Chapter 108 Kill Lin Feng! The Ninth Tier Family must not be insulted!

Lin Feng made too much noise this time.

Because of him, the trial space of the capital of death was closed.

Because of him, it was the first time that people knew that Tier 9 was not the highest level in the trial space.

Because of him, Murongxue won. This competition trial.

Also because of him, four ninth-ranked masters with resounding names died somehow!

Each of the four masters is the world’s top-strong.

Each of them can be said to be the facade of the country and the top deterrent!

All of the four powerhouses are now dead, and their family can’t stand such a thing!

The most sad country is the Eagle Country.

The four dead masters, except for the ninth-order Ash Mage Odelkatha, who was known as the “Beacon of Wisdom”, were Gauls.

The remaining three powerhouses are all Eagles!

Everyone like them is an important backbone of the country.

Now all of a sudden, Eagle Nation has lost three top powerhouses of this level, and the top level of Eagle Nation only feels chest pain.

It’s not just a headache for managers at the national level.

The powers and families of those strong people have numb scalp and blood dripping from the heart!

At this time, the families of the four ninth-tier powerhouses are all holding emergency meetings!

Gaul, Provence.

Long ago, here was an important city for the spread of culture in the entire Gaul country.

For so many years, the place has maintained its ancient atmosphere, maintaining its former style.

Even if human beings enter the New Yuan era in the trial space, they still do their utmost to retain the ancient appearance.

The city of Provence today has a strong literary and historical atmosphere. I don’t know how many tourists come here every year.

But here is not just a beloved tourist city, there are not only many buildings full of humanistic atmosphere.

There is also the center of a huge family: the Odell Manor area!

The Odell family, the most powerful family power in Gaul!

This family has been weakened several times and has gone through vicissitudes of life!

When the trial space appeared, they appeared several top powerhouses in succession, leading the family and regaining glory!

Now, in this Odell Manor, countless luxury cars appear.

Rows of top luxury cars manufactured with cutting-edge technology are parked outside the manor.

There are too many people here, and there are so many cars in this huge manor!

A large number of blondes got out of the car, entered the manor with a serious look, and led by the attendant to the manor’s assembly room.

This is an extremely large family. The members of the family are very busy on weekdays and it is impossible to gather together like this.

Even if it’s Christmas, there are always high-level people running around and unable to return to the family manor.

But this time, almost all the senior members of the family who can speak for the whole family are here!

These luxuriously dressed and dignified members of the Odell family, in this own manor, do not return to the comfort of the past.

They are either serious or indifferent.

What’s more, a look of trepidation appeared on his face.

In this conference room, they gathered in twos and threes, communicating in a low voice, and looking at each other at the same time.

They hope to find a more senior family member and tell them in advance about the dangers the family is currently facing.

Today, those who can show up here know why they were suddenly summoned.

The facade of the Odell family, the top powerhouse of the family, the ninth-order gray mage known as the beacon of wisdom, Odell Kai’Sa is dead!

Died while forming a team to participate in a competitive trial, fighting for the crystallization of fate.

The most important thing is that, according to the existing intelligence, she did not die in the hands of Tier 9 powerhouses in other countries.

He died in the hands of a second-order gardener!

Even if that gardener was inadvertently involved in the trial of the ninth-tier powerhouses.

But this is still an incredible thing!

Upon hearing this news, the family chief immediately recalled all important clansmen and initiated an important meeting.

They must discuss this matter carefully!

Before long, more and more members of the Odell family came to the manor.

There were hundreds of men and women!

If this incident were not too serious, it would be impossible for these people to gather.

Even if there are many elites from all walks of life among these hundreds of people, they are not all high-level testers.

However, there are still many high-level testers in the senior management of the Odell family.

They gathered together, the breath radiating from their bodies intertwined with each other, and the wind chimes by the window jingled.

If it weren’t for the living room of this manor, it was big enough and the materials used were special.

With so many powerful people gathered here, just the momentum can break the entire conference room!

Just as everyone was whispering, the door of the conference hall suddenly opened.

All the members of the Odell family stopped their movements and looked at the gate together.Over there, a middle-aged woman walked into the room with a majestic and powerful manner.

Odell Solomon!

Contemporary Patriarch of the Odell Family!

She is obviously a woman, but she has a man’s name.

As a Tier 9 Demon, her strength is not as good as that of the Ashen Mage Odell Kai’Sa, but she has a much smarter mind and powerful control over power.

This time “calling everyone here, I think you all know the reason.”

“The beacon of the family, the top powerhouse Odell Kai’Sa is dead.”

“She died unclearly. As the facade of our family, it is impossible for her to die meaninglessly like this.”

“Our meeting this time revolved around this matter.

“Everyone and I go to the king-level meeting room.”

King class meeting room!

The highest-level meeting room in the entire Odell family.

According to the rules that have been passed down for thousands of years in this ancient family, they divided the family meeting room into four levels.

The more important the topic is, the higher the level of conference room is.

The king-level conference room has not been officially used for a long time!

This shows the importance of this meeting!

The impact Lin Feng caused this time is really too great!

