Chapter 28 Shock [Mythical Level] Copy!

With the top of Montenegro deep 10 land reclamation completed.

Li Mo and the others came outside the copy and began to rest.

Guo Mirage, City Lord Hong Lie and others also saw the epic stone god staff.

“This epic equipment, it is really powerful, an absolute qualitative change!”

Guo Mirage couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

“Epic-level equipment will indeed form a qualitative change.”

Hong Lie on the side also nodded.

He has more than eight hundred levels, which means that his equipment is epic level, and the other equipment is also legendary.

Epic-level equipment, even in the super guild of ten thousand races, is not much.

Those great guilds in the human world regard epic equipment as the key equipment of the core of the main battle, and even need to use the world root for guild binding.

What I am afraid of is that someone will kill their main battle core and explode this core equipment.

People can die, and this core epic equipment must not be lost.

In his thoughts, Guo Mirage looked at Zhuge Changyu.

“Chang Yu, you should take this equipment first!”

This equipment is indeed very strong, but before the level is built, it is better to use it for Zhuge Changyu.

“Li Mo, come here.”

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo.

Li Mo came over.

“This is the City Lord of our Holy Radiance City-State, Hong Lie!”

“I’ve seen Lord City Lord.”

Li Mo saluted the city lord Hong Lie.

Hong Lie looked at Li Mo for a moment, and for this young man, Hong Lie also sincerely admired.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such a super professional can be born in the human world, which is the luck of mankind.

“Li Mo, the next step is to impact the mythical level copy.”

“It’s basically up to you to perform alone.”

“With a depth of more than 10, whether it is an ordinary monster or a boss creature, the attributes will be exaggerated and amazing.”

“If you can’t bear it, there is no need to force it.”

“But if you can carry it and open up 15 depths, you don’t have to worry about your safety next.”

“Now humanity needs some changes, and your next 15 depths are the turning point of the human world.”

“Understood!” Li Moshen nodded.

Li Mo’s own high-intensity health is invincible to defend.

Naturally, it can resist the super boss with a depth of 10 or even a depth of 15.

It was already three or four o’clock in the afternoon.

Dusk is approaching.

And Li Mo led the team to officially start the impact of the top of Montenegro, depth 11.

100 people into the book.

99 people hang up.

Li Mo was on top alone.

The invincible overlord activated, and Li Mo carried tons of massive damage and began his own road of being beaten and counter-injured.

As Li Mo continued to go deeper.

Various bosses are constantly refreshed.

Occasionally there are bosses with percentage damage.

However, for Li Mo, is he afraid of percentage damage?

Not afraid at all, the more percentage damage hit Li Mo.

The more exaggerated the damage of Li Mo’s rebound.

On the contrary, the enemy will die faster.

Moreover, percentage damage is not without restraint.

The division of the health bar is the perfect confrontation against percentage damage.

It can even be said that it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Damage is the percentage that passes through the surface health bar first.

Only then will it fall on the health bar behind.

Even if the surface health bar is emptied, the percentage damage will still be calculated according to the surface health bar.

In order to combat percentage damage, the surface health bar only needs to be less thick.

And this is why many boss creatures have multiple health bars.

And the first health bar of the boss is often very small.

Percentage damage has little effect on boss creatures, and for Li Mo, it doesn’t have much effect.

What’s more, Li Mo’s core health bar and shield are completely unafraid of any percentage damage.

Rely on a level six invincible rebound.

Li Mo alone brushes a depth of 11, and the efficiency is also very efficient.

Depth 11.

After an hour and a half, clear the customs.

Immediately followed by depth 12.

Then there’s depth 13.

When Li Mo cleared the depth of 13.

Night has fallen.

As a Chaos Knight of the second turn peak level 299, Li Mo’s strong physical strength naturally goes without saying.

Sleepless, brush for three days and three nights without blinking.

Depth 13 borrows the end, take a short rest.

Li Mo opened the land opening of depth 14.

Depth 11, Depth 12, and Depth 13 are not out of epic equipment.

Legendary equipment, but three pieces.

