Chapter 105 Escape to the preparation space is also life-threatening!

In the preparation space for the second-order trial.

Lin Feng is still a little bit overwhelmed.

That monster called the Devourer of Gods is so shocking!

Long ago, the annotation system revealed a lot of information intentionally or unintentionally.

There are gods in the trial space.

Or there are gods in other planes connected to the trial space.

Regardless of the profession of priesthood.

It is the props that are protected by the gods, which all show that the “gods” are very likely to be real.

If the silver apple tree wants to advance to become a golden apple tree, it needs to be blessed by the gods.

Lin Feng clearly remembered the advanced conditions mentioned in the comment.

[Note: The advanced conditions are as follows: a 7th-level gardener, and at the same time obtain the blessings of the goddess in power, the goddess in victory, and the goddess in love. ”

In other words, there are at least these three gods in the trial space or other planes.

But whether it is a comment, or a priest, or the advanced condition of the silver apple.

All this shows from the side that the gods are real.

But just now, I saw tangible evidence in the trial space!

-Respect the ancient demon zombies!

Devourer of Gods!

The zombies that once swallowed the gods!

He is so huge!

The whole figure is like a mountain!

So powerful!

Just relying on aura can make yourself feel suffocated!

It’s horrible!

Lin Feng thought of the feeling of seeing the horrible existence just now, but he still couldn’t recover.

Even after the transmission for so long, he still had short breath and his waistcoat was cold.

He felt something was wrong.

How come it has been so long.

They are already preparing a safe place like space.

Still feeling cold in the vest?

Still feeling colder and colder?

The fear in my heart also seems to be gradually magnifying!

07 This is not right.

He clearly wore an endless suit.

Here is the preparation space again.

Why is it so cold?

Lin Feng carefully felt his own state.

Something is wrong.

The content of the previous note suddenly appeared in his mind.

(Note: Don’t stare at it! It is very likely to be eroded by special forces! Evacuate immediately! Evacuate immediately! 」

Lin Feng was silent for a while.

Own, this is affected by something!

Sure enough, he is the Devourer of Gods!

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

I just stared at the huge monster for a few moments.

There shouldn’t be any major problems.

After comforting himself in his heart, Lin Feng sent out the preparation space.

With a flash of light, he stood in front of the gate of the Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He has to find a way to figure out what happened to him!

He flashed away and came to the huge mirror in the sunflower field.

He stared at the figure in the mirror carefully without blinking.

[Note: The host is affected by the power of the devourer of the gods, and the soul is contaminated! It will feel cold and heart palpitations! The fire of the soul is extinguishing!”

What the hell!

Lin Feng was surprised.

It actually involves the soul?

Just glanced at that huge monster, and he was infected?


It is not waiting for him to think of a solution.

At this moment, a panel ejected in front of him.

“Congratulations, you have completed the second-order trial, got the SS evaluation, and broke the record.”

Reward “Sunshine +5000.”

“Reward trial points +1000.”

“Special Reward: The Glory of Dawn!”

“You can choose a prize from the following prizes.”

“A Screaming Seed.”

“B Heart and Soul Gem.

“C Mecha Lingfeng.

“D Seedlings of Tungaria vulgaris.

Lin Feng frowned, he has no time to do this now.

As he was about to close the panel, the comment that appeared suddenly attracted his attention.

Screaming [Seed: Special plants that can grow dark plants: Screaming flower has a one-thousandth chance of controlling zombies][Note: Warning! Warning! The host is currently locked by the special ability of the Devourer of Gods, and the power of the soul is being lost. You must choose the heart and soul gem!)

[Heart and Soul Gem: The stone at the bottom of the river of soul on a special plane has the ability to calm the mind. (It can block the attack on the soul of special occupations to a certain extent)

[Note: Warning! Warning! The host is currently locked by the special ability of the Devourer of Gods, and the power of the soul is being lost. You must choose the heart and soul gem!)

[Mecha Lingfeng: Special growth mecha with strong combat ability. The potential is good. The host has no relevant skills and cannot drive!)

[Note: Warning! Warning! The host is currently locked by the special ability of the Devourer of Gods, and the power of the soul is being lost. You must choose the heart and soul gem!

[Townia vulgaris seedlings: special plants, the crown will emit flames, is a kind of spiritual tree. The fruits produced have a great effect on poultry and birds. The beloved thing of the summoner and the trainer. )

[Note: Warning! Warning! The host is currently locked by the special ability of the Devourer of Gods, and the power of the soul is being lost. You must choose the heart and soul gem!]

Without time delay, Lin Feng, who feels getting worse and worse, hurriedly chose “B Heart Soul Gem.”

A black pebble resembling a stone appeared in Lin Feng’s hands.

When the stone started, Lin Feng felt the cold all over his body disappeared.

This thing works!

Holding the heart and soul gem tightly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Lin Feng realized that his body was already covered with sweat, which was very sticky and uncomfortable.

A cold breeze blew on him, and Lin Feng shivered.

