Chapter 109 Special rewards against the sky, two consecutive upgrades!

Gaul, Provence, in the manor of the Odell family.

Many strong family elites have left the manor.

In the previous king-level meeting, they have already determined their attitude towards Lin Feng.

Use the power of the whole family to kill Lin Feng!

That meeting also determined the next action plan.

Contact the family of all the strong men killed by Lin Feng this time, and kill Lin Feng together.

In the manor of the Odell family.

The owner, Odell Solomon, is checking documents in his office.

Not long ago, she contacted three other top families in Ying Country through a confidential phone call and agreed to deal with Lin Feng together.

In front of her, Odell Diana was looking at her worriedly.

“Patriarch, although we contacted the three top families including the John family to retaliate against Lin Feng, do we really have a way to kill him?

“He is now an important figure in the Dragon Kingdom, and he is bound to be under heavy protection.”

As Kai’Sa’s mother, Diana wanted to kill Lin Feng and avenge her daughter.

But when she calmed down, she wanted to understand one thing.

My enemy is not so easy to kill.

Even if he is just a teenager.

Even if he is just a second-order gardener.

But his energy is too great.

Keep breaking records.

Awaken the God Devourer of the fourteenth order.

Four ninth-tier powerhouses including Kai’sha who killed his daughter!

Which 18-year-old boy can make such a big noise?

Even if Diana hates Lin Feng very much.

She also has to admit that Lin Feng is a person with endless potential.

Such a person will definitely be valued by Dragon Kingdom.

Under the heavy protection of the Dragon Kingdom military, several families can really kill him if they unite?

Solomon, the owner of the Odell family, smiled confidently.

“Lin Feng has great abilities. He is also under the protection of Long Kingdom, but he himself has a huge weakness.”

“Seven Seven Zero”

“The weakness is that his own strength is too weak and his level is too low! Only a mid-level strong can kill him!”

The self-confidence of Solomon’s Patriarch did not affect Diana.

She is still very worried.

In Diana’s view, it doesn’t matter whether Lin Feng deliberately intervened in the trial of the ninth-level powerhouse.

But it is an established fact that he killed her own daughter Kaisha.

Kai’Sa is her greatest pride and her greatest support for so many years.

Kai’Sa is dead now.

Diana hated Lin Feng deeply.

She was worried that she could not get revenge.

“Patriarch, even if Lin Feng can easily be killed by a mid-level powerhouse, it is impossible for us to send how many mid-level powerhouses to Long Nation?”

“Long Country will definitely guard the border. No one of us can really come into contact with Lin Feng, how can we deal with him?”

Patriarch Solomon’s eyes twitched.

She is not used to being questioned.

But looking at Diana in front of her, she still intends to explain.

Because Diana is also considered a great contribution to the family.

And her daughter Kaisha is the biggest hero of the Odell family in the past ten years.

If Kai’Sa is dead and her attitude towards Diana is very poor, it will only affect her image in the hearts of family members.

After organizing the language, Solomon explained a few words indifferently.

“As long as our families send strong people together to focus on a certain section of the border of the Dragon Kingdom to put pressure on it.”?

“Once the top powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom are forced to come to a designated place to fight against them.

“In that case, the defense of the remaining border areas of the Dragon Kingdom will inevitably appear flaws.

“At that time, we will send intermediate trialists to sneak into the Dragon Kingdom.

“Without the patrol of high-level powerhouses, the success rate of these mid-level powerhouses in sneaking into the Dragon Kingdom will be greatly enhanced.”

“Those middle-level strong will go to the city where Lin Feng is located in Baisha.

“As long as Lin Feng comes out of the trial space, many mid-level powerhouses will take action and kill him on the spot.

Hearing the explanation from Solomon’s Patriarch, Diana calculated in her heart.Gradually, a smile appeared on her pale face.

“I understand, Long Guoguo is wary of those high-level powerhouses, and would not have thought that the real killer moves would be those intermediate-level testers.”

“Thank you Patriarch, this is the only good news I have heard in so many days.

Seeing that she had been persuaded by herself, Patriarch Solomon waved his hand calmly.

Diana bowed respectfully and walked out of the office.

Patriarch Solomon looked at her background and shook his head.

She is not planning to leave the office yet.

This time, she will not only contact the three top families to deal with Lin Feng.

She also needs to contact the senior level of Eagle Country!

Let the Eagle Nation participate, let the Eagle Nation send people to deal with the strong of the Dragon Nation!

Solomon believed that what happened in the Odell family manor in Provence would also take place in several other cities in the Eagle Country.

Those families in Eagle Nation must not be able to bear such a huge loss.

She checked the office with a devilish energy, and after confirming that no one was hiding here, she began to contact the senior officials of the Eagle Country through secret telephone channels.

