Early in the morning.

The warm sunlight shone on Li Mo’s cheeks.

Li Mo had already changed into a two-turn gold suit.

In the golden morning light, it shines.

At this time, a large number of professionals of the New White God Guild gathered around the Black Mountain copy, as many as three or four thousand.

There are professionals of all levels.

The city-state of Holy Radiance has seized the Montenegrin copy.

Naturally, many professions come here to brush copies.

Of course!

Today so many professionals gather.

The point is not to brush copies.

It’s the White God Guild, which is going to open up the depth of the Black Mountain copy.

That’s the real big thing!

“Is that guy Li Mo?”

“Of course, now Li Mo is the absolute core of our White God Guild, the absolute main T.”

“It is said that this guy has only turned twice.”

“The second turn is already so powerful!”

“What’s wrong with the second turn, it’s a six-star profession, and the attributes are better than the attributes of many four-hundred-level three-star four-star professionals.”

“This is true, a high-star rank profession, even if the level is not high, the attribute is very strong.”

“I understand everything you said, but this Li Mo is said to have directly killed the leader of more than 800 levels of the Blue Crystal Guild, and it was also confirmed by the guild, which is simply outrageous, he is still a meat shield.”

“It is because it is outrageous, so the union will regard him as the absolute main T, the absolute core training, not outrageous can have such treatment?”

“You have a point! Completely irrefutable. ”

“Among professionals, there will always be some special existences, and obviously this Li Mo is a very special existence.”

There were many professionals around, and many people were discussing things about Li Mo.

Although the other day.

The announcement that shook the entire Federation Convention did not mention Li Mo’s matter.

However, within the New White God Guild, Li Mo’s affairs had long been spread all over the place.

Nowadays, Li Mo is well-known, and everyone in the White God Guild is well-known.

With the convergence of the three major guilds.

Many small guilds have also taken the initiative to apply to join the New White God Guild one after another.

Before, it is estimated that Guo Mirage had also discussed with the Holy Radiance City Lord.

All guild members of the Holy Radiance City-State can enter the New White God Guild.

However, ordinary professionals can only enter the branches of the White God Guild.

Only those who are strong and talented can enter the main guild.

The way the main guild and the chapter are also the framework of many large guilds.

The club absorbs personnel, as long as the talent and potential are enough, they can enter the main association and become the main combat personnel.

With such a continuous snowball, the guild can continue to grow.

And guilds want to attract more talent.

Either there are resources in hand, or there are top powerhouses within the union.

In the White God Guild, there are potential professionals like Li Mo, as long as they do not fall, they will inevitably become top professionals in the future.

And with the gradual growth of Li Mo, he mastered the development of copies of the guild.

The resources of the guild will also gradually increase.

No doubt.

The White God Guild became the capital of the Federation and powerful guilds.

Feeling the crowds of people around me, I looked at myself from time to time.

Li Mo is quietly thinking about these days, his own test experiments on the [Invincible Overlord Body].

[Invincible Overlord].

Far more powerful than you think.

Especially with invincible taunts, invincible defense.

Li Mo was like a rock in a monstrous wave, not moving.

Before that, Li Mo would also be controlled by the boss trick.

Even encountering those huge bosses will defeat Li Mo.

But now, with the invincible hegemony, it is completely different.

As soon as the invincible hegemonic body opened, Li Mo was a majestic mountain.

Even Li Mo was able to reverse the boss.

The “immune blocking” of the invincible overlord has certain “unstoppable” characteristics.

As long as the opponent’s size is not too amazing, Li Mo can fight off the boss with hard steel.

You know, this kind of repulsion, for the boss, that has a breaking effect.

When you brush the copy, it has a very good effect.

“Li Mo!”

Just as Li Mo was thinking about the many details of the invincible overlord body and the use of skills.

Guo Mirage’s voice sounded on the side.

Li Mo looked over.

Beside Guo Mirage was a young man wearing a dark pastoral robe, with a thin figure and a dark aura.

“This is Zhuge Changyu.” Guo Mirage introduced.

“A dark priest of the level of 299, a five-star professional.”

