Chapter 62: I’ll Single-handedly Singled Out a Group of You!.

Long letter channel!

In front of the Shattered Star Sea and the Terran Frontier Barrier.

Once crossed, it is the human realm.

“Li Mo, you are ready, I will go first.”

Long Drink spoke.

Li Mo nodded, and the dragon drink disappeared. The assassin dragon drink, obviously can’t go directly to the front.

Hidden in a dark corner, is where the dragon drink plays. And ride a mountain-like mount boss.

Walk straight to the face.

This is Li Mo’s path.

Across the barrier, Li Modu had already seen that above the heavenly dome of the Terran Race Territory opposite, there were a large number of thousand-level powerhouses.

“Let’s go!”

Li Mo spoke.

“Li Mo, there are at least a hundred thousand-level powerhouses on the other side, and I can’t bear it at all.”

At this time, the mixed element gluttonous BOSS was instigated.

It’s instigation, but if you can’t bear it, it’s really unbearable.

After all, such a thousand-level powerhouse, it is only a world-class boss with more than six hundred levels.

“Then make a contract!”

Li Mo said.

“You are officially my mount.”

“That way, you can fully enjoy my defensive nature.”

“At that time, you don’t need to hit the output, you just chase people to control.”


The Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS nodded.

Begin to establish a knightly mount contract with Li Mo. Knight, knight!

A knight is a horse if you have a mount.

The characteristic essence of the knight class is that you can enjoy the attribute bonus that comes with the mount. Includes health, defense, damage reduction, movement speed and more.

Mounts, on the other hand, can enjoy the blessings of the master’s abilities. The attribute layer of world-class bosses is amazing.

But the problem is, mounts will also become part of the knight. In the case of people riding in one.

The mixed element gluttony will feel Li Mo’s own characteristic power. This chaotic gluttony is smart.

Once it fits Li Mo’s attribute framework, you can feel some of Li Mo’s characteristics. Core characteristics, such as invincibility, hundreds of billions of health bars, it cannot be felt.

But high damage reduction, more than a billion surface blood volume, amazing blood return ability and other characteristics, it will also be felt. However, since you want this bastard gluttonous boss, follow yourself with a dead heart.

It is also necessary to properly display some characteristics. With the establishment of the contract.

The attribute felt naturally made the mixed element gluttonous BOSS, and his heart trembled.

The powerful blood bar, surging life recovery, powerful damage reduction ability, and the terrifying aura emitted by the core framework. It’s more amazing than when you face the gods.

“This Li Mo…”

Now the Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS finally knows why Li Mo was able to chase the gods and fight. At this time, Li Mo’s full attributes are added with the world boss.

It has also increased by almost 50%.

“Gee………… World-class bosses, has it improved so much? ”

“This is still a case where the degree of fit is not high, if the degree of fit is high, a one-star professional, a seven-star professional in seconds, or even an eight-star level professional”

“However, a one-star professional can’t catch a world boss as a mount.”

With this in mind, Li Mo became more and more eager to have a strong mount.

“As long as you get a powerful phantom beast mount, a wave of attribute greatly improved is indispensable.”

Knights don’t have so many means of attack.

But stacking with the dual attributes of the mount makes yourself more resistant to fighting, which is the core of the knight!


With Li Mo’s order.

This time, the Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS took firm steps, crossed the barrier of the two realms, and officially entered the human territory. As soon as he came in, the imaginary overwhelming attack did not come.

“Is this afraid that I will run away?”

“Also fight at this border, once I escape back.”

“They chased it over, they violated the Star God Territory.”

“The star god can make a move.”

“They… Is this waiting for me to enter the depths of the human realm? ”

Immediately, Li Mo looked at the hundreds of cadre-level powerhouses in the distance.

So many thousand-level powerhouses have all kinds of professions. And the star ranks are extremely high.

Moreover, Li Mo had no doubt that they must have prepared many means to deal with themselves. Li Molang spoke.

“Guys, since this is a battle of life and death.”

“Then we naturally want to choose a feng shui treasure land.”

“In my opinion, the extremely cold territory in the north of the human territory is a good choice.”

“It is extremely cold all year round, and dead bodies are immortal all year round.”

“Moreover, it is inherently extremely cold, which can greatly slow down movement.”

“There is also a violent cold explosion, which will freeze various skill characteristics, and it is not easy to escape.”

“How about we go to the extremely cold territory in the north?”

That extremely cold territory can be described as a small desperate place.

And inaccessible.

It is indeed suitable for a monstrous battle, and it is not far from here. Li Mo didn’t want them to escape.

And they didn’t want Li Mo to escape.

At least on this point, the two sides reached a high degree of consensus.

“Wherever you want to die, do whatever you want!”