Eagle country.

Hexagon building.

It is the office of the special intelligence agency of the Eagle Country.

In a conference room full of advanced facilities.

Many senior intelligence officials attended the meeting again.

The entire conference room was immersed in a gloomy atmosphere.

All the Eagle Nation intelligence officials have a headache for one thing.

It is the same as the loss of an Odell Kasha, a badly injured and embarrassing Gaul country.

Those families of Eagle Nation also lost Tier 9 top powers this time.

The others are fine.

But John Carl, known as the “Seraph”, also died, and the impact was too great!

It’s not just the John’s family he’s in.

Even the Eagle Country was badly injured.

There is no other reason, John Carl is too strong.

He is the strongest existence among all the top testers in the West.

He is also the only one who can compete with Wang Jingtian.

Although after many battles, John Carl never beat Wang Jingtian.

But at least he can play against Wang Jingtian for a long time without losing.

One thing has been recognized by many ninth-tier powerhouses.

As the ninth-level peak, Wang Jingtian and John Carr’s combat effectiveness are much stronger than the combat effectiveness of the other ninth-level peak powerhouses.

It can be said that the combat capabilities of the two of them are unique in the world.

Even if there are ninth-tier powerhouses like Murongxue based on professional characteristics, they can fight against them.

But once they fight for life and death, Murong Xue will undoubtedly lose.

Prior to this, Wang Jingtian was severely injured and unconscious due to special tests, and it has been a long time since he appeared.

Other countries used various methods to investigate his situation.

Whether it is deducing constellations or magic calculations, they all point to a result.

Wang Jingtian is in an accident and cannot fight now.

All Western powers are pleasantly surprised.

Among them, Yingguo is the worst.

As the only opponent that can rival the Eagle Nation in the world, the Dragon Kingdom has always been a thorn in their eyes.

Wang Jingtian, as the strongest trialer of the Dragon Kingdom, is also the world’s strongest trialer, and has always been a thorn in the heart of the Eagle Kingdom.

He had a problem, and all the Western powers were overjoyed.

But these countries were not sure about this at first.

This is a big deal, and no high-level country dare to be cautious.

This battle for the crystallization of fate is a god-given opportunity.

Eagle country needs to investigate Wang Jingtian’s situation.

If he hasn’t played yet when he knows that John Carl will play, then he can almost confirm that there is a problem.

The final result made Eagle Country’s top executives ecstatic.

Wang Jingtian really did not play!

For such an important item as the crystallization of fate, the Dragon Kingdom did not send Wang Jingtian!

Coupled with so many days of investigation, Eagle Country has confirmed that he, the strongest man in the world, really has an accident.

Therefore, Eagle Country immediately called an emergency meeting.

They have a series of plans.

Taking advantage of their current huge advantage in the strongest combat capability, they must do everything possible to suppress the Dragon Kingdom and maximize their benefits.

All of them are waiting for John Carr.

Waiting for him to win this competitive trial.

Waiting for him to bring back the crystal of fate.

Waiting to lead his many powerful testers to suppress the Dragon Kingdom.

How do you know that what they finally waited for was the news of John Kraft’s death!

It’s not just news of John Kraft’s death.

And the news of Vanfriet’s death!

And news of Francis’ death!

They are all top rank 9 powerhouses!

One thing that made them unacceptable the most was that they actually died indirectly in the hands of a Tier 2 tester.

A gardener crossed seven levels and killed several top powerhouses.

The mentality of the senior leaders of the Eagle Country burst.


Information meeting room in the hexagonal building.

Many intelligence-related officials have sad faces.

They are discussing how to deal with this incident.

Different from those family forces.

As a national power, the Eagle Nation’s intelligence agencies have to consider too many things.

Now Wang Jingtian is in an accident, but John Kraft is also dead.

And they also lost another ninth-tier powerhouse.

Not only does it no longer have an advantage in terms of high-level combat effectiveness.

Now the Eagle Nation is even in a disadvantaged position.

What should I do next?

Will Long Kingdom take other follow-up measures?

These intelligence personnel could not discuss a proper way to deal with it.

The entire conference room has been trapped in this inexplicable silence for a long, long time.

At this moment, a team of people walked in.

Everyone looked intently, and a middle-aged soldier in a straight military uniform walked in with three vigorous testers.


The middle-aged soldier walked directly to the top spot, patted the table, and attracted everyone’s attention. ?

“The three people next to me are the liaison officers sent by the family of the three ninth-tier strong men who died not long ago.

In addition to “them, the liaison officers of the Odell family are coming to us from Eagle Country.”

Other “things are managed by the Supreme Council. Now we have only one goal.”

“With the assistance of several big families, the gardener who caused this lot of trouble will be solved.

