Chapter 107 The world is in an uproar, Lin Feng indirectly kills four masters?

Murong Xue was still in the preparation space, staring at the suddenly changing light curtain in a daze.

Why did you win?

They haven’t entered yet.

Murong Xue also planned to persuade Yue Leng to enter the capital of death with them.

As a result, this sudden change was beyond their reach.

A sense of surprise spread in everyone’s hearts.

The four top powerhouses stood there dumbfounded and couldn’t turn their minds.

Even Murong Xue, a wise and calm expert like this, was overwhelmed by this sudden change at this time.

You must know that a few seconds ago, they were all determined to go to death to compete for the success of this trial.

But who can think of it.

I was so dumbfounded.

Inexplicably won?

Don’t talk about Murongxue.

It is in the history of the entire world’s exploration of trial space for nearly a thousand years.

This is the first time such a scene has appeared.

As for the creator of the whole thing, Lin Feng.

At this time, he was thinking about the God Devourer in his own trial space.

Although the trial has ended.

But none of them responded to private messages and ignored the video communication request.

Murong Mingyue was anxiously sending a message to both of them, but couldn’t get any reply.

This made her even more anxious.

In Murong Mingyue’s trial space with birds and flowers.

She eagerly sent a private message to Lin Feng and a video communication to Murong Xue.

Unfortunately, no matter how long she waited, there was no response.


After a long time, she sighed and gave up contact.

Today I can’t reach the two of them again.

She contacted Lin Feng because she was afraid that Lin Feng would be involved in the second-order trial alone.

If something really happened, maybe the Murong family could do something to save Lin Feng’s life.

After all, Lin Feng is very important to the Murong family.

Murong Mingyue also hopes that he can practice Ashura’s skills through him.

But now Lin Feng has not been able to contact.

Not long ago, through the tips of the trial space, she finally confirmed that Lin Feng was safe and sound.

As a result, she still couldn’t contact Lin Feng.

Could something happen during the trial?

Is it possible that Lin Feng tried too hard to complete the SS evaluation and suffered a serious injury?

She was very anxious.

It has been almost four hours since Lin Feng completed the trial.

She still can’t reach Lin Feng.

This made Murong Mingyue feel very anxious.

And the reason why she kept contacting Murongxue was that she hoped that Murongxue would have a way to interfere in the second-order trial to prevent Lin Feng from having accidents.

Now he was worried about Murong Xue’s safety.

Murong Mingyue felt a little irritable.

Originally, Aunt Xue’s safety was not something she needed to worry about.

After all, as the only guardian of Tier 9 in the world, her strength is very strong, and her survivability is also very strong.

But the situation is different now.

It seems that the trial that Aunt Xue is facing is also very dangerous.

And this worry comes from the hot search on Houlang Weibo now.

Murong Mingyue opened Houlang Weibo and found that the most popular search now is about the trials of Aunt Xue and the others.

“Fate crystallizes competition trial.

This search keyword has been the number one hot search on Houlang Weibo in recent days.

There are many well-known bloggers posting topics here.

“The new destiny crystallizes competition, and the situation in our country is worrying.”

“Involving the crystallization of fate, why didn’t you see Wang Jingtian playing?”

Murong “Can Xue replace Wang Jingtian and rival John Kraft?”Many Weibo with such headings are causing heated discussion.

Originally, in the battle for the crystallization of destiny, the participating countries would not take the initiative to release news.

Because there are so many anomalies in the trial space, no one can be sure that their team will win.

A large congress with sufficient numbers of the strong builds its own team.

And countries where the number of strong people is not enough will cooperate with several countries to act together.

This makes it possible for small countries to grow stronger through the crystallization of fate.

At the same time, because the team is not fixed, the top players have their own strengths.

Therefore, before the results of the competition appear, no country will take the initiative to promote competition trials.

Until the result of the competition trial is determined, the winner will take the initiative to make an announcement due to various factors.

But this time the situation is significantly different.

It seems that those Western countries know that Wang Jingtian, the number one man in the world, has a problem.

Or they need to confirm Wang Jingtian’s situation through various means.

In the past few days, a large number of unfavorable domestic news has been widely spread on Houlang Weibo and other places.

There is basically only one argument for these news.

Wang Jingtian did not play, and Eagle Country sent the world’s second-ranked powerhouse.

Seraphim, John Kraft.

A fact recognized in the world today is that John Kraft is the strongest person in the world without Wang Jingtian.

In the past, as long as the testers of the Eagle Country were the opponents for competitive trials, Wang Jingtian and John Kraft would definitely play.

