Chapter One Hundred and Ten: A Great Increase in Strength! The Murderous Opportunity Revealed!

Trial space, in front of the Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng is carefully perceiving the changes in his body.

The effect of the “Rose of Azura” before this seems to have not completely disappeared.

He can still feel a faint cold breath in his body.

That breath is strengthening his physique.

After being promoted two levels in a row, my attributes must have been greatly improved.

But now Lin Feng doesn’t care about those basic attributes.

Anyway, with the annotation system, I have a variety of ways to improve attributes.

For him, the most important benefit of advanced career is the enhancement of skills and the new skills that he understands.

He opened the panel and looked at the [Career] section carefully.

【Name: Lin Feng]

【Occupation: Cultivator】

【Order position; Fourth order】

Lin Feng stared at the professional rank column, a little in a daze.

It’s incredible.

Tier 4, this is already an intermediate professional.

As long as you wait for yourself to upgrade the trial space to Tier 4, you will be an intermediate trialer.

This is an achievement that many people can’t achieve in a lifetime.

Before the college entrance examination, the scene of choosing the profession of gardener emerged in Lin Feng’s mind.

As if it was yesterday.

Just one month.

His occupation level reached such a level.

And those of my classmates have not even finished the college entrance examination!

I have to say that this is all thanks to the annotation system.

It is its biggest support.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng carefully studied the changes brought about by career advancement.

The first is the change of skills.

Under the [Occupation] panel, many skills appear.

The previous skills have been strengthened.

But Lin Feng skipped it directly.

He wants to see if there will be new skills in this continuous upgrade.

He was not disappointed.

On the [Occupation] panel, several skills that were not available before appeared.

“Diffusion planting: When planting plants, there is a certain chance to trigger this skill to plant plants in patches.

“Jungle Invisibility: In a certain period of time, it becomes one with the plant, avoiding the enemy’s pursuit.

“Exploration of water source: enhance perception and be able to explore the source of water within a certain range.”

Seeing these skills, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

All are auxiliary skills!

There is no attack skill like the tree world!

During the first Tier 2 trial, he deeply realized the power of the tree world skills.

If it weren’t for the tree world, he would face the Orion for the first time, and he would suffer a big loss when he was caught off guard.

During the second Tier 2 trial, he couldn’t grow plants. Can only flee from the capital of death to the northern suburbs in embarrassment, and then fight back.

In a city where there is no greenery like the capital of death, you can’t use the world yourself.

If you have other powerful offensive skills at that time, you might not be so passive.

But he was relieved soon.


After all, the gardener is an auxiliary profession.

More support skills should be added.

If someone else knows Lin Feng’s thoughts at this time, I’m afraid they will vomit blood on the spot.

In the second tier, there will be the Doomsday Station, and there will be corn cannons.

The former is a nuclear egg, and the latter is an artillery.

I have never seen such a powerful auxiliary occupation.

I have never seen a Tier 2 professional with such a powerful attack power!

Lin Feng settled down and studied his new skills carefully.

[Diffusion Planting: When planting plants, there is a certain chance to trigger this skill to plant plants in patches. )

[Note: This skill is quite powerful! Trigger this skill when planting specific plants, and the effect is extremely powerful! Have you seen how dandelions are sowed?]

Seeing the prompt of the comment system, Lin Feng tried to think about the scene when the skill was triggered.

Sowed a corn cannon seed by myself, and planted a row of corn cannons.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed a very cool thing!

If you can have this skill when you are in the northern suburbs of the capital of death.

Once the skill is triggered and the corn cannons appear, the pressure on yourself will be much less.

Planting plants to form a defensive position is his own skill and the strongest support!

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

With anticipation, Lin Feng looked at the other two skills.

[Jungle Invisibility: In a certain period of time, it becomes one with the plant, avoiding the enemy’s pursuit. ”

【Note: It can be fused with any plant. ”

[Note: Current invisibility duration: 100 hours. Unless it is an enemy with a particularly powerful perception, the host cannot be found. )[Note: Very strong infiltration skills! Who would have thought that there are people hidden in Shuhua One?)

