promoted to two levels.

So Lin Feng is also looking forward to this dawn.

I don’t know how much physique can be strengthened by the fruits it produces.

He selected a piece of land in the garden of the Emerald Palace that had been exposed to the sun for a long time, and planted the radiance of the morning light with expectation.

Just when he dug the hole, he was about to bury the roots of the dawn of light in the soil.

Sudden change!

The flowers of the brilliance of the morning glow are strong, forming a fluffy ball on the top.

The light was too dazzling, Lin Feng could only jump up his eyes.

But he was barely able to see the fluffy ball above the radiance of dawn.

That is a sphere formed by many miniature dawn lights surrounding each other!

With the breeze blowing.

The small round ball decomposed into many small morning glows, drifted in the wind, and landed in the garden.

Lin Feng looked startled.

What happened?

In the garden at this time, the brilliance of the dawn glowed with a pale yellow light.

There are many tiny light yellow dots scattered behind it in a fan shape, and the tiny light and the light it emits complement each other.

Lin Feng stared at the yellow light spots earnestly.

Dawn [Glory: A special plant cultivated by Azura, the demon god of Dawn, can emit strong light in the morning. The fruits produced can strengthen a person’s physique. Taking it can enhance physical fitness. ”


The radiance of the dawn?

This is actually the radiance of dawn?

Isn’t it just the brilliance of the dawn?

This small yellow spot is all this special plant?

[Note: The “Diffusion Planting” skill is activated! The effect is so powerful!)

Just when he was extremely shocked, the comment system gave the answer.

A strong sense of surprise spread in Lin Feng’s heart.

This is actually a skill effect!

[Diffusion Planting: When planting plants, there is a certain chance to trigger this skill to plant plants in patches. )

This skill is actually activated like this!What Lin Feng didn’t know was.

When he was planting the radiance of dawn.

The lucky four-leaf clover mark on his forehead was glowing faintly.

And on the silver apple tree behind him, there were small silver apples, which were also reflecting the sunlight, the silver light was shining, it was really beautiful.

Lin Feng was full of surprise and sowed a ball of sunshine, and then surrounded the garden.

It is better to protect such precious plants.

Can’t let your pet wolf “San Ye” be ruined.

The gusty wolf who was lazily basking in the sun in the sunflower field seemed to feel something and sneezed.

Lin Feng opened the operation panel after planting the flower of dawn.

The last reward awaits himself.

“Congratulations on completing this trial,

“Reward Sunshine +4400.

“Reward trial points +300”

“You can choose a prize from the following rewards.”

“A Magic Sword: Cold Crack.

“B Dark Crystal Orchid.

“C is sad to go to the top.”

“D Corrosion method beads.

[Magic Sword: Cold Crack: With the soul of the ice demon attached, it can freeze opponents. The water in the body of the enemy stabbed by it will freeze and die in pain!”

[Note: The demon soul in the magic sword will grow with the holder, increasing the power of the magic sword. The host has no relevant skills and cannot be used. ”

Lin Feng stared at this option with interest.

This is a weapon that can grow.

So far, in addition to the special equipment “Endless Set” that I have obtained before.

This is the second growthable piece of equipment I have seen.

He will look to other reward options.

[Dark Crystal: A plant blessed by the Dark Demon God. It can parasitize in carrion, absorb nutrients and maintain life. Once it results, spores will form and spread to a large area. ”

【Note: Without chloroplast, photosynthesis cannot be carried out. Accompanied by special bacteria in the body. ”

[Note: It can be parasitic on zombies! Can effectively kill zombies! Extremely important! It is strongly recommended to choose this plant!”

This thing is so strong!

Just by looking at the notes, Lin Feng knew the power of this plant.

It can parasitize zombies, absorb nutrients in their bodies, and then spread on a large scale.

Except for the special shield-powered zombies, most of the zombies have wounds outside their bodies, and their bodies are almost entirely carrion!

This plant is simply a zombie killer!

If there is no soil, I will probably rely on it to kill the zombies!

Lin Feng made up his mind and chose it!

Out of curiosity, he continued to check other reward options.

Sorrow【Seven poems: Seven poems that once stabbed a devil. Cursed by the devil. Those who are hit by it will be extremely sad, and their hearts will be exhausted and die!”

[Note: Under the curse of the devil, the holder will also be in a sad mood. It is not recommended to choose!

[Corrosive magic beads; contains the power of darkness. It emits a strange beam, causing incurable corrosion damage. ”

[Note: A magic weapon used by fallen priests who have been tempted by evil. Not recommended!]

Lin Feng squinted his eyes.

The rewards this time are very strange.

Almost all rewards are linked to some kind of evil creature.

It is also a special plant cultivated by the Demon God of Dawn.

It is also a magic sword with a demon soul attached to it.

There are also flowers blessed by the devil.

What is the reason?

Lin Feng thought about it, but only wanted to get an answer.

He got into the “God Devourer”.

He can clearly recall the comment of the Devourer of Gods.

A demon infected by a zombie virus.

Lin Feng has a hunch.

Sooner or later, he had to deal with this demon zombie again.

This stuff is not easy to mess with.

He is very clear about the strength of the opponent.

The ninth-tier powerhouses are so strong, how powerful will the fourteenth-tier zombies that can easily kill four ninth-tier powerhouses?

He can still clearly remember the shocking feeling when he saw God Devourer before.

But deep in his heart, he still has a little eager anticipation, and a burning fighting spirit.

With the help of the comment system, sooner or later, I will reach such a high level and kill the demon zombie!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng finally counted all the rewards.

Then he has time to deal with other things.

Lin Feng opens the communication list.

As expected, he saw a bunch of private messages.

