Chapter 66: Big Guy Level Treatment!.

To humans, these announcements are like chicken blood.

All of them are excited.

The announcement of these major events is simply more than the New Year. After all, humans didn’t even dare to come out of the safe zone casually before.

The next copy depends on the face of the alien. And now, it’s completely different.

In the face of people, it completely overturned the suppression of human beings by foreign races. Even in turn suppress the situation of aliens.

Among human beings, there are some wanton and arrogant guys.

It is said that some guys who are not too big to go directly to the gate of the city-state of the Dark Light Race Safety Zone to have a mocking and embarrassing dance, and as a result, they were chased by the Dark Light Clan for hundreds of miles.

Even in many areas.

Many humans even formed a group in the public area channel and began to greet the alien race frantically. The strong have the advantage, and the people below are full of confidence in quarrelling.

The absolute strong position of the upper strong.

Let the lower professionals also completely change their mentality. In the past, I only promised, but now I punch out.

Many of the professionals below are as excited as expired hormones, and they can’t stop at all. And the city lords of many city-states, the leaders of the major guilds, they are obviously still very reasonable.

Many city-states began to transform many city-states in the human territory according to the orders of the thousand-level powerhouses. Large core city-states, quickly establish teleportation arrays with large core city-states of other factions.

In the past, the four major factions were also cooperating with each other and restraining each other. None of the major core city-states will establish direct teleportation arrays.

Both will establish teleportation arrays between factions in border city-states.

Only from the border city-state teleportation array can you enter the main city-state teleportation array. But now.

There is Li Mo’s unified demand.

All the major core city-states, teleportation arrays, must all be opened. In addition to building the main core teleportation array.

All city-state professionals must also be released from circulation.

All major city-states have also joined the construction of the cross-border teleportation array of the Shattered Star Sea. From the human realm to the Shattered Star Sea territory, in the core city-state.

A teleportation array can be reached.

Previously, Star Gods were not allowed to establish teleportation between their territory and surrounding territories. But after Li Mo became the potential ruler of the Shattered Star Sea.

It’s different.

With the opening of the Shattered Star Sea Teleportation Array.

Human professionals began to pour into the Sea of Broken Stars in large numbers.

In just one week, the four mythical copies of the Shattered Star Sea were full of human professionals. And a large number of upgrade pills have also entered the human territory in batches.

After the initial human trouble, the alien race has also completely become honest in the human territory. Even the conflicts below are much less.

This surprised Li Mo.

Originally, Li Mo still wanted to go to the western territory and kill some more high-level powerhouses of the eight or nine hundred levels of foreign races! But the alien race obviously did not give Li Mo such a chance.

They are all honestly nestled in their own city-state security zone, as well as the replica area. The human world has entered a hot upgrade.

After a few days of trimming.

Li Mo also began to officially open up a 400-level mythical-level copy in the human territory. Every day or two, there will be a pioneering announcement of a mythical copy.

Inform all human boundaries.

For alien races, see humans pioneer mythical replicas.

It was even worse than losing a mythical copy themselves. The development of mythical quests.

It’s a long-term job.

What’s more, this is the pioneering work of 80 mythical replicas.

Even Li Mo can’t eat without eating two soil a day and four hours a day. One or two days to pioneer, this speed is already fast.

At the beginning, the birth of the mythical-level copy, everyone is still relatively novel to see where the city-state is pioneering, not far from themselves, whether to go over and see, the equipment resources over there are suitable for themselves.

But with the increasing number of mythical replicas.

In the back, the big guys gradually stopped paying attention, at most, in addition to brushing the book, look at today’s city-state announcement about the war report work of the human powerhouse “Li Mo” and so on.

On the contrary, it is the forum technical stickers related to the broken star sea, etc., and some of the ways and skills of brushing up the Dan that have burst out make them pay more attention to things like entering the first wave of entry at the early morning of each day, and entering at the time point around the setting of the sun in the afternoon.

The yield of upgraded dan tends to be relatively high.

For example, the elite monsters of some levels, within another thirty seconds, quickly kill, are stable and can drop a 3-turn upgrade pill.

For a quest boss, first push down four four pillars to discover hidden boss levels, and after defeating, at least one 4-turn upgrade dan.

When Li Mo opened up the land, he went directly to the core BOSS.

What small details, what hidden things, Li Mo simply did not have time to grope.

But for the professionals below, these hidden details are all tips that they can have more resources for each group.

It looks inconspicuous, but when brushed for a long time, it accumulates considerably. The core book, once developed.

The difficulty will be drastically reduced.