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng’s eyes lit up instantly.

At first, he thought this skill was very tasteless.

After all, looking at the name of this skill “Jungle Invisibility”, it seems that it needs to be used in the jungle.

The place of trial is not always the jungle.

When the use environment is restricted, the restriction is very great.

And in the face of the overwhelming tide of corpses, hiding has little effect.

This skill is likely to be unusable.

After all, the trial venue is unpredictable, and there is no plant in the trial venue to let you merge.

But after the reminder of this note, he thought of the usage scenario of this skill.

sneak into!

It may have little effect in the trial space.

But outside the trial space, it can play a big role.

For a moment of curiosity, Lin Feng activated his skills.

Without warning, he merged with the Emerald Palace.

It’s as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Feng can’t feel his body anymore.

Unlike when he casts the tree world, he cannot control the Emerald Palace when he casts the jungle invisibility spell.

But he could perceive what happened around the Emerald Palace.

This skill may be of great use in the real world!

After satisfying his curiosity, Lin Feng stopped using skills.

He looked at the last new skill he had acquired this time.

[Water Source Exploration: Enhance perception and be able to explore water sources within a certain range)

[Note: This skill will greatly enhance the host’s perception! And it can find water sources far away!)

[Note: This skill is never tasteless! The host has already experienced the plight of no soil in the death capital, and definitely does not want to experience the plight of no water in the desert area!)

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng was shocked!

Yes indeed!

Why didn’t I think of this!

In the capital of death, I was greatly restricted.

Forced to go to the suburbs to grow plants.

If you go to a trial area that is extremely short of water sources, this “water source exploration” skill is the key to whether you can stand firm in the trial!


Thinking about this, Lin Feng exhaled softly.

Fortunately, there is an annotation system.

Otherwise, I would ignore the dangers I would encounter in the future.

And also underestimate the two extremely useful skills of “Jungle Invisibility” and “Water Exploration”.

Raising himself in his mind, Lin Feng began to look at those original skills.

Now that the ranks have been improved, those skills should also be strengthened!

He was not disappointed.

All skills have been enhanced.

Although on the [Occupation] panel, there is no detailed description, only that the skills have been enhanced.

But Lin Feng has a comment system, and he knows very well that all of his skills have been enhanced by more than one!

[Multiple Plants: The triggering rate is greatly improved! Current triggering rate: 40%)

[Note: Now you can get a large number of three launchers and twin sunflowers! There are also many multiple birth plants!]

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

This skill has been enhanced a lot!

In future trials, the speed of building defensive positions by yourself will be much faster!

With greater expectations, Lin Feng looked at the rest of the skills.

【Similar breeding: Some plants can be synthesized and cultivated. For example, two pea shooters can synthesize a dual shooter. ”

[Note: More plants can be synthesized. Peas, apple cannon and other plants are waiting for you!)

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng understood.

This is the ability to unlock plants.

Previously, I only used it to unlock the dual launcher.

It seems that more plants can be unlocked in the future.

He clicked on the plant illustration and glanced casually at the pea and corn cannon.

Peas, a pea plant, can have the effect of a variety of pea plants.

Can fire pea bullets, flame pea, and ice pea at the same time.

Once it is unlocked, I’m afraid the twin pea and pea shooter will be completely eliminated.

The apple cannon, firing apple cannonballs, can cause short-term stiffness damage to zombies.

It can be seen as a low-level version of the corn cannon.

Most importantly, it grows faster than corn cannons.

In some emergency situations, the apple cannon can play a stronger role.

So far, the two original skills of the gardener have been strengthened.

Lin Feng is very satisfied.

These two skills can increase the speed at which you build plant positions and increase your firepower.

The plant position is the biggest reliance on oneself during the trial.

Lin Feng looked forward to the four skills of the cultivator with anticipation.

【Grassyard Space: You can store your own plants and use them at any time. )

[Note: As the level increases, the plant space will also become larger. ”

[Note: Current Size: 3000 m3)

[Panic: the number of soldiers summoned plant upgrade. The current number of plants soldiers: 2000)

Animal husbandry, planting space, carry their own barracks.

