Time, day by day.

Every day, Li Mo almost grew close to the upper limit of 40 billion health points.

And the overall upper limit of health points crossed the 100 billion mark.

Crossing the 200 billion mark.

Towards the 300 billion mark.

This wave of brushing health points made Li Mo’s brush directly cool to take off.

You know, even if it’s a god.

Their health, although also measured in “billions”.

But the upper limit of their divine framework carries double-digit “billions”, that is, billions of them.

Three-digit billions, tens of billions of levels, that requires senior gods above level 2,000 to be able to do it.

You know, gods!

That is the era of national occupations, the top existence.

And Li Mo’s health value is far beyond the gods.

And this, two hundred billion, three hundred billion health points.

For Li Mo, it was just the beginning.

Over time, Li Mo spent his health on the solid strengthening of the attribute framework and precipitated depth.

He has already made his career framework stronger and stronger, and he has a little taste of “brick wall hut”.

This day!

Li Mo brushed his health steadily, as always.

When you are ready to hit the 300 billion health mark.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful flame aura and broke into this two-hundred-level copy.

Before Li Mo could react.

A fire dragon, roaring.


The roar of the fire dragon caused the sky to fall apart.

With the fire dragon mighty.

The flames followed the nest of the canyon zergs and traced upstream.

The densely packed Zerg around them were quickly burned up in the flames.

A few seconds.

The Zerg in the canyon passage where Li Mo was located was gone.

“Thousand-level powerhouse!”

In an instant, Li Mo judged it.

This is a thousand-level powerhouse who goes deep into the copy space to clean up or even seal the copy here.

While the fire is pervasive.

Those flames, as if they had spirituality, passed over Li Mo.

With a large number of flames, the Zerg will burn out.

An old man of an alien race wearing a black magic robe landed in front of Li Mo.

The black magic robe of this alien old man bloomed with an epic aura, and the magic staff in his hand had a mythical atmosphere.

Whether it’s a black epic robe, or a mythical staff in your hand.

There are flames all over it.

The alien old man, with blue skin, double horns on his forehead, white sideburns, and an old face.

But the majesty between the eyebrows is very heavy, and it is obviously a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

The alien old man looked at Li Mo for a moment before he spoke.

“What are you?”

The words are full of questioning.

As if interrogating a prisoner.

Even if the other party is a thousand-level powerhouse, this attitude makes Li Mo particularly unhappy.

“I’m just a passerby who goes in to brush up on experience!”


The alien old man looked up and down a lot.

“Can passers-by afford to wear, legendary suits, and get mythical equipment?”

“Broken! Forgot to change the equipment! ”

Li Mo’s heart was slightly startled.

For the thousand-level strong.

The legendary suit is not attractive.

But mythical equipment is different.

No matter how low the level of mythical equipment, that is also mythical equipment.

Use resources to increase your level up and be just as powerful.

Looking at this thousand-level old man for a moment, Li Mo said lightly.

“This senior, the water here is very deep, you can’t grasp it.”

Li Mo’s words actually made the alien old man laugh.

“Chaos Knight, not high level, legendary suit, mythical equipment!”

“Moreover, if I am not mistaken, you should be using the counter-injury to kill these zergs!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

For such a long time, the following general professionals should already know about the alien hunting order against themselves.

Such a thousand-level powerhouse, needless to say, ironclad knows.

And tens of billions of federal coins, a piece of mythical equipment, is enough to make the heart of a thousand-level powerhouse move.

“Yes, how? Isn’t it what? ”

Li Mo squeezed the shield gun in his hand and asked with a smile.

“Put down your artifact, I can still spare your life.”

“Otherwise, with your level of more than three hundred levels, it will be easy to kill you!”

This thousand-level alien old man directly showed his greedy fangs.

Li Mo smiled.

Anyway, it’s all aliens, killing this guy is enough to make Li Mo explode to 100 levels.

“Invincible taunt!”

Li Mo was an invincible taunt at the alien old man.

