All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 79: Nuo Opera: One Nuo Attack Against Hundreds Of Ghosts, One Wish For Thousands Of Gods

Inside the city.

In the lively market, six or seven people walked towards each other, each wearing a wooden evil ghost mask on his head, wearing red and yellow colorful clothes, and their bodies were dancing exaggeratedly.


The sages from various countries in the Central Plains were startled. A large number of Zhongshan people gathered around, and there were cheers all around.

"This is the custom of our Zhongshan country. Nuo (nuo) plays are used to drive away ghosts and gods."

"I heard that today is the day when wise men from hundreds of families come."

"Our king has specially ordered the great shamans of Nuo opera to prepare to pray for the sages from all over the world to drive away the plague."

A kind-hearted Chinese from Zhongshan explained.

The mask on the face of the leading Nuo man was the most exaggerated. The undulating lines outlined the ferocious facial features. There were two horns on the top of the head, protruding eyes, wide mouth and nose, and wild boar teeth hanging upside down from the mouth.

There is a circle of skulls carved on the edge, and black and red oil paint is smeared boldly, making it look particularly scary.

Copyright: Douyin blogger Nuo Chuang, authorized by the blogger


I saw a person next to my right hand, opening his mouth and spitting.

Golden fire dragons dance all over the street, without a trace of warmth, washing away evil spirits and bad luck around them.


The Zhongshan people made brilliant noises one after another, and the sages from hundreds of schools of thought who had just entered the city gate applauded.


Behind the seven or eight people dancing hard, the statue of Nuo God, carried by more than 40 strong men on an extra-large wooden cart, moved slowly.

He looked kindly at the figures in colorful clothes and shirtless figures dancing carnivally at his feet, and the children from the general corner also gathered in groups to sing and dance on the streets.

A ball of flame ignited in the three eyes of Nuo God.

The ghosts and gods gathered around were hiding in the distance in fear, not daring to get close.

Although people around cannot hear the voices of ghosts and gods.


You can all feel the simple, primitive rhythm, as well as the vague and cold atmosphere.

"One Nuo can conquer hundreds of ghosts, and one wish can satisfy thousands of gods."

"What a Nuo performance."

Mr. Dongguo praised him, and the sages around him couldn't help but look highly at this knowledgeable member of the Moh family.

"Nuo opera is really interesting."

Taking advantage of the lively atmosphere in the city, Mr. Dongguo couldn't bear it and borrowed the fortune-gazing method from an astrologer.

He wanted to see it.

The King of Zhongshan had the ambition to dominate the Central Plains and announced the recruitment of wise men.

What kind of destiny and luck is it?

the other side.

A large number of enemy spies and disciples of various schools of thought also made the same move.

Anyway, Tianzhou's [Dragon Qi Law Ban] is shrinking, and the princes and countries cannot hide their national destiny.

Occasionally take a peek or two.

For them, it is not an unacceptable price.

"Ah! My eyes! My eyes, my eyes!"

"I'm blind, I'm blind."

The people around who had just opened their eyes and wanted to pry into their luck were all hit hard without exception.

Mr. Dongguo didn't have time to react.

A cool feeling flashed across his eyes, and the world suddenly changed into something else.

Wearing masks of Nuo gods, several great shamans danced hard, with a thin yellow beam of light above their heads.

White and gray auras gathered around him, and occasionally a black aura flashed through, only to be blocked by another group of red light.

The statue of the Nuo god placed by the people of Zhongshan has a thick golden light beam reaching the sky on its head. Its color is pure gold and green.

Gods worshiped by a country have this destiny.

Mr. Dong Guo was not surprised at all.


Something unexpected happened to Mr. Dong Guo.

The buildings in the distant market gradually dimmed in his eyes, slowly turning into shadows, until he saw the palace where King Zhongshan was.

An extremely frightening purple beam of light pulls the stars all over the sky, and seems to be closely related to countless gods in the world.

Just looked at it for a moment.

Mr. Dong Guo was affected by the alchemist's method. His youthful body rapidly aged, his forehead became wrinkled, and his temples turned gray.

