“Li Mo, your professional characteristics are indeed very strong.”

“Although you can have some kind of ability to mitigate damage or even exempt from injury.”

“But… The means of the strong are not only killing, but also other means and so on. ”

“Such as sealing, captivity, banishment, etc.”

Dragon Drink narrated.

He was also afraid that Li Mo would be arrogant because of his specialness.

“I know that.”

Li Mo nodded modestly.

Li Mo knew that his invincibility was certainly powerful.

But the enemy trapped Li Mo and threw him into a desperate place.

Li Mo’s defensive state is invincible, but he has been hungry for many years, and he has been in a barren state and has no energy in a state of slow death.

It will also let Li Mo die.

Invincibility is in response to external attacks.

Internally, it is not invincible.

Li Mo himself or the environment caused by a certain “dilemma”.

That is not invincible, and it can be solved without damage.

Therefore, even if it has an invincible hegemonic state.

Li Mo did not dare to be careless.

In this era of national occupation, even having gods.

Li Mo naturally understands the truth of fearing the strong.

Be careful to make the 10,000-year ship.

The knight of the meat shield wants a steadiness.

“Now, you have opened up mythical copies and ushered in the era of mythical copies for mankind.”

“It has also caused great damage to the copy of the Dark Light Race’s powerful alien race to open up the human world tree.”

“According to the information I have, the Dark Light Clan has begun to launch an in-depth investigation into your Holy Radiance City-State.”

“Although Hong Lie turned off the city-state lighthouse and had no contact with the outside world.”

“But soon, as the outside guild professionals came in, it was learned that you led the development of the mythical copy this time.”

“At that time, it is almost inevitable that foreign races will hunt you down.”

Long Yu looked at Li Mo and said cautiously.

“I have already discussed it with your guild leader and the city lord.”

“For the rest of the day, you’ll need to avoid those aliens.”

“And I will practice everywhere in the human world during this time.”

“Make you a real powerhouse!”

In the human world, humans need to avoid those alien races.

This is undoubtedly a great mockery.


This is the reality facing humanity.

Before humans are not strong enough, even in the human world, the top genius professionals of human beings are not safe.

“When do you leave?”

Li Mo looked at Long Drink.

“Tonight!” Long Yu said lightly.

“Is it the kind that carries or trains overnight?”

Li Mo was a little helpless.

“Li Mo.”

Guo Mirage on the side said and applied to Li Mo for a deal.

“This is the resource that the guild will give you later, the legendary set of three turns.”

“According to your requirements, it is all pile defense equipment.”

“There is not only defense, but also damage reduction.”

“After your level is upgraded to level three to three hundred, the comprehensive defense ability can be upgraded to another level.”

Taking these legendary equipment, the corner of Li Mo’s eyes twitched.

Before, Li Mo did not expect that he would be able to burst out an offensive and defensive artifact that combined shields and guns.

Now if you want to take the attack route, I am afraid that this set of equipment will not be able to be changed for a while.

“When you are outside, follow the dragon drink seniors, practice and study well, and at the same time be careful.”

“Alien races are still more powerful in our human world after all.”

Guo Mirage instructed seriously.

“President Guo, don’t worry, I will be careful.”

Li Mo responded in a deep voice.

Wait until Li Mo and Guo Mirage say goodbye.

Long Jiu did not delay, and flew directly with Li Mo.

Soon disappeared into the depths of night.

High in the air, looking at the brilliant Shenghui city-state below, Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

Pioneered a mythical copy of human history.

In the human world, it is also necessary to avoid foreign attacks and assassinations.

This made Li Mo more and more disgusted and hated those alien races who invaded the human world.

“Sooner or later, I will kill all those aliens and expel them.”

“Even… Conquer a copy of the World Tree in their world and let them work for me! ”

Li Mo said secretly in his heart.

Retracting his gaze, Li Mo looked at the dragon drink senior who was flying with him.

“Senior, where are we going next?”

“Prepare to go to the Shattered Star Sea area in the east.”

“Broken Star Sea? It’s very chaotic. Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

Broken Star Sea area.

It is on the edge of the human world.

It is said that after the fall of ancient stars, it caused a large area of chaos.

It covers many ethnic groups.

A small part of the territory of human beings is within the scope of the Shattered Star Sea region.

In general, the Shattered Star Sea region is a mixed region of six ethnic groups.

These six races have humans and areas that are in the same camp as humans.

Of course, there is also the territory of the hostile camp.

The intersection of multiple ethnic boundaries, the opposition between different camps.

This made the Shattered Star Sea area a very chaotic battlefield fighting area.

If that’s all.

That Shattered Star Sea region is also a clan camp battlefield.

But the problem is that the Shattered Star Sea has extremely strong [chaotic] characteristics.

The characteristics of professionals are often disturbed.

For example, defenses will somehow disappear.

The blood bar was originally quite thick, but as a result, when I woke up, three million blood bars became thirty thousand.

When fighting with people, one moment the tomahawk was held high, the next moment it was disarmed, and the tomahawk was completely lying in the equipment bar, and it could not be seen in the hand at all.

Or, it was good to be invisible, but suddenly it was impossible to be invisible.

Although after a while, the affected properties are restored.

But when fighting, the attributes are affected, and it is really uncomfortable.

In the Shattered Star Sea, the nature of [Chaos] will often make the professionals of the Shattered Star Sea make a lot of jokes, and even human lives.

This also made many professionals retreat there, and did not dare to involve the broken star sea.

“Because there is chaos, and the interference with attributes is relatively large.”

“So, that’s where you’ll be able to practice next.”

Long Yu looked ahead and said.

“If you want to become a strong person, do you think that just having strong equipment, attributes and skills is enough?”

“Isn’t that enough?” Li Mo asked rhetorically.

“Of course not enough.”

“As a professional within the framework of attributes, no matter how powerful you are, you only rely on professional characteristics, not master professional characteristics.”

“Such a professional, for the rest of his life, it is difficult to break through the 1000 level.”

“Not to mention continuing to upgrade after a thousand levels.”

“Take the simplest example.”

“You have a taunt skill, but now, you still need to release it with the taunt skill, right!”


“Even, you need to specify the target for release, right!”

“This… Any questions? ”

Li Mo was a little puzzled by Long Drink’s common sense questions about such professionals.

It’s impossible to go wrong with what is taught in books!

This is the rule of the professional system obtained by countless professionals themselves.

“It’s a big problem.”

Long Yu shook his head.

“Your taunting skill is very strong, and you can even directly taunt a level 800 powerhouse.”

“However, your taunting skills are still only very strong within the framework of the profession, but for professionals who master the framework characteristics of the deep professional characteristics.”

“It doesn’t do much.”

“In general, it’s your skill that only floats on the surface and doesn’t have deeper characteristics.”

“Don’t believe it, you mock me to try.”

“That’s what you said, it’s going to go crazy later, don’t blame me.”

The dragon smiled and said nothing.

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