Chapter 103 The Mutation of Witches and Zombies

Eastern Suburbs, the capital of death.

Lin Feng wakes up from being in a field of sunshine mushrooms and sunflowers.

He stretched and stood up.

Seeing him waking up, Colonel Corn hurried over to report.

“Master, you are awake.

Lin Feng understood what he meant, took off his helmet and took out the magic rose petals in his ears.

In an instant, the screams of witches and zombies, explosions, roars, air blasts, countless sounds poured into Lin Feng’s ears.

He frowned and turned to Colonel Corn.

“How is the situation now?”

“It’s okay. Although the sun is about to set completely, the tide of corpses has not yet begun to raging.

Lin Feng asked, “Where is the zombie of the witch? Have you found other witch zombies?”

“Several witch zombies have been found and have been observing.

“In addition, two witches and zombies who can only use special fire abilities were found. For the safety of the line of defense, they were bombarded with the enhanced corn cannon into dregs.”

The enhanced corn cannon referred to by Colonel Corn refers to the corn cannon enhanced with the life energy balls used before.

There are only 16 enhanced corn cannons, which are the most powerful weapons in the entire defensive position.

Lin Feng carefully observed the battlefield and analyzed it roughly, and found that the current line can still be beaten.

He stuffed the magic rose petals into his ears and put his helmet on.

Next, there is an uphill battle.

Now that I’m awake, it’s time to eat.

So he started to hurry up to cook.

Cucumbers, corn, nuts, potatoes, watermelon.

Soon, a fairly good “breakfast” was ready.

It’s a pity that they are all vegetarian. After all, Lin Feng feels a little bit short of it.

After a brief rest, he once again began to prepare for the battle.

The thing to do now is to expand into the capital of death.

He has clearly seen that many buildings have been bombed down.

I don’t know how many zombies were crushed to death.

Although patches of muddy land are covered with dust, at least plants can barely be grown.

He pretended to be over, and asked, “I’m going to officially go inside, are you ready?”

Colonel Corn, Xiangyuan Sagittarius, and Rose Mage saluted solemnly.

“Give me a stare at the witch zombies you see. Once my firepower is finished, you will find a way to catch one.”

After saying this, he waved his hand.

Their three plant heroes led many plant soldiers to fight.

Coming to the Sunshine Mushroom and Sunflower Fields, Lin Feng collected all the Sunshine Balls produced in one day.

It’s really inconvenient to have to collect the sunshine balls by yourself every time.

I don’t know if it is possible to automatically collect sunlight if it is installed in another occupation.

Crazed woke up for a while, Lin Feng began to concentrate.

He first came to the strongest side of the line of defense.

After fierce fighting here, countless zombies have accumulated.

Lin Feng frowned as he watched them.

There are not many corpses, it is really troublesome to advance

There are only two solutions.

One is a fire to see if it can burn it all.

Another is to absorb and clean up with plant soldiers.

He can remember that the objects that all soldiers act on can take root on the corpse of the zombie, absorb energy, and then be strengthened.

The last time he kept cultivating elite soldier plants to withstand the tide of corpses.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng finally gave up the idea.

Now there is no time for him to slowly cultivate plant soldiers.

He took out a handful of hot chili peppers and burned the corpses directly.

After being burned, the corpses of all the zombies turned into fly ash.

It can be clearly seen that the ground in front of the entire defense line is at least one meter shorter than where Lin Feng is.

This was all bombarded by powerful firepower.

After tidying up, he started planting plants frantically again.

He expanded the entire position to the death capital.

The current line is too long.

So that every time he expands a circle of plants, it takes about an hour.

Lin Feng patiently moved forward step by step.

When he once again expanded a circle of defenses, corn cannons, watermelon pitchers, tin nut walls and other plants were planted in a row.

Clapping his hands, Lin Feng called the plant hero.

“The first expansion is complete! I’m ready to deal with a stronger wave of corpses. Catch me a witch zombie.

Knowing that Lin Feng, whose ears are stuffed with rose petals, can’t hear them now, the three plant heroes all salute to show their leadership.

The Rose Mage led Lin Feng to the front line behind the iron nut wall, and pointed his wand forward.

Lin Feng looked in the direction she was pointing.

There, there are two witches and zombies facing each other, “singing to each other.”

Around them, a group of zombies are protecting them.

Lin Feng’s expression condensed.

These witches are really hard to deal with.

They kept calling the corpse tide.

And beside those witch zombies, many zombies did not attack the defense line, but guarded them.

This is not what these violent bloodthirsty zombies should do.

