All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 78 Mr. Dongguo, Classic Of Mountains And Seas? The Sages’ Guide To Eating Monsters!

The dusk was heavy, and the river was vast and vast.

Until the fog dispersed and the clouds opened, a lone boat drifted with the current, and Gu Cheng was seen in the distance.

"Zhongshan Kingdom, I'm here."

The old man on the lonely boat took a deep breath and shouted hysterically to vent his lonely and depressed heart.

The lone boat trip still requires another day's journey.

Only then can he reach Gucheng.

"The Qi State is so powerful that if we lose it, we will become a great nation."

"Overnight, the people of Chengguo no longer have a homeland and become refugees."

Mr. Dong Guo led his lame donkey, dragging two thick baskets of Mohist bamboo slips on the donkey, his eyes full of desolation.

As a Mohist, he tried his best to create a large number of bluestone machine beasts in an effort to strengthen the country and protect itself.


Hundreds of thousands of Qi's cavalry came under a torrent, gathering a military force and forcibly leveling the capital Chengyang.

Thousands of martial arts warriors were holding five-meter-long halberds. The halberds were as bright as gold, as if they were surging out of a torrential river.

A bluestone mechanism beast more than ten meters high.

In front of the halberd-wielding men of Qi.

It exploded into thousands of particles, burned into fly ash, and disappeared in the air.

have no choice.

Mr. Dongguo saw the king kneeling down before his eyes, and the shame and desolation in his heart reached its peak.

A group of Confucian scholars from Confucianism, holding scriptures in hand, continued to promote the country of Qi, and the people of the whole country were convinced.

It’s not just the subjugation of the country.

The ideological success of the country is destroyed!

The river was turbulent, and huge fish monsters jumped out of the river, trying to eat the old man on the lonely boat.

Mr. Dongguo's expression remained unchanged.

He waved his hand and threw out several feet-long copper snakes. The fish demon that had just pounced was cut into seven or eight pieces by the sharp hunting blade of the copper snakes in the next second.

After a while.

Mr. Dongguo drank two sips of wine and two mouthfuls of fish, his appetite whetted.

After being on the run for so long, it was rare for a silly monster to bump into him and ask him to eat meat.

At this time.

Mr. Dongguo, who was full of wine and food, recalled another incident.

On his way to escape:

It was foggy in the morning.

Mr. Dongguo almost got lost in Zhongshan. Suddenly, a wolf demon that could speak human words appeared out of the middle of the road.

"Sir, please save me!"

"Because I offended the King of Zhao, I was chased all the way here."

The wolf demon stood with black and sticky blood dripping from his body, looking at Mr. Dong Guo with horrifying eyes.

Behind the wolf demon.

A winding trail of blood stretched to an unknown end.

A pungent stench.

"Saving you is tantamount to offending the hereditary ministers and disobeying the powerful."

Mr. Dong Guo coughed calmly and threw out a few bronze toys in his hand for emergencies.

"Sir is a disciple of a giant."

"How can you just sit back and watch as a kind mountain spirit dies in the hands of Zhao's powerful people for no apparent reason."

"Is it possible that the Mohist family, which is famous all over the world, are all people who deceive the world and steal the world?"

The wolf demon swallowed and used his brain to think about it with emotion and reason.

Trying to impress Mr. Dongguo to save him.

It has swallowed up many members of hundreds of families over the years, and its words are as refined as those of the ghosts.

Mr. Dong Guo’s face twitched crazily.

This wolf has a terrifying appearance and is filled with the aura of black resentful souls.

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with the kind mountain spirits.

However, adhering to the Mohist concept of universal love, Mr. Dong Guo did not refuse.

"Come up."

Mr. Dong Guo pulled the trembling lame donkey and gently pressed the switch on the book basket. An extra book basket quietly appeared on the other side.

The wolf demon was overjoyed and grateful.

The schedule for further walking.

Mr. Dongguo didn't meet anyone from the Zhao state. He was originally a criminal who was wanted by the Qi state.

Anyway, if you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy.

It's not a big deal if there is one more person wanted by Zhao State.

Think of this.

Mr. Dongguo patted the lame donkey. The dull rotation of the huge gear drove a series of small ratchets, driving the donkey forward.

This donkey.

It is clearly a pure machine creation.


"The capital of King Zhongshan, Gucheng, is coming soon."

As he spoke, Mr. Dong Guo bit into a huge wolf leg.