The heart and soul stone held by his right hand emits a faint warmth, which is the only warmth he can feel now.

Until now, Lin Feng really took a sigh of relief.


Almost capsized in the gutter!

While thinking of the previous thrilling trials, he looked at the heart and soul stone in his right hand.

This thing appeared too coincidental!

It’s as if the trial space deliberately put this thing in the trial space!

What’s happening here?

Is a certain rule of the trial space operating?

Or is there someone controlling the trial space?

Or as long as the trials related to this capital of death, there will be treasures such as the heart and soul stone as a reward?

Or, the reward is indeed drawn randomly, but the luck brought by the silver apple affects the final choice?

All kinds of speculations hovered in Lin Feng’s mind.

He felt that this trial space seemed more and more mysterious and more powerful!

Just when Lin Feng carefully analyzed the situation of this trial.

Because of the hint that spread throughout the trial space.

The entire trial space was exploded.

Countless people are discussing Lin Feng’s another miracle.

In the chat channel of the trial space, countless messages have been swiped.

“Lin Feng boss cowhide!

“Fuck! You dare to challenge the second-order trial alone?

“Who do you think God of Lin is? He is the strongest dark horse in this trial!”

“Challenge is impossible, just rely on me Lin Shen!”

“However, why is there only’SS’ in the trial evaluation this time?”

“The way! SS is not enough, right? You try to get me one too!”

“However, this is the second time Lin Feng has not received an SS rating since he first participated in the trial. It is big news.”

“When is it a big news without an SSS rating? Then I have such big news every time!”

Not just in chat channels.

Nine-level training space.

Murong Xue opened the God King’s blessing shield, and was killing special zombies.

There was a strange expression on her beautiful face at this time.

It was an expression of shock, anger, helplessness and so on.

Such an expression does not usually appear on her face.

After all, as a guardian of Tier 9, a famous master in the world, there are not many things that can shock her.

But since I met Lin Feng, the things that shocked her have been one after another.

Today, Lin Feng went to the trial alone again and got SS evaluation!

The sound of the trial space reminded her that she couldn’t recover for a long time.

So that in this fierce battle, he was almost injured by the Ice Zombie King in front of him.

Lin Feng!

That stinky boy, go to the trial alone again!

Don’t die!

What if something goes wrong?

The next moment, she thought that Lin Feng had successfully completed the trial.

Break the record again and get the SS evaluation!

A shock of emotion was difficult to dissipate for a long time.

Murong Xue’s thoughts became more and more confused.

Although it is not SSS level.

However, it is also extremely difficult to complete the SS-level evaluation alone.

At least when I was in the second order, I didn’t have the confidence to complete it!

This brat!

Day by day, how can it not be so worrying!

But spit it out.

I don’t know why, Murongxue heard that Lin Feng received an SS rating.

In addition to complaining in my heart, there is actually a small disappointment?

This brat, wasn’t he all SSS-level before?

What about SS this time?

That’s right!

Murong Xue was slightly disappointed because of this.

This kind of emotion was something she never dared to imagine before.


There was a loud noise.

The zombie king in front of her continued to launch a crazy 187 attack.

Murongxue recovered some of her mind this time.

This is the devil himself!

Because Lin Feng has been evaluated by SSS before, the result is now a natural habit.

It is also very difficult to get SS evaluation!

At the same time, the inner worries about Lin Feng became more and more serious.

Murongxue was worried when he went to participate in the second-order trial alone for the first time before.

In her opinion, the second-order trial is too dangerous and there is a worry of life, and it cannot be challenged by one person.

Today Lin Feng once again challenged the trial alone, once again confirming her previous thoughts.

Lin Feng tasted the sweetness!

He wants to continue to participate in the trial alone!

He will most likely think that he himself can always control the situation!

The good swimmer drowns, the good rider falls.

This is something Murong Xue was worried about before.

Now, what I worry about inside seems to be becoming a reality!

Because Lin Feng did not get the SSS rating this time, but got the SS rating!

What about next time?

Next time?

Will it get lower and lower?

Even he stubbornly challenged the trial alone, and finally got an accident and died in the trial space?

At this time, the strong worry overwhelmed the shock in her heart, and Murong Xue became a little uneasy.

If she is in such a situation during the fierce competition and practice, she will definitely be attacked by a powerful opponent.

But now, no one is coming to suppress her.

Whether it is Ding Wenmo, Yue Leng and others from Murong Xue’s side.

John Kraft, Francis and others are still the enemy.

There was a shock that was hard to conceal on everyone’s face.

I went to the trial alone again, and got the SS evaluation again!

This is amazing!

The two parties had no intention of confronting again.

Gradually, the two men and horses came together to resist the attack of the zombies.

In everyone’s minds, ideas emerged one by one.

They couldn’t say a word.

What the hell?

Is that little gardener going against the sky?

f*ck dare to be alone?

The eight strongest players in the world were all shocked by Lin Feng!

But what they don’t know is that this is just the beginning!

Lin Feng has more shocking things waiting for them!.

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