Chapter 63: When you’re done, it’s up to me!.

Li Mo, who was trapped in the realm ball cage, was not in a hurry to rush out. After all, Li Mo also has to drag time.

Rushing out now will only let these guys run around. Run away one, Li Mo is a blood loss.

These thousand-level powerhouses, they are all walking “upgrade pills”. Wait until Long Drink and the others activate the boundary barrier of the Extremely Cold Territory.

At that time, it was the moment for Li Mo to perform.

“Why don’t you attack?”

Li Mo looked at the many cadre-level powerhouses outside and laughed. Even, Li Mo took the initiative to comfort.

“Don’t worry, you guys will slowly find a way!”

“If you can find my weakness, then I thank you so much.”

“After all, I really hope that the enemy will find my weakness and let me strengthen it.”

Li Mo’s words made many alien thousand-level powerhouses vomit blood in anger.

Feelings, are you using us as a tester for your career framework? It’s so much of a shame to treat us like human beings!


A moment later, in the crowd, a level 1200 Daoist powerhouse who had been casting spells continued to cast. These two words stand out in your mouth.

With these two words surging.

In the surrounding space, there are ripples in its layers. Inside the boundary ball cage.

The purple-black runes were layered on top of each other, like converging ripples. Towards Li Mo’s suppression.

“Li Mo be careful, this is a sealing method of eternal suppression.”

“I was almost suppressed by sealing means.”

The Mixed Yuan gluttony looked at the suppressive sealing runes in the surrounding agitated space, extremely jealous.

“I’ll give it a try!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly, and he examined this peculiar method of imprisonment and suppression. It is not waiting for Li Mo to release the [Invincible Overlord Body].

A rune was attached to Li Mo’s body at the same time. Li Mo did not dodge, and directly resisted hard.


The invincible overlord body was naturally released.

Invincible Overlord is automatically triggered by control. And.

Li Mo endured the attacks of the starlight necklace at all times. The accumulation of anger is fast.

The invincible hegemony can be completely sustained forever.

The not weak rune power attached to Li Mo’s body and was quickly dispersed. Subsequently, the runes of suppression came from all directions like a violent storm. One after another, densely packed with suppression runes.

It was almost close to Li Mo’s body.

And the characteristics of the invincible hegemon are also becoming more and more violent with the suppression.

This seal-type method does not possess damage, so it does not rebound damage at all. This allowed Na to continuously seal Li Mo.

Right now.

Three silent figures appeared behind Li Mo in an instant. The blade containing the destructive divinity slashed down at Li Mo at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three spatula blades, brilliant.

-1-1 Three -1 damage floats.

And three sneaked up on Li Mo’s body.

There was a huge rebound damage of -54 million floating on the head. Sneak attack?

Li Mo was not afraid of these so-called sneak attacks at all. With this sneak attack damage floats.

Among the four major alien populations.

A burly and lean alien man emerged. As soon as it emerged.

The burly alien man first looked at the others around him.

Then he spoke in a low voice.

“Didn’t you say this guy was a false god?”

“He’s not a pseudo-god at all!”

As [God Killer] Karu said.

The other alien cadre-level powerhouses around him felt more and more bad in their hearts.

They prepared many means to “break” Li Mo


“Damage reduction” and so on, even multi-stage “special damage”

It didn’t play much role in this Li Mo.

And originally expected the [God Killer] Karu, who had a level of more than 1,300 levels, to kill this “pseudo-god”. As a result, this Karu told them that this Li Mo was not a “false god”.

Not a pseudo-god, can you still have this powerful skill characteristic?

“It’s not a pseudo-god, it’s a special professional with strong characteristics in other aspects!”


In the crowd, a man in a black robe also appeared.

“Lord Tyranmore!”

For a time, many thousand-level powerhouses around saluted one after another. At this time, the [God Killer] Karu did not appreciate it.

“It’s not a false god, I ran away for nothing this time.”

“Kill this kid, I don’t have any gains.”

“Either it’s still the original price, I won’t sell anymore, if you want me to continue to sell……… Gotta add money! ”

Terra Moore glanced at the god-killer Karu.

For such guys in the neutral camp who take money to do things, if they want them to contribute and not pay more, it is obviously not okay.

“No problem.”

“But the premise is that we must get this kid’s career framework completely.”


Tyranmore, who turned around, looked at the cage that was imprisoned. The peculiar professional “Li Mo” who is carrying the seal.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Terra Moore has been in a state of observation.

The more he watched, the more he discovered the strangeness of this low-level profession. A powerful damage reduction that even a thousand-level powerhouse cannot cross.

You must know that before, many people had specially strengthened their restraint and damage reduction attributes. But when facing that professional, he still couldn’t do any damage.

