Near noon.

Li Mo arrived at the [White God Guild] with many strong people of the White God Guild.

The White God Guild is located on the north side of the Holy Radiance Federation.

Has its own station.

Responsibilities mainly include protecting the city-state, patrolling the territory, and protecting the city wall.

Of course, as a city-state guild, the main responsibility begins, the reclamation of “replicas” and “secret realms”.

And these two points are particularly important.

It can even be said that the quest and the secret realm are the key to the strengthening of the Holy Radiance City-State.

In fact, secret realms and quests are also the key to strengthening the power of many local worlds.

First of all, the in-depth development of the quest may have given the guild more sources of experience.

The more deeply developed the copy, the more experience will flow into the guild.

In this way, newly born professionals can be promoted to the second or even third turn faster.

Instead of going through slow upgrades.

At the same time, quest reclamation can unlock more advanced resources.

When more advanced equipment, materials, and props are unlocked.

Even if you play low-level quests, you will have a chance to get high-level equipment, material props, etc.

In this way, the value of the copy to which the guild belongs will be greatly increased.

When the time comes.

Just issuing copies to qualify for entry is a huge income.

And the secret realm!

That’s even more important.

Compared to replicas, this kind of resource can be brushed repeatedly.

The secret realm is a one-time clearance.

But the difficulty is an order of magnitude higher than the copy.

Secret Realm, once completely cleared.

The guild that clears the copy will take ownership of the secret realm.

It is equivalent to the guild itself mastering a secret small world.

In secret territory, there are often a lot of resources.

Then all the resources in this will belong to the guild that cleared the level.

If nothing important.

Guilds will do their best to open up higher-level quests and higher-level secret realms.

And these two points are also what Li Mo and these low-level professionals need to do the most.


White God Guild Station.

Led by Guo Mirage, Li Mo inspected his residence.

It is an independent two-story small building with a cultivation secret room.

The house has a small lighthouse of the White God Guild.

Many guild resources can be exchanged directly from the guild’s small lighthouse.

You can also access the guild’s exclusive quest directly from within the small lighthouse.

The copy of the “Demon Bee” that Li Mo asked about earlier can be accessed directly from the guild’s small lighthouse.

Sit down in the living room.

Guo Mirage said slowly.

“Li Mo, now, you have entered our White God Guild and become an official professional.”

“I should tell you all the information you didn’t know before.”

Guo Mirage’s tone was very solemn.

Clearly, what was said was no small matter.

“Chairman Guo, you say, I listen.” Li Mo nodded and listened as he sat down.

“The current situation of our human race is not good.”

“More precisely, it’s terrible.”

The three words “very bad”, Guo Mirage bit very hard.

“The first situation is that the situation of alien races entering our human world is very serious!”

“Basically, we humans are in addition to the safe zones of the major city-states, as well as the replica areas.”

“The vast territory of human beings, we humans do not have much ability to deal with!”

With Guo Mirage saying so.

Li Mo’s brows frowned slightly.

Li Mo had heard a little about it in the academy before, and now a high-level powerhouse like Guo Mirage said so.

That was really bad.

The human world.

In addition to the safe zone established by the gods, it belongs to humans.

Other free leveling areas, a large number of quest areas, are not owned by humans at all.

Humans are just participants and nothing more.


“Now our human situation is dangerous.”

“In the near future, our human territory will even become a leveling area for camps!”

Faction’s leveling area?

Listen to this in exertion.

Li Mo’s heart couldn’t help but jump.

Leveling area!

How to practice?

Naturally, it is necessary to brush humans as monsters.

At a time when mankind has just entered the era of universal professionals.

That’s what the aliens did.

“The gods are going to abandon us humans?”

Li Mo asked in a low voice.


Guo Mirage shook his head.

“Instead, our human copy of the World Tree is about to be conquered by alien races!”

Li Mo’s heart listened to this elaboration, and his temples throbbed.

World Tree Copy.

This is the highest level copy of every world.

It is also the most core copy.

Once the World Tree copy is opened.

He has mastered a part of the power of the world, which is equivalent to the demigods of this world.

If an alien race has mastered a copy of the Human World Tree.

The whole of humanity will work for the alien race, and see the face of the alien race.

Even following orders from aliens.

At that time, those aliens gave a part of the power of the World Tree to the gods.

The gods will give ownership of the entire world to that alien race.

In general, native copies of the World Tree are never open to aliens.

Inhumans can attack human copies of the World Tree.

And this is also one of the prices that human beings paid for seeking help from the gods and obtaining help.

Over the years, the protection of the gods has allowed mankind to find a respite in the era of national occupation.

And now!

The results of the price paid have begun to appear.

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo cautiously.

“There are three levels of the World Tree Quest.”

“Level 200, Level 500 and Level 800, respectively, three levels.”

“Among them, the level 800 copy is the most critical.”

“Once the alien race has conquered the level 800 quest.”

“To a certain extent, we can master the power of our human world.”

“At that time, human leveling is all about contributing experience points to foreign races.”

“And we are not without means of countermeasures.”

“That’s the first to conquer the level 200 copy of the World Tree.”

“Once the level 200 World Tree copy is conquered, then the difficulty of the level 500 and level 800 World Tree copies will increase significantly.”

“At that time, we can effectively curb the progress of the alien race in conquering our human level 500 and level 800 copies.”

“At present, conquering the 200-level World Tree copy is the main task of our human race.”

“You have strong counter-damage and damage reduction.”

“It can be used as a master T for a level 200 World Tree replica.”

“I will test your battle data by the way based on your performance.”

“Then apply to the Human Federation to let you enter the Federation World Team.”

“Enter the battle of the World Tree replica.”

“So, next you have to work hard to develop your skills, level up, and hone your combat skills.”

“As the main force of core cultivation, your task is heavy!”


Li Moshen nodded.

As the focus of guild cultivation.

As long as you open your mouth with many resources, the guild will get them for themselves.

After eating so many resources, Li Mo naturally will not become an ordinary meat shield in the middle of the external power.

To become a walking invincible tank!

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