The alien old man made a one-handed move, and a flame spirit immediately appeared.

As soon as the invincible taunting attribute fell on the old man, it was transmitted to the flame elf.

“A thousand-level powerhouse, really has some means, not a skill can be solved.”

The old man blocked Li Mo’s invincible taunt at the same time.

Against Li Mo is the imprisonment of a flame cage.

“Imperial Soul!”

“Invincible Overlord!”

“Invincible Charge!”

Two invincible skills, plus the Imperial Soul are released at the same time.

Li Mo rushed towards the old man with a gun.

The flame cage that painted the dungeon.

“Boom!” , directly hit by Li Mo into a big hole.

Between the electric light and flint, Li Mo rushed to the side of the alien old man, and the speed was incredible.

An invincible charge that is already LV6 and has a 900% movement speed bonus.

And Li Mo in the state of the imperial soul himself is not slow.

The alien old man’s face changed slightly.

His proud means of imprisonment actually controlled and arranged this little Chaos Knight.

And the speed of the other party is even faster.

“What kind of knight is this?”

Entering the state of Imperial Soul, at the same time, Li Mo, who was in the state of invincible charge, was very fast.

“Boom!” of a sound.

Li Mo crashed headlong into the arms of the alien old man.

And the body of the alien old man turned into flames and dispersed.

And its real body has already landed in mid-air not far away.

And Li Moxin was still unable to rush directly to the sky, he could only dry stare.

“Invincible charge, even if the enemy is locked, the enemy can still use some kind of doppelganger means to resist grafting.”

Several means in a row could not form an effective blow.

At this time, Li Mo understood the power of these thousand-level powerhouses.


The old man did not dare to attack Li Mo at will.

Obviously, this fire system alien thousand-level law system powerhouse is more good at attack methods.

Instead of a leap over deeper framework properties.

“Invincible taunt!”

This time, Li Mo examined the old man, the invincible and mocking character, went deep into the professional framework, and released it with his eyes.

The old man and Li Mo looked at each other.

In his eyes, flames burst violently.

The staff in his hand waved subconsciously.

A huge fireball the size of a millstone bombarded towards Li Mo.

“Damage reserve, burst!”

Li Mo directly rushed towards the fireball, and the damage he had previously reserved for more than 50 million.

It’s also poised to go.

Even if you don’t major in damage rebound.

Li Mo’s rebound damage reserve also reached more than 50 million.


The huge fireball collided with Li Mo fiercely.

-3 million damage, floating out on the head of a thousand-level old man.

But the damage of this blow obviously should not be so low.

It should also be at least a 50 million damage reserve outbreak.

“Blood bar split!”

Li Mo understood that this kind of thousand-level powerhouse would definitely have the means of dividing his own blood strip.

A bounce hits a maximum of one health bar.

He didn’t wait for the old man to make a second attack.

The old man’s figure burst out again with a misty flame.

Its figure quickly turned into more than a dozen flame bodies.

Seven or eight flame bodies attacked Li Mo at the same time.

A wave of attacks came down.

These seven or eight flame bodies were all killed by the rebound.

However, the thousand-level old man also broke free from Li Mo’s invincible taunt.

“I’m majoring in my own career framework.”

“Skill characteristics, there is no major at present, and the depth of skills is still a little insufficient after all.”

Fight with this thousand-level powerhouse.

Li Mo knew very well that he most likely couldn’t kill the other party.

After all, the other side will fly.

And the other party obviously can’t keep himself.

If you continue to consume with each other.

Maybe the other party will shake the person.


Li Mo also did not love to fight, directly launched an invincible charge, and rushed over to the passage where the copy left.

The old man hurriedly made a move to use the fire summoner to block Li Mo.


Invincible hegemony and invincible charge, under the combination of two characteristics.

These fire summoners could not stop Li Mo’s progress at all.

Plunge headlong into that vortex.

Li Mo fled, and the old man of the thousand-level law system of the alien race obviously did not let Li Mo go, and immediately chased after him.

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