Chapter 106, the outrageous Tier Nine Trial, did it end before it started?

In this ninth-level trial space.

Each of the eight top masters is a resounding figure in the world.

As a result, the world’s top powerhouse, who far surpassed a rank 9 trainer, was actually shocked by a small second-order gardener.

It is estimated that few people would dare to believe it.

The strongest player in the Western United, known as the “Seraph”, John Kraft, forcibly suppressed the shocking knowledge in his heart.

This situation is wrong.

Their mentality is also an important factor in the confrontation of top powerhouses like them.

Even if it is a very vague, very subtle thing.

But it really affects the victory of the top masters.

Lin Feng once again fought alone in the second-tier trial and achieved SS-level evaluation, which affected the emotions of both sides of the war.

After all, he is from the same country as Murongxue and Ding Wenmo.

Murongxue and the others are not only shocked, but also delighted.

Such emotions will affect the next duel.

John Kraft suppressed the shock in his heart forcibly.

He must let his momentum overwhelm the opposite.

“This kid named Lin Feng has good abilities, but he was SSS-level last time, this time SS-level, maybe next time he will be S-level.”

“Young people, after all, underestimated the difficulty of the second-order trial.

Although these words seem very awkward, there is also a feeling of forcibly seeking face.

But Murong Xue and they all knew that what John Kraft said was the truth.

The second-order trial is too dangerous.

In other words, all trials except the first-order trial are very dangerous.

However, in some low-level trials, the practitioners have insufficient accumulation and have to deal with various unexpected accidents. Maybe it will be more dangerous than the middle-level trials.

In addition, Lin Feng is now alone to challenge the trial.

This caused him to face a rapid increase in the risk factor.

Although everyone was shocked by Lin Feng’s achievements now.

But they are not optimistic about its future development.

Francis next to John Kraft understood.

“Go on, let alone S-level evaluation, A-level evaluation, maybe because of a mistake in judgment of strength, you will die directly in the trial space.”

“Haha, hahahaha.


The four Western powerhouses burst into laughter.

A strange anger surged into my heart.

Murongxue’s black hair was dancing, and the holy light bloomed in her eyes.

She accumulates strength, so she must teach the other people a lesson.


“You are going to find someone for me to try the second-tier trial of the battle alone!

“Don’t be an SS evaluation, come to an S-level evaluation, you are about to laugh!”

She was full of vigor, white lightning surrounded her, and she looked dangerous and beautiful.

The four Western Tier 9 powerhouses instantly stopped smiling and stood ready.


The war is about to start!

At this moment, an indifferent mechanical voice sounded.

“The trial is over.

In this competitive trial, Team B won.

The current score of Team A and Team B is 1:1.

This trial is over, and it will be sent to the preparation space for the next trial. ”

Murongxue, Ding Wenmo and others looked dark.

They are Team A!

This trial is lost!

The score now becomes 1:1.

Opposite, Francis, Kaisha and others laughed again.

A portal appeared behind everyone.

Murong Xue and the others didn’t say a word, turned their heads and walked into the portal.

The light flashed.

The two teams appeared in another preparation space at the same time.

The walls around this preparation space are purple.

Eight portals are shining brightly.

The eight ninth-tier powerhouses were divided into two groups, vigorously facing each other.

Because you can’t do it in the preparation space.

So they are just confronting each other, and there is no other action.

In the middle of this preparation space, a light curtain is showing the content of the trial.

“Competitive trial.

“Trial Level: Tier Nine.

“Try the content, send the death city, look for the taboo heart.”

“The order of admission is drawn at random.

On the light curtain, a turntable began to rotate slowly.

Each grid on the turntable has a name written on it.

Seeing the content on the light curtain and the turntable, Murongxue suddenly thought of Lin Feng.

When he left the Baisha Military Camp, Lin Feng gave himself a silver apple.

Said to be able to bring luck and victory to oneself.

Now, it is time to verify luck!

Can that silver apple have an effect?

She stared at the spinning turntable seriously.

Not only her, everyone’s eyes were fixed on the turntable.They are all top masters.

No matter which party can get in first, it will have a huge advantage.

If Murongxue or John Kraft, the two strongest players of their respective teams, can enter the capital of death first, then they will basically establish the victory of their respective teams!

The speed of the turntable began to slow down.

As everyone watched, the turntable slowly stopped.

Its red pointer points to a name.

John Kraft.

Murong Xue closed her eyes in pain.

Damn it!

Whatever comes to mind!

Actually, John Kraft was the first to get a spot!

Lin Feng’s silver apple is not working!

Although she herself did not have much hope for the silver apple.

After all, how can the trial rewards obtained by a Tier 2 gardener affect their Tier 9 competitive trial?

But seeing that the Western United team had almost secured the victory at this time, she was still unwilling.

John Kraft laughed and walked towards the portal.

“I am waiting for you in the capital of death, hahaha”

Xiao Kai and Yue Leng hit the wall with one punch.

After fighting for so long, I finally came to the final competition trial.

Actually, when the draw started, he had already lost!

The first person to go in is their strongest!

John Kraft!

The veritable first person in the world today!

It’s different from Murong Xue and their boredom.

