Chapter 65: The Fruitful Fruits of War!.

A battle in the Extremely Cold Ice Domain!

Finally, the curtain has come to an end.

But the impact is just beginning. After these seven days of battle royale.

In the extremely cold ice region, human beings are completely chasing and killing aliens.

The alien race did not dare to rise at all, and the fear of being completely killed did not even have the courage to face Li Mo. After this battle.

All humans and alien professionals in the Terran territory know about it. The territory of mankind has changed.

Human powerhouses, in the human territory, are about to usher in their absolute right to speak.

And the one who created all this is the number one powerhouse in the human world today – Li Mo Yes!

After this battle.

Li Mo seemed to become the number one powerhouse in the Terran territory.

Although Li Mo’s level is not high, his strength is beyond doubt. With the extreme cold barrier in the northern Xinjiang, it began to disintegrate.

Li Mo saw many hidden alien powerhouses from a distance, and as soon as he could, he fled and fled. And there are quite a few of them.

In the human territory, they still have safe zones.

This is a safe zone that they themselves have purchased in the human territory with their merits from the gods. As long as there is a safe zone delineated by the gods, Li Mo is not good to rush in and look for trouble now. But this northern frontier is still some distance from the nearest alien safe zone.

“Do you want to hunt them down?”

Long Drink asked.

“A bunch of frightened guys, there is still some use in keeping them.”

“At least they are in the human world, and they will converge enough in the future.”

Li Mo said lightly.

At this time, not only Long Drink and the other seven powerhouses of the Liguang faction were there.

More than twenty powerhouses from the four major factions were also on the back of the mixed yuan gluttony at this time, surrounding Li Mo.

In the next few days, everyone did not go too far to chase and kill, and the main thought was still used in the negotiation of the four clans of the “Night Thousand Dead Dragon”. After a moment’s thoughts, Li Mo asked.

“How are the negotiations between the four races?”

“There are already some eyebrows.”

Long Drink responded

“There is no problem with transferring their safe zone, accepting the Terrans, withdrawing from the human territory, and never entering again.”

“The main problem is that they say we ask for too much and some are reluctant to give that much.”

“Some are not even willing to give.”

“As for the four races of Dark, Blue, Blood, and Thunder, they have already determined that they will fight us to the death.”

Li Mo nodded.

This battle has indeed laid the foundation for mankind’s right to speak in the human territory. The four ethnic groups of peace talks.

There is no objection to the transfer of human territory areas. The point of negotiation is how much they have to pay.

But the four races of dark, blue, blood, and thunder with iron hearts. It has been completely torn apart by humans and humans.

Hence the territorial area in which they are located.

Conflicts will clearly go where they are worse than ever.

After all, they also have safe zones in the human territory.

They dare not rush into the human safety zone, and humans do not dare to rush their safe zone. Then only in the wilderness, fighting each other.

With the withdrawal of the four races of Night, Thousand, Death, and Dragon, humans can reclaim about 40% of the territory of the human territory. The scope of this activity area is already very large.

To be able to first take back the true voice of half of the human territory.

It can be said that it is a strategic turning point for mankind to enter the era of national upgrading. Although the four races of “Dark Blue Blood Thunder” still occupy about 60% of the territory of human beings. But these alien races in the human territory obviously dare not be as presumptuous as before.

At the same time, the existence of these four races also gives human professionals a competitive opponent. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

“However, even if it is compensation, it is long-term compensation.”

Long Drink continued to talk about the results of the negotiations in the past few days.

“At the same time, they have also added some additional clauses.”

“For example, let you go over and open up a level 400 mythical copy for them.”

“As long as they open up mythical-level copies, they are willing to compensate, and at the same time are willing to agree to the many conditions you proposed before, and at the same time, they will let us humans eat the dividends of mythical-level copies.”

“In addition to these aliens who attacked us.”

“Some other races in the same camp, as well as some strong people, have begun to contact us.”

“Their condition is also to hope that you can open up mythical copies in their race.”

“At the same time, a certain percentage of the permanent copy revenue will be taken out.”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

Ponder the feasibility of this. Mythical quest.

It does not exist in many ethnic groups.

In other words, many races are in great need of mythical replicas.

Even, some powerful races specialize in cultivating mythical-level replica development teams. Help other less powerful races develop mythical quests.

Permanent resource taxation is then carried out.

This practice, in the sequence of ethnic camps, is not a rare thing, but it is very common. Moreover, develop mythical copies in other races, and then charge a percentage of resources.

There’s also a term called “copy tax.”

But generally only the top powerful races are eligible and able to collect the “copy tax”. Weaker ethnic groups will only be charged a copy tax.