“Tastes firm and works out well.”

"It's time, I'll have more eyes."

A basket of books carried by a donkey.

Inside were piles of monster meat.

The fish head that had just been hunted, as well as a wolf head that was still staring at death, were placed inside, mixed with other nasty monsters.

The donkey is lame.

Simply because the weight of the other side exceeds the weight of the bamboo slip, making it impossible to walk and balance.

Hundreds of disciples of various schools of thought are walking at the end of the mythical age.

I accidentally met some little monsters from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas Recipe".

The sages were greedy, so it was reasonable for them to eat in one bite.


From the closed city gate, the suspension bridge slowly descended, and groups of sergeants wearing golden armor and riding tall horses jumped out.

"Is this Zhongshan Kingdom?"

Mr. Dongguo and behind him, thousands of people came to admire him. The famous celebrities gathered together opened their mouths slightly.

Inside the city.

Various restaurants and restaurants, with waving flags and tall lanterns, filled the market with pedestrians talking and cheering.

What a beautiful scene of a powerful and prosperous country.

The size of Zhongshan Kingdom's cities and the momentum of its streets were as good as any other country they had seen.

"The principality established by the descendants of Beidi."

The wise men born in Qi State believed in etiquette the most and looked down upon Jingman, Kuqin, Dishan and other countries.

"Remember not to talk nonsense. This is the capital of the Zhongshan Kingdom. Don't get us involved."

The other person hurriedly grabbed the former and covered his mouth and nose.

"I came here just to see what the country established by the Beidi people who recruited talented people looks like."

"Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally we won't stay."

"Recruiting talents?"

“You people are also worthy of the Magi.”

The Magi of Qi shook his head with disdain, waved his long sleeves, and turned to leave.

"call out--"

The sharp wooden whistle sounded throughout the city gate.

Groups of soldiers wearing armor and holding swords.

Quickly walking out of the tent stationed outside the city, the leading general shouted loudly: "Gather!"

"Get this person for me, he must be a spy of the enemy!"

Facing the uniform sergeants of Zhongshan Kingdom.

The Qi people's eyes flashed, and the corners of their mouths were sarcastic. As they moved left and right, they easily dodged the rain of arrows from the sky.

As a descendant of the Confucian sect, he naturally has Confucian magical powers.

"Ashamed to associate with barbarians."

The people of Qi stretched out their hands, and the arrows in the sky were stagnant. In an instant, they reversed and shot towards the wise men around them.

Countries will naturally not sit back and watch the rise of Zhongshan.

Hundreds of disciples also need to consider whether the King of Zhongshan has the qualifications to live in the Central Plains and compete in the world.

Times of crisis.

The heavenly soldiers and feather guards who had left in the distance arrived.

The crisp sound of horse hooves trampled in the air.


One after another, golden thunderbolts as thick as torches fell from the sky and struck the person who uttered arrogant words.

"Don't delay the important events of my family because of trivial matters."

"Fellow wise men, please come into the city."

The general of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards on the cloud put away his spear, bowed his hands, and his attitude was very kind.


Others who have experienced the power of the heavenly soldiers and feather guards have become much more honest and do not dare to make the same mistake again.

"Which of the hundreds of magical powers is this?"

"Could it be the Mo family's bronze horse?"

"What a divine weapon."

"The Huben army in Tianzhou city is nothing more than this!"

The trembling sages and strangers from all over the world were in an uproar.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards took action, accompanied by a scene of thunder.

It shocked the enemy spies from various countries, disciples of hundreds of schools of thought, and many strangers who wanted to seek refuge in Zhongshan Kingdom.

"The tall horses are not from the Gongshu family and the Mohist family, they are living creatures."

Mr. Dongguo and another member of the Zhanhou family who was good at observing phenomena said in unison.

The disciples of hundreds of schools of thought could not hide the shock in their hearts, which was comparable to the sergeants of the Tiger Guard Army of the Tianzhou Royal Family.

Appearing openly in a country established by descendants of Beidi.

The martial arts warriors of Qi State, the elite warriors of Qin State, the warriors of Korea, etc. from various countries in the Central Plains do not seem to be as good as the heavenly soldiers and feather guards of Zhongshan State.

Brilliant heavenly power.

Can't look straight.

(The fable of Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf comes from "Collected Works of Dongtian". In addition, Mr. Dongguo is really from the Mohist family~ The original text is attached with the author's words)

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