But this time, it was not Wang Jingtian and John Kraft confrontation.

But Murong Xue joined the war urgently.

Where did Wang Jingtian go?

Under the propaganda of caring people.

This time, Murongxue lost to John Kraft. The news that he will definitely lose to the Western United in this competitive trial is spreading everywhere.

There are too many testers in the test space now.

Any news about the trial space, once learned by so many trialists, can no longer be concealed.

Murong Mingyue knows through Murong’s channel that many of these people who spread anxiety and guide fishing boats are spies from various countries.

These 500,000 walking people are deliberately spreading rumors and exaggerating negative emotions by various means and through various network identities.

What Wang Jingtian was framed by others.

Wang Jingtian is dead.

Wang Jingtian was injured and knew that he was going to play against John Kraft this time, so he directly chose to surrender without a fight.

Etc., etc.

Rumors like this circulated everywhere.

The purpose is twofold, one is to test Wang Jingtian’s reaction to see if he will come out to refute the rumors.

Then there is to guide domestic negative emotions.

This sentiment also affected Murong Mingyue and many people.

So she was also worried.

However, with the current world structure, the domestic unity is united, and these people have not been arrogant for too long.

Soon, countless netizens launched a counterattack.

You can see all kinds of anti-rumor posts and battle posts on Houlang Weibo, Post Bar, and various online communication communities.

“Our country is at a disadvantage this time because no one can stand against John Kraft alone, but the competitive trial is not alone, it’s different.”

“The strongest point of Murong Xue, the Shield of Thorns, lies in her various powerful auxiliary abilities and group defenses.”

“With her going to participate in the multiplayer competition trial, our side has a great advantage!

“Although I don’t know who the other strong players are, Murongxue has no obvious disadvantages against John Kraft.”

“During the competitive trial, the two of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. The probability of us winning the crystallization of destiny this time is not low.

Such posts have won the support of many people.

Gradually, such posts occupy the mainstream of the Internet.

Some people can’t understand the bloggers who spread rumors.

Many netizens scolded directly under their Weibo.

“You shameless pens, usually enough to be enough, you recognize a dad, come to your own home to harm?”

“Upstairs, you are wrong. Their home is already on their foster father’s side. They are not going back to their own house to harm, they are coming to our house to harm.”


“The whole family of Shabi who spread rumors%#@….

As more and more such domestic netizens participate in the war.

The forward fishing reel finally prevailed.

Those spies and the internal correspondents who were bought have gradually died down.

They can’t scold so many netizens.

In addition, the master behind them has already got the answer he wants.

After so long.

Wang Jingtian still did not come out to refute the rumors.

In addition to many previous investigations.

Several major countries can already be determined.

Wang Jingtian had an accident.

And John Kraft still maintained a complete combat effectiveness.

In this way, those Western powers consider themselves to have great advantages.

They are no longer entangled in the outcome of online battles.

After there was no scolding, the most posts on the Internet became blessing posts.

Countless people prayed for Murongxue and her teammates online.

Even if they don’t know who Murong Xue’s other teammates are.

But no matter who it is, it is for their own country to compete for the crystallization of fate, and it is for everyone.

Various blessings are posted on the Internet.

“This crystallization of destiny is of great use to every country. No matter who it is, we should look forward to the victory of our country’s team.”

“Yes, yes, the drought in some parts of the northwest, with this crystallization of fate, may be able to solve the problem.

Upstairs, “With our country’s current organizational capabilities and national strength, the local drought in northwestern my country can be resolved without the crystallization of fate.”

“No matter what, pray! Pray for the Northwest! Pray for Murongxue and her teammates!”

“Pray for blessing! (ahca)”


At the same time that the competition and trial, the mainstream fishing vessels that compete for the crystallization of fate are changing.

Another search keyword jumped into the search rankings of major websites at an extremely fast speed.

“Lin Feng, the gardener, fight again in the second-tier trial space!

Once again, “Tier 2 Trial of Fighting Alone! Lin Feng has achieved great results again!”

“Here again! Lin Feng gets top reviews again!”

Among them, the news headlines that shocked the Ministry of NP were the most bizarre.

“Shock! The genius of the past is no longer the glory of the past! Actually only achieved such a result! Is this a moral loss or a distortion of human nature?”

Of course, NP shocked the department’s consistent urine sex.

The headline of this news is nonsense.

But its content is still very serious.

This news first praised Lin Feng’s achievements with a lot of pen and ink.

Then, the editor of the news expressed regret that Lin Feng could not obtain the SSS grade again in a very regretful tone.

Below this news, countless netizens left comments.