Everyone in the Western United team was proud of their faces.

This wave is stable!

“Axue, it’s okay, maybe the next one will choose your name, as long as you can get in second, we still have hope!”

Ding Wenmo, the ninth-order element blaster, patted Murong Xue on the shoulder to comfort her.

Opposite, the ninth-order Ash Mage, Odell Kai’Sa ridiculed: “Dream, even if Murongxue enters, is it still comparable to our boss?”

Murong Xue didn’t say a word, just staring at Zhuanying, which turned again.

And Odell Kaisha, Francis, although they have confidence in John Kraft.

But they also didn’t dare to despise Murong Xue!

Although Kaisha was ridiculing like that just now, she was actually very nervous inside.

In the unlikely event that the second entry was Murong Xue, the outcome would be unpredictable.

In the scorching eyes of the seven top powerhouses, the turntable slowly stopped.

In the grid pointed by the pointer, a Western name is written.


Dark Gladiator of Tier Nine, Vanfriete!

Tier 9 Berserker Xiao Kai covered his forehead in pain.


The two people who went in in a row were from the Western team. How can this be played!

In this competitive trial of grabbing special items, whoever goes first has a big advantage!

Now that the West has entered two players in a row, Murong Xue and the others have no chance of winning!

“Tour! This shit competition trial, why use a turntable to determine the order of admission? Can’t both parties enter together?”

The ninth-order qigong master Yue Leng who had always been calm also exploded with a foul language.

Unfortunately, their complaints cannot change the facts.

Odell Kai’Sa was really relieved this time.

“No matter how angry you are, it’s no use. This time the fate is crystallized, and we will accept it.”

Francis, the ninth-order shadow dancer, looked at Yue Leng triumphantly.

“You are so angry, you have the ability to find a trial space theory? If you are not convinced, don’t enter the trial space!

“Since you participate in this competitive trial, you have to follow its rules!”

Being ridiculed by him like this, Yue Leng’s complexion was frosty.

Murong Xue and the four of them looked ugly.

The crystallization of destiny is a matter of national luck, and it is something that any country must gain.

These ninth-tier powerhouses participate in competitive trials and fight desperately for the purpose of crystallization of fate.

As a result, these two draws ruined Murongxue’s hope of winning, so why not make them sad!

The turntable turned again.

This time, Murong Xue and the others didn’t report any hope.

What about people who are drawn to one’s side?

Two people from the Western Union have entered the capital of death.

With the strength of the ninth-tier powerhouse, they will find the Taboo Heart very fast.

Murongxue and the others are too far behind to catch up.

The turntable stopped again.

The person chosen this time is the ninth-order Ash Mage, Odell Kai’Sa!

Everyone was shocked.

What’s the meaning?

Is this trial meant to give the Western United a victory for nothing?

Murong Xue and others were numb.

They closed their eyes and didn’t want to look at the turntable anymore.

The corners of Odell Kasa’s mouth turned up, and a triumphant smile appeared.

She turned and walked into the portal without saying a word.

The outcome has been decided, and I don’t even bother to ridicule.

“Hahaha, hahaha.

In this preparation space, the Western United team only left Francis with a triumphant laugh.

I can’t move my hands here anyway.

He laughed at Murong Xue and Ding Wenmo alone.

But now that the situation is set, Murong Xue and the others can’t ridicule them back.

Xiao Kai hit the purple wall with another punch.

“Francis, I will fight you when I go out!”

“Haha, Xiao Kai, I won’t fight a brash man like you!

Francis didn’t bother to talk to Xiao Kai.

He just needs to enjoy the invigorating feeling of taunting his opponent at this time.

Amid his triumphant laughter, the turntable turned again.

But Murongxue didn’t care about the result anymore.

Even if one of them is drawn now, the chosen one will not dare to enter.

Faced with three Western Tier 9 strong men, the strong man who entered now is very likely to be killed directly.

The turntable stopped.

The chosen person is Francis.


A more complacent laughter echoed in this preparation space.

Francis laughed triumphantly.

“You just wait here, let’s find the forbidden heart first.”

“Of course, if you have the courage to enter the capital of death later, we will “welcome” it.”

While taunting, he walked into the portal.

When he left.

In this preparation space, there were only Murong Xue and three teammates.

Their faces are heavy.

Several people looked at each other and sighed slightly.

This time the trial just failed.

Lost to this inexplicable luck.

The crystallization of destiny matters.

Only the trial space will be produced.

This crystallization of fate can increase resources, eliminate infectious diseases, and do all kinds of magical things.

No one wants this fate to fall into the hands of other countries.

Forget it, “Everyone is more relaxed. Our country is very strong, and it is acceptable to lose a crystallization of destiny.”

“Moreover, we did our best this time. We lost this time. It’s not a crime of war.

Ding Wenmo, the ninth-order element blaster, comforted everyone.

The other three were silent.

Although knowing that what she said is also the truth, but this competition trial is too unwilling to lose!


Xiao Kai punched the wall again!


He cursed loudly.

The turntable turned again.

But no one will pay more attention.

The selected person will not enter the portal anymore.