But if you equip well, you can brush it off.

The ordinary book derived from the core book is even less difficult. A powerful regiment will definitely brush the core book.

The strength is average, and the ordinary are mixed. After the opening of the Shattered Star Sea to mankind.

Many great guilds stayed and soon a brand new group was born, called the “Dan Group”. Similar to the gold group, the “Dan Regiment” is mainly brushed to upgrade Dan.

Pay attention to fast forward and fast out, and upgrade Dan as much as possible in a day. Matches the characteristics of core mythical quests.

Many Dan groups, in the first wave, made a lot of money. After all, a four-turn upgrade pill allows a level 400 professional to upgrade one level in place.

The value is comparable to a piece of dark gold equipment.

A small group of more than a dozen people at a time, one or two 4 turns to upgrade Dan, a larger number of 2 turns, 3 turns to upgrade Dan, with the gold dropped by B0SS, dark gold equipment, plus a lot of materials.

Properly, a wave of blood earns small millions.

At the end of the day, the benefits were amazing. With more and more upgrades Dan, good equipment appears on the market.

The price of upgrading Dan and the price of equipment are also visible to the naked eye. This is also a good thing for human professionals.

After all, if the price of upgrading Dan is down, more human professionals can rise to level 400 faster, or even quickly rise to level 500.

And as the human profession is old, a large number of them enter the sea of broken stars. The Sea of Broken Stars has also become more prosperous.

In addition to humans, more and more alien races have begun to cross the territory and enter the Shattered Star Sea one after another. Humans, Shattered Star Sea, in the era of mythical replicas pioneered by Li Mo.

It has entered the fast lane of rapid development.

The Shattered Star Sea leads to the city-state teleportation array of the border city of the human territory. This team of young professionals is well-equipped and packed with backpacks. The face is filled with the breath of youthful vitality.

Obviously, they are cadets who have not graduated a long time. How many levels have you reached?

“I’m only level 189.”

“What about you?”

“Class 221.”

“I’ll go, why did you upgrade so quickly, did you secretly swipe the book behind my back?”

“Hey, hey……… I mixed two big books with the guild, gained a lot of experience, and took some of the second turn upgrade Dan. ”

“Groove! You’re really working hard behind our backs! ”

“Is my three-star career good, and the guild master needs at least a three-star career to pass.”

“Abominable! My two-star profession, so fucked. ”

The two-star trainee looked unwilling.


The squad leader spoke.

“Now this year, the two-star profession, the three-star profession is not much different, a set of dark gold, your attributes are basically erased”

“You level 189, go back to the guild and get some of the guild’s one-turn upgrade dan, rush to the second turn first.”

“Take a break, we are about to start the resource development of mythical replicas.”

“The equipment will definitely be able to keep up, but if the combat ability can’t keep up, you won’t be able to enter the elite group of the guild.”

“When the time comes to brush it down, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

With the captain of the varsity team saying so.

The young squad members immediately booed one by one. The competition is really fierce now.

In the past, it was mainly to look at the star ranks.

The star rank is high, and the treatment is naturally good.

But now, below four stars, it is no longer a star level. It’s the ability to fight.

Strong combat ability, equipment to replenish, just as powerful.

The ability to fight crotch-pulling, that is really crotch-pulling.

Leading the team forward, the captain of the varsity team slowly spoke.

“You’re in good time.”

“More than half a year ago, the polar desperate battle, the thousand-level strong of the Terran race, the first battle turned things around.”

“The sky and the earth were shattered, and the barriers of the polar realm were all beaten, and the blood of the killing was rivers in that battle, and several surrounding territories were alarmed.”

“Human powerhouse, a battle will completely beat the alien race.”

“Then the strong man even reached an agreement with the Shattered Star Sea God.”

“You’re only able to level up so quickly now.”

“Unlike back then, we could only keep the guild group book and eat experience, and after graduating for two or three months, we could upgrade to more than 200 levels, which was like a dream.”

“Now, you guys don’t worry too much about level, equipment.”

“The equipment warehouse in the guild has some equipment for you to choose.”

“In the past, it was really upgraded with life.”

Speaking of this senior professional, he is also a little embarrassed.

“Captain, what you said is so mysterious, isn’t it only half a year, less than a year?”

A young player said with a smile.

“What’s wrong in less than a year?”

“In less than a year, the Terran Li Mo has laid down the foundation for mankind, but other races cannot accumulate it for thousands of years.”

The captain retorted forcefully.

“Look at the Dark Light Clan that is now confronting us, aren’t their races only five mythical-level copies?”

