Chapter 101 Lin Feng Is Lost Again?!!

Endless zombies continue to impact.

Lin Feng is fighting for time in the corpse tide.

As more and more witches and zombies were captured.

The number of zombies attracted by their screams is also increasing.

Lin Feng found that if he cannot continue to increase the number of corn cannons, the battle situation is likely to be deadlocked.

The speed at which he increased his firepower must be faster than the speed at which he could capture witches and zombies.

Once his firepower is not enough to cover the battlefield and suppress the swarming zombies, then the entire defense line is bound to be shattered.

Expand firepower.

Surround the city with the suburbs.

To the city.

This is the only thing he can do now.

Lin Feng has no time to rest.

He wants to expand at the fastest speed.

Lin Feng’s nerves were highly tense and concentrated, without any breathing space.

He wanted to open the [Tasks] panel to check the progress of the trial.

But now he must race against time, and there is no time for anything else.

I don’t even have time to view the [Task] panel, let alone other panels.

No matter what private messages or video communications, there is no way to check them all.

Lin Feng, who looked tense, didn’t know that someone from the outside world kept contacting him.

In a trial space full of birds and flowers.

Murong Mingyue sat on the chair, frowning.

She tried her best to contact Lin Feng, but she couldn’t get in touch.

“Phone calls are not in the service area, and video communications are not accepted. Is this participating in a trial?”

She has a headache.

He was directly shocked by Lin Feng’s murderous aura before, causing his skills to be stimulated, and he was stunned by the powerful murderous aura.

After she woke up in the hospital, she found that her “mind eyes” had become more sensitive and stronger.

At the same time, Murong Mingyue also found that she could feel the fluctuation of killing intent more clearly.

This situation shocked her!

Asura’s skills are extremely powerful.

But correspondingly, all the skills of this profession are very difficult to practice.

If it is faced with a person whose killing intent is too weak, its murderous aura cannot stimulate the mind and the skill cannot be increased.

If you are facing a person with a strong killing intent, without precaution and no special equipment, if you are rushed by the killing intent, you will be injured instead.

In both cases, she could not enhance her own skills.

Lin Feng’s murderous aura happened to be within a suitable range.

That murderous aura was far beyond the murderous aura that an ordinary Tier 2 tester could possess, but it did not exceed her endurance limit. At most, it made her faint and wouldn’t hurt her.

Murong Mingyue really wants to discuss and communicate with Lin Feng.

She believes that whether it is to participate in the trial with Lin Feng or to compete with him, it will be of great benefit to mind-eye skills.

But when she wanted to call Lin Feng, she found that the other party’s cell phone was not in the service area.

The anxious Murong Mingyue immediately teleported to the trial space.

As a result, she found that Lin Feng neither responded to her private messages nor connected to the communication video.

At first, he had already said that Lin Feng could not delete his contact information, and could not deliberately fail to contact him.

So what is he doing now?

The phone is not in the service area, so Lin Feng must be in the trial space.

Now Lin Feng does not receive his own video communication.

This is going back, feel that you are a trouble?

Or are you participating in a trial with someone from the military?It’s okay if Lin Feng is trying out with the military.

If he deliberately refuses to answer his own communications, then it will be troublesome.

After finally having a way to improve his skills, Murong Mingyue didn’t want to give up.

Murong Mingyue was a little anxious.

In addition, Aunt Xue is now competing in the trial space with trialers from other countries for the crystallization of fate.

Now she can only find a way to contact Lin Feng by herself.

She must at least confirm whether Lin Feng deliberately failed to connect to her contact request.

After making up his mind, Murong Mingyue withdrew from the trial space on the spot and hurried from the teleportation spire to the barracks.

For the convenience of contacting Lin Feng, she did not return to Xin Anling.

Anyway, Murong’s family also owns real estate in Baisha City.

And Baisha City also has a teleportation spire, which will not delay Murong Mingyue’s own trial.