[Note: Witch Zombie: Commanding a zombie attack. )

Because he had been staring at the two witch zombies, the comment system gave prompts in a timely manner.

Lin Feng frowned.

really.Witch zombies are extremely special zombies.

Looking at this situation, they are the commanders in the tide of corpses.

It is because of their existence that these zombies can flow continuously and can cooperate with each other.

Although they are very superficial cooperation, they are still much stronger than the ordinary corpse tide that only knows to rely on brute force.

After all, there are too many zombies.

He didn’t wait for him to figure out a plan.

Colonel Corn and Xiangbang shooter rushed out with a bunch of plant soldiers.

Lin Feng was taken aback.

What is this for?

How did they cross the line of defense?

Can’t die?

Before he called the Colonel Corn to come back, under the cover of the plants behind him, they had rushed to the vicinity of the witch zombies.

Behind them, Master Rose used the portal at a distance of more than ten meters.

The witch zombie who was still standing in front just now, was about to escape, strayed into the portal and was teleported to the vicinity of the defense line.

Nearly a hundred plant soldiers swarmed up.

With the firepower of many plants and the capture of the flower soldier, the witch zombie was directly interrupted and locked up.

Several enhanced corn cannons fired powerful corn cannonballs to cover the retreat of the three plant heroes in the raid.

This operation is coordinated with great success.

When they came back, Lin Feng was surprised and a little angry.

“What are you doing? Don’t kill me? What if you can’t come back?”

After all, plant heroes are different from ordinary plants.

They can play more roles than plants.

The most important thing is that after so many battles and cooperation, after all, there is a friendship of comrades in arms.

Lin Feng doesn’t want them to be in the trial.

Colonel Corn, they were shocked when they saw Lin Feng’s appearance.

After Lin Feng took out the magic rose petals, they explained to Lin Feng.

“Lord, ours won’t really die. As long as you have the War Garden Pendant, we can be called out again.”

Lin Feng was taken aback.

what’s the situation?

So there is such a thing?

Didn’t I worry for nothing before?

Really “? Then you are not immortal?”

“And, even if it can be summoned, are you sure that the plant heroes summoned are the three of you?”

Lin Feng still couldn’t believe it.

Does this war garden pendant have such characteristics?

Colonel Corn said with some emotion: “Don’t worry, Lord, we are just the pendant’s summons after all. As long as the pendant is not damaged, we will always exist.”

Hearing him say this, Lin Feng looked at the pendant on his neck hesitantly.

Rose Mage saw his appearance, smiled, and rushed directly out of the line of defense.

Lin Feng was taken aback. Before he could move, Colonel Corn stopped him.

Then he saw that even Rose Mage didn’t dodge, and was knocked into muddy by the shield bear zombies unsuspectingly.

Lin Feng was stunned.


What is this for?

Damn it?

You really don’t take your own life as your own?

He was stunned.

Xiang Meng pointed at the War Garden Pendant.

Lin Feng realized this and used the pendant’s summoning function again.

A beam of light shot out, and the Rose Mage appeared in front of him.

Lin Feng blinked and confirmed that he was not mistaken.

He was overjoyed.


Say it early!

Knowing that the plant heroes summoned by this necklace will not die, he has already used them to wade thunder!

Moreover, as long as Rose Archer’s portal skills are restored.

She can go out and catch witches and zombies!

After that, just use the War Garden Pendant to take them back and summon them again.

Lin Feng looked at the three plant heroes with bright eyes.

Colonel Maize felt a chill in their hearts.

They seem to have done something stupid!

Lin Feng didn’t give them too much time to think about it.

He stuffed rose petals again, put on his helmet, and went into battle again.

“Go to each point of the defense line to check and see if you can stand it!”

“I caught another witch zombie. She had a round with the zombies before her cry. There must be more zombies coming.”

“If you can’t stand it, you will suffer, hurry up and investigate.”

Under his order, all the plant heroes and plant soldiers rushed to various places of the defense line to check the situation.

It didn’t take long for the fastest-moving Xiangbang Sagittarius to report.

He pointed anxiously to a place and said something with his mouth.

Lin Feng couldn’t hear his voice, but he probably knew what the other party meant.

He hurriedly followed the Xiangbang shooter to a certain point of the defense.

Sure enough, many huge orion and shield bear zombies appeared over there.

Seeing that number, Lin Feng was taken aback.

Why are there so many special zombies in this place?

Are there other witches and zombies hiding in the tide of corpses and commanding them?

He carefully checked the battle situation, looked around for a week, thinking about how to replant plants to strengthen the defense at this point.

Suddenly, he looked at him.

Lin Feng looked towards the center of the defensive position.

