All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 80: Hundreds Of Sages, The Time Of The Warring States Period When The Stars Were Shining Bri

In the main hall of Zhongshan Palace.

Lu Yun personally received him, and the wise men from various countries who had traveled all the way here had already interviewed hundreds of people.

at this time.

Mr. Dongguo entered the hall with an uneasy look on his face.

[Qi Luck Magical Power] operates silently.

Lu Yunfa's eyes opened wide, and the golden-green light beam reaching the sky came into view.

The aura that fills the main hall is yellow and white in color, with occasionally a few red lights gathering together.

Among hundreds of people in a row.

This is the person with the strongest luck today.

"Sages, please rise. Please take your seat quickly if you come."

Lu Yun personally helped Mr. Dong Guo up and asked him to sit down.

"The king doesn't care that I am a minister of the country's subjugation."

"Are you guilty of fleeing from Qi?"

Mr. Dong Guo’s voice was choked with sobs.

Recalling the sad journey of escaping, coupled with the destruction of the country and the disappearance of the people, I feel extremely melancholy.

His high-spirited age.

The chaos of the Warring States Period had already severely damaged his body.

I originally wanted to defect to Zhongshan Kingdom.


Being hit by the sudden misfortune just now, I was a little bit broken.

"Don't you think that you are old, decrepit, and useless?"

Mr. Dongguo's temples are all white, his face is covered with wrinkles, and his old hands are trembling slightly.

Lu Yun looked at Mr. Dongguo seriously, took a deep breath, and was about to speak.

Before he could speak.

"Your Majesty, by being with me, don't you feel that you are embarrassed, and are you not afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

Mr. Dongguo became even more excited.

Pointing his hands at himself he yelled.

Mr. Dongguo's low self-esteem and shame of national subjugation suddenly emerged.

So what if he is a member of the Mo family?

You can't save your own country, let alone the people of Chengdu.

Under the torrent of Qi's cavalry and chariots, hundreds of thousands of people in Cheng's country were displaced and became the lowest slaves.

"If you get Mr. Dong Guo, it will be the same as Shang getting Bigan or Zhou getting Lu Wang."

Lu Yun’s tone was firm.


Mr. Dongguo's heart was filled with turmoil.

even though.

Mr. Dongguo is in Chengguo.

The king of Chengguo valued his status as a member of the Mo family.

The king of Zhongshan Kingdom is now in front of him.

This king is different!

He understands me, he understands me, and he really values ​​me.

Mr. Dongguo's face was filled with tears, and his trembling body fell to his knees with a plop.

"I, Dongguo, would like to worship the king as your lord!"

"I am willing to use my broken body to pursue the pace of your life, and I will do whatever it takes to do so."

"If you violate this oath in this life, your spirit and soul will be destroyed, and you will never enter the wormwood on Mount Tai."

(Taishan Haoli: the place where ghosts were believed to go after death in the pre-Qin period)

If you treat me like a countryman, I will repay you as a countryman.

On the surface it is.

A scholar dies for the king.

Mr. Dongguo had another idea in mind.

"The Emperor Ziwei has a destiny, if you don't seize the opportunity now, hug your thigh."

"I won't be able to drink any soup if I want to follow him in the future."

Lu Yun had a strange look on his face. It seemed that he, the Emperor of Beiyin, had the final say on whether Mr. Dongguo could enter Artemisia in Mount Tai.

"Please get up quickly, I would like to honor Mr. Dongguo as the Prime Minister!"

Lu Yun held Mr. Dongguo's hand tightly.

"I will pay you a visit to the Prime Minister's Mansion and give you a thousand taels of gold and seven hundred stones of food."

"Whenever there is state affairs, the Prime Minister can speak freely, and report to the Prime Minister first, and then to others."

Others in the hall saw this scene.

There is always longing in my heart.

It is indeed as stated in the edict in the king's book. The king of Zhongshan promised to reward the virtuous officials and reward them generously.

Mr. Dong Guo.

Everyone present was familiar with him. During the conversation along the way, everyone was impressed by Mr. Dongguo’s knowledge.

The Mohist family’s reputation is well-deserved.

