Li Mo immediately taunted the past.


The mockery fell through.


Li Mo was slightly surprised.

Li Mo did not believe in evil and tried again.

Still the same as before, the dragon drink was unmoved.

I tried five or six times in a row, and the result was the same.

Dragon Drink was not taunted at all.

“I’m an invincible taunt, shouldn’t I!”

At this time, Long Yu said lightly.

“Your taunting skills are indeed very powerful, if it really falls on me, I will most likely be mocked by you.”

“But the problem is, your taunting skills don’t fall on my head, that’s the key to the problem, understand?”

Long Drink’s words made Li Mo fall into deep thought.

His own skills are indeed very strong, and this is also confirmed by Long Drink.

Can’t hit people.

In other words, your own skills can’t hit the enemy’s deeper frame more deeply, and that’s the problem.

“It turns out that high-level professionals are already so powerful?”

“I met those strong people who practiced at a deep level in the professional framework.”

“I’m afraid it’s more difficult to deal with.”

Li Mo had a slight understanding in his heart.

It can also be regarded as a preliminary insight into the power of a thousand-level powerhouse.

A thousand-level powerhouse is not only strong in terms of attributes, this deep-level means is also to crush a low-level professional like Li Mo.

“Your skills are strong, and that’s your strength.”

Dragon Drink narrated.

“However, you don’t have enough understanding and depth of skill, which is a common problem for most professionals.”

“And that’s the focus of your next practice.”

“The damage reduction of your holding state can be immersed in a deeper framework, making your damage reduction defense as stable as Mount Tai.”

“In this way, even if they face a thousand-level powerhouse, they will not be able to hold on to your state.”

“Only when you can come hard, your powerful attributes will be revealed.”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly, and he already understood that the strong people had mastered the true meaning of the deep attribute framework.

Bypass the characteristics of the class and attack the class.

For example, bypassing defenses and reducing damage is directly real damage.

For example, bypassing the mage’s defensive shield, directly attacking the health bar, etc.

Li Mo’s invincibility is possessed by a defensive posture.

When the enemy was strong enough to completely crush Li Mo.

They could even smash Li Mo’s weapons directly.

Or, when Li Mo is in a state of “disarming”.

At that time, the invincible defense will also be restrained.

Of course, if you really encounter such an enemy.

Running away is the way to go.

In addition to restraint such as “disarming”.

The “high-level strong people can cross the defensive damage reduction characteristics” explained by Long Drink also made Li Mo understand how powerful the strong people in this world are.

Although facing a thousand-level powerhouse like Long Drink, Li Mo can still defend.

But in the face of more powerful existences, even god-level existences.

Li Mo was also not sure whether the other party could bypass his [Invincible Defense].

Regardless of the strong of that level, it is impossible to bypass [Invincible Defense].

When the other party can completely crush Li Mo’s professional framework.

Break Li Mo’s equipment and weapons, so that Li Mo has no “defense” to “defend”.

Let Li Mo “disarm”.

These are all ways to restrain Li Mo.

Although the difficulty is very high, those who are strong may not be unable to do it.


It doesn’t matter if the enemy is able to restrain his defensive state.

While upgrading.

Through cultivation, strengthen your deep career framework. This path of its own characteristics is an inevitable choice after all.

After all, his own invincible meat shield system is extremely strong in itself.

If he has not practiced, the thousand-level strong dragon drink cannot be bypassed.

As long as the depth is strengthened a little, those gods may not be able to bypass it at that time.

When the time comes, face your long blood bar with no end in sight.

The gods are also desperate!


Li Mo is not only a means of defending invincibility.

Unlimited growth of blood bars.

As well as mastering the means of resurrection in the future, he will be promoted to [Invincible Resurrection].

These are their own heritage.

Even if the enemy can kill him, he can still be resurrected.

These are traits that enhance their own professional trait framework and can become stronger.


“Your taunt, like a blade, can hit the enemy deeper and point to the core.”

“Strike at the enemy.”

“This is the time when even if the enemy’s career framework is extremely deep, it is difficult to escape the fate of being taunted by you and then rebounding to death.”

Long Drink continued.

“And your core blood bar, immersed deep enough.”

“You can even divide multiple health bars to ward off damage, and even infuse health bars into each other.”

“Make enemies unable to effectively attack your core health bar and so on.”

“Shallow professionals value equipment, skills, and attributes.”

“High-level professionals, on the other hand, value the depth of the profession.”

“It’s like the depth of the copy.”

“The same copy, the higher the depth, the more terrifying the boss characteristics, the boss attributes.”

“Some super assassins, they can even use depth to avoid damage.”

“Even if an attack falls on them, they can avoid it, not to mention the passive rebound damage you have, they have a way to avoid it.”

“Some super mages, who use multiple shields, are immune to all kinds of damage.”

“Some super soldiers, they can directly lock your core framework for damage-defying frame strikes.”

