Chapter 64: Let you negotiate, but I didn’t let you persuade!

On the run.

Mages and assassins run the fastest.

The warrior department is obviously much slower. And Li Mo specifically jumped slow to kill. Whoever runs slowly, kills.

Those who ran fast even ran to the border of the barrier, trying to find an exit. But!

Li Mo had already learned from Dragon Drink before.

Once opened, the Extreme Cold Realm barrier will take at least a week to subside. During this period, it is difficult to get out.

With so many thousand-level powerhouses, it is not enough to say that none of them will go out. But at least, most people can’t get out.

And that’s enough.

During this period, Li Mo pursued and killed with all his might.

And it’s a week-long live broadcast of the entire human territory. Let the alien race watch their own strong people being hunted down.

A week of Jedi chasing and killing is enough to break the spirit and backbone of the alien race in the human world. Li Mo was chasing and killing.

Naturally, there are also those who do not believe in evil and want to overturn Li Mo. Li Mo likes this kind of unbelief in evil.

Not accustomed to the other party at all, whoever beats Li Mo, Li Mo will chase and kill whom. After seven or eight thousand-level powerhouses in a row.

Finally, these strong people recognized the reality. It’s time to run in earnest.

Grabbed the two thousand-level warriors again and killed them.

Li Mo saw more than twenty people from the other four major factions of the Terran not far away. Mixed gluttony, one jump, jumped four or five kilometers.


It fell heavily in front of these twenty-odd Terrans. The ground trembled suddenly.

And these more than twenty Terran thousand-level powerhouses were also trembling in their hearts.

“Shouldn’t this Li Mo kill the red eye, even kill them!”

“What are you all doing?”

Li Mo asked sharply.

“What else can you do? Isn’t this watching you perform? ”

But they obviously didn’t dare to say it.

“They’re all running out, and you’re not going to chase them down yet?”

Li Mo’s bull’s eyes widened.

“The enchantment lasts about a week.”

“During this time, at least one of you will bring a head.”


“I’ll take your heads.”

“If you don’t believe it, just try it and see if I dare!”

After putting down the cruel words.

Li Mo directly manipulated the mixed yuan gluttonous boss, jumped out, and continued to chase and kill. These human thousand-level powerhouses look at me one by one, and I look at you.

Immediately, several thousand-level powerhouses laughed.

Among these four major factions, there are also some dissatisfied aliens. I also want to fight with aliens.

However, there is more than enough energy.

At this time, Li Mo made a good start. Then they are completely relieved.

Anyway, Li Modu has been completely torn.

There is Li Mo in front, then they are still afraid of a hammer. Immediately, someone 020 began to form a team to kill those aliens.

Anyway, now these alien races have been scared by Li Mo, and what they have to do more is to find the alien race, entangle each other, and wait until Li Mo arrives.

And those wall-riding factions have now been held by Li Mo with a knife around their necks. If they don’t fight with the alien race, they will completely tear their faces.

Then Li Mo, he really dared to attack their city-state and kill them. Now he can only bite the bullet and rush with Li Mo. Riding the mixed yuan gluttony.

Li Mo began a rumbling chase.

For the alien race, there is no doubt that this will be a desperate battle royale in the extremely cold ice domain that lasts for several days!

And each kill will cause a double critical blow on the mind and body of the alien professional watching. Just as Li Mo was chasing the two mages.

The dragon drink teleported directly.

Long Drink, who undertook the live broadcast transfer, naturally knew everything Li Mo did here. And for Li Mo’s performance, it did not exceed the prediction of Long Drink.

After all, before, Li Mo was an escaped existence that even the gods were beaten. Plus the information that Li Mo revealed to him before.

He could also have expected the scene in front of him.

“What is the intensity of barrier excitation? Can they escape? ”

Li Mo asked.

“Those who have powerful teleportation means and have coordinates outside can still escape.”

“Normally, most of the thousand-level powerhouses can’t escape.”

“Very good!”

Li Mo nodded while chasing the two mages in front.

“Dragon drink senior, these guys are very scattered.”

“You are highly mobile, and you have left coordinates on several other seniors.”

“If you find a large army resisting over there, immediately teleport over and take me with you.”


Long Yushen nodded emphatically. With Li Mo as a sharp knife.

No matter how many people the other party gathers, as long as Li Mo appears, the other party will collapse and disintegrate in an instant. This desperate battle royale is destined to be a battle of the fall of the strong in the blood-stained northern frontier. Li Mo is a group alone.

The Le Quang faction is a family.

The four major factions, at this time, were divided into two groups. There are four groups of people.

Within the boundary barrier of the Extreme Cold Territory, a team of hundreds of alien races began, and a mighty pursuit began. And this desperate battle between the top powerhouses of the Terrans and alien races.

