【Star Sea Worm Nest】Quest area.

Li Mo, who came in, directly changed his clothes with one click and switched to mythical and legendary equipment.

Just finished dressing.

Directly in front of the canyon.

The ground, the sky, densely packed marching zergs, swarming.

The number of these zergs is staggering.

There is a feeling of denseness and overwhelming.

As these zergs approached, the heavenly dome had a feeling of being covered.

“Huo! That’s a lot. ”

Li Mo was overjoyed.

Most of the zergs in these quest areas are more than 200 levels, more than 100 levels, and there are some more than 300 levels.

Li Mo twisted and grabbed and killed it directly.

While brushing the copy, Li Mo can also cultivate his invincible blood demon damage.

Already level 8 invincible chaos physique, beaten once, increase 8 health points.

Kill one unit and increase 800 health.

Li Mo roughly estimated.

A wave of copies, if there are 1 million zergs.

That’s 800 million health points.

The specific wave of copies can brush how many Zerg Li Mo is not clear.

How long this wave of copies was finished, Li Mo did not know.

But Li Mo estimated that he could brush more than 10 billion health points in a day.

Soon, the Zerg, which was like a tide, came directly and completely submerged Li Mo.

The massive attacks were densely stacked all over Li Mo’s line of sight.

And as these zergs attack Li Mo.

– 300,000





A large amount of rebound damage floated over the heads of these zergs.

Now Li Mo’s invincible defense is level 9.

Invincible Defense: LV9 level.

Enter a defensive stance, immune to all damage, decay speed to 90%, and bounce 900% of damage to enemies.

Special effect 1: When enemies attack, additional rebound defense *1.8 damage.

Special effect 2: When attacked, you can actively reserve rebound damage and then release it.

Special effect 3: The surface health bar enjoys a 95% damage reduction.

Li Mo’s own defensive rebound alone had 160,000 damage.

And these more than 200-level zergs, their damage is only 178 thousand.

Their attacks bounce around 150,000 damage.

That adds up to about 310,000.

The damage of the rebound is also in this range.

And these Zergs of level 200 or so are small and brittle, and they are only four or five hundred thousand blood.

Therefore, with two rebound damage, you can kill a Zerg.

Such efficient rebound damage.

Let a large number of zergs come to Li Mo’s side, once they attack Li Mo, two attacks, they can change their stubble.

Li Mo couldn’t even find a chance to make a move.

Look at the Zerg around them like grass mustard.

Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh after all.

“This fucking is really technology and ruthlessness!”

Whether it is a ground zerg or a sky zerg, most of them have long-range attack capabilities.

This made Li Mo’s retort brush faster.

“Ding… Kill level 210 Zerg units and gain a maximum health of 800. ”

“Ding… Kill level 210 Zerg units and gain a maximum health of 800. ”


The system information prompts above, four or five hundred + in one second.

There are too many Zergs around Li Mo.

Now Li Mo looks at the sky, and it is all a piece of black oppression.

The insect tide is like the sea, which is not an exaggeration at all.

Li Mo used the system to check the statistics.

In 30 seconds, about 17,000 Zerg died.

Li Mo roughly counted.

“About 566 Zerg died in a second.”

“One minute, close to 34,000.”

“2 million an hour.”

“One Zerg contributes 816 life caps.”

“Remove the fraction, just count it as 800 blood.”

“So… I was able to increase roughly in an hour… 1.6 billion HP! ”

An hour!

1.6 billion health points.

After coming to this accurate answer, Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“The human professional who inquired with me said that some copies of the Shattered Star Sea generally have cracks.”

“Energy can be poured directly into the replica space.”

“Theoretically, unlimited energy will allow the Zerg mother body to send troops without limit.”

“That is, these replica lifeforms, they have a limited lifespan.”

“It can’t be like a real zerg, a few days, at most half a month. They will die a natural death and dissipate. ”

“Just like now!”

Those Zergs who died by Li Mo’s bounce did not leave corpses.

Instead, it quickly turns into energy and disappears.

Part of this energy is reabsorbed by the replica.

Part of the experience was absorbed by Li Mo.

The energy absorbed by the copy will be converted into the energy of the Zerg mother, which will then hatch the Zerg.

“Fertility perpetual motion belongs to yes!” Li Mo secretly said.

“So, as long as you don’t kill the Zerg mother body in this copy.”

“Some of the Zerg mother bodies in this will frantically absorb energy and give birth to a huge number of Zergs.”

“I can squat here and skyrocket up the life limit at the rate of 1.6 billion health points in an hour.”

“That’s 38.4 billion health points in one day!”

“That’s even higher than my current health.”

“I finally found such a good copy of brushing health, don’t you just bunk it and lie down here?”

So the mind is.

Li Mo simply took the soul gun.

Equipment can be useful in the equipment slot.

You don’t have to hold it in your hand.

Li Mo sat down directly and began to brush health.

Anyway, these attacks could not hurt Li Mo in the slightest.

Immersed in his mind, Li Mo directly began to polish and precipitate his professional framework.

The precipitation of the career framework is like laying the foundation.

The deeper you dig, the more solid the entire career framework becomes.

And career frameworks are all relative.

When your career framework is deep enough.

Even if the other party can bypass attributes, they can only bypass certain attributes.

It cannot be completely bypassed.

Take the superficial blood bar to reduce damage.

Li Mo’s current career depth framework already has a certain strength.

Previously, Dragon Drink was able to bypass 95% of the surface blood bar to reduce damage.

And now. Dragon Drink is able to bypass about 80%.

The remaining 15% cannot be bypassed.

As long as Li Mo continues to strengthen the firmness and depth of his framework.

Well, it won’t be long.

Li Mo’s surface blood bar is reduced by 95%, and the dragon drink will be completely inescapable.

Only able to hard top this 95% damage reduction attack Li Mo.

The damage reduction depth of the surface blood bar has been increased a lot.

Not to mention, the depth of the [Invincible Defense] itself is very amazing.

Moreover, Li Mo only needs to brush the blood strip steadily.

Let yourself reach the time of “trillions” in the health bar.

That Tandu, even if the gods could hurt Li Mo.

The length of the blood bar will still make the gods despair.

“There is a lot of potential for health bars.”

“Senior Long Yin reminded me before.”

“My blood bar is very long, but my recovery ability is relatively poor.”

“My health bar is too long, and the percentage recovery characteristics cannot support such a high-intensity recovery.”

“And… Percentage injuries need to start with a superficial blood bar. ”

“Percentage recovery, too, needs to start with the surface blood bar.”

“As my core health bar increases, the percentage of the surface health bar recovers, falling on top of the core health bar with little effect.”

“Bloodborne pool!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“The development of this direction, for me, is very important.”

And when Li Mo was polishing and cultivating his professional framework and planning his future path.

Those zerg creatures, because there are too many of them.

They have been densely packed into large bowls with inverted buttons.

Completely drowned Li Mo.

And those who follow-up are like a wave of zergs.

Some were squeezed into the nearby Zerg at the entrance to the quest.

They sniffed the breath outside.

So, these small zergs began to fly out along the small vortex channel.

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