Moreover, the biggest headache is the rebound injury of that kid. This simply makes everyone unable to get their hands off.

Just like that Taoist strong method.

Repression, sealing, may be the only solution. After all, this thing will not hurt back.

However, the other party’s hegemonic body is also a little outrageous.

That thousand-level Daoist powerhouse, every talisman is burning money. And the other party, with its hegemonic state, resisted alive.

Does his hegemonic state energy continue continuously? Overlord without consumption?

This is also too unscientific. The more so.

Terra Moore, the more eager he is to get the core career framework of this peculiar Chaos Knight. Once you get this special core career framework.

They can then build a whole new profession from the gourd.

Like this Li Mo in front of him, a Chaos Knight with high damage reduction, rebound damage, and strong vitality. Li Mo, who was “trapped” in a cage.

Looking at each other, the strong continue to emerge, and the means continue to come out. It’s all about constant adaptation.

The birth of every strong person is bound to be studied in all directions by the enemy.

And Li Mo’s battle not only holds the idea of killing them all, but also has the intention of letting the enemy help him find out the gaps. Only after brutal actual battles, all aspects of the enemy test against the battle.

Only then can Li Mo have no shortcomings.

“This sealing power is indeed a bit good.”

“But that’s all.”

“Under the hegemonic state, I have cultivated to the point where I can release more anger to enter the hegemonic state of a higher level”

“But in this ordinary hegemonic state, they can’t help me.”

“Do they really only have these means?”

With this in mind, Li Mo instead looked at the Dark Light Race powerhouse whose aura was particularly powerful. This guy is also at least a existence above level 1500.

“Hey, hey…”

Li Mo shouted directly at the guy.

“What means do you have, take them out as soon as possible.”

“With these means and abilities, they also look down on me too much.”

Li Mo’s words made Natera Moore look over.

“You’re a knight, aren’t you!”

“Hmm……… You’re not blind, are you! ”

Li Mo’s mouth is not sparing at all.

Terra Moore also didn’t care about Li Mo’s mouth poison.

“Knight, short hands, slow speed.”

“And your most powerful hands are short, that is, to reduce injuries and reverse injuries.”

“As long as we stay away from you.”

“Your taunts can’t pull us.”

“We don’t attack you, you do it to us… Not a hint of threat, right? ”

The other party’s novel remarks opened Li Mo’s eyes.

“This is the conclusion that I came to after hiding in a dark corner and observing for a long time?”

“You guys. Don’t dare to touch me at all? ”

Terra Moore’s brows furrowed slightly. It seems like!

That’s really the case.

“But we can at least imprison you, even seal…”

Terra Moore wasn’t finished talking.

It was directly interrupted by Li Mo.

“This senior, please suspend your cloud understanding!”

The voice fell.

Li Mo’s gilded light feather was released with a bang. And then an invincible charge.

Following the confinement curtain of the boundary barrier, it flew out directly.

When passing through the realm cage, there was a little slowdown, but it couldn’t stop Li Mo at all. This so-called imprisonment enchantment was completely a decoration in front of Li Mo.

Li Mo easily passed through the barrier enchantment that they had spent a lot of energy building. This suddenly made the hearts of many cadre-level powerhouses shake.


“This kid can wear it straight out.”

“Does his overlord have the characteristic of ignoring enchantment defenses?”

“Isn’t the hegemony control-free? When did the characteristics become so strong? ”

Even, many thousand-level powerhouses retreated a lot of distance on the spot. For fear of being held back by Li Mo’s mockery.

“This senior, please continue!”

Li Mo spoke lightly.

Terra Moore wanted to say something but couldn’t say it at all. Captivity.

Completely lonely.

One cannot be controlled, cannot be imprisoned.

The hard bones with steel thorns that they can’t gnaw at all, right in front of them. They are completely helpless.

How else to fight this?

“At least… If you can’t catch up with us, we can still escape! ”

At this time, many thousand-level powerhouses had such thoughts in their minds.

But this word, you can only think about it, if you really say it, what is it? Escape manifesto?

“Is that so?”

Looking at the many cadre-level powerhouses around, Li Mo took a deep breath. Before Li Mo was a little scrupulous.

After all, there are still quite a few thousand-level powerhouse means.

But with his own collection of treasures in the Sea of Broken Stars. Level, attributes, and strength are raised.

These ordinary thousand-level powerhouses.

I’m afraid I’m not my opponent at all.

Without giving it a try, Li Mo didn’t know how many pounds he had. This time, Li Mo knew.

His own physique is thick and heavy.

Instinctively, Terra Moore felt a hint of something wrong.