Live streaming through the Territory of All Humanity. Let the people see the blood boiling. Let the alien race be terrified to watch.

After all, those who died were the strong of their race.

And he is also a thousand-level powerhouse like a pillar.

With the chase, there were constantly thousand-level powerhouses of foreign races who died in Li Mo’s hands. At the beginning, the alien race was more scattered.

But soon, the aliens began to unite.

They wanted to join forces to kill the other three Terran teams except Li Mo. After all, as long as the team of these three Terran thousand-level powerhouses is eliminated.

Li Mo alone would definitely not be able to search a large area. And Li Mo’s speed is not fast enough.

They can be here, and Li Mo is consumed until the boundary barrier dissipates. Although, it is not good to look at the face.

At least, survive.

However, they underestimated the long-distance teleportation ability of the dragon drink. Dragon Drink and all the other human teams have successively established the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God.

These strong people of the race are all monkey essence monkey essence.

They naturally knew that they were not opponents of the alien powerhouse when they were confronted head-on. But they can call for support!

Once they discover the alien race, they will notify the dragon drink as soon as possible. Then Dragon Drink will teleport over with Li Mo.

As soon as Li Mo passed, the other party was like driving a duck, and was easily dispersed by Li Mo. Although Li Mo is not flexible enough, remote control means are not good.

However, the thousand-level powerhouses of the Terran race, they may have the means of control. They don’t even need to hit the damage.

Just entangle each other and pull space with each other. After Li Mo came over.

If you don’t say less, you can kill three or four. If you have more, you can even kill seven or eight.

After killing the other party seven or eight waves in a row, more than thirty aliens died. At this time, the alien powerhouse has also learned to be smart.

Those who can run across barriers are trying their best to escape. And those who can’t run away are also clear.

In this situation, we must not fight with humans. Then Li Mo is really able to resist fighting.

Fight hard with humans, once Li Mo comes over, there is basically death and no life. So, they immediately reduced the whole to zero.

It began to hide in the corners of this extremely cold place. It’s just the third day.

Those strong people who originally flaunted their might in the human world.

In this polar battle royale map, everyone has become a shrunken-headed turtle. One hides deeper than the other.

Whether it was Li Mo, or the other three Terran teams. I was stunned and didn’t find anyone for half a day.

Li Mo roughly calculated, before and after, he had almost killed more than fifty thousand-level powerhouses of foreign races. There should be some of them who ran away, at least twenty or thirty.

There are probably thirty or forty hidden ones.

Although he will not be able to find it for a while, Li Mo is not worried at all. After all, the strategic purpose of this battle has been achieved. This battle has already killed more than fifty thousand-level powerhouses of foreign races. The alien race was in the extremely cold territory, and those who were killed by Li Mo did not dare to emerge.

And those aliens who escaped.

Although the human realm is now empty for the defense of thousand-level powerhouses.

However, none of them dared to attack the city-states of the human territory. After all, once attacking the safe zone that the Terrans were divided by the gods.

That is blasphemous majesty.

Li Moke had a reason to trouble them, such as running to their realm and killing their people.

Although the safe zone of their ethnic group cannot be attacked by Li Mo now, it is still possible to kill some people of their ethnic group in the wilderness area of their ethnic group’s territory.

At that time, they really can’t stop Li Mo. This is the deterrent significance of the strong.

Therefore, even Li Mo could not return to the Terran territory now.

Those alien powerhouses who escaped, they still did not dare to touch the safe zone of the human territory. For a while, you won’t find anyone.

Li Mo rode the mixed yuan gluttony, spinning around in the extremely cold territory. This epic war of a thousand-level powerhouse in the Terran Territory.

It also quickly spread to several surrounding territories.

Even, some professionals specially ran over to watch the war between thousand-level powerhouses. And when Li Mo continued the game of “cat and mouse”.

The top powerhouses of several races within these eight alien races have finally begun to formally negotiate with mankind.

Above an iceberg.

Li Mo was sitting on the back of the mixed yuan.

Today is the fourth day of the Polar Battle Royale.

The Liguang faction, the other four major Terran factions, a total of more than thirty Terran thousand-level powerhouses, all of them were present at this time.

“Li Mo!”

“This is a negotiation call from a level 1800 powerhouse of the Necromancer.”

“Although you are strong now, but……… Our Terrans are still relatively weak. ”

“I understand!”

Li Mo nodded.

This battle royale in which humans hunt down aliens.

Directly beat many alien races to the sober.

Several alien races have officially entered into negotiations with humans. In the past two days, Long Drink and other human thousand-level powerhouses have also privately looked for Li Mo. Discuss how to negotiate the aftermath next.

If he completely fell out, Li Mo was naturally not afraid.

