All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 77 The Scholars Are Not Showing Up, The Fortune Of The Dynasty Is Declining, And The Order O

Lu Yun had just walked out of the Gucheng Palace.

Immediately afterwards.

The copy rule is triggered.

[Copy rules: as follows]

[1. The death of the tempered troops and the lord himself in the dungeon will not affect the main body. 】

[2. Tempering arms and lords cannot carry out any dungeon props and knowledge. This dungeon knowledge is compatible with the main plane practice system. 】

[3. This copy is a partial projection of a certain plane, 79% similar. 】

[4. The upper limit of troop tempering is level 25 (Qi training is complete), and excess experience will be automatically converted into ‘baggage value’. 】

[5. The initial levels of arms and lords are both level 1. 】

[6. The greater the historical impact that the lords and units have on the dungeon, the higher the dungeon settlement rating will be. 】

Lu Yun glanced at it.

Then he went to look for the heavenly soldiers and feather guards scattered in the sergeant camp.

After all, it is a tempering copy only for military types, so it is normal to have various restrictions.

Meaning of Rule 2 and Rule 4.

It is clear.

It's not okay to have sex for free, but it's okay to marry someone off with money.


In front of Lu Yun, the figures of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards reappeared, the golden-armored Heavenly Soldiers riding the Sky Pegasus.

It seems to be incompatible with the wild atmosphere of Zhongshan Country.

"See Your Majesty."

The commanders of the Heavenly Soldiers leading the team shouted in unison.

See the state of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards.

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

None of the heavenly weapons, equipment and skills and talents on his body were sealed by the copy, only the levels were all at level 1.

But that's not a big deal.

Originally it was only level 5-10, but it has been lowered a few levels. It’s good that the skill values ​​have not been affected.

"You break it into pieces and go to various countries to gather information."

With air troops that can soar through the sky and have full mobility, only a fool would think of competing with you on the ground.


Build high walls, store up supplies, train strong soldiers, and train cavalry.

Adhere to these four principles.

Lu Yun ordered all the sergeants in Zhongshan and the commanders of more than 50 villages to be reorganized into the first army.

Reorganized 2,000 people, named Zhongshan Wuzu.

Zhongshan Kingdom did not have time to reorganize and train a new army.

Wei Guo will not give Lu Yun much time to develop, he can only select the best first.

First, the Zhongshan shamans were uniformly taught the "Body Tempering Technique", and Zhongshan Kingdom's cultivation resources were crazily tilted towards the Zhongshan shamans.

same period.

The princes and countries have seen the ferocity of Wei's soldiers.

They are all working hard to train the new army.

The martial arts warriors of Qi State, the elite warriors of Qin State, the talented warriors of South Korea, the elites of Zhao State, and the selected trainers of Chu State are all taking shape rapidly.

the other side.

Teams of heavenly soldiers and feather guards were broken into pieces and wanted to be scattered across the borders of various countries.

As expected, the hidden copy rule was triggered.

[The hidden rules are as follows:]

[1. Within the Zhongshan Kingdom, you and your troops can explore the borders, but you cannot cross the Zhongshan Kingdom and go to other countries]

【2. Each time you capture an enemy city, you can increase the exploration boundary. 】

"Okay, this is a copy."

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

It's not difficult for Lu Yun at all.

Lu Yun immediately rode the Pegasus back to the palace and ordered other attendants to bring up all the classics collected by the royal family of Zhongshan.

He spent some time and finally explored the power system of the [Wei Mie Zhongshan] copy world.

Lu Yun was stunned.

Since the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the ancient witchcraft that has been handed down to this day has evolved into horizontal techniques, which are practiced by soldiers from all over the world.

The most representative one is that Wei Wuzu has the power of three tripods alone and can break huge rocks with one punch.

Hundreds of years of war.

The war system of military strategists evolved rapidly. Thousands of people formed military formations, and the generals could sweep thousands of armies with their evil spirits.

And because of frequent wars.

This led to Mohists and public losers appearing on the stage of various countries.

It is known as the Mohist saying that the wood and stone walk on the machine, and the bronze opens to ask for public transportation.

With the combination of military formations and the organizational skills of the Gongshu family and the Mohist family, the scale of sieges and land-grabbing by various countries became more and more frightening.

The tragedy of the war led to the prosperity of doctors.

The Qihuang art and Wu Xian (secret art) inherited from ancient times are regarded as treasures by all countries.