Now she can’t contact Lin Feng, she has to confirm the reason.

After she hurried to the barracks in Baisha City, she waited a while before seeing Lin Zhengde.

The two met in a waiting room.

Murong Mingyue clearly knew who Lin Zhengde was.

Before, Murongxue provided her with simple information about Lin Feng.

Among them, there is an introduction about Lin Zhengde.

“Uncle Lin, this is Murong Mingyue. It is Murong Xue’s niece. I want to ask, is Lin Feng there? I have something to check with him.”

Lin Zhengde also knew Murong Mingyue. He heard Fan Guang talk about the agreement between himself and his son.

He shook his head, “Now Lin Feng is not in the Baisha Military Camp.

Seeing Murong Mingyue looked a little anxious, he explained.

“The little girl from Murong’s family, Lin Feng is now doing experiments in the trial space. It is not convenient to see you.”

Hearing what he said, Murong Mingyue frowned in confusion.

“He is doing an experiment? What experiment? Is there any experiment where you have to concentrate for hours and cannot reply to private messages?”

She thought for a while, but couldn’t think of an answer.

“Then bother uncle. I’m just worried that Lin Feng is deliberately not connecting to my video communication now.

At this point, she was a little embarrassed.

She suspected that his son had not kept his promise in front of others, which was a bit embarrassing to her at all.

“Since he has something to be busy now, and he didn’t deliberately not pick up, then I can rest assured. Excuse me.

After speaking, Murong Mingyue stood up and said goodbye to Lin Zhengde.

Lin Zhengde felt a little embarrassed when she said this.

Lin Feng, this kid, since he agreed to the little girl.

Before doing the experiment, she should also be notified.

So now they ran to the barracks to confirm it.

He also stood up.

“Lin Feng has kept his promise since he was a child and will not deliberately refuse to pick up your communications. Don’t worry.

“He has done this experiment for a day, and I will send him a private message later.”

“If he answers me, I will let him contact you.”

Hearing what he said, Murong Mingyue thanked him again and again.

After Lin Zhengde sent her away, he returned to the barracks and teleported into the trial space.

He tried to contact Lin Feng via video communication, but did not get a response.

He sent another private message and received no response.

Lin Zhengde guessed.

Maybe the cultivation experiment has reached a critical period and it is inconvenient?

He is not a scientific researcher after all, and he doesn’t understand this aspect.

So he is not sure what Lin Feng is doing.

After thinking about it, Lin Zhengde sent a message to Lin Feng, asking him to contact himself after he came out, and then he left the trial space.

What Lin Zhengde did not expect was that after two days, Lin Feng had not contacted him.

Fan Guang also brought people to find Lin Feng.

The teammates arranged by the military for Lin Feng have already assembled.

Fan Guang wanted Lin Feng to contact the three fighters for cooperation.

As a result, he couldn’t find Lin Feng either.

When he found out that Murong Mingyue could not contact Lin Feng, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Fan Guang has never heard of any plant experiment that requires people to concentrate for dozens of hours.

No matter what kind of experiment requires continuous observation, it will take more than ten hours to rest.

Now so many people contact Lin Feng, but he hasn’t responded. You can’t really concentrate on cultivating plants and have no time to take care of things, right?

Suddenly, an ominous feeling hovered in Fan Guang’s heart.

Lin Feng won’t participate in the trial alone again, will he?

Fan Guang didn’t hold back after thinking for a long time.

He asked Lin Zhengde: “Your son is really going to cultivate plants? He is not going to do other things, right.”

Hearing what he said, Lin Zhengde hadn’t reacted yet.

“What do you mean? Of course, my son is going to do the experiment, otherwise, what is he doing in the trial space all day?”

Although he heard him say this, Fan Guang had a worse premonition.

“I have a few soldiers waiting here now. Would you like to stop contacting him and call him out?”

“Furthermore, no matter what the experiment is, it is impossible to concentrate on doing it continuously. You have to rest.”