A Dark Light Clan powerhouse slowly spoke.

They did prepare a lot of means this time, just to kill Li Mo. Now Li Mo wants to choose to enter the Extremely Cold Territory, such a small desperate place. Naturally, they are happy to accompany.

“Very good!”

Li Mo nodded.


Immediately, the mixed yuan gluttony began to accelerate towards the north. Many alien powerhouses, looking at Li Mo, followed closely. And at this time.

The entire human territory, many city-states, have passed the whole territory live broadcast, observing this battle.

Whether it is a human race or a foreign race, their hearts are tensed at this time. In this battle, they also realized the importance of it.

These alien races have won, and they have properly eaten and wiped the human race. And the human Li Mo side once won.

Then their plan to plot a copy of the World Tree of the Human Territory can be directly declared bankrupt. After all, with such a terrifying strength as Li Mo, he opened up level 500 and opened up level 300 world tree copies. That’s all a breeze.

In the territory of all mankind, tens of billions of professionals are watching this battle with great anticipation.

Ten minutes later.

North, extremely cold territory. Li Mo went deep and examined the surrounding environment again and again.

The extremely cold territory in the north, with its natural cold attribute alone, will definitely not be able to trap these thousand-level powerhouses. But the problem is that the extremely cold territory in the north is not only naturally cold.

This is even more — the cold barrier.

Although in normal times, the cold barrier is not very visible. But so many strong people once they get their hands on it.

Plus Li Mo let Long Drink and many other strong people secretly arrange it before. The cold barrier will inevitably emerge.

At that time, such a large area as the extremely cold territory. So many strong people will be trapped here.

As long as they can’t escape, Li Mo has time to slowly poke them to death. These are all thousand-level powerhouses.

Killing these thousand-level powerhouses is much more energetic than eating upgrade pills. As Li Mo gradually approached the core area of the Extreme Cold Territory.

“Do it!”

The top powerhouses of the four major races, who had long been impatient, made a direct move. There are more than eighty thousand-level powerhouses.

The division of labor is particularly clear at this time.

After all, in their opinion, Li Mo is – a pseudo-god. It’s a real one-of-the-truth.

In the battle of slaughtering gods, you must be extremely careful.

More than twenty thousand-level legal system powerhouses joined forces to build a huge “realm cage”. I want to suppress Li Mo in it.

The huge realm cage was purple and black all over, filled with black lightning.

It is five or six hundred meters high.

The crisscrossing confinement main frame alone is seven or eight meters large. In the gap, the black confinement curtain was directly locked.

This kind of cage with realm characteristics can suppress displacement skills such as teleportation, teleportation, and flashing. Seventeen or eight thousand-level melee powerhouses, cooperate with the legal powerhouses.

Entering the realm ball cage from all directions.

They even gave their weapons, states, blessings to suppression, seals and other characteristics. What they have to do is not to hurt, but to suppress and restrain Li Mo.

Seeing this, the mixed yuan was gluttonous, and suddenly exerted a force. One crashed headlong on the realm cage.

The cage did not move.

On the contrary, Li Mo, who was sitting on it, was shocked.

“Damn, what are you doing?”

With a pat of mixed yuan, Li Mo asked angrily.

“What else to do, naturally rushed out.”

“Just rush a fart and wait for them to kill them.”

This bastard BOSS ran away and fled when he saw that he was trapped! Escape?

Escape a hammer.

At this moment, more than a dozen attacks came from all directions. All exploded on Li Mo.

A series of -1 damage fluttered over Li Mo’s head.

On the contrary, it was on the heads of those melee thousand-level powerhouses who overwhelmed them. All floated more than 10 million to more than 20 million huge damage.

There are also some strong people who split blood bars, only floating, hundreds of thousands, millions of damage. At this time, the faces of these attacking melee powerhouses suddenly changed.

Even if they had been well prepared beforehand.

But it was still impossible to restrain the horrific rebound damage. A thousand-level warrior at the head immediately roared.

“This Li Mo’s counter-injury is very strong and cannot be restrained.”

【Invincible taunt】

Li Mo aimed at the cadre-level powerhouse who shouted, and directly taunted an invincible in the past. That thousand-level powerhouse instantly turned into an angry bull.

A charging skill rushed towards Li Mo. This was followed by a series of skill strikes.

However, his series of sneaking skills has not yet been released. Accompanied by a series of millions of damage.

-4.5 million. -7.8 million.

-6.6 million, -6.6 million, -6.6 million.

The health points of that thousand-level powerhouse were directly emptied.

At the moment when the calm and rational look in the depths of the eyes of that thousand-level powerhouse recovered, the color of horror and despair exploded. Its burly body suddenly fell at Li Mo’s feet.

