With the death of the final boss of Top of Montenegro 14 depths.

Li Mo stretched out.

Looking at the huge boss creature “Black Mountain Stone God” in front of him, he shook his head.

“There is no difficulty at all, and you can’t even beat my surface health bar.”

“The 14 difficulty has been overcome, then the next is the 15 difficulty.”

“Mythical quest difficulty for creating human history!”

After going out to rest for a while, Li Mo officially began the attack of depth 15.

Night has fallen.

And around the Montenegrin copy, the lights are brilliant.

From depth 11 to depth 14, it is stable land reclamation.

These 15 difficulties, not big problems, everyone knows that Li Mo is about to create human history.

Ushering in the era of mythological copies of humanity.

Everyone in the White God Guild stayed here, waiting for Li Mo to make history.

Every time Li Mo pushed a boss level, he made the people outside cheer.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting, waiting for the dawn of that new era of humanity.

Right now.

A figure crosses the starry sky of the night curtain.

Quietly fell near the city lord Hong Lie and the others.

“Dragon senior!”

The high-level leaders of the White God Union and the high-level of the Holy Radiance City-State hurriedly saluted.

The person who came was a middle-aged man, with short black hair and a refined temperament.

Wearing ordinary gray leather armor, it looks ordinary, but every piece of equipment has an epic atmosphere.

And the weapon on his waist has a mythical charm.

Mythical gear!

That is only a thousand-level powerhouse qualified to equip.

Ordinary people carry mythical equipment, that is, children in the market holding gold.

The thousand-level powerhouse “Dragon Drink” looked around, and finally froze on the Black Mountain copy.

A pair of eyes as deep as the starry sky, as if directly cast a copy, saw Li Mo.

After examining for a moment, Long Yu withdrew his gaze.

“Listen to you, that super genius professional named Li Mo has already cleared the land to depth 13, and he is ready to impact depth 15 tonight, so I will come over.”

“Unexpectedly, this kid has already rushed to the fourth boss of depth 15.”

“I didn’t expect that your Holy Radiance City-State would have such a super demon genius profession.”

“You said he is a six-star professional, but obviously this is not a characteristic of a six-star professional.”

“Could it be a hidden super 10-star super professional?”

“It looks like it should be at the moment.”

Hong Lie smiled and nodded.

“Very good!”

Long Yu nodded cautiously.

“This Li Mo does have a very high cultivation value.”

“10-star professionals, even in the vast Chaos Star Domain, are extremely rare.”

“Once it’s cultivated in all directions.”

“He is extremely resistant in his own right, and his skill characteristics are also very high.”

“Just build it professionally in terms of output.”

“At that time, there will definitely be the potential of a strong person.”

“But the more such a super-genius professional, the more vulnerable it is.”

“Once Li Mo opens up the land to a depth of 15, it will inevitably become a thorn in the eyes of foreign races, and he wants to get rid of it quickly.”

“I will take this Li Mo to some hidden areas and proceed according to the plan you conceived before.”

“Li Mo relies on his own characteristics, which can completely help us humans to open up enough mythical copies.”

“At that time, we can completely interrupt the delusion of alien races about our human territory.”

“But you know the consequences.”

“The birth of a greater number of mythical-level copies will make more alien races covet our human territory.”

“But that’s also much better than an alien race directly attacking our human world tree.” Guo Mirage responded.


“We humans are bullied by aliens because we are not strong enough.”

“But if we have enough mythical replicas, enough strong people will be born.”

“No matter how many aliens come in, we humans can gradually expel them.”

“Especially after the birth of a super genius professional like Li Mo.”

Every ethnic group needs super strong people as guides.

Although a thousand-level powerhouse was also born before.

But they are not strong enough, let alone deterrent.

And a super fierce professional like Li Mo was born.

Once it grows up, it can indeed become a terrifying existence that deters many alien races.

Then Li Mo’s goal is very clear.

Level up, improve your equipment, and enhance your class characteristics.

Let your characteristics as a super tank be perfectly played.

And at this time.

Inside the top of Montenegro.

Li Mo has come to the final level boss of Deep 15.

Just like before.

Hegemony, bracing the shield, taunting pulling.

Boss output, surrounding mobs output.

Li Mo, on the other hand, is absorbing damage while constantly rebounding more than 20 million high damage against the boss.

The whole process, stable and outrageous.

Finally carried it for a few minutes.

The boss’s health bar has finally been emptied.


The thousand-level powerhouse Dragon Drink outside, and the eighthundred-level powerhouse Hong Lie, both of them clearly felt it.

The vein of the copy has changed.

The [Epic] quest is gone.

In its place was a [mythical] copy.

In the era of human beings changing jobs.

Finally, it is the era of [mythical] copies that belong to mankind.

It was late at night.

Even many have slept down.

Right now.

A more vast and heavy announcement of all mankind than the previous epic copy of the All Mankind announcement.

In the territory of all mankind, the proclamation of the will of the world roared.

[All Human Territory Announcement! ] 】

[White God Guild Team, conquer the top of Montenegro level 200 core copy, top of Montenegro epic level copy, officially promoted to the top of Montenegro mythical level copy! ] 】

[White God Guild Team, conquer the top of Montenegro level 200 core copy, top of Montenegro epic level copy, officially promoted to the top of Montenegro mythical level copy! ] 】

[White God Guild Team, conquer the top of Montenegro level 200 core copy, top of Montenegro epic level copy, officially promoted to the top of Montenegro mythical level copy! ] 】


If we say that the newly born “epic” copy is a bombshell in the human world.

Words that are eye-catching enough, but do not fundamentally change humans.


This is the moment.

The birth of a mythical copy.

It is a completely huge earthquake in the human world.

This is a huge subversive shock to the human territory.

Mythical quests!

It is such a subversive qualitative copy.

When all human frontiers, human professionals, alien professionals.

After seeing that humans had actually cleared mythical-level copies.

Many people’s hearts were like thunder, and their minds were blank for a while.

Didn’t you just create an epic quest?

Immediately after creating a mythical copy?

That’s too fast!

The birth of mythical copies, there is too much information hidden behind this.

Super strong even 9-star super professions, even 10-star super professions, are essential.

At the same time, the team must also have many top professionals.

Once a team of home buyers, they are able to open up a mythical copy.


As the team progresses in rank.

Epic quests will be expanded on a large scale.

This team alone will have a huge impact on humanity.

This directly raises the upper limit of human beings dramatically.

The output of high-quality resources has greatly improved the framework of professionals in the human world.

The level of humans will increase faster.

And the output of more advanced equipment.

It will make human professionals stronger.

It can be said that the birth of mythical copies is completely telling all mankind.

Human professionals in the human territory, the era of qualitative change is coming!

The night was already deep.

But the human territory has completely boiled.

A night that ushered in a new era in human history.

Destined to be uncalm!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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