Hearing what Fan Guang said, Lin Zhengde also felt somewhat reasonable.

He once again went to the trial space to contact Lin Feng.

But still did not get any response.

For a while, Lin Zhengde also felt that something was wrong.

Why can’t it be contacted?

How long has it been?

Cultivating plants, do you still have to stare at it? Can’t be distracted for a moment?

Will it last so long?

When he returned to the meeting room, Fan Guang quickly asked.

“How is it? Have you contacted Lin Feng?”

Lin Zhengde shook his head.

Fan Guang looked stiff.

The ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

“It’s just a plant, it’s impossible to stay in the trial space for so long! I still can’t communicate with the outside world!”

“If that’s not an experiment, what else should I stay in the trial space forever?”

Fan Guang was silent for a while.

“Have you forgotten? Lin Feng had such a situation before. We couldn’t get in touch with him.”

Lin Zhengde looked startled.

“What do you mean, shouldn’t it be?”

“Only this is possible, Lin Feng participated in the trial alone!”

Lin Zhengde opened his mouth and said nothing for a long time.

Yes indeed.

Even if this kid does an experiment, he can’t continue doing it for so long. He always has to rest, right?

It’s been almost several days, and I haven’t been able to contact him. Could it be true that if the legion commander said, he went to participate in the trial?

He turned dark when he thought of this.

The two looked at each other.

“I continue to go to the trial space to contact Lin Feng until I can contact him.”

Lin Zhengde stood up and hurried to the trial space as quickly as possible.

He was very angry and worried.

What if Lin Feng goes to the trial alone again?

What if something happens to him?

What if you fail this trial?

If something really happens, how can you face your wife in the future!

Lin Zhengde became even more worried when he thought of Li Wenhui.

Now that the wife is not aware of life or death, if the son also has an accident, it would be terrible!

He was upset and shot away.


Fan Guang was in the meeting room and hit the table with a punch.

This kid!

I praised him before, why did he do such a stupid thing again today!

How dangerous it is for a person to participate in the second-order trial, he doesn’t know it!

How to do such a stupid thing!

He also thought that Lin Feng had taken the initiative to visit the exercise before and could get along with the soldiers.

The three fighter teammates now seem to have a good relationship with him.

They are so close to the military, there is no reason to reject the teammates arranged by the military!

Is it possible that Lin Feng is not going to participate in the trial, is really doing an experiment?

Fan Guang has high hopes for Lin Feng.

Whether it was the mysterious armor before.

It was Lin Feng who killed two mid-level professionals.

Fan Guang was very amazed by this.

He is really optimistic about Lin Feng’s future.

Now Lin Feng is unable to contact again, he is in a state of confusion.

One thinks of General He, and another thinks of Lin Feng.

Various thoughts surged and circled in his mind.


Fan Guang punched again and directly smashed the table.

Not long after, Murong Mingyue came to the barracks again to ask about Lin Feng.

Fan Guang did not hide the relationship between the Israeli military and the Trial Space Research Institute, as well as their relationship with Murong Xue.

Murong Mingyue panicked when he heard the news.

She remembered Aunt Xue’s advice and how she valued Lin Feng.

Thinking that Lin Feng might be able to heal the guardian giant tree, she became even more anxious.

But she can’t do anything now.

She can neither reach Lin Feng nor Aunt Xue.

Because Murongxue is now competing with others in the Tier 9 trial space!

She can only wait.

Just when these people outside were rushing around in a hurry.

The person they are worried about, Lin Feng, is arranging his position in the trial space!

After two busy days again.

Lin Feng has planted large corn cannons on the north and east sides of Death City!

His current purpose is only one.

Expand the plant defense front.

Surround the city with the suburbs.

Only get enough firepower positions.

He can have a greater advantage.

With the number of captured witches and zombies increasing.

The tide of corpses from the attack will become more and more fierce.

He must be prepared for this! County,

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