In addition to those strangers who want to contact themselves, there are many contacts with acquaintances.

Among them, the most sent private messages are Dad Lin Zhengde, Murong Mingyue, and Murong Xue.

Lin Feng opened Lin Zhengde and their private messages, basically confirming his safety, and asked him to contact him as soon as he came out.

He felt a little warm and a little embarrassed.

Although he is still very confident of his current strength.

That’s why I dared to fight the second-order trial alone.

Although they have achieved good results.

But these people who care about themselves are still worried.

He was still a little embarrassed.

What’s more, my mom is missing now, and my dad is worried.

At this time, I am still participating in this kind of adventurous activity, which will definitely make him more worried and sad.

However, in order to reach Tier 9 as soon as possible, and to find my mother as soon as possible, I have to fight it!

With the annotation system as a backing, I have a lot of hope to hit the ninth rank!

After making up his mind, Lin Feng began to deal with those communications.

He planned to go out later to report to his father that he was safe.

He replied a private message to all the acquaintances who contacted him.

But there was no response.

Lin Feng frowned.

I was so eager to find myself, but when I contacted them by myself, they didn’t reply again.

Are you not trying out the space now?

Or is there something wrong with them?

Soon, Lin Feng ruled out this guess.

Murongxue is the world’s top powerhouse. Dad is in the barracks, what can happen to them.

Maybe there is something to deal with.

Anyway, I have dealt with everything here, so I should go out too.

He didn’t think much, and directly sent out the trial space.

After a burst of white light flashed, he came to the teleportation spire of the city barracks in Baisha.

When he regained his vision and walked out of the portal.

Lin Feng found that many people were waiting here in the teleportation hall.

Father Lin Zhengde is eating.

He looked a little depressed and worried.

Beside him, Fan Guang looked at a document blankly.

There are also many soldiers waiting here.

As soon as Lin Feng’s figure appeared, everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

Being stared at by so many people made him startled.

Then a little embarrassed raised his hand to say hello.

“Well, I’m back, and it makes you worry.


With a soft sound, Lin Zhengde stood up.

He walked quickly to Lin Feng and slapped him on the shoulder.

“You bastard, why do you take risks by yourself? Do you know how much I worry about you?

“Your mother is missing now, what if something happens to you too?”

“After your mother comes back, how should I explain to her?”Having said that, he couldn’t go on.

Lin Feng looked at his father’s red eyes and didn’t say much.

He just hugged Lin Zhengde gently.

In order to find a mother, I have to work hard and find a way to reach the SSS level evaluation within a year.

In addition, there is a comment system. Although his behavior is risky, he still has a certain success rate.

But he knew that he could not persuade his father.

After all, his behavior is very risky anyway.

He will definitely be worried.

So it can only be like this, cut first and play later.

Lin Feng didn’t say a word, and looked like he was beating and scolding, but Lin Zhengde didn’t know what to say.

Although he has a strong anger, he is more worried.

Now that Lin Feng returned safely, he let go of his worries, and at the same time, the anger in his heart has also decreased a lot.

As long as this kid doesn’t take risks anymore.

Thinking of this, his face stood up, and he looked at his son seriously.

“You can’t take the risk alone anymore, have you heard?”

Lin Feng didn’t speak, just nodded slightly.

Lin Zhengde was not at ease at all.

He turned his head to look at Fan Guang.

Fan Guang had been waiting next to him before, but now seeing Lin Zhengde looking at him, he also stepped forward.

“Lin Feng! You did not obey the order, did not go to the trial with your teammates, and once again went on an adventure alone!”

“In view of your violation of the order, a severe warning will be imposed on you! You must be corrected! You are forbidden to use the teleportation spire.”

“Until you have practiced cooperation with the soldiers of the military, you are not allowed to continue participating in the trial!

“You must go to the trial with them later!”

Lin Feng bitterly, did not speak.

He knew (money? Zhao) that this level was not so easy.

Fan Guang was worried about his safety and would not allow himself to participate in the trial. He had anticipated it before.

Moreover, Fan Guang’s treatment is not a punishment at all.

But you must form a team with the soldiers yourself, otherwise it is forbidden to use the teleportation spire by yourself, and is not allowed to participate in the trial.

This greatly delayed their participation in the trial and the efficiency of getting rewards.

Participate in the trial alone, and get the most rewards.

You have to upgrade as soon as possible!

Although he felt a headache about the military’s decision in his heart, he did not refute it either.

After all, they are all thinking about their own safety.

The big deal is that after I enter the trial space next time, I just won’t come out until I have enough strength.

Anyway, there are food and drink in the trial space, meat and vegetables.

I have both barbecue and hot pot.

There are even houses as luxurious as the Emerald Palace to live in.

Seeing that Lin Feng did not refute, Fan Guang was also relieved.

He really didn’t want Lin Feng to have an accident.

With such a good seedling, he can expect the other party to grow up and become the face of the military in the future, to frighten Xiaoxiao for the Dragon Kingdom.

“Wait, go back to rest first, and then cooperate with military soldiers to train.”

Lin Feng nodded and didn’t say much.

Fan Guang also breathed a sigh of relief, leading him, Lin Zhengde and the soldiers to leave the teleportation spire.

What Fan Guang didn’t know was that his plan was not successfully implemented in the end.

Because Baisha City is already the center of the storm.

The next situation is changing.

And Lin Feng’s strength will also give him a surprise.

Because Lin Feng has broken through the fourth order.

The military teammates he arranged for Lin Feng can no longer keep up with his strength!

Of course.

These are news that Fan Guang did not know.

Waiting for Fan Guang to take the others out of the back cabinet.

Lin Feng’s phone rang desperately…

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