“We humans now have more mythological books than their epic books…”

“You newly graduated guys, go to the free mythical derivative book, and you will definitely get a piece of legendary equipment!”

“That’s true, too.”

Everyone laughed.

The core book is a level 400 mythological book. Even if it is an ordinary 200-level book. It is possible to produce legendary equipment.

They went to the Shattered Star Sea, more than two months, and in less than three months, they rose to more than 200 levels. As far as their two-star, three-star profession is concerned, it was impossible before.

Now return to the human realm and go to the derivative of the mythical book to brush the equipment. As long as you brush hard, the legendary equipment can definitely be obtained.

After all, the copy of the human world now is really too rich.

“In addition, you don’t have to worry about your star rank problem for too long.”

The squad leader continued.

“I heard that the human powerhouses already have plans to compete for the qualifications of the city-states of Chaos City.”

“Once humans settle in the Chaos City-State.”

“At that time, you two-star and three-star direct, you can directly transfer to a four-star or even five-star career.”

The words of the squad leader immediately made the squad members interested.

After all, the career star rank is naturally the higher the better.

“Captain, is this news reliable?”

“I heard from the president of our guild, it is said that some time ago, the thousand-level powerhouses met and had this similar proposal.”

“Chaos City-State, that is the big clan of the sequence camp, it is qualified to compete!”

“I heard that the Dark Light Clan, the Blue Scale Clan, they have the qualifications to live in the Chaos City-State.”

“That’s why the professionals in their group are so tough.”

While several people were chatting.

[All Human Territory Announcement! ] 】

[Night Gate Guild Team, conquer the General Graveyard 400-level core copy, the General Graveyard Epic Quest, officially promoted to the General Graveyard Mythical Quest! ] 】


“Wow……… Another mythical copy. ”

Suddenly, this group of young professionals who had just returned began to discuss hotly.

The other professionals who passed by, looking at this group of new professionals, all had an expression of what was there to discuss. Isn’t this a normal operation?

Now in the human territory, mythical equipment is no longer unusual, and even the price has been reduced a lot. Epic sets, many guilds have them.

As for the legendary suit, it is a big sale, and there is no shortage of legendary equipment in the union group that mixes well. Human beings now, for every professional.

Those are better times than ever!

General City-State!

Core quest, outside the General’s Graveyard.

The professionals outside the general city-state cheered.

“Li Mo giant cow batch.”

“Haha……… The mythical quest is finally out. ”

“Brothers, it’s still early, rush with me, tonight, let’s also brush an epic equipment, if there is a myth, Lao Tzu will treat you tonight.”

“Hahaha……… Walk around, the next copy. ”

Soon, a large number of professionals began to form large-scale groups. Although there are already many mythical copies of the human world.

But a copy of their own city-state.

4.1 They are still very happy.

【012512425 Fei 224062410】After all, who doesn’t want to have a mythical copy copy space on their doorstep.

Li Mo looked at the mythical equipment that arrived in hand. After seeing that it is the shooter’s use.

The attributes behind, Li Mo was too lazy to look at. Throw it directly into the backpack.

Back in the city-state, thrown into his own personal warehouse, belonging to Li Mo’s personal economic team, naturally to deal with these equipment resource problems.

Now, with Li Mo as the core.

The White God Guild not only set up an economic team affiliated with Li Mo for Li Mo, but also had a professional attribute team, a copy reclamation team, and a large number of professionals to formulate a special plan for Li Mo.

Li Mo just came out with a copy.

The city lord and deputy city lord of the general city-state, as well as the leaders of several major guilds, drove their skills all the way over. Looking at their posture, Li Mo almost thought that they were going to give themselves a wave of “barbaric collision”!

“Lord Li Mo!”

The lord of the general city-state bowed and saluted.

“We have prepared a rich dinner for you.”

“Specially invited top chefs from the Abyss Clan to cook your favorite night devil bat barbecue for you.”

“The “Jumping Spirit Fruit” on the southern Xinjiang side has also just been picked, and it is tender and delicious. ”

“The top sashimi of the 500-level Salmon King in the extremely cold land of the North Sea, personally handled by the fresh master of our Terran race.”

“And the Demon Snake Clan, the Elf Clan, the Demon Fox Clan, we have also invited the top dance team to dance for you.”

“There are even two top Dark Moon twin sisters from the Elven Clan, both of whom we saved from the hands of alien slave traders.”

“They all admire your reputation very much, and you must not postpone it.”

“Thank you, come to our General City.”

This city lord spoke earnestly and with emotion, and almost dragged Li Mo away.

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