Chapter 102 The Suburbs Surround the City!

Inside the trial space.

The buzzing of artillery fire one after another.

In Lin Feng’s defensive position, corn cannons are fired at all times.

Unlike before, after two busy days, he is now

Now he has a semi-arc defensive position.

This was the defensive position he had just made for the past two days almost without sleep.

The entire plant community is divided into inner and outer circles.

The outer wall is a high nut wall with iron sheets for defense plants.

On the inner layer, there are control plants such as passion date, frozen gooseberry, and garlic.

Once a special zombie can break through the position and impact the defensive position, these plants will limit the opponent’s ability to move.

Especially the combination of passion date and garlic has a strong limiting effect

The passionate date attracts the zombies to attack it, and the garlic behind it is expelling the zombies.

So an interesting scene appeared. The zombies in front of these two plants would often spin around and sway left and right.

At this time, the fixed-point attack of the machine gun peas in the defense line can effectively end the lives of these zombies.

Although they were already dead.

Once there is a shield capable of zombies coming in, after being controlled by a special plant, the big mouth flower will bite them.

The Fragrant Tree Archer will control the machine gun Pea Archer to launch a weakening attack on the Shield Bear zombies.

When their strong limbs were smashed, these shield bear zombies lost the ability to struggle and could only wailing non-stop.

The big mouth flowers in the back row will control them.

In this way, Lin Feng has caught more than 40 shield bear zombies.

But the witch zombies, who were also the target of this trial, could not catch many.

Until now, only witches and zombies were found.

Compared with the shield bear zombies, this number is much less.

This aspect is because the vitality of Shield Bear zombies is more tenacious, and they can always impact near the defense line.

The body strength of witch zombies is much weaker than that of shield-powered zombies.

If faced with the saturation blow of plant firepower, they are likely to die directly.

Lin Feng had seen two witches and zombies that had been dismembered before they hit the line of defense.

There is no alternative to this. After all, a solid line of defense is the first thing.

The screams of the 7 witches and zombies captured became sharper and louder.

The tide of corpses summoned more and more.

Originally, Lin Feng could have rushed into the capital of death long ago.

But in the face of the ever-increasing tide of corpses, he had to retreat again.

The good news is that the buildings closest to the north of the capital of death have been destroyed.

The collapsed building did not know how many zombies were crushed to death.

The ground on the edge of the city was cut off by half a meter.

Under the bombardment of this turbulent firepower, half of the city shook.

And the inner circle of the entire defensive position is full of sunshine mushrooms, sunflowers and corn cannons.

Their powerful firepower can block this surging tide of corpses.

Now the corn cannon can be divided into two batches, forming uninterrupted firepower bombardment.

They are the guarantee for gaining an advantage.

Gasping for breath, Lin Feng raised his head and looked towards the direction of the capital of death.

He is estimating the current strength comparison between the two sides on the battlefield.

After some calculations, he began to give orders.

620 “Corn Colonel, the current firepower is basically sufficient. It is already dawn, and the attack of the zombies will slow down for a while.”

“Continue to catch Shield Bear zombies. As many as there are.”

“Stop capturing witches and zombies. Now if more witches and zombies scream and summon a wave of corpses, they will not be able to withstand it with the current firepower.”

“If you find a witch zombie, try not to kill it.”

“But if there are witches and zombies with special abilities, once they are found, they will be dangerous to the plant defense line, and they will all be killed!”

Lin Feng gave the order with a serious expression.

“Yes! Lord!

Colonel Corn saluted and said he understood.

Because the screaming of witches and zombies was too harsh, Lin Feng blocked his ears with rose mage’s petals.

The effect of this magic petal is too strong, Lin Feng can’t hear Colonel Corn’s answer.

He can only know what the other party means through the other’s actions.

Anyway, what he said can be heard by the plant heroes.

After Colonel Maize took the order, Lin Feng nodded.

Then he returned to the center of the defensive position, fell to the ground and forced himself to sleep.

He hasn’t slept for more than two days, he must add sleep!

Better rest is for better fighting.

In the roar of this artillery fire, fortunately, there are magic petals blocking the sound.

Otherwise he can’t sleep at all.

Outside the defense line is a battlefield of fierce confrontation.

Lin Feng, who calmly sleeps in the line of defense.

Colonel Corn looked at this scene and nodded in admiration.

“The Lord is becoming more and more warrior temperament! All for fighting, this is the quality that a soldier should have!

