Broken Star Sea area.

The land lives up to its name.

The sky here is like a shattered mirror.

If night falls, then the starry sky here is like a broken starry sky.

Shattered Star Sea, hence the name.

At this time, Li Mo followed the dragon drink.

In the [Cliff Rift Valley] of the Shattered Star Sea, I walked for several hours.

Finally, we arrived at a cliff shelf.

This cliff rift valley.

It is said to be an extraterrestrial meteorite, and when it hits the earth, the earth collapses and forms a strange terrain.

Even, the zerg nest was brought by extraterritorial meteorites.

As for whether the Zerg deliberately sent the Zerg egg meteorite, this is not the information that Li Mo can currently touch.

At this time, this huge rift valley in front of Li Mo’s eyes.

The width is not to say five or six kilometers, and the depth is even more these seven or eight kilometers.

Below Li Mo, sparse clouds could be seen slowly flowing through the canyon.

In the clouds, there are flying zergs.

And at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, there is even more of a march for the Zerg.

Densely packed Zerg surged below.

“These zergs are not very high-level.”

“Two or three bounces can kill you.”

“When the time comes, make a bunk at the bottom of the canyon, lie down, and when you wake up, you can increase your health by hundreds of millions or even billions.”

“It’s that there are too many corpses of these zergs, and it is easy to suppress me.”

Li Mo’s mind began to think about some of the ways to brush blood.

Just as Li Mo was observing the massive Zerg below.


Around Li Mo, a bowl-shaped barrier of more than twenty meters fell upside down on the ground.

Buckle Li Mo and Long Drink in it.

“For the next period, this is the abode where I will teach you to practice.”

“This is a hidden defense barrier to avoid those airship air thieves and patrolling Zerg.”

“Airship air thief?”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

In the city-state, Li Mo often heard that there were airship air thieves in the outer territories, and they were all quite powerful, and there were even thousand-level powerhouse-level air thieves.

I didn’t expect that there would be a sea of broken stars here.

Of course, in the human world, the major forces are stalemated and compete, in a state of camp sequence.

There is no living space for those airship air thieves.

But in the chaotic world area outside, airship air theft is very rampant.

Basically, in the outside world, as long as there is no god sequence camp, it is relatively chaotic.

“Okay, we’ll talk about these things later!”

Saying that, the dragon drank next to the cliff and sat directly on the ground.

“Let’s discuss it first, your next major attribute direction.”

After these few days of following the deep learning of the career framework of Long Drink.

Li Mo also gradually understood the meaning of the so-called “major attribute”.

I want to strengthen my career framework in depth.

Then professionals need a “major attribute”.

Take the major attribute as the starting point, and then constantly strengthen your attribute framework.

Finally, let your attribute framework enter a strong enough depth.

“Blood bars!”

Li Mo had already planned for his major attributes.

For the Meat Shield Knight.

Defense or physique are undoubtedly the best options.

But Li Mo’s blood bar, that is infinitely improved.

The health bar is also very effective on the meat shield knight, not much weaker than defense and physique.

Plus Li Mo’s health bar has no upper limit increase.

That defense and physique, there is simply no comparison.

Blood bars!

It is undoubtedly Li Mo’s major attribute, the most perfect answer!


For Li Mo’s choice, Long Drink was not surprised.

After all, Long Drink also guessed the characteristics that Li Mo’s blood bar could grow.

The blood bar is indeed very suitable for Li Mo.

“The path of blood bar cultivation has two major directions: offensive and defensive.”

“The direction of defense, naturally, is that the depth of the health bar is deeper, so that the enemy’s attack cannot touch your deep health bar at all.”

“Ordinary attacks don’t hurt.”

“Even on the health bar attribute, build a defensive feature.”

“For example, each layer of blood bars has its own individual fixed damage.”

“Layer by layer, the blood bar is superimposed, that fixed damage reduction, it is very considerable.”

“You have an innate advantage in these areas.”

“You’ll understand it by groping it yourself.”

“And what I’m going to focus on is – attack!”

“Blood bars are life, defense, and can also be used as an offensive tool.”

“Bloody wounds! It is a path that the Meat Shield Knight class can cultivate. ”

“Every attack can be accompanied by a certain amount of health bar damage.”

“At the same time, the health bar can develop blood-sucking characteristics and curb the enemy’s blood-sucking characteristics.”

“Even after letting the enemy suck blood, passively take damage and so on.”

“The development side is complicated.”

“And you, obviously, don’t need such complicated changes.”

“Your blood bar is very thick, so the effect is simple and rough.”

“That’s pure blood.”

“Attack, deal damage with a certain amount of health.”

“This is the point of your cultivation selection blood bar cultivation.”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.


Hit the damage of your own health bar.

This is undoubtedly a very amazing effect.

After all.

The length of Li Mo’s blood bar is measured in hundreds of millions.

Cut out a little casually, and it is all the health of the enemy.

“That… How do I hit the attached health bar damage? ”

Li Mo asked.


Long Yu said concisely.

“Feel your health bar, keep attacking, mobilize your attribute framework, and keep groping.”

“If you can’t do it once, it’s a hundred times.”

“A hundred times if it doesn’t work, it’s 10,000 times.”

“10,000 times, if it doesn’t work, it’s a million times.”

“Keep practicing hard until you can hit the attached health bar damage.”

“It’s always hard to get started.”

“However, once you start the head, it is easier to enhance the health bar damage of the subsequent boost.”

“And this is also the biggest gap between deep career framework professionals and ordinary professionals.”

“Their attacks are limited to their own skill characteristics.”

“Deep professionals can deeply develop their own attribute characteristics.”

“When you can hit the bleeding effect, then your attack characteristics will also be transformed.”

“Every blow will contain your health bar power.”

“Your bloody wound, which is as thick as a mountain, will crush the enemy’s body in an instant, and the physical body will explode.”

“That is, the damage of this blow of yours does not reach the level of emptying his health bar.”

“It can also be killed with one hit.”

“The damage is not high, but it is extremely destructive!”

“That’s the nature of deep professionals.”

I have to say that the cake that Long Drink painted for Li Mo made Li Mo’s heart move.

“Did those zerg creatures down there see it?”

Dragon Drink pointed to the Zerg below.


“Go down, just practice with them.”

“Anyway, there are too many of them to count.”


Li Mo got up immediately.

[Invincible Overlord] starts instantly.

Li Mo directly passed through the energy barrier, and then jumped down.

Long Yu, who was just about to get up, was startled.

“This is a height of seven or eight kilometers, this kid jumped directly?”

“Not afraid of falling to death?”

“It’s really an iron-headed baby.”


Long Yu’s eyes condensed slightly.

“This kid seems to have passed directly through my barrier just now.”

“Does his overlord have the ability to cross energy barriers?”

“And the class is still very high.”

“You know, my barrier is blessed with a few characteristics of a thousand-level powerhouse.”

In an instant, Long Yu thought of the few heavy treasure places in the depths of this Star Sea.

Those places are blocked by powerful energy barriers.

Whether it is the Terrans, or the strong people of other races, they have tried in the past.

But no one succeeded.

If Li Mo’s hegemonic body characteristics, if he can cross those heavy treasure barriers!

“Once successful, for us humans, the effect is no less than creating a mythical copy.”

The dragon drink, whose eyes were slightly condensed, already had the idea of trying.

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