The royal conference room is on the fifth floor of this manor.

In order to show the importance and respect for the king-level meeting.

Participating in a king-level meeting, you can only walk into the meeting room.

Under the leadership of the patriarch Solomon, the other family members arranged according to their respective branches and walked carefully to the white jade stairs.

On the fifth floor, the gorgeously decorated door opens automatically.

Everyone walked into this conference room with a heavy, cautious, and careful mood.

When everyone is seated, the door of the meeting room automatically closes again.

Owner Odell Solomon went straight ahead.

“There is only one thing we have to discuss this time.

“This issue is how to kill the second-order gardener, Lin Feng!”

People couldn’t help but talk.

Hearing this, many people were surprised.

In their view, there are at least several topics to discuss at this meeting.

Kai’Sa’s death.

The ninth-tier powerhouse is not the strongest.

A monster of the fourteenth order, the devourer of the gods.

Attitude towards Lin Feng.

The current pressure facing the family.

These are the topics that need to be discussed at present.

As a result, Patriarch Solomon said that there was only one issue at this meeting, which is to kill Lin Feng?

Moreover, what kind of attitude should the family treat Lin Feng with, this matter has not been discussed by the family, so has the tone set?

Looking at it now, Lin Feng even killed so many ninth-tier powerhouses.

Even the monsters of the fourteenth order have come out.

So the family decided on Lin Feng’s attitude?

Very often, for a big family like Odell, the family’s interests are more than everything.

For Lin Feng, a potential tester who is heavily protected by his country.

The family decides to take retaliatory action directly without any meeting and discussion, which is not necessarily in the family’s interest.

However, Patriarch Solomon is usually very powerful, and the members of the Odell family dare not refute her directly.

There was silence at the meeting.

Finally, a middle-aged man couldn’t bear it and raised his hand to ask a question.

“Patriarch, we will directly take retaliatory action against Lin Feng before the negotiation of the family meeting, which may not be appropriate.”

After the man finished speaking, he stared at Patriarch Solomon nervously.

Before Solomon could answer, someone yelled back impatiently.

A sharp female voice sounded in the meeting room.

“What else needs to be discussed? That Lin Feng has already been on top of us, don’t you want to kill him?”

“Why, in your opinion, our family has died of a ninth-order strong, is this a very indifferent thing?”

“Kay, I know, you just don’t want to get into trouble with the country over there because you have a lot of business dealings in Asia!”

The middle-aged man named Kay who asked the question before changed his expression.

Who is this, actually yelling here.

Have you forgotten what this place is?

This is a king-level meeting room!

It can be said to be the highest decision-making place of the Odell family!

Together with everyone, he looked at the person yelling in the conference room.

A middle-aged woman with red eyes staring at Kay with a haggard look and a mocking expression on her face.

Odell Diana.

Odell Kai’Sa’s mother who died not long ago.

Seeing that it was her, everyone was a little relieved.

No wonder she reacted so intensely.

After all, their daughter just died.

Although Kaye raised objections before, she said that she was in his heart.

But in the important meeting room of the family, it is impossible for him to admit his cautious thinking.

“Lin Feng now has unlimited potential and is heavily protected by the military.”

“Now that he has made such a big momentum, even the 14th-order monster god devourers have been provoked by him, and now Lin Feng must be more valued.

“We just lost the important fighting power of the family, so how do we kill him?”

His words were approved by many people.

After all, although Kai’Sa is extremely important to the whole family.

But in the case that Kai’Sa is dead, they are not willing to cause heavy losses to people in these branches.

After all, even with Lin Feng’s revenge, Kai’Sa can’t be resurrected.

To lose their own interests, it is really not worthwhile for these people who have various concerns in Asia and are deeply entangled in their interests.

Odell Kai’Sa’s mother slapped the table angrily.

We “are the Odell family! Now the top powerhouse of the family has been killed. This is blood feud! You don’t want to take revenge?”

“Why? Is there no fighting power in the current family? Without Kai’Sa, you don’t even have the ability to kill a Tier 2 gardener?”

“Or does it mean that without Kaisasa, our Odell family would be a bunch of trash like this?”

Kai’Sa is dead.

Diana didn’t want to care about family interests and such things now.

She only wanted to avenge Kai’Sa, and only wanted Lin Feng to die.

Under the pressure of her hysterical aura, those opposition parties were silent for a while.

But Odell is a big family after all, and its internal factions are complicated and interests are entangled.

Not everyone can consider issues from the perspective of the family as a whole.

Soon someone stood up to refute Diana’s statement.

“Perhaps we can find a way to win, or threaten Lin Feng.”

“He also has a family. Lin Feng himself is heavily protected. It is impossible for his family to be protected at all times.”

“It is always easier to kill his family than to kill Lin Feng.

“I think, let Lin Feng always be in the fear of losing his family, always worrying about the safety of his family, Diana, you should also be satisfied.”

This statement was instantly approved by many people.

Lin Feng’s role is great.

Although he killed Kai’Sa.

However, according to the hints from the previous trial space, he inadvertently intervened in the high-level trial, leading to the death of the ninth-level powerhouse.