“Some super meats, they don’t even need to unleash their skills, just one look, to make the enemy angry, and then attack him wildly, imprisoning the enemy in front of themselves.”

Long Drink’s exposition allowed Li Mo to completely open the door to a new world.

The world of this professional system is indeed brilliant and colorful.

It’s much more complicated than you think about yourself.

Before that, Li Mo was still at the shallow level where professionals need to stack equipment attributes, fight output, fight combat skills, and so on.

But now it seems.

After all, his own pattern is still small, and his vision is shallow.

Within this vast world of professionals of many races.

Those powerful professionals have begun to develop the career system in depth.

Copies can be developed in depth.

Skills can be developed in depth.

Professionals can also deeply develop their own characteristics.

[Invincible Mockery] itself is already extremely strong.

If you develop it in depth.

With a movement of your own mind, you can let the enemy fight each other by themselves.

Invincible defense is deeply developed.

You will be rock solid and no one will be able to attack you across a defensive stance.

And the most important thing for Li Mo is the length of the blood bar.

Under the in-depth development, no one can figure out how long Li Mo’s blood bar is.

Even if the enemy can bypass a little invincible defense, it is difficult to pose a threat to Li Mo.

With this in mind, Li Mo looked forward to following the practice of dragon drink more and more.

After all!

This is the journey of a real strong person.

“Senior Dragon Drink, where are we going to the Shattered Star Sea?”

Li Mo asked again.

Long Yu thought for a moment before responding.

“There are a few more advanced places where there are tough chaos bosses.”

“But I’m afraid that your current professional characteristics can’t bear it, after all, those bosses have all kinds of chaotic characteristics, and they can hammer the enemy’s life and can’t take care of themselves.”

“Now, don’t worry about the past, your level is not high now, the main thing is to upgrade, cultivate the depth of the career framework, this is the key.”

“Hmm! Then let’s go, there are more monsters, and the single copy is weaker, such as ant nests, beehives, and even small zerg mother nests. Li Mo suggested.

Li Mo can angrily swipe the copy and soar health.

The length of the blood bar is the guarantee of everything.

There is nothing wrong with growing blood bars.

Therefore, Li Mo naturally needs to choose a copy that suits his characteristics.

Long Yu glanced at Li Mo.

Vaguely guessed the reason why Li Mo was able to have hundreds of millions of life points.


“On the south side of the Shattered Star Sea, there is no decent copy there, but… There is a real Zerg nest there. ”

“Inside the passage, there are countless zergs.”

“I think it should be more suitable for you.”

“A real Zerg nest?”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

Zerg! Mechanical life! Abyss Demon! and pro gamers of all races!

In the [Chaos Star Domain] where the strong gather, it is collectively called – the four major natural disasters.


There is no doubt that it is very difficult to deal with.

But the Zerg, as a natural disaster creature.

They have a chance to drop a treasure like “Upgrade Dan”.

The “Upgrade Dan” corresponding to the level of transfer.

One can be upgraded to one level.

The further you go, the slower the upgrade will be.

I want to upgrade later.

Fight monsters and upgrade, that is all in years.

After five hundred levels.

Basically, they rely on “experience pools” and “upgrade dan” to upgrade.

Li Mo wants to upgrade quickly, the experience pool is likely not Li Mo’s turn, waiting for the experience pool of professionals to be more!

Then “Upgrade Dan” is obviously the main force of Li Mo’s next upgrade.

The Zerg can not only drop Upgrade Dan.

At the same time, the Zerg are also a race known for their numbers.

If there really is a real Zerg mother nest, it will be cool.

Trillions of zergs, that are all walking blood bar attribute points.

People stand in place, blood bars rubbing up.

100 billion blood bars, make sense!

Be bold a little more, a trillion blood bars, it’s not too much!

For the next Zerg race in the depths of the Shattered Star Sea, Li Mo was even more full of expectations.

“It will take us a day or two to reach the Shattered Star Sea.”

“The teleportation array must not be able to sit, I go to that city-state now, and I will be detected by aliens.”

“The professional beacon built by the alien race has infiltrated the professional beacon of our race.”

“Not to mention, in many city-states, there are also these alien traitors.”

“Anyway, we are not in a hurry, I will slowly hand over the cultivation method of the deep career framework to you on the way.”

“When you practice combat in the future and develop your skills, you will cultivate according to the methods I taught.”

“At that time, naturally you can slowly grasp the deep system framework of the profession.”

“When you master the framework of the deep career system, you will no longer be afraid of other professional powerhouses.”

“Understood!” Li Moshen nodded.


Along the way, Li Mo began to follow Long Drink to learn the deep cultivation method of the professional framework.

I don’t know if Li Mo’s own professional talent is high.

Or is it the characteristics of Li Mo’s invincible meat shield system.

Li Mo found that his deep cultivation of the professional framework was really not slow.

Even if it is a dragon drink, it is amazing.


A few days later, the two had already arrived at the edge of the Shattered Star Sea.

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