This guy is so able to resist, so many thousand-level powerhouses can’t help him. But he was in no hurry to strike.

This is………… Afraid that they will run away?

Immediately, Terra Moore asked the cadre-level garrison stationed on the side.

“Is there such a thing as a barrier here?”

The thousand-level garrison’s brows froze for a moment, and he also sensed that something was wrong.

“This northern wasteland has extremely cold boundary barriers.”

“It’s just that if you don’t get touched, you won’t be stimulated, and there have only been a few extreme cold waves in history.”

“What if it’s touched?”

Terra Moore asked subconsciously.

“Boundary barriers emerge, and entire areas will be frozen.”

“Without a strong means of traversing the realm, it is difficult to get out.”

“Not good!”

Suddenly, Terra Moore guessed Li Mo’s intention.

“Quickly retreat!”

As soon as his words fell, many cadre-level powerhouses were still in shock.

In the entire extremely cold territory of northern Xinjiang, an extremely strange force spread out, covering the entire extremely cold territory. The temperature seemed to drop by forty or fifty degrees in an instant, and the cold penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

The snowflakes fluttering in the air turned into a slow motion that slowly fell down.

The howling cold wind began to become thick and thick.

Even the energy surging in the air became slower at this time. Everything seems to be frozen.

Even the edge of the extremely cold territory in the distance reached the area.

At this time, there was also a sound of “click…” and the ice was frozen deeply. Barriers emerged, boundaries blocked.

The entire vast and huge realm, at this moment, has entered the era of extremely cold barriers.


Watching this change take place in this extremely cold territory. Everyone suddenly felt bad.

Li Mo didn’t know when he had flown back into the realm cage again.

“Guys, now let’s play a game……… It’s called……… See who runs fast? How is it? ”

The voice just fell.

The fierce hegemonic state was imposed by Li Mo on the mixed yuan gluttony. The mixed element gluttony a violent charge.

Bang bang.

The sky shook, and the realm ball cage was directly smashed by the impact.

Then the mixed yuan gluttony jumped towards the gathering place of more than a dozen Blue Scale Clan powerhouses.

【Invincible taunt】

Li Mo pulled a war department profession on the spot. There are many life-saving means in the legal system.

The war system is good to pull and kill.

Li Mo pulled one at the same time.

The mixed yuan gluttony also used his natural talents to control a war system. As soon as Li Mo killed this battle system, he picked up the second one by the way.

In an instant, the two thousand-level powerhouses died in Li Mo’s hands. And at this time.

Just like Li Mo said before.

All the thousand-level powerhouses of the four alien races were like frying a pot. All withdrew, one faster than the other.

Now it’s time for the escape game.

Pulled by Li Mo, it was really going to die.

When the four clans of “Dark Blue Blood Thunder” participating in the battle retreated in all directions.

The four clans of the “Night Thousand Dead Dragon” who did not participate in the battle also had a full scalp. They’re stuck here too.

“Li Mo………… We, the four tribes, have no intention of participating in your war with their four races. ”

A strong man of the Night Soul Clan hurriedly said.

Li Mo manipulated the mixed yuan gluttony and jumped directly over.

Grabbing the guy who spoke, it was a dragon breath spear erupt. A series of “-1.45 million” floated.

This guy has good means, and when he is bloody, he grafts the state of mockery and quickly opens the distance.

“Li Mo………… Do you really want to be an enemy of our four races? ”

The Night Soul Clan powerhouse roared lowly.

“What? What do you say, the wind is too strong, my ears are bad, I can’t hear, you come closer and say. ”

God and his mother cannot hear.

Seeing Li Mo’s attitude, there were many of these alien thousand-level powerhouses.

Li Mo was obviously going to tear his face with all the alien races like them this time. For a time, one by one, they all used their own means and fled quickly.

Li Mo manipulated the chaotic gluttony and began to chase one by one.

And the scene where Li Mo defeated hundreds of thousand-level powerhouses of different races and chased each other to kill.

It was also completely transmitted to all the city-states in the entire human world through live broadcasting. And this scene scene.

It was so shocking that many people couldn’t believe it. One person defeats a team of 100 people and 1000 level strong people.

They also chased each other to kill, which completely subverted their perception that humans did not even dare to go out of the safe zone. And a large number of human professionals in the city-states of the Liguang faction saw this scene. One by one, they went crazy.

This battle is really too shocking, too morale to buy.

In the past, it was the image of an alien thousand-level powerhouse who was extremely strong, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone knows that a Terran thousand-level powerhouse is not an opponent of an alien thousand-level powerhouse. And after this battle, it was completely different.


With Li Mo, a strong person who can support a piece of the sky alone! This is definitely a major event across the ages for mankind!

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