Stargod city-state.

【Broken Star】 Quest area.

There are quite a few scattered professionals here.

There are humans and there are alien races.

These professions have more than two hundred levels, more than three hundred levels, and even four or five hundred levels.

Professionals, if they want to become stronger, they must go out to practice and practice.

And the Shattered Star Sea is a good area for cultivation travel.

After all, in the depths of the Shattered Star Sea, there are many treasures.

The Star God City-State, as a foothold, is naturally a place where all kinds of professionals gather.

This [Broken Star] copy area.

In addition to the scattered professionals, more are the Star God City-States, those city-state guild professionals who are loyal to the “Star God”.

In this era of universal professionals.


There are two kinds.

One is to become a god!

The goal is also clear, level 2000, ignite the divine fire, and build the kingdom of God.

You can become a god.

The other is God’s reward.

Because the region is more special to give birth to divinity, and the gods born naturally.

The gods of the Star God City-State are gods who were bred in the depths of the Broken Star Sea.

It is said that the rank of this deity is not high.

But even if it is not high, it is a [god], and its attributes are more fierce than the world boss.

World BOSS, small probability of dropping artifacts, high probability of dropping epic.

And once the [gods] are killed, they will drop the “artifact” one hundred percent.


The matter of slaughtering gods, just think about it.

Only the gods can slaughter gods.

【Broken Star】Core quest area.

In the discussion of many professionals, there is a lot of news about the human world.

“Have you heard, some time ago, on the human side, someone opened up a mythical-level copy.”

“Such a big thing has long been spread throughout the Shattered Star Sea, and you only know now that the news is a bit closed!” Brothers! ”

“Because of that mythical copy, the human race has completely froze with the alien race.”

“I almost got my hands on it.”

“Fortunately, in the end, I didn’t do it.”

“It feels even cooler to fight, and when the time comes, wouldn’t it be better to go to the human side to hunt the Terrans?”

“Just think about it, why say it, there are a lot of humans around here!”

“Now if you want to kill humans in the past to upgrade, or even rob the experience pool of the human guild, I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle!”

“Why? Aren’t humans still very weak? ”

“You don’t understand this, do you!”

“Now the human race guards that mythical copy, and dozens of great guilds rotate in succession.”

“It is said to rely on the newly opened mythical copy.”

“Humans have already brushed out more than a dozen pieces of epic equipment.”

“And the legendary equipment, the number is even more large, I am afraid it is hundreds.”

“Groove! Really fake? The yield of this mythical replica is so amazing? ”

“Of course, it is a newly opened mythical copy, and in the early stage, the resource output is still amazing.”

“More importantly, the level of that copy is not high, so there are many professional thieves who can enter.”

“Gee… It’s a pity that our race doesn’t have mythical copies. ”

“Don’t talk about your race, many races don’t have mythical copies.”

“Indeed, the mythical level copy, the difficulty is really too high.”

Listening to the many interracial professionals around him discussing things about the human world.

Li Mo in the corner stood quietly like this.

The news that Li Mo had opened up a mythical-level copy in the human world had spread.

No, but this has already spread to the Shattered Star Sea.

It even reached the ears of some foreign races.

After all!

Mythical copies are still very rare and rare.

Many races do not have mythical copies.

Of course, this time about rumors about “mythical” copies.

It is more about the mythical copy itself, and the name of Li Mo, who created the mythical copy, is obviously not known by many people outside.

But from the discussion of these people.

Li Mo had already learned.

Mythical copies have begun to work in the human world.

Humans gathered a large number of guilds and frantically swiped the various copies of the Black Mountain mythical copy.

It produces a large number of legends, dark gold, and a huge amount of gold equipment.

With that high proportion of resource output.

Let the Holy Radiance city-state quickly rise to become the core city-state of the surrounding city-states.

Seeing the thousand-level powerhouses of the Holy Radiance City-State staying, as well as a large number of guilds staying.

That Blue Crystal Guild, the mind that originally wanted to kill, was held back alive.

“A mythical copy has such a big effect.”

“At that time, open up more mythical copies in the human world, and properly allow human beings to rise.”

“In this era of national occupation, let mankind become a powerful race.”

In the corner of the edge, Li Mo thought secretly.

At this time.

Li Mo was dressed in an ordinary three-turn gold suit, with a mask on his helmet, and people outside could not recognize this ordinary professional of more than three hundred levels as Li Mo.

Converge your mind.

Li Mo concentrated on checking the copy that suited him in the “Broken Star Quest Area”.