The Rose Mage, who was next to Colonel Corn, was firing magical light bombs, and asked in confusion: “How do you say?””You are not a soldier, and it’s normal if you don’t understand.”

The Xiangdan shooter took the conversation.

“Only the master can grow plants and strengthen the line of defense.”

“But he is different from our special plant heroes. He must rest.”

“He just assessed the strength of the enemy and us in a short period of time.”

The sun “appears, and the zombie attack weakens. The originally balanced situation will slightly shift to our side.

“As long as you don’t catch the witch zombies again, and don’t increase the intensity of the corpse tide, this fighting situation can last at least ten hours.”

“Every second counts. Take a rest at this time and prepare for the fierce battle at night.”

“Sleeping calmly on such a fierce battlefield, ordinary people can’t do it.”

The look of Fragrant Tree Archer was very admired.

Colonel Corn also nodded excitedly.

“If the Lord makes a mistake in anticipating the situation, we will lose the situation we finally won, and our lives may even be in danger!”

Master Rose’s face changed.

“Then you are so happy?”

“Hahaha, what else can I do? The Lord must make up his mind. To judge the situation, plan calmly, and implement it firmly. This is the style of a general.”

Colonel Corn laughed.

Xiang Bang Sagittarius also nodded in admiration.

“Peerless fighter, have a big heart!”

The artillery roared.

The tide of corpses is raging.

In this fierce battlefield.

Lin Feng is calming down and replenishing energy.

Once he catches more witches and zombies, the tide of attacking corpses must be more violent (ahbj).

He must prepare for the fiercer battle that follows!

When he replenished his energy and fell asleep in order to face the next high-intensity trial.

Outside Baisha City, there are many people rushing around in a hurry.

None of them can reach Lin Feng.

Everyone’s expressions are ugly.

After speculating over this period of time, they basically confirmed an inference.

That is, Lin Feng went to the trial alone again.

Whether it was Fan Guang, Lin Zhengde, or Murong Mingyue, they were all anxious.

But the trials in the trial space cannot be intervened.

Even if they are in a hurry right now, they have nothing to do.

In Baisha City, Murong’s house.

Murong Mingyue looked anxious.

Knowing that Lin Feng is likely to participate in the trial alone, she is very worried and anxious.

This is not just because Lin Feng can help her cultivate murderous aura.

It’s because Lin Feng is very important to Murong’s family.

She didn’t feel much about it.

Until under the leadership of Murongxue, after personally inspecting the situation of the guarding giant tree, it was found that its condition was much better than before.

This gave her a deeper understanding of the importance of Lin Feng.

She knew even more clearly that Aunt Xue valued Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng has gone on an adventure alone again, and Murong Mingyue has nothing to do.

In her thoughts, only Murongxue, a rank nine powerhouse, might intervene in the trial.

Although this possibility is unlikely, it is the only hope.

But the biggest problem is that Murong Xue is not in the real world either!

She had rushed to participate in a competitive trial before, and represented the country to compete with the team of Western trialists for the crystallization of fate!

Murong Mingyue can only continuously send private messages and video communications to Lin Feng and Murong Xue.

Whether it works or not, this is the only thing she can do now.

And the two people she kept in contact.

Lin Feng was asleep.

Murong Xue didn’t have the energy to manage private messages.

She didn’t know that Lin Feng, whom she valued, once again participated in the trial alone.

Murong Xue is leading many ninth-tier powerhouses in a fierce confrontation with Western testers!

Her situation is also very dangerous!

In a special ninth-tier trial space.

Poor mountains and bad waters have no life.

The countless steep peaks here are extremely tall.

But these mountains are all stone hills and sand hills, without any soil, and naturally without any vegetation.

Beside a huge mountain, a tall waterfall descended vertically.

The turbid waterfall separated the two teams with turbulent water.

Murong Xue’s white hair was fluttering and her expression was serious.

A holy white light radiated from her body, forming a protective cover to protect her and the three people next to her.

Opposite her, seven black heads were piercing the guardian mask.

This black stabbing sword seemed to be able to absorb light. Around it, sunlight and holy light were all absorbed by it, and there was darkness next to the stabbing sword.

“Francis, your shadow is nothing but this, even my defense can’t be broken.

Murong Xuelu sneered and sneered slightly.

Opposite her, a blond middle-aged white man shrugged.

Francis, a ninth-order shadow dancer, a strong man in Gaul, is good at assassination. He is extremely dangerous.