0……Look for flowers…0

The relationship between him and the Odell family mainly depends on the Odell family’s views and attitudes on this matter.

In the eyes of many family members, wooing or controlling Lin Feng can get more benefits than killing him.

There is no need to offend a powerful country.

After all, in such a big family, it is impossible for everyone to have a close relationship.

Many people value interests more.

Soon, almost only Kai’Sa’s immediate family members were still determined to kill Lin Feng.

The rest, except for the remaining quarter of the members, did not express any opinions.

Most of the rest of the Odell family members do not want to risk the assassination of Lin Feng.

Everyone in the meeting room began to quarrel gradually.

Soon, those who suggested threatening Lin Feng had the upper hand.

The voices of Kai’Sa’s immediate family members, represented by Diana, were gradually covered up.

Just when the voice in this king-level conference room became more and more noisy, and the atmosphere became less and less solemn.

A chill swept through the entire conference room.

The members of the Odell family who were busy arguing shuddered by the chill.

They looked in the direction where the chill came.

Odell’s Patriarch, Odell Solomon stared at them solemnly.

Patriarch is angry!

Everyone was sitting in distress and stopped talking.

They stared tremblingly at the main “Queen”.

Solomon usually manages a large Odell family, and he has a lot of power.

When she became angry, few family members were not alarmed.”I said, this conference has only one topic, how to kill Lin Feng!”

“The Odell family has only one attitude towards Lin Feng, and that is to kill him!”

“He is a Tier 2 gardener, but he can kill a Tier 9 strongman of my Odell family.”

“He didn’t kill the general ninth-tier strong, but the strongest of our family, the facade of the family, Kai’Sa!”

“I don’t care if Lin Feng is intentional or unintentional.”

“A Tier 2 gardener can insult the Odell family, what do other forces think of us?”

We “do not take revenge against Lin Feng. Does it mean that our Odell family lost their combat effectiveness as soon as Kai’Sa died?”

Patriarch Odell Solomon stood up and glanced at the people in the royal conference room with a serious look.

The demonic energy of being a ninth-order convict demon spread throughout the meeting room, and many people shuddered.

“I know that many of you are no longer participating in the trial of the trial space, and no longer fighting.”

“You are the elites of the business, the elites of the entertainment industry, and the elites of all walks of life.

“So, you haven’t participated in the cruel trial for too long, and you have forgotten what kind of world this is!

The devilish energy in the Patriarch Solomon’s body was rising frantically.

Many people feel that they can’t bear the crazy devilish energy, holding their arms and swinging tremblingly.

But they dare not say a word.

The indifferent voice of the Patriarch Solomon continued to sound.

“Because of the trial space, all kinds of professionals have appeared in this world!”

“Under the superficial order, this is a world where the weak eat the strong and the strong respect the strong!”

“Being provoked to the point that she doesn’t slap her back in the face, Kai’Sa will not retaliate if she is dead, it can only show that the family lacks combat effectiveness!”

“Without strong fighting ability, no matter how strong it is in other industries, it is just a lamb to be slaughtered!”

“This is sending a signal to others! It is inviting other powers to share the Odell family!”

“Whether it is for the continuation of the family, for the face of the family, or for future development, we must kill Lin Feng!”

“You have forgotten the true face of this world, it doesn’t matter. But the Odell family, can’t forget the cruelty of this world!

“I repeat, there is only one attitude towards Lin Feng, kill!”

“Do you understand?”

The powerful aura of the ninth-tier powerhouse echoed in the conference room.

The powerful devilish energy of the demon concubiner spread wildly in the meeting room.

Many family members only felt a biting chill burrowing into their bodies.

They kept swaying.

Faced with the rhetorical question of the Patriarch of Solomon, they could not speak at all.


A loud response echoed in this king-level meeting room.

Everyone was shocked.

Under the powerful devilish coercion of the patriarch, there are still people who can speak?

They turned their heads hard and looked at those who responded.

Those people are sitting upright on the side of the meeting room.

They are those family members who have not expressed any views or said a word before.

At this moment, all kinds of brilliance bloomed on them, resisting the erosion of demonic energy!

There are people around the holy disc spinning.

Some people are surrounded by flames.

Someone’s body is shining with stars.

They, each of them, are powerful testers of the Odell family!

Those business elites were extremely shocked.

Feeling the powerful pressure on their faces, they realized one thing at this moment.

These testers usually don’t show up very much, and often they don’t hear from them.

But they are the real backbone of the Odell family!

The Odell family is a family that relies on the strength of the testers and relies on violence to rise in the forest of the world!

And these people, they have become accustomed to doing tricks with others in business, and have long forgotten the bloody nature of the Odell family!

No one has any objections to the decision of Solomon’s Patriarch.

This king-level meeting continues.

There is only one topic it discusses!

How to kill Lin Feng!

It’s not just the Odell family holding such meetings.

The John family where John Kraft belongs.

The Ander family where Francis belongs.

The Dia family where Vanvrit belongs.

These top families in the world are all discussing a common issue.

How to kill Lin Feng!

Dangerous, approaching Lin Feng! Force,

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