Now the size has tripled.

With this upgrade, even where the plants can not grow, their fighting ability has been a huge increase.

The panic also been improved.

These two skills complement each other, is Lin Feng rely on extreme terrain.

Once they can not grow plants, you can only rely on animal husbandry, planting plants in the space to be your own bodyguard!

His act decisively, calling the 2000 soldiers plants, put them in the animal husbandry and plant space.

Done all this, Lin Feng see the last two skills.

[Plant activators; intervals, automatically generated crystals life. It can enhance the activity and the ability of plants. ”

Note: Current crystallization every day life can only cohesion 3.

See this comment, Lin Feng Yie.

Crystallized Life?

Not life energy ball?

He immediately went inside the bar to find items.

Soon, he found the three crystal full of vitality.

It presents three crystal teardrop-shaped, glittering and translucent, green interior has a cyclone in the rotation.

[Crystallized Life: Contains powerful life energy, can significantly enhance the vigor and vitality of the plant. The effect is four times the life energy of the ball. ”

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

nice one!

Earlier in the death of both, reinforcing the ball over the life energy of corn cannon, powerful, impressed him.

It can be said, precisely because it enhanced version of the corn cannon, he can under the corpse wave of attack, quickly gain a firm foothold.

Now the effect of this life is four times the crystal ball had life energy, would not be able to breed more powerful corn cannon?

Other plants that use this life-crystalline, will get how to strengthen?

Lin Feng looked around.

Jade Palace, silver apple, space tree ..

Many plants, proud proud to be feeding.

He put away the crystal life, the eyes look to the last skill.

And also his most anticipated skills.

Tree world!

【Tree Realm: Turn your area into a special enchantment and become the master of the enchantment. Can control all plants in the enchantment. ”

[Note: If you are in an area with lush vegetation, such as a forest area, you can communicate with all the plants in this area. Within a certain time. Become the master of the forest][Note: The current range of skills: 10000M * 10000M * 500)

[Note: Current Skills time: three hours)

Sure enough, the “tree world” this skill did not let Lin Feng disappointed.

It gave her a big surprise!

Skill long tree industry, has tripled!

And its skills atmosphere, enhanced tenfold!

If, when I first met Orion, the scope of such a great community tree, then continued to attack those hunting is simply not a problem!

Chang Lin Feng thought for their own use tree border killing four scenes.

He grow breath.

This time advanced, all of their skills are all enhanced.

At the current capacity, in addition to the six bands who Trial, Trial by others in order, I’m afraid not own a joint enemy.

If the favorable terrain, for example, among the jungle.

I’m afraid even the six-order peak, seven order soon promoted to become a senior Trial’s not their strong opponents!

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Just as he finished viewing all the skills you want to see other Trial reward, he remembered one thing.

He opened the bar items, carefully look up inside.

Not to his surprise, two mysterious seeds lie on the items box.

[Seeds of a mysterious yellow, later might be able to need them. ”

[Note: The profession of a gardener cannot be that simple! It is even more difficult to become a cultivator now!)

[Seeds of a mysterious green future might be able to need them. ”

[Note: this career can not be that simple gardener has now become even more hard work by the simple “!!

here we go again!

Whether their own or transfer advanced, will a mysterious extra seeds.

In addition to these seeds in different colors, without any distinction.

The comment system is no more hints.

This greatly provoked the curiosity of Lin Feng.

He will be four different colors of seeds took out, looked carefully placed in the hands.

As before, we did not get any new information.

Lin Feng shook his head, these four seeds all income items bar.

NOTE System can be used later to say, then later.

Earlier in the death of all time, notes to remind myself not to probe death following are secret.

Now I myself know what the secret in the end yes.

Death are the secret is, in its underground there is a huge monster, swallowed by the gods.

Now think about it, if it is to go before the Trials themselves, eat a silver apple, enhance luck, finally won the heart and soul gem.I’m afraid that his fate will not be too good.

So, since the note says to deal with these seeds in the future, just ignore them for now.

Lin Feng shook his head and studied other rewards enthusiastically.