When I met the right Li Mo, I was directly equipped.

It can increase the defense a little more, and the rebound damage is a little higher.

When cleaning up monsters, it’s a little faster.

When Li Mo entered depth 14.

Zhuge Changyu did not follow into the group this time.

Anyway, to go in is to hang up, and whoever enters is the same.

Zhuge Changyu and Guo Mirage, City Lord Hong Lie and others got together.

“The three depths of Li Mo 11.12.13 all took about an hour and a half.”

“The efficiency is very stable, and, Li Mo also said, it can be carried completely.”

“Depth 14 and depth 15 can be said to be a sure thing.”

“Once the deep 15 reclamation is completed, the first mythical replica in our human history will be created.”

“At that time, Li Mo will definitely face the assassination of foreign races.”

“At the same time, they will be heavily defended around the World Tree copy to prevent us from touching the World Book copy.”

“After all, as far as Li Mo’s performance is concerned, as long as the corresponding abilities are complete.”

“Open the 200-level World Tree copy, there are almost no problems.”

“Aliens will never allow this to happen.”

Guo Mirage looked at Zhuge Changyu, and he was naturally very satisfied with this Zhuge Changyu’s accurate judgment.

After all, only by understanding the general trend can you be qualified to be the leader of a guild.

“There is no doubt that the alien race will do something to Li Mo, but you don’t have to worry.”

Guo Mirage said gently.

“In fact, once we get through this mythical replica, we are not in a hurry to let Li Mo risk opening up the World Tree copy.”

“You know, the copy of the entire world is closely related to the copy of the world tree.”

“Any new reclamation of the replica will increase the difficulty of the World Tree replica.”

“Open up a new epic quest, and enhance the World Tree copy with little effect.”

“But opening up mythical-level copies will increase the difficulty of many World Tree copies.”

“The level 800 World Tree copy itself is amazingly difficult.”

“The slightest change in the outside world will cause a copy of the level 800 world tree to produce a good enhancement effect.”

“And the characteristics of the mythical level copy will increase the difficulty of the 800-level world tree copy a lot.”

“This will disrupt the Dark Light Clan’s plan to conquer the World Tree copy.”

“Even let them spend a lot of resources again and start all over again.”

“The effect of disrupting the Dark Light Clan on the 800-level World Tree copy has also been achieved.”

“At least for a long time, don’t worry about their overthrow of our race’s world tree.”

“If you don’t rush to the level 200 World Tree copy, Li Mo’s whereabouts can be very free.”

“At that time, if the alien race wants to assassinate Li Mo, it will be very difficult.”

When Guo Mirage said this, Zhuge Changyu already understood.

Conquering a mythical quest is equivalent to conquering a small 200-level world tree replica.

The purpose of interrupting the alien race to conquer the human level 800 world tree copy has been achieved.

Naturally, there is no need to follow the enemy on the level 200 World Tree copy.


Zhuge Changyu, quickly let go of his thoughts.

“Li Mo can take on a large copy of the top of the Black Mountain at level 200 alone.”

“Then you can definitely conquer other dungeons alone or small.”

“Once Li Mo does not go to conquer the 200-level World Tree copy, but turns around and conquers other mythical-level copies.”

“It will have the same effect as conquering a level 200 World Tree copy.”

“Aliens can guard level 200 World Tree copies, but it is impossible to guard various legendary dungeons in the human world.”

“Li Mo can completely find hidden special copies all over the world and conquer the mythical level.”

“A level 200 copy of the World Tree is not critical.”

“Li Mo, is the key.”

At this point, Zhuge Changyu suddenly realized.

Looking at the victory in hand, the confident President Guo Mirage and the City Lord of Hong Lie.

Zhuge Changyu already understood that these two had already designed a more hidden special copy area for Li Mo.

“A man interrupts the alien desire to conquer the human world.”

“This Li Mo is also too strong!”

For Li Mo’s powerful strength that touches his whole body, Zhuge Changyu also thoroughly realized the importance of this time that Li Mo is about to create a mythical copy of human history!

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