“The defense of your Shield of Thorns is naturally not that easy to break. But I can’t break it, my boss can break it.”

Murongxue’s expression became colder when she heard what he said.

“Then try.”

After all, she looked at the person standing in the front opposite.

John Kraft, the strongest in the Eagle Nation.

Ranked second in the world’s combat power today, there is a well-known nickname called “Seraph.”

Although this title is very secondary, but this is the public’s affirmation of his strength.

Wang Jingtian, the world’s number one, failed to break through and was unconscious. Today, the opponent is undoubtedly the world’s number one powerhouse.

But Murongxue showed no fear.

Her guardian defense, even John Kraft, is not so easy to break.

And they are now vying for the crystallization trial of fate, which is related to the national fortune for a period of time and is extremely important.

No one will back down.

John Kraft looked at Murongxue’s guardian mask with a serious expression, and said nothing.

On the contrary, a woman with purple hair stubbornly replied slantingly behind him.

“Murongxue, although you are very strong, your overall strength is too weak. It is impossible to beat us. It’s better to fight with your hands.”

“Ka’Sa, you have a lot of nonsense. The crystallization of fate is related to the fortune of the country. Who can back down?”

Murong Xue went back indifferently mockingly.

Behind her, a man in armor sneered.

Odell “Katha, the crystallization of fate is related to the national fortunes of the two parties, do you think a few words can make us give up here?

“Besides, we are not strong enough here? Then who lost the last game?”

Hearing this, everyone on the other side of the waterfall looked cold.

John Kraft looked indifferent and looked directly at the man in armor.

“Xiao Kai”, you are very courageous. The last match was to find the crystal fragments of fate, not a battle. This time we meet, I will let you know my true strength later.

Beside him, a big man stood up, gleaming blood-red light all over his body, grinning grimly.

Xiao Kai”, we’ll touch it later! See if my Vanfriete body is stronger, or your armor is strong enough!

Van Fleet, a strong man in the Western cattle country, a ninth-order dark gladiator, honed his flesh, cruel and bloodthirsty, not a good man.

“Do you think this is a playhouse? Did you touch it? You have to get into my protective cover to fight Xiao Kai! Do you think you are worthy?

Murong Xue mocked again.

She has no favors with these Western testers.

So ridicule is also merciless.

She has competed with these people many times.

Many teammates even died in the opponent’s hands.

And she has also killed many Western testers.

In the trial space, everyone carried out cruel competition trials in accordance with the rules of the trial space.

She was deeply impressed by everyone facing her.

This time, the opponent teamed up to participate in the competition trial. In addition to grabbing the crystallization of fate, there was also a plan to investigate Wang Jingtian’s situation through the trial space.

For such an important trial, I didn’t send Wang Jingtian here.

These Westerners are afraid that they have already got the answers they want.

Thinking of this, Murongxue’s sense of these western testers is even worse.

Both sides looked serious and confronted each other.

In this trial struggle, in accordance with the rules of trial space, we won two games in three games.

The four Murongxues confronted the four ninth-tier powerhouses in the West.

In the first game, both sides entered a special trial space at the same time, looking for a piece of fate crystallization fragment.

In the end, it was Murongxue who relied on professional cooperation to win first.

Now this is the second scene.

In this trial space of poor mountains and rivers, they have to fight against the tide of corpses at the same time.

But Murongxue’s side is not led by Wang Jingtian, who was once ranked No. 1 in the world, and is indeed inferior to the Western team led by the opponent John Kraft in terms of overall combat effectiveness.

Murongxue and the others had more than enough defense but insufficient attack.

In fact, this victory is not optimistic.

“Axue, don’t worry about them. With your guardianship and Xiao Kai’s resistance, the other party can’t help us. We just kill the zombies.”

Beside Murong Xue, a woman with strong temperament said.

We “have won one game and have a huge advantage. It is not easy for them to catch it back.”

Murongxue turned her head and glanced at her old man

Ding Wenmo, a special professional “Elemental Demolitionist”, is strong and she is the only teammate in her regular team for so many years.

“Relax, Wenmo, I have a sense of measure, and I won’t be affected by the conflict of words.”

“They are very strong, so is our strength weak?”

“I am to Kraft, Wenmo, you are to Kasha, Xiao Kai is to Van Vleet, as for Francis, Yue Leng will deal with it afterwards.”

“Of course, we will act in a formation, with my guardianship, we will at least not be in danger.

