As the level of the professional increases.

The career framework has been strengthened and stabilized as you move through the ranks.

Some additional effects can be developed in the professional body.

In the beginning.

It is the Law Professional who finds that his magical energy recovery cannot keep up with his own casting.

So they built a “magic energy pool”.

The magic energy pool has a strong magic recovery ability, and at the same time, it can open a certain upper limit of mana.

Soon, other professions followed suit.

For example, the meat shield class, build [Blood Pool].

It can open up a certain maximum health and increase the recovery effect of life.

For example, assassin-type classes can open up [Critical Strike Source Pool] to reserve critical hit characteristics and burst damage characteristics.

Let them have a 100% critical hit probability and 800% or even 1000% burst damage at the beginning of the battle.

Warrior classes can also strengthen their attack characteristics through [Attack Source Pool] and so on.

For other meat shield classes, building [Blood Source Pool] is mainly to increase a certain maximum health point, not to restore health points.

After all, health recovery is not useful for the Meat Shield Knight.

When I really fight, that little bit of recovery, I really can’t bear it.

But for Li Mo.

[Blood Source Pool] can be counted as an independent health bar of the meat shield class.

Moreover, it is a blood bar with strong development characteristics.


[Bloodborne Pool] can also increase the strength of the career framework.

This will make Li Mo’s invincible defense deeper and stronger.

Once Li Mo condensed the [Blood Source Pool].

A proper [Invincible Bloodsource Pool].

Since it has the invincibility characteristic, the recovery characteristic can be superimposed without upper limit.

At that time, Li Mo can completely purchase various recovery materials continuously.

Integrate into the [Bloodborne Pool].

Obviously, this will be a long-term investment, and the more resources invested, the stronger Li Mo’s life recovery ability will be.

Once Li Mo relied on the [Bloodsource Pool], he had amazing life recovery ability.

At that time, whether it is consuming blood amount for blood demon damage to consume.

It relies on the ability to recover and carry the damage of powerful enemies.

Li Mo’s survivability will go to another level.

Since he embarked on the road of human shield.


Li Mo wants to build himself into an invincible humanoid fortress fortress in all aspects.

Time keeps passing.

Li Mo was completely immersed in his own frame reinforcement enhancement.

And, with constant groping.

Li Mo found that consuming a small amount of health cap was obviously able to increase the strength of his framework very quickly.

Consume attributes to enhance your career framework.

This is indeed a viable path.

But for normal professionals, this is a point of no return.

When an attribute is heavily consumed, the class trait is distorted.

Instead, it makes the career framework fragile.

Therefore, for this method, it is easy to taste and cannot be addictive.

For Li Mo, it’s not a big problem.

Anyway, a fraction of his own blood volume is an insurmountable mountain.

This small consumption of oneself is not a drop in the bucket in the face of the growth of the upper limit of life.

In addition to solidly strengthening your career framework.

Li Mo can now gradually feel the slight framework characteristics of the massive zerg outside.

“Very weak!”

This is Li Mo’s clearest feeling.

As a copy energy quickly condensed Zerg.

Their property framework is a simple batch.

And also very weak.

It looks like a “shabby thatched hut”.

When a strong wind comes, it can be blown down at any time.

The framework of the professional is obtained by himself through the awakening sequence and the transfer of jobs.

Compared to these creatures whose replica energy condenses, the framework is much more stable.

It is also a sturdy “plank hut”.

And Li Mo’s current career framework is at the level of a “reinforced plank hut”.

When Li Mo continues to practice “fortified plank hut” for a period of time, he can basically become an “adobe hut” level, or even a “brick hut” and so on.

The strengthening of the attribute framework of the professional is also a gradual process.

Even if Li Mo’s cultivation speed is relatively fast, it needs a cultivation process.


Hours have passed.

Li Mo, who was in the midst of cultivation, glanced at his blood bar.

The core blood bar has broken through the 50 billion mark.

At this time, Li Mo gradually discovered that something was wrong.

That is, in the past few hours, the bugs in this copy area, instead of decreasing, have become more and more trending.

Li Muri was completely filled with sight by the Zerg.

The situation outside is not visible at all.

“It seems that it is really as rumored that the copy space of the Shattered Star Sea is not stable, and there is a lot of energy that can enter the copy along the crack.”

“This makes it completely unlimited to send troops for the duration of the copy.”

“Beauty and Beauty…”

Li Mo was about to continue his cross-legged practice.


In the friends bar, a call alert sounds.

It is a call application for Dragon Drink.

“Li Mo, where are you now?”

Long Jiu asked quickly.

“Brushing bugs!”

“Inside or outside the quest?”

“Are there bugs out there too? It’s definitely in the copy! ”

Li Mo said curiously.

However, Li Mo could hear what Long Drink said.

“What’s wrong?”

“There is a problem with the Broken Star Quest Area!”

Li Mo suddenly raised his eyebrows.

“Wouldn’t it be…”

Vaguely, Li Mo had a bad premonition in his heart.

“That copy area, I don’t know what’s wrong, suddenly a large-scale zerg surged out.”

“And most of them are Zerg with long-range attack capabilities, and the level is generally around 200. It’s very tricky. ”

“More importantly…”

“These zergs, they continue to gnaw in the copy area, and some other copies have also been opened by these zergs one after another.”

“Several replica areas have been carved out.”

“A large number of zergs poured out.”

“In the Broken Star Replica Area, the scale of the Zerg has taken shape.”

“These zergs, they are expanding massively!”

“Even to attack the Star God City-State!”


Li Mo’s head grew loud after listening for a while.

“This can poke a huge hole.”

“But you can’t blame me for this, who made this copy unreliable and stuck me!”

“I really just want to just brush a copy!”

Li Moyu thought to himself.

“This… Shouldn’t there be a wave of world-destroying insects! ”

Li Mo asked carefully.

“Not really.” Long Yu said lightly.

“These zergs, they are replica producers, and they don’t have a long lifespan.”

“It will disappear soon.”

“They have a short lifespan, but they also produce quickly.”

“Although they will not make a climate, they will definitely have a big impact in a short period of time.”

“Since you are in the quest area, don’t come out during this time.”

“Just grow your health inside.”

“When the outside is almost dealt with, and the copy area is repaired by them, it will not be too late for you to come out.”

“They repaired the copy space, shouldn’t they seal me in this copy area!”

Li Mo said with some worry.

“Don’t worry! Not to mention that it is sealed in the ordinary copy area, even if it is sealed in the core depth copy area, I can save you. ”

“Moreover, your class characteristics are very strong, trapping you for a while, and you can also come out by yourself after repeatedly groping in the quest area.”

“The copy space is not a difficult sealing place!”

With the bottom of the dragon drink, Li Mo is not worried.

“I know, I’ll cultivate the attribute framework here.”

Li Mo responded.

For Li Mo’s reply, Long Drink was very relieved.

After all, this guy Li Mo is really a cultivation maniac.

Without his urging, Li Mo was more active than him.

Turned off the call.

Dragon Drink looked towards the Broken Star Quest area.

At this time, go with the copy, and look at the sky, the ground, densely packed with hundreds of millions of Zergs are endless.

And the number is increasing.

This will allow the Star God City-State to withstand at least a few Zerg sieges.

In the face of this contingency.

Long Drink has also made a plan long ago.

That was to steal the resources of those major chambers of commerce in the Star God City-State.

Anyway, these alien races have not done anything good in the human world.

Don’t steal for nothing, don’t steal.

After all, this kind of thing, in the past in the foreign race, he did not do less!

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