After all, you opened up for the other party, and the other party turned around and did not admit it.

Without strong enough ethnic firepower, you can’t threaten each other.

Help the surrounding ethnic groups to develop copies and collect a “copy tax”. This is a good thing with huge benefits for both Li Mo and humanity.

But instead, after the surrounding ethnic groups became stronger, they threatened the Terrans, which was to raise tigers instead. But in general, it’s because humans are too weak.

Humanity does need more resources to improve its strength.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mo slowly spoke.

“Exploiting mythical-level copies for alien races, now is not the time to think about it.”

“After this war, parts of the human territory will enter a more peaceful environment.”

“And I will gradually develop the level 400 mythical copy next.”

“And mankind is about to usher in the era of great development of national upgrading.”

“Now in the human world, there is an urgent need for more high-level professionals.”

“Only in this way can we humans stabilize the situation I just fought.”

“I’m alone, I can calm down for a while, but I can’t hold for a lifetime.”

“When everyone in the whole race is strong, it is really strong.”

As Li Mo said.

All the thousand-level powerhouses had an indescribable throbbing feeling in their hearts.

All mankind, stable upgrade, efficient brush equipment, brush resources, all kinds of soft and hard conditions have been greatly enhanced. This is a dream scene that they have been pursuing for a long time.

And now it’s finally happening. Although not the whole territory. This is also a long drought. Speaking of which.

Li Mo looked at the many strong people around him.

“About taking over the leveling area, quest, city-state safety zone, etc. left by the four races, as well as cleaning up and driving away other scattered alien races.”

“Next, it’s the main thing that your seniors will do.”

“When in the eastern frontier, after being completely in charge.”

“Under my pioneering ground. We humans will soon be able to have a large number of mythical quests, so we don’t have to worry too much about equipment. ”

“Moreover, the eastern frontier is next to the sea of broken stars.”

“And we humans also have the initiative to shatter the copy of the Star Sea Zerg!”

Li Mo said so.

Suddenly, many strong people smiled. Zerg Quest!

That’s the output of the upgrade dan.

During this time, the news of Li Mo opening a mythical replica in the Shattered Star Sea had completely spread. And the Shattered Star Sea Zerg copy can produce the characteristics of the upgrade pill, and it also spreads.

There is a relationship with Li Mo.

Humans are naturally unrestricted copies of the Zerg.

These are all the huge wealth resources that Li Mo has laid down for mankind. In terms of level, there is an upgrade dan.

In terms of equipment, Li Mo has a plan to open up 16 400 mythical dungeons next. And with the gradual recollection of human territory.

I am afraid that this number will quadruple. At least fifty or sixty mythical level copies.

A large number of mythical-level copies, which is bound to make the equipment of the human race rise rapidly.

In just this half a year, the Holy Hui City-State, where the professionals have already had certain equipment advantages and level advantages over the professionals in other regions.

And with a mythical copy as a foundation.

The professionals of the Holy Radiance City-State are outstanding in terms of hard power. In terms of soft power, there has also been a significant improvement.

For example, powerful potions, a bottle down, restore hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of blood volume.

For example, status scrolls that can increase the status of a large number of supplies, defenses, speed, attack speed, casting speed, etc. As well as the Return to City scroll, teleportation scroll, and so on.

These soft power resources are especially important when fighting enemies and clearing up wasteland.

A mythical-level copy can give the Holy Radiance city-state and more than a dozen surrounding city-states a strong advantage. It can be imagined that as Li Mo develops a large number of level 400 mythical copies.

At that time, mankind was no longer dark gold, the era of legends. It was really the epic of mankind, the era of mythology.

And this is exactly why even the four races of the Night Thousand Death Dragon, which are much stronger than humans, would rather negotiate and even compensate for resources, and reconcile with humans.

After the rise of mankind, they may not be able to withstand it.

“At this point, Li Mo, you don’t have to worry.”

“The city lords of the major city-states know the advantages of this better than all of us.”

“Now the city lords of some city-states have begun to take the initiative to border with the nearby alien security zone city-states.”

Long Yu said with a smile.

“Even many city-states have now begun to seize territory and demarcate their own replica resources as jurisdictions.”

“Now, all human professionals are waiting for you to open up mythical replicas!”

“After all, you pioneered mythical-level copies in the Shattered Star Sea before, and the professionals of the major human city-states are watching!”

When Long Drink said this, Li Mo also smiled.

Many cadre-level powerhouses also laughed. That’s the benefit of ethnicity.

The strong build an advantage.


The people below can quickly turn advantages into resources, and then let the city-state professionals quickly brush up. And in the future, Li Mo will open up the mythical copy resources.