It suddenly turned into a sign of old age and death.


"...Emperor's destiny."

The shock in Mr. Dongguo's heart was indescribable.

Immediately after the person fainted, a large number of members of hundreds of sects who had dared to use the Zhan Yun method, as well as enemy spies from all over the world, also fainted.

They saw something they shouldn't have seen.

On the other side of the statue of Nuo God, the third Dharma Eye on its forehead is wide open, its eyes are stern and full of evil energy.

The cool breath slowly blew over the people around him.

These wise men who have just arrived in the Zhongshan Kingdom must not ruin the reputation of the emperor because they do not know their own abilities.

"Only with this weak moral ability, I dare to peek into the destiny."

There was a faint smile on the face of the rigid statue of Nuo God.


God Nuo looked at the depths of the palace in awe.

Ordinary people without moral principles.

Maybe there is nothing magical about it.


The more profound the Taoist people and gods are, the more they respect the king in Zhongshan Palace.

"Not long ago, the king of Zhongshan showed signs of death and the destruction of his country."

“It’s unbelievable how expensive it has become in such a short period of time.”

"Even if there is a future for the Qin State to conquer the Central Plains, march across the world, and unify the nine states."

"Nothing can compare to the King of Zhongshan."

God Nuo slowly closed his third eye.

The Zhongshan people under the eaves of the street gathered together excitedly and bought goods from the neighbors.

In the past.

The price is so expensive that even doctors feel heartbroken.

Today, because of the king's order, all prices have been reduced, and subsidies will be provided to these vendors and merchants afterwards.

The great shamans danced vigorously and performed ancient Nuo opera to welcome the Nuo God.

Amid the din of gongs and drums, Zhongshan Kingdom fell into a carnival.


On the other side, the Wei State has assembled its army and is ready to go. Prince Wei Jing and Wu Qi lead 50,000 Wei soldiers and 200,000 troops.

Accompanied by Confucian students from Hexi and luxurious facelifts by counselors from various countries, he embarked on his way to the Kingdom of Zhao.

Along the way.

The giant, which was tens of meters tall, said nothing. He sat on the machine beast and closed his eyes to rest.

The giant carries the tall banner of Wei State on his back.

Hundreds of machine beasts that were more than ten meters long cut down the mountain to clear a path, as if they were entering an uninhabited land, frightening the people of Zhao State and fleeing in all directions.

"Wei Jun is here, run!"

Four tall horses, leading the bronze chariot behind them, formed a formation and advanced slowly.

The silent Wei soldiers, wrapped in battle armor, with a long sword at their waist and a five-meter-high halberd in their hands, marched in with the giant's military flag.

Inside the palace's reception hall.

The sages from all over the world woke up one after another, and some of the scholars around them who didn't know how to predict luck were pointing at these talented people.

"With such a weak body, it is unimaginable that he would appear in Zhongshan Kingdom."

"After walking for several days, I fainted from exhaustion."

Those who were awake all had their bodies swaying, and their minds were still filled with continuous stabbing pains, as if they were falling into an abyss.

They didn't even dare to refute anything.

Look at the fate of a country and get a glimpse of the destiny of the emperor.

did not see it.

Mr. Dongguo's high-spirited youth turned into a decaying old man.

"King of Zhongshan."

Mr. Dongguo took out a bronze mirror and cried bitterly when he saw his old appearance.

Along the way from Chengguo, he fled to Qi and Zhao successively, escaping the pursuit of countless strangers.


Just when he was about to become famous, he encountered this sudden misfortune.

How can he continue to convince King Zhongshan.

I believe that I am a sinner who has subjugated the country, his face is exhausted and his face is dry, and he may die at any time.

He will be a descendant of the Mohist family.

"The king has ordered wise men from all over the world to come to the palace to discuss state affairs. You are invited."

The handsome speaker read out Lu Yun's order.

The surrounding sages entered the palace anxiously.

Along the way, they witnessed the prosperity and military strength of the Zhongshan Kingdom.

I no longer dare to be like the people of Qi who were struck to death by lightning, relying on their talents and arrogance to think that they are superior to others.

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