
Inside the Chamber.

Li Mo was holding a two-turn promotion pill.

In addition to the second transfer promotion Dan.

After the talk was completed in Li Mo’s hand, Guo Mirage prepared the second-turn core skill [Hegemony] for Li Mo.

As a meat shield.

There must be a hegemony.

Once the hegemonic body is released, it will allow Li Mo to enter an uncontrolled and unrepulsed state.

This is a skill that the workhorse T must have.

In the Uncharted.

Some are huge boss creatures.

These bosses will have a very powerful ability to repel and fly.

And with the hegemonic state, Li Mo is in front, which can stably let the people behind output.

And when fighting with professionals.

With the hegemonic body, Li Mo does not eat control, and can also kill enemies more effectively.

This [Hegemony] skill, which Guo Mirage purchased in the War God Mall with the war merits of the guild, is a powerful hegemonic skill with divinity.

In order to cultivate Li Mo.

Guo Mirage took out all the accumulated wives of the guild.

[War Overlord].

Withstand attacks, accumulate anger points, and enter the hegemonic state after release.

After Li Mo examined this [War Overlord] for a while.

Took the second transfer promotion dan.

With the digestion of elixirs.


Rich white light, blazing bloom.

It almost turns the small secret room into daylight.

And Li Mo’s level is even more furious.

After the Class of 199.

Li Mo killed almost four or five hundred high-level professionals.

Among them, there are many professionals of level 500 and level 600.

There are even high-level professionals at level 700 and level 800.

And the experience given by professionals is very rich.

Especially after level 500, each level requires a huge amount of experience.

Li Mo killed so many high-level professionals.

The accumulated experience is naturally massive.

With a rich upgrade light falling.

Li Mo opened his attribute bar and immediately laughed.

“It’s actually directly the second order full level.”

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 1 turn, 299 levels.

Surface health bar: 580 million 580 million.

Core health bars: 24.5 billion/24.5 billion.

Energy: 37,000/37,000.

Attacks: 25,000.

Defense: 45,000

Power: 20,000

Physique: 37,000

Agile: 10,000

Spirit: 31,000



Invincible Chaos Physique: LV5 level.


[Core vocational skills].

Invincible Defense: LV6.

Invincible Taunt: LV2 level.


“It’s a six-star profession.”

“This property growth is really amazing.”

“Equipped a little better, it is estimated that there can be an attack of forty or fifty thousand.”

“However, the attack has little effect on me at this stage, just my slow flat A.”

“There is no blessing of additional damage, no blessing of special damage, hitting the other party, it is only 10,000 or 20,000 damage, which is similar to nothing.”

“But if the other party is flexible, I can’t touch it.”

Embarked on the path of the human shield.

Before there is a formal “professional practice”.

Li Mo’s own offensive output is not counted on.

You still have to rely on your own meat shield skills.

Take out the [War Overlord] Li Mo to study directly.

“Ding! Learn [War Overlord] and automatically promote to [Invincible Overlord]. ”

[Invincible Overlord]: LV1 level.

Rage value: 0/1000.

After receiving the attack, get 10 anger points, release anger points, and enter the hegemonic state. Consume 1 anger per second.

In the hegemonic state, you will be immune control effect, immune negative effect, immune confinement effect, immune blocking effect.


Examine your own invincible overlord.

Li Mo was amazed.

“If you get beaten once, it’s 10 seconds to dominate the body.”

“Invincible Overlord can accumulate up to 1000 seconds.”

“After the upgrade, it will be 2,000 seconds, 3,000 seconds.”

“This immune control, immune negative, immune confinement, I understand, this immune blocking effect? What do you mean? ”

“Could it be…”

For a while, many thoughts appeared in Li Mo’s mind.

“There are a lot of places, there are barriers.”

“It’s blocking the entry of professionals.”

“Once I turn on the hegemonic body, I can directly pass through these barriers.”

“If that’s the case!”

“Then this invincible hegemon is also too tough.”

“That’s right, if it’s a simple hegemonic body exemption, it’s too much to look down on the invincible meat shield system.”

“With multi-functional, multi-directional hegemonic immunity, this can reflect the invincible hegemonic body’s anti-heavenly points.”

Between thoughts.

Li Mo took out the skill magic stone and developed the skills of the invincible overlord with a light car.

It wasn’t until late at night that Li Mo completed the in-depth development of the invincible hegemonic body.

[Invincible Overlord]: LV1 level.

Rage value: 0/1000.

After receiving the attack, get 10 anger points, release anger points, and enter the hegemonic state. Consume 1 anger per second.

In the hegemonic state, you will be immune control effect, immune negative effect, immune confinement effect, immune blocking effect.

Special effect 1: The anger value will automatically increase at the rate of 10 seconds/point anger value.

Special effect 2: When controlled, it automatically enters the invincible overlord.

Special effect 3: After the anger value accumulates, it will not be decayed if it is not released.

These three special effects can allow Li Mo to passively accumulate anger points, eat control to automatically enter the hegemonic body, and reserve anger points for backup at all times.

Three special effects combined.

Li Mo can be called a walking overlord body.

Completely ignore any control effect.

“With this invincible hegemonic body, after a few days of preparation, enter the Black Mountain copy to open up the deep land.”

“It’s the boss creatures to worry about.”

Those deep quests, the hardest part to gnaw, are those bosses.

And Li Mo, who has taunts, invincible defense, and invincible hegemony.

It can be called a walking boss killer.

“In the human world, there is no mythical copy yet.”

“Just the success of the epic copy will cause all mankind to be announced, causing a lot of turmoil.”

“Once the [Mythical Level] copy is successfully cleared.”

“I don’t know what kind of monstrous waves will be set off in the human world.”

Immediately, Li Mo converged his mind.

The game between human city-states is something that the city lord and the head of the guild need to consider.

And Li Mo, you just need to make yourself stronger.

“Go to the level 200 guild copy and give it a try.”

“Before, those replica bosses, knock fly, stun, shock, and other effects take turns.”

“There was even an undead swordsman boss I met once, which made me fly in the sky for more than ten seconds, and I was stunned and never came down.”

“Although it doesn’t hurt, it’s insulting.”

“It’s good that I’m also a knight, and I really don’t give me any face.”

“Now that there is an invincible hegemony, then I am not afraid of their various control knockout effects.”

“You can just talk to them – stand hard!”

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