As soon as this middle-aged soldier came, he brought a new topic 0 to the tangled hexagonal building meeting.

The meeting room became lively in an instant.

These senior intelligence personnel attending the meeting probably would not have thought of it before.

A second-tier gardener will have such a great influence, and can become the target of the meeting of the special intelligence agency of the Eagle Country, the hexagonal building.

Lin Feng has also formally entered the sight of many powerful countries.

The threat he faces is not only from the hostility of the big family.

Will also face the threat of Eagle Nation!

As for Lin Feng in the trial space, he didn’t know the ups and downs that he had brought to the outside world at this time.

He is counting the rewards for the trial.

Especially the special rewards obtained by intervening in Tier 9 trials before.

“Azura’s rose.”

Before that, he was still reminiscing about the special zombie “God Devourer”.

That huge monster gave him too much shock.

It also made him vaguely understand a lot of things.

Just when he was rehearsing his trial in the Death City.

The hint of trial space gave him a big surprise.

In any case, he would not have thought that he would actually affect the Tier Nine Trial.

He had been dealing with Murongxue for so long, and looking at the leopard, he knew very well how powerful the ninth-tier powerhouse was.

With his current strength, it is impossible to intervene in the competition among Tier 9 trainers.

But things are so wonderful.

I participated in a Tier 2 trial, and the result provokes a Tier 14 monster “God Devourer”.

Although that huge monster prevented himself from obtaining the SSS-level evaluation, it killed four ninth-tier powerhouses.One can imagine how terrifying that incomparably huge monster is.

I thought of the oppression that monster brought to me.

And after the end of the trial, he can still sustain continuous damage to his soul.

I think of that feeling every time.

Lin Feng couldn’t stop being a little scared.

But it’s okay.

Not only did he escape from that monster.

What’s more important is that he somehow helped the Dragon Kingdom team to win.

Even let himself get special rewards.

【Azula’s Rose: A special rose cultivated by the demon god of dawn and dusk, the mother of roses, and the queen of the night sky, Azula. Possess a powerful force. It can help users to improve their professional level. ”

[Note: Azula, the demon god of dawn and dusk, although he is a demon god, but has kind thoughts in his heart. It is a demon god who can deal with. ”

When he saw the note, Lin Feng felt ecstatic.

Upgrade your career level!

I am now doing my best to challenge the SSS-level trial evaluation, what is it for?

Isn’t it because of the generous rewards of the highest evaluation, is it because of the rapid advancement?

Now I only got the SS grade evaluation, but got this “Azura’s Rose”, which can also improve the professional level.

This is really blessings and misfortunes, misfortunes and blessings.

Thinking of this rose, I also thought of the previous heart and soul gems.

Lin Feng felt that everything was too coincidental.

He glanced at the silver apple tree below and shook his head.

He felt that it was not the time to think about it.

Lin Feng took out that Azula’s rose from the inventory.

A full-bodied rose.

He held the rose, and a hard, cold touch came from his fingertips.

This 2.0 attack is amazing!

This was cultivated by the demon god Azura?

As a gardener, can I also try to cultivate this magical rose?

Not waiting for Lin Feng to study carefully.

Azura’s rose exudes bursts of white light.

It decomposed into countless white light particles, which poured into Lin Feng’s body.

Lin Feng only felt that there was a cold current flowing in all his limbs, but he didn’t make himself feel uncomfortable.

As Azura’s rose completely decomposed, it turned into a cold current and poured into his body.

Gradually, he felt his consciousness being stripped from his body.

Lin Feng felt that his body was getting colder and colder, but his consciousness became clearer and clearer.

He can clearly feel the changes in his body.

The cold current is constantly flowing in the body, seeming to be transforming his body.

“Ding! Congratulations to the tester Lin Feng, who has successfully advanced to the third gardener.

The indifferent voice rang in Lin Feng’s ear.

Lin Feng’s consciousness returned to his body, and he opened the panel happily.

Not waiting for him to carefully check the advanced skills.

“Ding! Congratulations to the trainer Lin Feng, who has successfully advanced to Tier 4 gardener.

Fourth order?

Why is it Tier 4?

Lin Feng was taken aback.

This Azura’s rose, the effect is so strong?

Then, a sense of surprise spread in his heart.

Two consecutive ranks!

It’s worth noting that I will do my best in the capital of death, desperately adventurous!

Worth it!

At the same time, he thought of something.

This luck is a bit against the sky!

He glanced at the silver apple tree again.

After hesitating, Lin Feng opened the [Occupation] panel.

The most important thing is to understand yourself and check your new skills!

After continuous upgrades, what new skills will I gain?

Or will it enhance the original skills?

Regardless of the result, Lin Feng is looking forward to it!,

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