Otherwise, if it is teleported to the capital of death, under the attack of four Western masters, I am afraid that it will die without a burial place.

The capital of death.

With a mocking smile on Francis’s face, he walked through the portal triumphantly.

When he came to the capital of his death, he was stunned.


What the hell is this place?

He was shocked!

What appeared before his eyes was a barren trial space.

In the entire space, there are only mud, strong wind, and sand.

There is also the huge figure in the distance.

The figure that exudes a frightening atmosphere, just looking at it makes people extremely desperate.

Even at a long distance, you can still feel the suffocation of the neighbor.

What the hell is this?

Francis looked at the huge figure in the distance in horror, and felt suffocated.

That huge head.

The huge double horns.

The floating black cyclone.

That figure full of ominous aura!

Francis’s heart began to beat violently.

Cold sweat broke out all over.

His throat was dry and he kept swallowing saliva.

He turned his head abruptly.

Behind him, there is no longer that portal.

He can’t go back!

Francis twisted his head little by little.

Look straight at the huge monster again.

A strong sense of fear is spreading throughout his body!

He could see his three companions in the distance.

They looked terrified and ran wildly.

The question is, where can you escape?

The portal has disappeared.

Where can I go?

Moreover, under the terrifying power of that huge monster, they are almost struggling!

The Devourer of Gods noticed the existence of several of them.

His huge and terrifying head turned around, and those eyes with only white eyes and bloodshot eyes, which looked violent and bloodthirsty, stared at Francis and the other four!The Devourer of Gods is angry!

I slept for countless years, but someone dared to disturb my rest!

And that guy ran away!

Xiao Xiaoli dared to provoke him!

The most annoying thing is that such a weak python actually ran away!

Before escaping, the little ant dared to attack himself with flame magic!

Now, looking at the four new strands of ants, the anger of the Devourer of Gods has a target to vent.


He opened his mouth wide and sucked hard.

Whether it’s John Kraft, Francis, Van Fleet, or Odel Kassa, they all fly towards the huge mouth in the sky!

In front of the huge demon zombies that had swallowed the gods, the ninth-rank strongman, like a thread of ants, has no resistance!

At this moment, the four best testers in the world died so easily!

This is a scene that no one can imagine.

And the global distribution of power after the death of these four people.

We are about to face a reshuffle situation!

And in the preparation space surrounded by purple walls.

Murongxue and the four of them who knew nothing about what happened in the trial space were staring at the portal indifferently.

After a long time, Murong Xue suddenly spoke.

“According to the sequence of the wheels just now, I was the fifth one to go in.”

“I can go in first and fight one last time. With my defense, they won’t be able to break through for a while.”

“If you come in quickly to support, we can still give it a try.”

Hearing her words, Ding Wenmo and the others were surprised.

Axue “Don’t be impulsive! Our current disadvantage is too great!”

“Murongxue, don’t be impulsive, you can’t stand the attack of the four.

Everyone was admonishing Murong Xue.

But she looked firm and unmoved.

“The crystallization of fate is too important.”

“I still have a few powerful defensive skills that I haven’t used.”

“I’m going in first, and Kraft and the others will not expect (to get money, Zhao) that I really dare to go.”

We “can catch them by surprise.

Murong Xue looked at the three teammates firmly.

There is silence in the preparation space.

After a long time, Ding Wenmo was the first to answer her.

“Since you are determined, then I can give it a try too!

Xiao Kai also stood up.

“You are right. The crystallization of fate is too important. We can’t give up if there is a chance.”

Besides, “I can’t let the two girls work hard in front, but I wince!”

Only Yue Leng looked calm.

“Do you really think there is hope? Compared with a few crystals of fate, Murongxue, your life is more important!”

“With your existence, we will be more likely to obtain the crystallization of destiny in the subsequent competition!

We “These popular professions are fortunate to say, they die if they die.

“But Murongxue, you are the guardian of Tier 9, you are too important!”

Yue Leng has experienced countless lives and deaths.

He doesn’t care much about his life.

He is more concerned about gains and losses.

In his opinion, the value of a ninth-order guardian is much greater than a crystallization of fate!

When Murong Xue was about to convince Yue Leng.

The light curtain in the central area of ​​the preparation space has changed.

“The trial is over.

Reward calculation….

The expressions of the people who were still in the trial space froze.

what’s the situation?

Is this trial over?

Is that forbidden heart in front of John Kraft?

They just found the trial target when they entered the death capital?

Don’t you even give us a chance to fight for it?

After hearing the trial announcement.

Murongxue and Ding Wenmo felt bored.

At this moment, the light curtain in the preparation space changed again.

“The trial is over.

In this competitive trial, Team A won.

The current score between Team A and Team B is 2:1.

This trial is over.

The winning team: Team A.

Team A members:

Guardian of Tier Nine, Murong Xue.

Rank 9 elemental blaster, Ding Wenmo.

The 9th-order qigong master, Yue Leng.

Tier 9 Berserker, Xiao Kai.

Rewards are being distributed: Crystal of Destiny. ”

The four of Murong Xue jumped up!



They won without doing anything?

This sudden surprise caused Murongxue’s brain to crash instantly

What is this special situation? Gong,

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