However, the human territory is really going to become a battlefield. At that time, countless human beings will die.

But the aliens are also obviously very afraid of this situation. It really wants to turn the human world into a battlefield.

Without the constraints of humans, Li Mo will become a thousand-level powerhouse in the future.

There will definitely be blood vendetta.

If the gods didn’t make a move, Li Mo alone would be able to bulldoze their territory. Moreover, the gods serve as the leaders of the sequence camp.

It is impossible to keep an eye on their territory all the time.

From time to time, Li Mo slaughtered a city and killed one or two thousand-level powerhouses. Their race may also usher in their own doom. So for aliens, negotiation is undoubtedly the best option. Even now, so many strong people have died in their race.

They can only break their teeth and swallow. No matter how unconvinced this breath is, you have to swallow it. At least for now.

This time, the ethnic groups that negotiated were the four groups with less rigid attitudes before. Night Souls, Thousand Faces, Necromancers, Dragon Armor.

This time it was the Necromancer’s level 1800 powerhouse who was negotiating. With the dragon drink handover call.

“Hey……… Is it audible? ”

Li Mo asked lightly.


A husky and deep voice sounded.

“Just hear it.”

“My condition is simple, now, immediately, immediately, let all of your races get out.”

“Moreover, it is necessary to compensate 10 trillion Chaos Coins, 1,000 mythical equipment, and 10,000 units of World Root.”

“Subsequently, all the territory of your race will be opened to mankind.”

“When humans enter the world of races, they must enjoy the highest priority treatment of all copies.”

“By the way, the resource pool of your race also needs to be open to us humans!”

With one condition after another by Li Mo.

The thousand-level powerhouses of human beings twitched at the corners of their eyes when they listened. You call this negotiation?

You fucking call the other party to sign a surrender agreement! Li Mo finished speaking.

The old voice laughed dryly twice.

“Too much!”

“Then cut it in half!”

“Half is still too much.”

“One in ten?”

“Still can’t!”

“Farewell! See you on the battlefield! ”

Li Mo didn’t say a word, and hung up the call directly.

For a while, everyone was silent by Li Mo. Let you negotiate, did not let you persuade!

“It’s all up to me to do!”

Li Mo spread his hands.

“My lion opens his mouth, you can talk to them!”

“I don’t open my mouth a little bigger, how can you have room to bargain with him.”

“That’s right!”

“Senior Dragon Drink, aren’t you all ready for the video of me killing a thousand-level powerhouse of an alien race before?”

“It’s all good negotiating material.”

“Send it to them.”

When Li Mo said this, everyone laughed. Professional things should be left to professional people.

Li Moshi opened his mouth widely, and then handed it over to them to negotiate, which was much simpler. If you want to talk about it, at least you have to show sincerity.

Soon, the Night Soul Clan, the Thousand Faces Clan, the Dragon Armor. There are strong people from all three races who have contacted Li Mo.

Li Mo naturally would not let go of the opportunity for the lion to open his mouth.

Negotiations, the emphasis is on asking for money at a sky-high price. negotiations, which will obviously be a lengthy process.

But Li Mo is not in a hurry.

After all, the effect of this battle has already been fought. Their own deterrent has been established.

At least the alien race does not dare to act as a blessing on human territory. The further you go, the stronger your strength becomes.

Really wait until Li Mo has the power to wrench the wrist of the God of War. Then it is not a question of negotiating or not negotiating.

It’s how they are going to surrender.

and the four ethnic groups with a weak attitude as a preliminary “negotiation”.

Li Mo asked.

“What is the situation of the other four ethnic groups?”

“No contact at all, even… Also threaten us! ”

The one who spoke was a thousand-level powerhouse from the Alpine Faction.

“Threaten your faction with the dirty things you are doing with them!”

Li Mo said indifferently.

The thousand-level former of the Alpine faction smiled. The five major factions of the human territory.

The attitude towards aliens is also different. There are hardliners, there are affinity.

Even among the affinity, there are mountains with different tendencies. For example, the Alpine faction is biased towards the Dark Light Clan.

The dry wind faction is biased towards the Bloodline clan.

The hardliners, naturally, are the “Dawn faction”.

But! In general, they are all internal human contradictions, secondary contradictions. The contradiction with the alien race is the main contradiction.

“I don’t care what hook-ups you guys had with the alien race before.”

“I don’t pursue the past.”

“But now, I want you to sober up for yourselves.”

“Otherwise, when the time comes, I will bloodily wash the high-level powerhouses of the Terran race, don’t blame me for killing people without blinking.”

Li Mo’s voice was not loud, but he heard the hearts of many strong people.

“If you behave well, I will naturally open up mythical copies for you, so that your faction will also become stronger.”

Big stick and turnip, Li Mo can completely clean up these factions.

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