Where, all the 8 witch zombies caught were gathered in one place.

Lin Feng found that they were facing the special zombies that had assembled.

His expression condensed.

The brain is running fast.

After many additions, and with the 100 intelligence added by the “Dragon Touch Ring, he is thinking very fast now.”

Soon, Lin Feng analyzed the reasons clearly.

These witch zombies hug together, attracting a large number of special zombies!

“Captain Corn, you take the plant soldiers to separate these witches and zombies. Don’t lock them all together, lock one at a distance.”

Colonel Corn took the lead and moved quickly.

Lin Feng observes the battlefield again.

Those special zombies assembled have already begun to attack the line of defense.

Those special zombies are bigger than the special zombies I have seen before.

The monster shield bear zombie with the appearance of a red brown bear seems to have been blessed with certain skills and has strong muscles.

And they didn’t have any wounds, and they didn’t see any pus.

It was like a living shield bear, not a zombie.

They are yelling at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng instinctively sensed that it was wrong.

These zombies seem to be enhanced by something!

What is it?

He was thinking about it, and soon thought of a possibility.

It is also the only possibility on this battlefield.

Witch zombies!

Witch zombies with special abilities!

In this trial, the most troublesome target was these witches and zombies.

Not only can they summon corpse tides, they also have various special abilities.

Those special abilities have given Lin Feng a lot of surprises, and he is almost impossible to guard against.

Without any hesitation, he began to strengthen the defense capabilities of this area.

Tin Nut Wall, Ice Gooseberry, Watermelon Pitcher, Machine Gun Peas, Flame Stump.


Boom boom boom!

The roaring shield energy zombies speeded up one after another, rushing towards the plant defense line.

Even if Lin Feng was stuffed with rose petals in his ears and couldn’t hear the sounds of the zombies charging, he could still feel the power and pressure on his face.

Because the Shield Bear zombies stepped on the ground while they were running, they set off a large cloud of dust, the sand was rolling, and the momentum was terrifying.

And their heavy bodies trampled on the ground, causing the ground to vibrate.

Lin Feng wears an endless suit and can feel the shock from the ground.

The fire erupted.

The plant was fired by a rain of bullets that flooded the shield zombies.




There was a burst of strong impact.

A huge shock wave exploded on the iron-skinned high nut wall.

The two iron-skinned high-nut walls couldn’t withstand the huge impact and were directly knocked out!

Lin Feng’s expression changed drastically!

There is a gap in the line of defense!

Not waiting for him to act.

A large group of plant soldiers used it madly, plugging the gap with their bodies!

The plant soldier at the forefront was instantly trampled into dregs by the huge shield bear zombies.

Subsequent plants continue to fight under the command of the hero.

Because two shield bears have already rushed into the defense line, the power of the corn cannon is too great, for fear of accidentally injuring the plants, I dare not launch them at these two shield bears!

The corn colonel, whose complexion changed greatly, hurriedly directed these corn cannons to bombard the corpses in the distance and intercept their attack.

The remaining plant soldiers, machine gun peas, and watermelon pitchers started firing frantically at the shield bears that rushed into the line of defense!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and went directly behind the shield bear zombies, madly planting iron-skin high nut walls, hoping to seal the gaps in the line of defense they destroyed!


Finally, in the rush of the plant soldiers who were not in a hurry for the consequences, a shield bear that rushed into the defense was maimed and bitten by many big mouth flowers.

Another Shield Bear zombie was teleported by the Rose Mage whose skills were restored.

And the iron-skinned high nut wall was also sealed by Lin Feng.

He gasped violently.

Don’t kill me in close proximity just now, it was too dangerous.

After taking a breath, he hurried to replenish the line of defense, and at the same time summoned the plant soldiers again with the skill of all soldiers.

Because the 8 witch zombies that had been captured before had been separated and detained, the special zombies they had summoned were also scattered.

The corpse tide’s offense is evenly distributed by the defense line, and the pressure on the local defense line will not be so great.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After eating and gaining wisdom, you will not make such a mistake in the future.

He took a short break and checked the line of defense again.

He found that once the witches and zombies were dispersed, the tide of corpses would not concentrate a little attack, and the position pressure of the plant defense line would be greatly reduced.

But he has found something wrong.

The cries of these witches and zombies are getting louder and louder!

Earlier, he found that the more witches and zombies caught, their calls merged together and became louder and louder.

But now, when the number of witch zombies captured is higher than 6 later.

Every time a witch zombie is captured, the increase in the volume of calls is comparable to the volume of calls previously increased by capturing two witch zombies.

