The next morning.

Li Mo, who spent the night in the principal’s private secret room.

After coming out, he saw the high-level personnel of the White God Guild who came to pick up Li Mo.

One general vice president, three branch presidents.

The level of the general vice president is as high as six to more than six hundred.

Three chapter presidents, with a level of five to more than five hundred.

There are also more than ten core members of the White God Guild with more than four hundred levels and more than five hundred levels.

This lineup is luxurious.

Inside the principal’s office.

Principal Qian Fengyun, Vice President “Guo Mirage”, and three branch presidents, as well as Li Mo, several people were sitting together.

“The circumstances of Li Mo’s assassination yesterday have been clearly investigated.”

The principal said slowly.

“Related to the evil god organization [Bloody Goddess].”

Bloody Goddess?

“It’s really related to this bloody goddess organization.” Li Mo said secretly in his heart.

The Bloody Goddess is a powerful evil god above level 2000.

This evil god organization, in many worlds, specializes in hunting high-star professional geniuses.

Plunder high-star sequence classes and sell them to others on the black market.

Many guys who want to get a powerful sequence of professions, many people have turned to the Bloody Goddess.

Moreover, this high-level professional of the Bloody Goddess has slaughtered human city-states many times.

At the same time, the evil goddess organization of the Bloody Goddess is deeply rooted in the human world.

It is said that many human powerhouses have been corrupted by the Bloody Goddess.

Humans and the organization of this bloody goddess have long been a deep blood feud.

Fighting against the evil god organization [Bloody Goddess] is also one of the important tasks of the Human Federation.

Principal Qian continued.

“An ordinary trainee who has just changed his profession, called ‘Zhou Lianyu’, he has a connection with the Bloody Goddess of the Evil God Organization.”

“It was the message he sent to the evil goddess organization outside.”

“That’s the scene of Li Mo’s assassination.”

“Fortunately… Li Mo’s profession is special enough. ”

“Turned the corner and bounced straight to kill the crispy assassin.”

“With more than four hundred levels of profession, the experience is still very amazing, once Li Mo turns, I am afraid that he will directly upgrade dozens of levels.”

Speaking of this, Principal Qian also showed a little smile.

At this time, Vice President Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo.

It’s like examining a treasure.

When he learned that Li Mo had been assassinated, he was shocked.

It turned out that the assassin had been bounced back alive and died.

I was also stunned.

Li Mo’s Chaos Knight’s damage reduction and counter-injury are simply too fierce.

More than four hundred levels of professions were directly killed.

Whether it’s the level of defensive characteristics, or the level of damage.

It’s obviously of a very high standard.

After thinking for a moment, Guo Mirage spoke.

“Then ask the headmaster to hand over the trainee who believes in the evil god to us.”

“We have enough ways to make him pay for his belief in evil gods.”

Qian Fengyun paused, but finally nodded.

Three major guilds.

All are city-state guilds and are subordinate to the city-state.

The presidents of the three major guilds are also the core personnel of the high-level of the Holy Radiance City-State.

Especially this Guo Mirage, although he is the vice president.

But the White God Guild, he has always been in management, and he is the number one real power figure.

And the leader of the White God Guild, although the level is high, is a handshaker.

The three major guilds are nominally city-state guilds.

In fact, the three major guilds are all federal war violence organizations.

In other words, the three major guilds are the three main war legions of the Holy Radiance City-State.

The leaders of the three major guilds have great power.

And the means of the three major guilds!

As a violent war organization, it has always been all-encompassing.

And this is also the iron-blooded rule for humans to deal with alien races.

After all, those alien races, in the human world, brush humans like monsters, you can see their temperament.

Then, Guo Mirage got up and looked at Li Mo.

Send a past guild invitation directly to Li Mo.

【The Shirakami Guild invites you to join! 】 】

【Do you want to join?】 】

Li Mo clicked OK directly.

“All right! Li Mo. ”

“Now you are officially a core member of our guild.”

“From now on, until level 300, you need to be cultivated within the White God Guild, upgrade your level, and awaken the subsequent two-turn and third-turn skills.”

“At the same time, you need to develop your core skills.”

“You can tell me anytime you need anything.”

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo, his voice slightly hoarse.

In his thoughts, Li Mo asked.

“President Guo, is there a copy like the queen bee’s nest in the guild?”

Although I don’t know what Li Mo needs this kind of copy for.

But since Li Mo needed it, the guild would definitely have to prepare.

After all, last night when there was a meeting.

It has already set the tone for Li Mo as the core master T cultivation.

Li Mo’s level and ability development must be improved.

In this way, everyone can better conquer those secret realm copies of the human world.


Guo Mirage nodded.

“But it is more dangerous, it belongs to a copy of one turn, and the number of bee creatures in it is very large and the level is above level 100, and the number is almost two or three hundred thousand.”

“Two or three hundred thousand!”

Hearing this number, Li Mo’s heart jumped.

According to 250,000.

Li Mo’s current fourth-level invincible chaos physique, one unit is 400 health points.

Plus beaten up can almost 500 health points.

A wave of copies, that’s more than 100 million health points.

Although Li Mo is invincible in defense.

But Li Mo can’t hold a shield forever.

When you can’t sleep, you’re still in a shield state!

Therefore, strong health points must be had.

Those powerful assassins, especially those of the eight or nine hundred levels.

High critical hit, with stacking of various BUFFs.

Breaking tens of millions of damage with one blow is very easy, and there is still a threat to Li Mo.


Super high health points, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of health points, it is necessary.

And this guild copy, one wave can increase hundreds of millions of health points, after going.

Li Mo definitely wants to soak copies every day.

Li Mo was in a thought.

Vice President Guo Mirage continued.

“Such a special copy, you need a certificate every time you open it, but you don’t need to worry, the guild will give you enough credentials for that copy.”

“That’s the benefit of having a guild!”

Li Mo secretly sighed.

Whatever you need, the guild will help you get it as soon as possible.

If it’s by yourself.

Just cultivating resources, then it takes a lot of time and energy to yourself.

“That’s right!”

“When you go to the guild, you will go to the experience pool to break through and upgrade.”

“This is the resource that the guild promised you.”

Saying that, Vice President Guo Mirage handed over the skill development resources worth 300 million federal dollars to Li Mo.

There is also the 30 million federal dollars given by the academy, which is given to Li Mo in the form of cash in the account.

At this time, there are 3,000 “skill magic stones” in hand.

Each skill development magic stone is worth 100,000 federal dollars.

Only 10 skill development magic stones can carry out a deep development of skills.

That’s a full 1 million federal dollars.

300 million federal dollars, enough for Li Mo to carry out 300 times of deep skill development.

It can be said that every powerful professional is fed with massive resources.

Inspecting these “skill magic stones”, Li Mo’s eyes burned.

With these [Skill Magic Stones].

The ability that I had conceived before was fully realized.

At that time, his strength can definitely be greatly improved.

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