Regardless of whether it is after the SS-level evaluation, the special reward “Dawn of the Sun” that one has received. It is also a reward for completing the Trial of the City of Death.

I haven’t checked it myself.

Especially the special reward “Dawn of Light”.

With the jade from the endless suit before, Lin Feng is looking forward to the brilliance of the dawn!

Even after completing the trial, he has come out of the capital of death.

Lin Feng has also been busy with all kinds of things.

What he didn’t know was that the outside world was about to come.

Long Country, Baisha City, once again became the focus of the world.

Countless people are looking for him.

Among all the people who madly contacted him, Murongxue was the most anxious one.

She just came out of the trial space and received the news after 803 went to Peiping to hand in the crystal of fate.

Lin Feng is facing revenge from many powerful families!

At this time, she did not know that Eagle Country had also launched a series of actions against Lin Feng.

But even if it is the revenge of several big families, it is not something Lin Feng, a second-order gardener, can deal with!

There are too many resources and manpower that these big families can deploy!

Murongxue kept in touch with Lin Feng.

But no matter she tried to contact via mobile phone or video communication, she didn’t get any response.

Murongxue felt anxious.

Lin Feng obviously completed the second-order trial, why didn’t you contact her?

Did something happen to him when he was participating in the trial, he was seriously injured, and he was in a coma in the trial space at this time?

Or is it already out of the trial space and is undergoing injury in the military in Baisha City?

No matter what, I must go and see!

Murongxue was anxious and hurried towards Baisha City.

In any case, she wants to protect Lin Feng’s safety.

At this time, Lin Feng occupies an extremely important position in her heart.

Earlier, the two teams of Dragon and Western United were competing for the crystallization of fate.

In that purple preparation space, the trial space uses the turntable to determine the order of transmission!

In the end, the four Tier 9 players of the Western team became the four most advanced players.

This is a coincidence!

It’s abnormal!

At that time, Murongxue, Ding Wenmo and others were immersed in frustration and desperate emotions, and did not think about it.

What happened later gave them a great surprise!

The four Tier 9 powerhouses of the Western United Team are all dead!

Died in the hands of the unheard of Tier 14 monster “God Devourer”.

And that monster was awakened by Lin Feng.

All of this is too coincidental!

Especially the turntable!

How can you draw the strong from China and the West four times in a row?

In the presence of the Devourer of Gods, anyone who is drawn will undoubtedly die.

Only by continuously drawing the strong from China and the West and letting the Dragon Kingdom representatives give up entering the capital of death can their lives be saved.

This is a life-saving grace!

Afterwards, Murongxue carefully analyzed it in her heart and found that Lin Feng was most likely to contribute to this coincidence!

It’s his silver apple!

That silver apple actually brought luck and victory!

There are such amazing plants!

Although I still can’t believe it.

But the facts are in front of me.

Even if he didn’t believe it, Murongxue would still attribute this kind of good luck to Lin Feng unconsciously.

Now that Lin Feng has received many SSS-level evaluations, how many plants of this level will he have in his hands?

In Murongxue’s view at this time, Lin Feng is likely to succeed Wang Jingtian and become another man of the Dragon Kingdom!

Judging from the current situation, he will do better than Wang Jingtian in the future.

Coupled with the life-saving grace of the silver apple before.

“Even if Lin Feng cannot save the guardian giant tree in the end, Murongxue must ensure his safety!

Like her, there are many masters rushing to Baisha City.

Some of them are interested in Lin Feng and want to deal with him.

Some people are foreign spies who stay in the Dragon Kingdom themselves.

What’s more is the mid-level powerhouse who sneaked in.

Their goal is only one, Lin Feng!

Baisha City was already in the tranquility before the storm. ??

Now with the arrival of these strong men, Baisha City is even more full of rain and wind!

But Lin Feng didn’t know anything about it.

He was still checking his rewards.

Although this trip to the City of Death was extremely dangerous, it also gave him great gains and tremendous growth in strength.

But the enemies of the outside world have already sharpened their swords.

Murder was revealed.

Everyone is waiting for Lin Feng to appear!

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