“Fuck, it turned out to be a friendly army! My 40-meter knife almost can’t hold it!”

“It turns out that getting SS-level evaluation now is also a regrettable thing? It’s f*ck outrageous!”

“F*ck, this is really the wave of the next generation and the wave of the previous generation, why I was not so popular back then!”

“Brother upstairs, are you from the “Why?”

“Meme! Meme!”

Under the current powerful national self-confidence, with the assistance of many sand sculpture netizens, the atmosphere of the Internet fishing boat has gradually calmed down.

Just when netizens prayed for Murongxue and the others and were shocked for Lin Feng.

There is another news, which rushed to the hot search at a very fast speed!

It was the same day that Lin Feng passed the second-order trial and obtained the SS level evaluation.

All the testers in the test space heard a shocking reminder message.

“Ding! Due to Lin Feng, a Tier 2 trialer, the special zombie devourer was awakened. “The trial space in the City of Death has changed.

“Judging by the trial space.

Raise the difficulty level of the capital of death to level fourteen.

“The ninth-order paladin, John Kraft.

Nine-order shadow dancer, Francis.

The ninth-order dark gladiator, Van Fleet.

Nineth-order Ash Mage, Odelka’tha.

Four testers died in the death capital.

Because the current tester’s highest level is Tier 9.

Before the Appearance of the Fourteenth Trial, the Capital of Death was closed indefinitely.

“Due to the change caused by the second-tier trialer Lin Feng, the Devourer of Gods” was awakened, and “the Devourer of Gods intervened in the trial of the ninth-tier competition, killing four trialers of the ninth-tier, and assisting one party to win.

In the trial space, it was determined that Lin Feng indirectly killed four Tier 9 trialers and assisted one party to win!

Reissue its trial reward: Azura’s Rose!The entire trial space was in an uproar!

This hint is too shocking!

There is too much information!

What is a special zombie “God Devourer?”

Turns out that Tier 9 is not the highest level?

There is also an advanced monster like Tier 14?


Fourteenth order!

Everyone in the world now thinks that the highest level of the trial space is the ninth level!

The ninth-tier powerhouse can even fight against nuclear eggs!

In the eyes of many people, the ninth-order strong is already synonymous with omnipotence.

As a result, a notice in the trial space now revealed a shocking news.

Tier 9 is not the end!

There are also monsters of the fourteenth order!

Even if you are trying out an organization like the Space Research Institute, you know that Tier Nine is not the end.

But even for people like them, at best guess there is still the tenth order in the legend.

Where can I imagine it, now a Tier 14 monster appears directly!

It turns out that above the ninth level, is there such a high level?

Moreover, the name of the monster is the Devourer of Gods.

What does it mean?

Is there really a god in this world?

Or is there really a god in the trial space?

And this monster is actually called the Devourer of Gods?

Has it really swallowed a god?

If it is true, isn’t it stronger than gods?

And what more people care about is that the four ninth-tier powerhouses of the world’s strongest rank, just died like this?

Just so confused, dead?

Why was it indirectly killed by a second-order gardener inexplicably?

What is this with?

What does the last system prompt mean?

Lin Feng, a Tier 2 gardener, got involved in the Tier 9 competition trial and killed four Tier 9 masters?

Moreover, Lin Feng, the second-tier tester, caused a change and awakened the Devourer of Gods.

Why did he go?

A Tier 2 trialer, can cause such a big vision to close a trial space called “Death City”?

Indirectly killed four top masters?

The Devourer of Gods and Lin Feng are twelve levels behind, how did Lin Feng awaken it?

After twelve levels to provoke this special zombie, Lin Feng is too special to cause trouble!

The entire network was in an uproar over and over again.

The continuous shocking news has greatly increased the pressure on the website servers of Houlang Weibo, Tieba, and Pili Pili!

Several websites are renting servers urgently.

And this time, the impact of Lin Feng’s actions in the second-order trial is far more than that!

The influence of this second-order gardener is rapidly improving!

He has once again become the focus of everyone’s attention!

But at the same time.

This time, he also provoked killing intent from the power of the ninth-order master!

After the news that four ninth-level masters inexplicably and indirectly died in the hands of Lin Feng was passed on to their forces.

No one believes in their ears.

They never dreamed that the ninth-tier masters they worked so hard to train not only lost the trial competition.

And so inexplicably died in the trial space.

After countless channels confirmed that the four people could not be contacted.

Everyone was silent.

The silence did not last long.

Lost four top masters at the same time.

Such things are unheard of.

This is very important.

The family of the four masters confirmed the news that all four of them had died.

All the main members were convened for an emergency meeting at the first time!,

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