Inside the Chamber!

Li Mo, who was quiet, thought about the conversation with Vice President Guo Mirage.

My own task is indeed heavy.

After all, the Holy Radiance City-State, even the city lord invested a lot of resources in himself.

And I really need to show my value as soon as possible.

And let yourself grow up quickly.

“Whew… Suck it…”

Taking a long breath, Li Mo slowly opened his eyes.

Then Li Mo took out a one-turn promotion pill.

Take it down, along with digestion.

The 0-turn barrier is directly broken.


Rich white light bloomed on Li Mo’s body.

The levels skyrocketed.

Previously, Li Mo rebounded and killed more than four hundred assassins.

The accumulated experience Assassins were all released.

As the white light fell, Li Mo’s level directly soared to level 156.

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 1 turn, 156 levels.

Life: 182 million / 18,200

Energy: 11589/11589

Attack: 6826

Defense: 12,000

Power: 5688

Physique: 10,000

Agility: 2843

Spirit: 8535



Invincible Chaos Physique: LV4.


[Core vocational skills].

Invincible Defense: LV5 level.


After reviewing it, Li Mo entered his core professional skills page.

At this point, the second and new class skills have been unlocked.

With a flip of his hand, Li Mo took out the vice president Guo Mirage and gave himself a “mocking” skill scroll.

This is a powerful mocking skill bred by the god of war, with a certain “divine nature”.

[Fanatic mockery].

Unleash enemies on enemies to force them on you.

As a taunting skill with the characteristics of a god, there is no doubt that it is powerful.

With Li Mo click to learn.

The skill turned into white light and merged into Li Mo’s body.

[Ding, fanatical taunt, automatically promoted to invincible taunt! ] 】

The system’s beep sounded clearly.

No matter how powerful the fanatical taunt is, it is not as powerful as the invincible taunt of the invincible meat shield system promotion.

[Invincible taunt].

Introduction: You can unleash invincible taunts through words, gestures, and movements, and any unit that you taunt will be completely enraged and attack you.

With a meticulous feeling of the skill of [Invincible Mockery].

Li Mo laughed softly.

Frenzied mockery is just a simple control skill, and if the enemy’s resistance is high enough, or if there is a teammate’s purification skill, it can still be removed.

And those powerful bosses, not to mention, most of the control skills do not eat, even if they are controlled, they will quickly break free.

But [Invincible Mockery] is different.

Any unit, even if it does not eat “controlled” units.

Once released by Li Mo [Invincible Taunt].

Then they will be completely plunged into madness, as if Li Mo had gouged the eighteenth generation ancestral grave of his family like a sea of blood and deep hatred, and the crazy attack on Li Mo was the kind that did not die.

As long as Li Mo does not come into contact with the taunting effect, then the enemy will not stop attacking.



[Invincible Mockery] is such a tough bully, absolutely invincible control characteristics.

No one can lift it.

And the release method of [Invincible Taunt] is very special.

Language, gestures, movements, etc., can all be invincible and mocking properties that Li Mo exerts.

“It feels like this thing is quite powerful!”

“In an area where fighting is prohibited, greet the other party’s parents, and the enemy is instantly enraged.”

“It would be even cooler if you developed the hatred grafting feature of invincible mockery.”

“Let the enemy dog eat dog on the spot.”

Take a look.

For himself [invincible taunt].

Li Mo was naturally extremely satisfied.

“Then there’s the development of skills.”

“But before that, I need to… Split my blood bar. ”

“That’s the most important thing right now.”

At present, Li Mo is invincible.

Don’t say the forced damage of -1.

There is no harm at all.

Once teamed up and teammates open up the land.

After sharing the data vision, teammates saw that Li Mo was not injured at all, not even a forced damage of -1.

It will definitely be suspected.

And I want Li Mo to see it more normally.

The easiest way to do this is to split the blood bar.

In fact, dividing the blood bar is also one of the most common means for many professionals to save their lives.

Let’s say a mage has 100,000 blood.

And the output of the enemy, at a time is 1 million.

All of a sudden, the mage fell to his knees.

But if the mage divides the blood bar.

Allow yourself to have two health bars.

Superficial blood bar, 20,000 blood.

Core blood bar, 80,000 blood.

Then when to take another million damage.

One attack by the enemy cleared the health bar and only knocked out 20,000 blood.

80,000 health bars will be retained.

This means that it takes two attacks to kill the crispy mage.

Splitting blood bars is something many crispy things do.

Knight meat shield, generally not needed.

But Li Mo, very much needed.

Because Li Mo’s core blood bar shield is invincible and has no damage, this is too easy to expose.

Split the blood bar.

Develop the invincible defense so that the surface blood bar is not immune to damage, at that time, Li Mo seems very normal.

No one would notice Li Mo’s abnormality.

When the enemy worked hard to hammer Li Mo’s blood bar, thinking that he could kill Li Mo.

They don’t know that this… It was just the beginning of their despair.

Blood bar cutting is not difficult.

A few minutes later, Li Mo completed the blood bar splitting.

Surface health bar: 120 million 120 million.

Core health bars: 54 million, 54 million.

Originally, the length of Li Mo’s blood bar was 182 million.

And after the split.

There are only 174 million health bars in total.

This is the disadvantage of blood bar splitting, the total amount of blood will be reduced.

Therefore, generally only crispy skin will divide blood bars, while meat shields, warriors, often do not divide.

For Li Mo, the loss of this blood bar did not matter at all.

In the back, you can brush hundreds of millions of core health strip lengths in one wave.

Once the health bar is divided, the next step is the development of core skills.

This is the focus of Li Mo’s practice.

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