Level 800 World Tree Quest Outside!

City of Dark Light.

On the open-air balcony.

The Dark Light Race thousand-level powerhouse “Anuk” stared slightly at the information of this mythical copy in front of him with his eyes.

Deep in his eyes, monstrous anger surged with anger.

They covet humanity, a new race that has recently entered the era of national job change.

Human territory is large, so the world’s roots are very strong.

And the world roots!

It is the key resource for the breakthrough of the thousand-level powerhouse.

Without enough “world roots”, a thousand-level powerhouse cannot break through and upgrade the level.

And once they master the world tree of the human world, they can naturally extract the roots of the human world continuously.

At that time, not only can a large number of thousand-level powerhouses be born.

These veteran thousand-level powerhouses can improve a lot of levels.

As for human beings, they are dead or alive.

They don’t care at all.


Humans, this weak race.

Not only did he resist them, but he even turned to the gods.

This allowed them to conquer the World Tree replica, which increased the difficulty a lot.

In the face of this kind of stubborn resistance, the race does not know whether it is dead or alive.

If it weren’t for the will of the gods.

He has long led the race to kill all the human beings, and then marched into the human world in large numbers, and then drained the human world, so that the human world was completely reduced to a ruined place.

At that time, even level 100 professionals will be difficult to be born.

Reduced to a low-level world.

Originally, this time, the plan to conquer the human level 800 world tree was already eyebrows.


Never expected.

On top of such a critical node.

That damn “White God” guild actually conquered the epic copy, and even created a human mythical copy just now.

You must know that he had never heard of this White God Guild before.

That’s all there is to it.

Make a copy of the World Tree and increase the difficulty a little.

At most, let humans struggle a little more for a while.


The creation of mythical copies is different.

What’s more, this is the first mythical copy of mankind’s groundbreaking.

This will make the 800-level world tree copy change a lot.

This completely disrupted their plan to conquer.

Many previous efforts have been in vain.

They need to reinvest massive resources and then develop more difficult plans to conquer.

However, their race is in the midst of a war in Chaos City.

Not only can the race not draw out more resources for them, but they urgently need to conquer the copy of the Human World Tree as soon as possible, so as to extract the roots of the World Tree and supply it to the battlefield.

Now, the sudden appearance of this mythical copy.

As if covered with snow, a snowball was added again.

Maybe they won’t be able to carry it at any point.

Even if you can bear it, the time price paid is very, very heavy.

Clenched hands, sharp nails even embedded in the flesh.

Now Anuk even wanted to directly find the White God Guild and kill all their personnel.

Take a deep breath.

Anuk tried to calm himself as much as possible.

“Did you figure out the situation of that White God Guild?”

As Anouk spoke.

On the side, a gray shadow came out of the darkness.

“The information that has been learned so far is that the White God Guild is the main guild of the Holy Radiance City-State.”

“And the Holy Radiance City-State is very vigilant and careful about their movements.”

“At present, the Holy Radiance City-State has closed the teleportation channel, and even the city-state channel vein has been completely closed.”

“In a state of disconnection from the outside world.”

“Based on the information I gathered.”

“Just before, the White God Guild took out a small guild of the Blue Scale Clan.”

“There is no special place here, after all, during this time, several other races and humans have already clashed.”

“The battle between humanity and other races has already begun.”

“It’s worth mentioning.”

“Just some time ago, the trainees of the Holy Radiance City-State were in the process of changing jobs and awakening.”

“The Holy Hui City-State gave birth to a six-star professional named Li Mo.”

“This Li Mo is very special, a six-star Chaos Knight, and also has high damage reduction and powerful rebound damage.”

“A member of the Bloody Goddess, who is more than four hundred levels, wants to sneak up on this professional named Li Mo, and this Li Mo was only level 99 at that time.”

“As a result, those more than four hundred level professionals were killed alive on the spot by the rebound of Li Mo, the Chaos Knight.”

“It is said that the guild of the Blue Scale Clan was destroyed under the leadership of this Li Mo.”

“Then the White God Guild carried out a series of actions, including integrating guilds, gathering forces, uniting other guilds, and so on.”

“Then, there is the development of today’s epic copy, and just now – the development of mythical copy!”

The black shadow finished elaborating.

Anuk’s furrowed brows gradually eased.

“Not to mention a six-star Chaos Knight, even a 9-star Chaos Knight cannot have damage reduction and counter-damage.”

“Not to mention that at level 0 to 99, you can kill more than four hundred level professionals.”


The gray shadow nodded.

“Here is a six-star Chaos Knight named Li Mo, very special.”

“Most likely a potential superprofessional.”

“It may even be a super professional with more than 10 stars.”

“According to some of my informants, this Li Mo is most likely the core creator of this mythical copy.”

“Very good!” Anuk nodded.

“Continue to investigate the news, and at the same time, issue an announcement of the pursuit and killing of Li Mo.”

“Whether it is a human or an alien race, as long as you kill Li Mo, you will be rewarded with 10 billion human federal coins equivalent to Chaos coins, as well as a mythical equipment!”

10 billion federal dollars, the value is high, enough for a powerful set of epic equipment, or even buy good mythical equipment.

Plus 100 million mythical equipment, enough for those powerhouses of level eight or nine hundred or even a thousand to move.


Immediately, the black shadow melted into the darkness and left.


Compared to the bad mood of the alien race.

At this time, the human world is a carnival.

The birth of mythical copies represents that mankind has completely entered the mythical era.

Previously, only world bosses in the human world could drop mythical equipment.

But the world-class boss in the wilderness, that is not the turn of humans.

And now.

Humans gave birth to mythical copies.

Normal brush copies may drop legendary equipment, and going to core copies will drop epic and even mythical equipment.

The human world also has a source of mythical equipment.

This is a complete qualitative change for mankind.

If the team of the White God Guild opened up more epic copies.

It will even allow mankind to enter the era of national legendary suits and epic equipment by hand.

Although they are still far away, there is hope.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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