Each of the various schools of thought has its own uniqueness.

The Zhanhou family predicts misfortunes and blessings in the world based on changes in the weather of heaven and earth.

Astrologers predict divine will by observing changes in the stars.

There are hundreds of schools of thought.

There is a school of thought that has single-handedly raised the power system of the entire world to the extreme.

"The road to heaven is far away, but the road to humanity is short and beyond our reach."

A word from the famous master Cheng Zi.

Since then, the way of heaven and the way of humanity have been separated, completely denying the existence of astrology.

He doesn't admit it.

Astrology is gone.

Astrologers have been using astrology for hundreds of years to predict changes in people.

Just scrap it.

"One word changes the rules of heaven and earth."

"The power of these disciples is unreasonable."

Saw this news.

Lu Yun looked again and saw that the one hundred thousand soldiers in Zhongshan were marching and forming in an unorganized manner and fell into silence.

Because of the predecessor of Zhongshan Kingdom.

The Xianyu people are a grassland people.

The territory of Zhongshan Kingdom cannot attract the attention of hundreds of families at all.

The average level of a Zhongshan sergeant is level 10, and those with weak physical strength are no different from ordinary people.

With only a thousand chariots and a hundred thousand troops.

No wonder Zhongshan Kingdom is regarded as a small country and its power seems to be a little weak.

But the good thing is.

This is the end of the Age of Mythology.

If the disciples do not show up, the fortune of the dynasty will decline.

Only hundreds of schools of thought adhere to the philosophy of the various scholars and travel to various countries, trying to find the answer to the departure of the myth.

"It's not like there's no other way to break the situation."

"If it doesn't work, just use your strength to defeat all methods."

"I will advance to level 100 alone and suppress the whole world."

"Even if the strength cannot be taken away, the training experience is still valuable."

Lu Yun thought and pondered.

This troop tempering copy.

Because the lord was the soul reflection, he did not forcibly suppress the Zhongtian Yulong Tiandi Sutra.

He can completely increase his strength quickly through the two magical powers of [Stars] and [Yulong].

in addition.

The predecessor of Zhongshan Kingdom was the Xianyu people. Domestic worshipers had witchcraft inherited from ancient times and could cast curses.


The great witch performs witchcraft and curses to kill people, which consumes a lot of life.


The number of people worshiping the great witch does not exceed a hundred people.

But overall.

This time, the SSS-level troop training dungeon has a lot of hidden benefits.

It depends on whether you can grasp it.

Lu Yun walked out of the palace and came to the place where the court meeting was held.

Entering the court meeting.

Sitting on the left and right were the doctor, Shangqing, Yaqing and other officials.

these people.

All of them are die-hard direct descendants who support King Zhongshan.

"Your Majesty, Wei's spies have sent back news."

"Leyang has been imprisoned and there is no chance of recovery in a short time."

Shang Qing reported.

Immediately afterwards.

Most of the trivial discussions and disputes must be handled by Lu Yun, the king of Zhongshan.


This kind of opportunity to exercise the political power of a country is rare.

Lu Yun did not feel bored, but studied with relish.

"Pass the order."

"My guests and ministers, if there is anyone who can come up with a strange plan and make the Zhongshan Kingdom powerful, I am willing to grant him a land of thousands of miles, grant him a city, and reward him with a thousand pieces of gold."

"There is a school of thought that has settled in the Zhongshan Kingdom. I am willing to accept its teacher as the national teacher. The school advocates implementation throughout the country."

"Those who dare to change the law pursue pragmatism."

"I am willing to let him be ranked among the three ministers and worship the prime minister."


All the officials present were shocked and speechless by Lu Yun's order.

Such exceptional treatment and care.

It is completely foreseeable that in the future, great sages from various countries will set off to gather in Zhongshan Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"I hope that the king will get his wish, live all over the world, and be virtuous in all nine states!"


Zhongshan promulgated this decree on seeking talents.

In the major cities in the country, he searched for strange people and strangers, and recruited talents from other vassal states.

Suddenly, the princes and countries were turbulent, and hundreds of families and factions were excited.

The last Xihe School was mixed into the mainstream school in Wei.

From the top to the officials, down to the scholars. All regard the philosophy of Xihe School as their guideline.

Prompted by the huge temptation of fame, fortune and status.

The capable people and strangers from the princes and countries immediately set off for Zhongshan Kingdom.

"The copy has a boundary and can't get out?"

"It doesn't matter, just let them run over by themselves."

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