It has been three days since I came to the Shattered Star Sea.

After being familiar with the general situation here, Li Mo set about the path of improving the blood bar by himself.

As for the dragon drink.

It is in the Star God City-State, looking for the purchase of a three-turn upgrade pill, and a four-turn upgrade pill.

After more than three hundred levels, the accumulation of experience is relatively slow.

If you want to upgrade quickly, upgrading Dan is the best choice.

However, the three-turn, four-turn upgrade Dan is not easy to buy.

The price is expensive, and once it appears, it will soon be bought.

It belongs to the sought-after goods with fast hands and slow hands.

As he checked, soon the copy he had inquired about before was found by Li Mo.

【Star Sea Worm Nest】

Grade limit: three turns, four turns, five turns.

“Broken Star Quest Zone”.

Most of the copies are related to the Zerg.

That is to say, the number of zergs in the replica is relatively large.

But not all Zerg are suitable for Li Mo.

Take the Great Rift Valley where Li Mo stayed before.

There are many, many Zerg, the kind that can’t be killed at all.

But the problem is that those Zergs are relatively large.

At the same time, attacking Li Mo’s Zerg, there are only a dozen melee battles at most.

Coupled with the few ranges, this makes Li Mo’s efficiency in brushing health not high.

Therefore, that kind of zerg is particularly dense, relatively small, and has a large number of long-range attack worm nests, which is suitable for Li Mo.

And this [Star Sea Worm Nest].

It is such a worm nest that is very suitable for Li Mo’s brush health.

First of all, this insect tide of insects is small in size, the size of a small fist, and the larger one is like a basin.

More importantly.

Most of the bugs in this Star Sea Worm Tide have long-range attack capabilities.

This is very tricky for other professionals.

After all, once the enemy has too many long-range units, a wave of fire collection can easily be dropped in seconds.

But for Li Mo.

The more remotes, the cooler!

“According to intelligence, this Star Sea Insect Tide is a copy to be quickly brushed.”

“Because as time goes on top of the pack, the nest will release more and more bugs.”

“The further back it goes, more and more, and it’s a lot of exaggeration.”

“I’d rather see how many bugs there are!”


Click on the copy, and under the surge of white light, Li Mo disappeared.

However, when it comes to getting into the copy.

A strange scene, but appeared.

On the pass node of the replica space.

Li Mo found himself in a state where he wanted to enter, but couldn’t enter.

The outside scene, and the replica scene, have an unreal double superposition feeling.

And Li Mo was in the area where the two met, half of his body entered, and half of his body did not.


Li Mo raised his eyebrows?

“Is this a card bug?”

“I’m not resurrected yet, don’t get stuck here!”

Li Mo thought quickly.

“First of all, the space here in the Shattered Star Sea has been impacted, and the sky is shattered.”

“Secondly, the Zerg itself has the property of eating copies.”

“Even the internally generated Zerg will have certain characteristics.”

“Dragon Drink senior also said it before.”

“Maybe at some point, they’ll gnaw through the space of the copy.”

“And the copy I entered, basically no one came in, because there was no one to clean up the copy, so that the reserved few zergs, in the copy space, along those copy cracks, gnawed the copy out of the problem.”

After struggling a little, Li Mo found that he could neither enter nor get out.

“Okay, I’m stuck here.”

“This unfortunate thing, how did I meet it?”

At this time, Li Mo had a black line.

“No matter!”

“Invincible Overlord!”

With Li Mo’s skill release!


Above Li Mo’s body, a red luster permeated.

This is the special effect of the invincible overlord, and there is a feeling of red rage.

With the release of the invincible overlord body, when Li Mo broke free again, it stuck Li Mo’s internal and external copy barriers.


It was directly torn out by Li Mo and a huge gap.

Li Mo looked behind him where he broke free.

A fragmented vortex appeared in the replica space.

The diameter is about one meter in size.

“This… This should be fine! ”

Li Mo looked at the copy of the small vortex

Reached out and gave it a try.

Didn’t feel hurt.

“Hmm… No harm, then it should be fine. ”

At the same time, outside the Broken Star replica area.

In the small corner, a vortex quietly emerged.

In itself, this replica area has many dungeon entrance vortex channels.

At this time, in a remote corner, a small copy was born, completely unnoticed.


This small vortex is different from other small whirlpools.

This is a vortex channel, without a replica barrier.

It is completely bidirectional.

And with the surging vortex, this small vortex channel is still expanding continuously!

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