Hearing what Murong Xue said, a middle-aged man standing behind them nodded.

“Don’t worry, Francis will leave it to me.

He looked serious, turned his back to Murong Xue and the others, to prevent Francis from attacking from behind.

He is dressed in a green robe and has a delicate face.

Yue Leng, a ninth-order qigong master, has strong perception and is Wang Jingtian’s regular teammate.

Now that Wang Jingtian is not there, he can only come and team up with Murong Xue.

“The trial begins.””Trial Level: Tier Nine.

“The content of the trial, the competitive killing trial, against the tide of corpses. The team that kills a large number of zombies wins. In terms of results, the process is not counted.”

In the trial space, indifferent mechanical sounds sounded.

The eight people on both sides of the confrontation looked serious.




Suddenly, the sound of the waterfall shook everywhere, and the flames were overwhelming.

The wave of corpses in the distance has not yet arrived, and fierce battles have begun between the opposing parties.

How many zombies killed is not the key at all.

Killing more than the opponent is the factor that affects victory.

Murongxue’s side has already gained an advantage, as long as they win this game, they will be able to obtain the crystallization of fate.

They just want to chase after victory.

The Western team is a last-ditch fight. The crystallization of fate is of great importance, and they will not give up.

The people present are all powerful ninth-tier experts, and the land is broken in serious battles.

Because of the violent shock wave, above the high mountains where they were, cracks extended on the mountain.

The waterfall that was originally impacted has splashed in all directions, and it is forcibly cut off by the aftermath of the battle!

Now if anyone else sees this battle, I am afraid they will be extremely shocked.

Everyone here is a resounding character outside!

This trial can be said to be the highest-level battle between the East and the West!

Before Lin Feng broke the record and successfully promoted the trial space to the second-tier trial space.

At that time, there were many people in Perak, Perak popular science.

Someone enumerated the top 30 strong players in the world and compared their speed to the second-tier trial space with Lin Feng.

Eight of the thirty strong people recorded on that list at that time gathered here, fighting fiercely!

The ninth-order paladin, John Kraft!

Wang Jingtian was in a coma and lost his fighting ability.

Nine-order shadow dancer, Francis!

Dark Gladiator of Tier Nine, Vanfriete!

Nineth-order Ash Mage, Odelka’Sa!

Everyone is an extremely powerful tester in the world!

Everyone is very strong!

The strong against them is also the strongest trialer in time.

Guardian of Tier Nine, Murong Xue!

Tier 9 elemental blaster, Ding Wenmo!

Rank 9 qigong master, Yue Leng!

Tier 9 Berserker, Xiao Kai!

The battle between them was shocking and shaking.

Everyone is in full force.

The mountain peak they were standing on has been completely cracked and turned into a piece of rubble.

The previous waterfall was also cut off by many huge rocks, gradually forming a huge lake.

A violent shock wave swept across the four directions, and the white clouds in the sky were blown away, revealing the scorching sun.

The ninth-tier powerhouse battles, changes the topography, and affects the astronomical phenomenon, which is normal.

For the crystallization of destiny, for the country where he is located, no one dares to take a step back.

In the distance, many powerful zombies approached them.

Every one of those zombies is powerful, huge in size, and fast moving!

The crowd of corpses also joined the battle.

Such fierce fighting lasted from day to night.

No one flinched.

During the fierce battle, Murongxue’s expression was tense.

Although the current battle situation is fierce, she knows that the battle between the two sides is far from reaching the real outbreak.

They are all ninth-tier powerhouses, and their strengths are very similar.

The fighting duration of this level of powerhouse is very long.

At their level, because everyone’s strengths are too close, they don’t value their respective strengths so much.

Their duel, pay more attention to their respective performance, team cooperation, and the most important thing.


Thinking of this, Murong Xue suddenly thought of someone.

Lin Feng.

When coming to participate in this competition trial, Lin Feng gave her a silver apple, saying that it would bring victory and good luck.

Don’t know if that thing works?

Thinking of the big boy full of mysteries, Murong Xue couldn’t help but smiled indulgently, no longer thinking about other things, and concentrated on fighting.

Lin Feng is a second-order gardener after all.

The people who are fighting now are all ninth tiers

The difference is a full seven levels.

How can such a high-level battle be influenced by a silver apple?

And Lin Feng, whom Murongxue, Murong Mingyue, Lin Zhengde and others care about, replenished their spirits and opened their eyes.

Night fell.

It’s time to plunge into more cruel battles!

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