Mr. Dong Guo, a criminal official who subjugated his country, could become the Prime Minister of Zhongshan Kingdom if he was appreciated by Lu Yun.

Then no matter how bad they are, they can still be like scholar-bureaucrats, right?

The effect of buying bones with thousands of gold was achieved quietly.

After sending Mr. Dong Guo and others away.

"Oh, it's done. I'm exhausted."

Lu Yun sat slumped on the throne, complaining helplessly.

He continued to use the [Qi Luck Magical Power] for a whole day, and the shallow Taoism in his copy was considered to have bottomed out.

On the other side.

In the wild goose pattern bronze lamp, the light flickered and was dim.

With the help of a lamp, a royal palace official wrote quickly, using the historian's magical power of writing straightly.

This scene will be recorded in the history.

"Can you erase this embarrassing incident?"

Lu Yunteng suddenly stood up and discussed with Taishi.

Taishi shook his head without hesitation and faithfully recorded Lu Yun's every word and deed.

Spring and Autumn calligraphy can only be understood by guessing.

"Forget it, get out first."

Lu Yun's face darkened.

Drive Tai Shi out and have some quiet time alone.

Cui Zhu committed regicide and killed three historians, but Taishi did not change the record of regicide.

Historians from various countries regard him as a spiritual example.


Historians write down the facts directly without changing a single word!

Send away Taishi Yanguan.

"Three hundred years of spring and autumn."

"There are countless princes who are running around and unable to protect their country."

Lu Yun muttered a few words silently.

Originally it was just an ordinary copy background introduction.

at this time.

After listening to Mr. Dongguo's experience, he had another insight in his heart.

"Spring and Autumn are both sowing and harvesting. These two short words embellish the time of China for thousands of years."

"The princes and kingdoms, a hundred schools of thought contend."

"Countries frequently fight against each other. The strong will become strong, and the weak will perish."

"This is an era where stars are shining brightly, and it is also an era when tens of millions of people are displaced and civilians are not protected."

Lu Yun slowly stood up, walked to the palace door, and stared at the bronze door in front of him.

As in.

It was the same as when he first entered the Lord's Hall.

"They are like stars that will always scatter their clear light, illuminating the dark night that will eventually disappear."

The narration of the Renaissance Pavilion is still vivid in my mind.

Lu Yun took a deep breath and clenched his hands.


"I am fortunate to witness the most dazzling moments of the stars in China from a tiny leaf in the long river of time."

He pushed open the bronze door in front of him.

Lu Yun wanted to do something again, at least the Xiansheng's unique skills should not be lost in the years of war.

Oriental Chinese civilization.

It has never been inferior to Western civilization in the slightest.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

"I will do my best to assist you, your Majesty, and live in the world!"

There are hundreds of disciples from various sects outside the door, including the Zhongshan sorcerer who maintains order, and Mr. Dongguo, the newly appointed prime minister.

They all shouted.

Thousands of Zhongshan people wearing simple clothes.

People in various costumes mixed in with the crowd, pouring out from the streets on both sides of the palace.

They formed streams of people, and under the command of sergeants at all levels, they walked towards the palace in an orderly manner.

The disciples of all the Zhuzi families didn't know why, and looked nervously at the Zhongshan people who kept coming around.

"We sincerely welcome the sages of hundreds of families to join the Zhongshan Kingdom as officials!"

All Zhongshan people raised their fists high, raised their arms and shouted, and some even cried with joy among the crowd.

They were regarded as Beidi barbarians.

For many years, no scholars from hundreds of schools have been willing to come to Zhongshan to serve as officials.

The founding of the country was turbulent for forty or fifty years, coupled with the fact that it had been pursued and beaten by Jin, the overlord of the Central Plains.

Now this feeling of recognition.

It's unprecedented.


This statement was also secretly promoted by Lu Yun.

"The people's heart, the ministers' heart, and the military's heart."

"I want it all."

Lu Yun stood on the palace pavilion, overlooking the prosperous scene of the people in Gucheng, and the hundreds of disciples were at a loss.


Lu Yun sent envoys to the land of Yan in the north to send heavy gifts and make good friends.


The three kingdoms of Zhao, Han and Wei have become enemies.


There is still room for other countries to negotiate.

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