Black Mountain Core Quest, Top of Montenegro!

Level 200 quest area.

It is a copy of the main reclamation of the Holy Radiance City-State and the previous Blue Crystal Guild.

After all, the difficulty of 200 and quests is much lower than the difficulty of 400 and quests.

But even so.

Not long ago, the Blue Crystal Guild officially opened up Depth 6.

The resource acquisition efficiency of Depth 6 is 36, which is more than 40% higher than that of Depth 5 25 resource acquisition efficiency.

This allowed the Lanjing Guild, tearing its face, ready to devour the copy resources alone.

It’s a pity that Li Mo’s birth directly destroyed their guild.

Top of Montenegro copy.

It is a large copy for 100 people.

There are nine levels in total.

Each level has a powerful guard boss.

The final level is [Black Mountain Stone God].

A skill down, large area control, with high damage, can easily seconds people.

If the quest is reclaimed, the casualties are often very heavy.

It will even be directly destroyed.

And this is also one of the problems of deep land reclamation of replicas.

The destruction of a reclamation copy will directly break the elite professionals of a guild.

Therefore, for the deep land reclamation, the major guilds have always been cautious.

This time, the second turn professional of the New White God Guild who opened up the land.

All levels are 299.

He is a core member of the previous three guilds.

The weakest equipment is also gold.

Dark gold equipment basically has one or two pieces of manpower.

In the second turn, being able to get dark gold equipment is already very good.

You know, the price of the two-turn dark gold is also between 10 million federal dollars and 20 million federal dollars.

With entering the copy.

A huge black mountain that stretched out to the sky was imprinted into Li Mo’s eyes.

The lead cloud hangs low, and the thunder shines.

Under the command of Zhuge Changyu, the various squads were soon listed.

“Li Mo, you are weird!”

Zhuge Changyu said.


Li Mo, who nodded, walked directly forward.

At the top of Montenegro, there are a total of nine platforms, that is, nine levels.

Each level has 9 waves of monsters.

Wave after wave of ferocity.

As Li Mo entered the hatred range of the level 200 black stone monster.

The black stone monster immediately threw the stone angrily towards Li Mo.

Li Mo directly supported the shield.


The stone fell on Li Mo.

-1 damage.

The monster’s head jumped out -120,000 damage.

The main forces of the many pioneer elites who watched this scene were in a trance in front of their eyes.

“Groove! Does this rebound hurt? ”

“Directly 120,000?”

“Am I blinded?”

“You don’t dazzle, it’s 120,000 damage.”

“If you see it, the monster is only -1 damage, which is also too resistant!”

“Gee… It is worthy of being a horror monster that has killed level 800, which is indeed a bit top! ”

“This is not a bit of a top, this is directly to the lungs!”

Looking at Li Mo’s shield anti-damage -1, counter-injury 120,000.

Among the many professionals, the guy who did not know Li Mo’s situation directly exploded.


“Stop arguing.”

“Follow Li Mo and go all out.”

In the Open Lands Channel, Zhuge Changyu quickly commanded.

As Li Mo supported the shield, more and more monsters were attracted to it.

The crowd behind began to top.

A lot of output poured over.

The monsters began to die in large numbers.

Ordinary monsters, elite monsters, are not a problem.

The boss level is the hardest to gnaw.

The first level, with wave after wave of monsters brushed out.

Li Mo stood still majestically.

No matter what kind of damage, it is all -1 damage on the body.

The many guild members who watched this all looked excited.

There is such a workhorse T, top front.

No matter how strong the boss is, they will easily be killed by them.

Soon came the boss of the first level.

This is a 220-level “mountain stone turtle”.

It is seven or eight meters tall, with a body diameter of more than 20 meters, and its whole body is like obsidian.

There is damage reduction, and the defense is high, and the health bar is super thick.

And, with large-scale damage crafting capabilities.

When the mountain stone turtle appeared.

Zhuge Changyu immediately shouted.

“Li Mo, be careful, the Silver Mountain Range Stone Tortoise with a depth of seven has 140 million blood.”

“The attack power is about 90,000, and his soil damage is very amazing.”

With Zhuge Changyu’s voice.

Li Mo was slightly surprised.

“Only 14,000 blood? So little? The attack power is also not high. ”

“I can easily kill him alone.”

Li Mo immediately mocked an invincible taunt.

The stone turtle, with a low roar in his mouth, completely locked the hatred value on Li Mo.

Stone magic unleashed.

A huge meteorite with a diameter of more than three meters smashed towards Li Mo.

If it had been in the past, Li Mo would have been smashed by this meteorite magic.

But now, Li Mo is in an invincible hegemonic state.


The huge meteorite smashed on Li Mo’s shield, and Li Mo did not move.

And then.

-1 damage floats out.

And the stone turtle boss himself directly lost 5.4 million blood.

The scalps of everyone watching this scene were numb.

Is this the main T of the guild?

The mob’s damage to you-1 is just that.

This is a boss.

It’s actually -1 point of blood.

This BOSS really has no face at all!

Moreover, your rebound damage is as high as 5.4 million, which is more raw than any output!

Although his heart was shocked, the attack in the hands of everyone did not stop at all.

Skills keep being lost.

With Li Mo pulling the boss, everyone is completely standing on the pile output.

Compared to Li Mo’s injury.

The damage of the crowd is slightly tarnished.






Dozens or hundreds of damage keep floating out, and occasionally there is a thousand.

Face this boss creature with damage reduction and high-strength defense.

The injuries of everyone are very scraping.

It is also with special damage and skill damage that can be effective.

Ordinary attacks are basically in a state of not breaking defenses.

In the face of boss creatures, they basically rely on slowly fighting, flying kites, and meat tans taking turns on top to be able to kill.

But now with Li Mo, it’s completely different.

With Li Mo here, he can safely and boldly output.

Less than two minutes.

This boss was easily killed by everyone.

And on the damage settlement panel.

Li Mo’s boss damage of up to 80 million ranks first.

Everyone was speechless.

But the understanding of Li Mo, the absolute daddy of the guild, the absolute master T, is becoming clearer and clearer.

Your terrifying output, I’m afraid that a person can brush this copy!

And in fact, in Li Mo’s opinion, this is the case.

The other 99 people were just a group of people who helped them open the group.

And himself, a person is really able to brush this Montenegrin deep copy.

Examining Li Mo’s horrific injury.

Zhuge Changyu also quickly made a summary.

“The rebound damage is very amazing, and this rebound damage is a special damage, otherwise it would not be possible to rebound such a high damage.”

“This Li Mo is really a monster!”

With this in mind, Zhuge Changyu confirmed more and more that today they can definitely go up to depth 10, even, depth 15.

If you go up to depth 15, you want to create a copy of human history.

In the next levels.

Li Mo was like a giant mountain, so stable that it made people’s hearts tremble.

Always stop in front of the boss, so that the boss can’t touch everyone.

Li Mo’s own terrifying rebound damage, plus the output of everyone.

Level after level.

Even if it is the “Black Mountain Stone God” replica boss “Black Mountain Stone God” with depth 7 of “Top of Montenegro”.

That huge war hammer, unleashing the ultimate skill, hit Li Mo, and it only caused more than 50,000 damage.

And the ordinary attack of the Black Mountain Stone God, falling on Li Mo’s body, is still -1 damage.

Not a threat at all.

Under Li Mo’s lead, the White God Guild, as well as the Blue Crystal Guild, were completely unable to gnaw down the hard bones of the Black Mountain Peak Depth 7.

So simple, unpretentious, and boring to push flat.

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