Li Mo, the thousand-level powerhouse, the powerhouses of the major city-states, and the professionals of the major guilds can all eat dividends. If it is an alien race, Li Mo can be regarded as a mythical copy.

They will also find ways to rely on Li Mo’s resources.

Tens of billions of human beings in the entire race have frantically brushed mythological copies, and the resources obtained can be imagined how abundant. If it’s just a legendary quest, an epic quest.

Aliens have been brushing for a long time. Human time is short enough to catch up.

Only to open up mythical-level copies and collect mythical-level copies of the Shattered Star Sea. Human professionals are likely to overtake in corners.

After a slight thought, Li Mo continued.

“Senior Dragon Drink, you, continue to negotiate with the four races.”

“At the same time……… The 400-level core replica area that will need to be developed, selected and planned. ”

“Don’t appear, I finished swiping the copy, and it was robbed by an alien race.”

“Don’t worry, within a few years, the alien race will not dare to move our copy area easily.”

Long Drink said confidently. From the negotiations with the alien race, Long Yu could feel the foreign race’s jealousy of Li Mo.

Then, Li Mo looked at the High Mountain Faction and the Thousand Winds Faction.

“The safe zone and the alien safe zone of your two factions are intertwined.”

“Before the four major races of Dark Blue Blood Thunder withdrew from the human territory, the replica area on your side was obviously not easy to explore.”

“However, the mythical copy of Eastern Xinjiang, you can also let the guild come and establish a station to brush resources.”

“But……… The four alien races, you will resist me!” Do you understand? ”

Li Mo looked at the thousand-level powerhouses of the two major factions.

These two major factions and the Dark Light Clan, the Bloodline Clan, had a lot of transactions before. Now tear the face, definitely let them go up.

The thousand-level powerhouses of the two major factions finally nodded and did not say anything.

Li Mo did not mention their “heads”, and it was already very good that they opened their “human status”. Now it’s just under the pressure of an alien safe zone.

Also open up mythical copies to them, which is already good for them. Naturally, they won’t say much.

These people have also talked to the helmsmen of the two major factions before.

Even the leaders of the two major factions acquiesced to Li Mo’s approach. Liguang faction, there is Li Mo.

There is no doubt that it will become the first faction of humanity.

The Northern Desert faction and the Southern Xinjiang faction all have a good relationship with the Liguang faction. And they are high mountains, thousand winds, two major factions.

Although Li Mo’s approach is not to suppress them.

But they eat less resources, and naturally the loss of genius professionals will definitely be serious. But at least they are also human beings, eating less, but also eating.

Li Mo set the general framework for the next development of mankind.

Then the next step is naturally to gradually develop mythical copies. Level 400 mythical quests.

Only 4 turns to enter.

Li Mo is now level 499.

Naturally, he wanted to take advantage of his low level to brush a wave of 400-level mythical copies.

Lay the foundation for the level 400 quest for humans. Level 200 quests, level 300 quests.

Although it was almost done, after the creation of the mythical copy of the Shattered Star Sea. The output of 200 level 300 experience Dan is still quite a lot. As for those below level 200, it is even more.

Without delaying the rapid promotion of human professionals to level 400. Wait until level 400.

Start with a dark gold set, a legendary weapon.

Everyone is at least four or five stars of professional attribute level.

The war ended, and after five or six hours of negotiations in this freezing area. Only then did they disperse.

And with the return of many human thousand-level powerhouses one after another. A few days later.

All major territories have issued unified federal-level announcements, as well as the announcement of many contents. Including but not limited to:

Night Thousand Dead Dragons, the four races withdrew from the human territory, and the human race gained the formal rule of the eastern frontier.

Announced, the human city-state and the Shattered Star Sea officially established a realm teleportation array, and human professionals can enter the Shattered Star Sea to upgrade. And in the details of the announcement, there are also many contents such as the Shattered Star Sea Upgrade Pill.

Announced, human powerhouse, Li Mo’s next plan to open up mythical-level copies. Announced plans for at least 80 mythical copies in the Eastern Frontier.

Announced, humanity is about to start the level 500 World Tree copy project. Announcement of uniform styles one by one.

In more than a thousand large and small city-states of mankind, at the same point in time, it was quickly released. The top level of the Human Federation, at this moment, is highly unified.

Coupled with the previous live broadcast of the slaughter of alien races by the human thousand-level powerhouse, and the rumors that all kinds of gossip have long been flying. When the announcement is officially announced for the territory of all mankind.

This is the landing of the boots of the fruits of real strategic victory.

Mankind is about to enjoy, and Li Mo, the first strong man of mankind, has laid down fruitful fruits for mankind.

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