Lin Feng felt that the center of the ground plant defense line shook slightly because of the howling of witches and zombies.

The cry seemed to form an invisible sound wave.

In the sky, the clouds that had accumulated together seemed to be scattered by the sound.I don’t know if it was his illusion, Lin Feng felt that the whole trial space began to vibrate slightly.

But this feeling was too mysterious, and he couldn’t confirm it.

But the whole trial space is even more gloomy, which is certain.

Because in the previous night, the moon could still illuminate a large area of ​​land.

Now, even if the moon is still hanging high in the sky, the visible range is much smaller than before.

Compared with the beginning, this trial space seems to have undergone some changes.

Lin Feng felt a faint smell of blood in his nose.


The temperature in the entire trial space also seemed to be much higher.

Here, it seems to be getting more and more weird? How can an ominous breath be revealed everywhere?

Lin Feng shook his head.

In any case, for SSS-level evaluation, he must capture witch zombies differently.

No matter whether these visions are caused by them, Lin Feng can only continue to catch them!

With a sigh of relief, Lin Feng officially began to march towards the capital of death.

After a day’s time, the cooling of plant activation of this skill was restored.

Lin Feng won three more life energy balls.

After widening the line of defense again, the corn cannons were replanted.

When the corn cannon at the front grew out, he used the three types of life energy balls.

Three enhanced corn cannons appeared!

With these three special plants as the vanguard, Lin Feng finally began to bombard the city with extra firepower.

Under his command, corn cannon shells kept bombarding the bottom of the building.

The ground floor was bombed and the base level was blown off. These buildings collapsed, causing huge smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust storm was so huge that it even spread to the defensive front.

An earthy smell mingled with the unpleasant smell of smoke and dust spread over the surface.

Lin Feng frowned.

These smoke storms blocked his vision.

The most important thing is that the edge of the entire Death City is blocked, and it is not easy for him to expand there.

Lin Feng opened the Plant Illustrated Book on the spot.

He unlocked a plant that he hadn’t seen more.


This plant can form a strong wind and blow away the smoke.

Lin Feng has always cared about this plant before, but he didn’t expect it to be used here!

Under the agitation of rows of clover.

Oita swept out from the defensive position after a while.

The smoke and dust that had enveloped it was blown away.

Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly cleared.

Sure enough, in real battles, no matter how humble plants are, there are times when they can shine.



After several days of hard fighting.

Lin Feng finally got acquainted with the combat methods of all zombies in this trial.

I also figured out how to deal with it.

Constantly expanding the line of defense also gave him enough firepower to move forward.

From the arrival of death to the northern suburbs of the capital, he can finally kill back now!

Lin Feng was a little excited.

Once again captured a witch zombie and separated her from other witch zombies.

Lin Feng found that the current defensive position corn cannon has enough firepower to withstand the increased tide of corpses.

As long as these witch zombies are not together, special zombies will not gather for fixed-point attacks, and his defense pressure will be much smaller.

However, correspondingly, the screaming volume of the witch zombies has increased again, a lot more!

Lin Feng always feels that it is not good for them to call it this way.

Although I don’t know the specific reason.

But an ominous premonition kept circling in his heart.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng planted a batch of pumpkin heads.

He covered these pumpkin heads on the flowers of the big mouth, slightly covering the screams of the witch zombies.

After all this, he clapped his hands.

“Corn Colonel, Xiangbang Sagittarius, Rose Mage, lead the soldiers to follow, we are on the move!”

Lin Feng gave an order.

They finally stepped into the capital of death again!

Although the ground has been ploughed by countless artillery fire, the entire ground sank nearly two meters.

But the dirt that is turned out can be planted!

Lin Feng once again expanded his defenses in this city.

The sunlight collected before was used up like running water.

With fire support from the rear suburbs, he quickly gained a foothold in the Death City.

More powerful firepower, faster advancing speed!

Separately hold witches and zombies, disperse the tide of corpses, and reduce the pressure on the line of defense!

Many corn cannons fire in batches, cut off the tide of corpses, and click to kill special hunters!

Blasting to demolish buildings, bombing roads, smoothing the ground, turning out the dirt!

Clover blows away the smoke and dust, cleans up the visually impaired!

Keep planting plants and expand the line of defense!

After this series of operations, Lin Feng finally gained a foothold in this trial.

Facing this raging tide of corpses, he gained an advantage for the first time!

The offensive and defensive trend is reversed!

Under such repeated bombing, Lin Feng pushed forward nearly a thousand meters!

Ahead, more zombies are waiting for him, but during this trial, he finally got a wave of exasperation!

Lin Feng has only one thought now.


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