“At the same time! He is also one of the think tank members of our guild and is the overall commander of the quest depth this time. ”

“At the same time, he is also one of your main squad members in the future.”

“Five-star dark priest?”

Li Mo looked at the young man.

“It seems that there haven’t been any 5-star professionals in our Holy Radiance City-State over the years!”

The thin young man smiled lightly and said to introduce himself.

“I’m not a native of the Shenghui City-State, three years ago, the Heijiang City-State in the south was attracted to the world boss by an alien race, which led to the collapse, you should know!”

“Hmm! Know. Li Mo nodded.

“Those alien races are really bad things for us humans.”

The crimes committed by alien races in the human world are innumerable.

Driving alien races out of the human territory is also what many people with lofty ideals in the human world have always wanted to do.

“I came to the Holy Hui City-State after the fall of the Heijiang City-State and joined the White God Guild.”

Zhuge Changyu said.

“After joining the White God Guild, I was mainly engaged in in-depth research on level 200 Black Mountain copies.”

“So the level has always remained at level 299.”

“Now, our White God Gong will appear a peerless demon professional like you, who is rare to see in ten thousand years.”

“I think we will soon be able to get through the 10 depths of the Montenegrin copy.”

“Even 15 depths of the highest depth level are possible.”

Zhuge Changyu said in a very smooth tone.

“Are you so confident?”

Li Mo was slightly surprised.

Zhuge Changyu smiled faintly and elaborated unhurriedly.

“First of all, according to the intelligence you gave to the guild, you have a 95% damage reduction.”

“According to our rules for human research professional data, 75% is the limit that can be reached at the moment.”

“And you, on the other hand, have broken through this limit.”

“Although you didn’t take the damage reduction test, I don’t know if you can continue to increase the damage reduction effect.”

“However, for now, a damage reduction of up to 95% is at least 10 times higher than the 75% damage reduction of extreme stacking defense.”

“Secondly, your taunting skills are terrifying, according to the intelligence I got.”

“The 800-level Blue Crystal Guild Leader was almost killed by your rebound damage under your wave of taunts.”

“There is hardly any chance of self-help.”

“You must know that professionals above level five hundred have deep cultivation of the professional framework, and they will not be easily controlled.”

“And the president of the Blue Crystal Guild is a powerhouse of more than 800 levels, and he is still a legal system.”

“But still taunted by you, and then shot alive.”

“Your class characteristics far exceed the upper limit that a level 200 Black Mountain quest boss can compete with.”

“Even if that’s the case, it may not be able to carry it!”

Li Mo smiled lightly.

“If that’s the case, it’s really like what you say, and it may not be able to carry it.”

Zhuge Changyu smiled.

“The important thing is…”

“Your blood bar is far thicker than the average six-star tank.”

“And it’s amazingly thick!”

“I don’t know how much.”

“But you’re more like a boss than a boss!”

Zhuge Changyu’s last words were quite meaningful.

It made Li Mo’s heart stunned slightly.

Immediately, Li Mo carefully examined the five-star dark priest.

“This guy has something!”

“My core blood bar has long been hidden by the characteristics of the Invincible Chaos Knight.”

“No one, even the gods, should be able to see it.”

“The surface blood bar is also in a convergent state.”

“But this Zhuge Changyu can still find some of my surface blood bar with an amazing thickness.”

Li Mo nodded at that Zhuge Changyu.

“You do have something.”

“My core squad, count you in.”

Hearing Li Mo say this, Guo Mirage was also relieved.

He brought Zhuge Changyu over because he wanted Zhuge Changyu to become Li Mo’s core teammate.

But as the guild’s only designated big daddy.

Whether he can become Li Mo’s teammate or not, it is up to Li Mo himself to decide.

At this time, Li acquiesced to this Zhuge Changyu, which was naturally excellent.

“How are the personnel prepared?”

Li Mo asked.

“The staff is ready to open the book.”

Zhuge Changyu immediately responded.

“In that case, let’s get started!”

Black Mountain Core Copy – Top of Montenegro.

Depth 7, officially opened!

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