“Dragon Drink senior!”

“Since there is a world boss, let’s hurry up!”

Li Mo couldn’t wait to say.

“You brat!”

Long Yu rubbed his eyebrows.

“Do you really want to single swipe the world boss?”

“Or else?”

“It’s not as simple as you think!”

Long Drink shook his head instead.

“The bosses out there that develop and grow on their own are different from the replica bosses.”

“Quest bosses, their boss framework is weak.”

“At the beginning of birth, attributes are fixed.”

“Moreover, there is no wisdom, just know how to attack with your head stunned.”

“And the bosses outside, especially the kind of world bosses.”

“First of all, they are intelligent and very cunning.”

Long Drink explained carefully.

“If they can’t fight, they will escape.”

“And the more powerful the world boss, the more means they have to save their lives.”

“I’m not sure if your taunting ability can pull that world-class boss of more than six hundred levels.”

“But even if it can be pulled.”

“The health value of those more than six hundred levels of [Mixed Element Gluttony] bosses is hundreds of billions.”

“It has the property of passive blood return.”

“When his HP is relatively low, your rebound damage may not be able to keep up with his recovery.”

“I know your damage can be stacked.”

“But the problem is that once the world boss is pulled off, it is very difficult to pull it back again.”

“Those powerful wisdom world-class bosses are not without means to break free.”

“There used to be several thousand-level powerhouses, forming a group to go over, and in the past, they wanted to kill the bastard gluttonous boss.”

“But in the end, I still let the bastard gluttonous boss run away.”

“Since then, that world-class boss has been very careful.”

“That world-class boss you think, swaggering, destroying everywhere, waiting for people to go over and kill!”

“The actual world-class BOSS, Lao Yin B one, hiding everywhere, acting cautiously, there are many younger brothers under him, and when they see that the situation is wrong, they will slip away as soon as possible.”

“Good fellow!”

Li Mo is directly a good guy.

This world-class boss, proper old six!

But Li Mo thought about it carefully.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Wise guys will think of the law to make themselves live longer, and they can run away if they can.

Instead of messing around.

After all, those world-class bosses who can’t screw reality have long been killed.

Everyone who survives is a human spirit.

Coupled with world-class bosses, its own strong survivability and anti-heavenly attributes.

This is really normal operation.

“It sounds like this world-class boss called Mixed Yuan Gluttony doesn’t seem to be easy to kill!”

Li Mo spoke.

“Of course, dealing with world-class bosses is a systematic strategic project.”

“Do you really think that with a mythical equipment of more than two hundred levels, you will be able to stab the boss to death in the past?”

“If you really want to say that, I really want to give it a try!”

Li Mo said with a smile.

“Are you sure?”

At this time, Long Yu also looked at Li Mo with some seriousness.

“Do you want money for a try?”

Li Mo asked rhetorically.

“Not really.”

“That’s not it.” Li Mo is very bare hands.

“If you can earn blood, no, just grease the soles of your feet and escape!”

“You guy!” Long Yu couldn’t help but smile.

“Even if you want to give it a try, you still have to do the preparatory work.”

“It’s not too late to try again, anyway, the world boss, in this broken star sea, it can’t escape anywhere else.”

Dragon Drink narrates.

“The first is the rank.”

“This bastard gluttonous boss is more than six hundred levels.”

“And your level is only more than three hundred.”

“World-class bosses are different from professionals.”

“Facing more than six hundred level professionals, your attributes will not be suppressed.”

“And in the face of boss-level creatures, your attributes will definitely be suppressed to a certain extent.”

“After reaching more than 400 levels, this suppression will be much reduced.”

“So, you need to level up first, and by the way, to increase the level of your mythical equipment.”

“You can’t just expect rebound damage, you’re a knight with mythical equipment.”

“And there is also the stacking of blood demon damage.”

“Our own output capacity should not be underestimated.”

“Level, equipment, actual combat experience and other aspects are ready, you can go to the world-class boss.”

“Oh… You’re really going to let me go it alone, and you’re not going to make a move? ”

Li Mo asked curiously.

Long Yu shook his head.

“On the one hand… I may not be better than you in terms of continuous output. ”

“Secondly, once I appear, then the boss will definitely escape.”

“Finally, my level is too high, once I deal damage to the boss, then the drop of the boss will be greatly reduced.”

“If you don’t have a high level, you will have additional resource output.”

“So, obviously, if you play alone, the effect will be better.”


Li Mo nodded.

“So, where are we going to upgrade now?”

Li Mo asked.

“The neutral camp of the Shattered Star Sea, Star God City-State.”

Dragon Drink already has a plan.

Star God City-State, Li Mo heard a little.

Broken Star Sea such an area.

Although the situation is more chaotic, there are camps there.

It is said to be a newly born faction of low-level “Nature Star God”.

Humans, and several other factions in the Shattered Star Sea region, most of the professionals will gather within the Star God City-State.

There are also human guilds there.

Since it is possible to build a city-state stably and stably, there must be a replica resource area there.

Without attractive enough copies, you can’t build a city-state.

“What class is the copy there?”

Li Mo asked.


“How deep?”

“11 depth!”

Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

“So, once I open up the 15 depths there and create another mythical dungeon, I can be mythical equipment again?”

“In theory, it is.”

“But, once you do that, those guys of the human race, not fools, they will definitely guess that you did it.”

Long Yu shook his head.

“At least until you are initially formed, and you can threaten a thousand-level powerhouse head-on, you can do this!”

“Hmm!” Li Mo nodded.

Wait until your strength rises and brush another artifact, and you are not in a hurry.

“The quest near the Star God City-State has a large-scale mother nest replica.”

“The number of zerg creatures inside is amazing.”

“Perfect for you.”

“After all, before fighting the boss again, it will be safer to brush your health a little more!”

Li Mo laughed.

The characteristics that his own blood bar can grow can’t be concealed from a thousand-level powerhouse like Long Drink.

“Finally start brushing blood bars again!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

Now Li Mo has 36.5 billion blood.

But apparently not enough.

Later, at least two zeros must be added, or even, three zeros, to barely enough for a hundred million points of meat!

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