Dead, a thousand-level powerhouse, just so simply dead. He didn’t even have time to break free from Li Mo’s taunting control.

A wave of rebound is alive and dead.

“The warrior profession really does not have as many life-saving means as the mage class.”

“If you dare to get close, you will give it for nothing.”

The first thousand-level powerhouse, such a simple fall. This blow to the hearts of many foreign races is undoubtedly very shocking.

After all!

This thousand-level powerhouse, dead, is too simple.

“Invincible taunt.”

Facing the second thousand-level warrior, Li Mo taunted again. Seeing the second thousand-level powerhouse go up again to die.

The other two thousand-level powerhouses immediately blocked it.

They are in a team, unable to hurt each other, but they can block it.

And this kind of blocking, just enough to stop their opponent, was rebounded to death on the spot by Li Mo’s injury.

“Can you block one, can you block it, everyone?”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

Invincible taunt, has been cultivated by Li Mo to a very strong level.

Mockery is like a sharp knife, which can instantly be poured into the deepest part of the opponent’s professional framework. Let the other person go mad from the deepest part of the soul.

【Invincible taunt】

【Invincible taunt】

【Invincible taunt】

Li Mo released wave after wave of cooling.

Soon, this group of thousand-level powerhouses, let go of their own side, the battle line was completely out of control. For a time, seven or eight thousand-level powerhouses rushed over at the same time.

The skill slammed into Li Mo’s brain. Li Mo’s damage was more than 40,000 at most. Less is -1.

And on them, hundreds of thousands of dense continuous damage, or millions, or even tens of millions of individual damage, float out madly. After a dense wave of damage.

Li Mo stood on the mixed yuan gluttony, not moving.

On the ground, there were once again seven or eight corpses of thousand-level powerhouses. Star gods can’t rebound damage on a large scale.

Not to mention these thousand-level powerhouses. The cold wind is howling!

Cold as a knife.

Accompanied by a live broadcast of the territory of all mankind.

Li Mo’s 500 body and the pile of corpses of a thousand-level powerhouse under the ground formed a sharp contrast. It brought unprecedented spiritual shock to the entire human territory, human beings and alien powerhouses.

And at this time, those thousand-level powerhouses who participated in the battle and watched. It’s all completely blindfolded.

This plot is not right at all!

The imaginary plot is to imprison Li Mo. Let Li Mo trap the beast death match, many strong people take turns to fight and suppress, and then the god killer looks for an opportunity to kill Li Mo, the “pseudo-god”. The first ring, it’s fine.

At least it seems that Li Mo has been imprisoned, at least the world-class boss can’t break through the realm cage. But to the second ring.

The plot falls apart in place.

The melee thousand-level powerhouses who went in to suppress poured a piece in minutes.

[Invincible taunt! ] 】

[Invincible taunt! ] 】

While the opponent is suffering a critical blow on the soul. Li Moke was not idle.

Against these thousand-level professionals in the cage, they were directly released one after another. Suddenly, the remaining thousand-level powerhouses, like frightened birds, flew out at a rapid speed. But as Li Mo pulled them.

They just rushed out for a distance, and then turned around and rushed towards Li Mo frantically. Seeing that the tragedy is about to happen again.

Those thousand-level mages immediately did not hide and pinch.

Quickly deploy various means. The thousand-level former of their group were fished back one after another.

Whether it’s using teleportation, pulling protection, or forcibly returning between teams, etc. Be well prepared.

This prevented the second wave of massacres.

“In the case of teammates, let teammates protect them, and you can also avoid the taunted person being bounced to death.”

“Previously, the mixed element gluttony also used this method to protect the Star God.”

“It’s not surprising that these guys are preparing these means.”

With many thousand-level warriors, they were quickly pulled back.

All kinds of powerful means of purification, elimination, exemption, etc., all of them were thrown on those thousand-level former old men who were ridiculed. But none of them worked very well.

Only some characteristic means of hatred transfer have this good effect. After a meal of many cadre-level powerhouses.

This suppressed many thousand-level powerhouses who were ridiculed. And at this time.

Both sides wide-eyed.

I don’t dare to go over at all, what can I do?

This Li Mo’s current situation is that the rebound is super terrifying. They didn’t even dare to wipe it a little more.

Whoever tried, he died!

After all, when the melee combat was “suppressed” just now. The ranged mages also tried to attack.

The effect is just as mixed, but the rebound damage, that’s really high. In the face of this “hedgehog” who cannot lower his mouth.

A large number of Terrans watching the battle in the Terran territory cheered like the waves of mountains and seas.

The Terrans, now really need such a pillar-like strong professional to support the human world. And Li Mo!

There is no doubt that such a terrifying existence is. It’s so fucking resistant.

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